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Hollow Earth / Inner Earth (Agartha, Etc.)

"who claim to have seen mirages of exposed land near the North Pole, indicate that the most plausible location for an opening"

But surely the point about mirages is....
Expedition to the Hollow Earth


Trip Description: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth - 24 Day Trip

Would you be interested in a once-in-a-life-time chance to discover Our Hollow Earth first hand? We invite you to join us now on an expedition to Our Hollow Earth!

Activities: River Rafting
Cost: $18,950 US
Dates: Jun. 26, 2006 to Jul. 19, 2006
Itinerary: Day 1 - Depart your Hometown to Moscow.

Day 2 - Arrive in Moscow. Transfer to Hotel Russia. Sightseeing Moscow. Overnight in Hotel Russia front of St. Basil's.

Day 3 - Sightseeing Moscow in morning. Afternoon flight to Murmansk. Board Yamal Icebreaker. Overnight aboard Yamal.

Days 4-7 Enroute to North Pole

Day 8 - Spend day at the North Pole

Days 9-11 Enroute to Inner Continent

Days 12-14 Travel up Hiddekel River to City of Jehu.

Days 15-16 Monorail trip to City of Eden to visit Palace of the King of the Inner World

Days 17-18 Monorail trip back to City of Jehu

Days 19-23 Enroute from City of Jehu back to Murmansk.

Day 24 Flight Murmansk to Moscow. Connecting flight back to your hometown.

*Please note that if we are unable to find the Polar opening, we will be returning via the New Siberian Islands to visit skeleton remains of exotic animals thought to originate from Inner Earth.

This is a highly truncated version of the
webpage fround at the above link...

After reading the itinerary -- who can resist!

The King of the Inner World's palace?!?

Sign me up!!! ;)

Is this something to do with an upcoming film?
Thought it'd been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth is not hollow?
Id like to go but I dont have the money either...

And besides, if I visited the King of the inner world, people would think I was a social climber...

<packs jar of bovril just in case...>
Hollow Earth theories

High time we had a thread on this.*
What does everyone thing of this? There are a few different theories, the Concentric Spheres one, chiefly propounded by John Cleves Symmes and apparently Edmond Halley. Then there's your basic hollow earth with central sun model. Then the really freaky one that we're all living inside the Earth and don't know it, which was tested by the Nazi's and has understandably fallen out of favour recently.
Some relevant links, I hasten to add I haven't read all of them:

Personally I love the idea that there are holes at the poles, which are so vast, and curve inwards so gradually, that the traveler would have no idea he was entering one.

*I did do a search but only found stuff on subways and nazis, the latter is related of course, but I feel the subject needs a thread of it's own. Mods feel free to move it to another forum if required.
Re: Hollow Earth theories

beakboo said:
*I did do a search but only found stuff on subways and nazis, the latter is related of course, but I feel the subject needs a thread of it's own. Mods feel free to move it to another forum if required.

Nope its fine here (as far as I can tell).

Some related discusion:


A children's book?

An expedition:
I don't really claim to know a great deal about Hollow Earth Theory ("HET") bar some stories about UFOs flying out of huge polar holes, and hidden satellite pictures showing the holes.

Is the jist of it that the Earth is some kind of Dyson Sphere?
a kind of a Dyson Sphere I suppose. The main theory is that, not just Earth but all planets, formed with a hollow centre, the heavy stuff coalescing in some cases to form a central sun, and the less heavy stuff doing a centrafugal* type thing, forming a sort of doughnut shape, with the holes at the poles, and us living oblivious on the outside. Presumably if it was so, then life would have evolved on the inside as well as the outside.

*yes, no such thing....blah de blah blah...don't know what else to call it that would be clear.
I appreciate the holes-at-the-poles theory too. I read some supposed account a long time ago by an . . . well, okay, an explorer, who claimed to have travelled from the north to the south poles via a huge river which flowed through the center of the earth. He met giants and everything. Lovely. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I thought it was inspired 'non-fiction', but maybe it was strait-up literature.

Right ~ I just read beakaboo's second link. Olaf Jansen; that was the guy.
It's claimed to be a true story, Jansen was put in an asylum for twenty years when he got back, and supposedly only told the story again when he was very old. Which is an excellent literary device, now I come to think of it.
An even better account is the diary of polar explorer Admiral Richard E Byrd, much of which has been suppressed by the military. I can't seem to Google up anything of relevance, but someone else may have more luck.
Here's a contraversial photograph purporting to show the North Polar opening during a rare break in cloud cover. Actually it has some stuff about Byrd as well. Handy.
http://www.madladdesigns.co.uk/unexplai ... wearth.htm
The first link in my first post seems to be overlaid with some pop up nonsense which is hard to remove. It's a good site though if you can get rid of that.
I love this sort of stuff!

Didn't Brinsley La Poer Trench (or Lord Clancarty to give him his Sunday name) subscribe to this idea and actually bring it up in the Lords once? I know he was heavily into Ufos and thought there was a connection.

I also seem to remember that Hitler wanted to send an expedition to the North Pole to see if he could contact the Aryan people who lived underneath it? Or have I got that all wrong?
Didn't some of the Nazi elite subscribe to Peter Bender's notion of our living within a bubble trapped in an infinity of rock? I've heard some talk of V2's missing due to having their telemetry programmed for a concave Earth...

UL or what?
Alexius said:
Didn't some of the Nazi elite subscribe to Peter Bender's notion of our living within a bubble trapped in an infinity of rock? I've heard some talk of V2's missing due to having their telemetry programmed for a concave Earth...

UL or what?
Bender was a friend of Goering, who persuaded Hitler to listen to his theory, and he sent some hapless scientists to the Baltic island of Rugen to test it out. It failed miserably, and Bender died in a concentration camp. Might even have helped us win the war, diverting scientists from vital war work.
Don't know about the V2s though, sounds unlikely.
Shambhalla & Agartha

Hello fellow enquirers!

Check out the link to find quite a good description of the ledgends around a sacred place and centre of Divine power known in the east as Shambhalla. Most world cultures seem to have a refernce and belief in such a place.

But what do we all think?!

At one time it was believed to exist in the Gobi desert - but that part of Mongolio is now crossed by roads.

A Hollow Earth site

Yes I know it's a big one!!!

I'm going to packsome cheese and pickle sandwiches and get started on long walk to China armed with a shovel.If they are there I want to find them!

(If this thread is in the wrong place please move it.)

Indra 8)

[edited by Quixote- I've put the url in tags to stop the page break]
Giant Penguin----From the hollow Earth?

Just read this article from todays Fortean Times news-hound thingy

http://www.sun-sentinel.com/features/li ... -headlines

Where the first article mentions a giant Penguin found.

Now a couple of days back I just read an account from a Norwegian fisherman who sailed with his father into the big hole at the North pole that leads to the inside of the Earth, (hollow Earth), where you will see towards the end of this page, they encountered 9 foot penguins!


Now does this indicate that there really is a hollow Earth and that one of the penguins escaped?

I also found a company that is offering places on a ship to sail to the North pole next year to see if they can discover the entrance to the hollow earth, bit expensive for me though. I will check the site though to see if they found it!
Ooooooooooooooooooooo where to start???

I suppose with the first assumption - there was no giant penguin.

It was a hoax and covered in FT many moons ago.

Equally I think with modern satelitte images we can be fairly sure there is no Hollow Earth for it to come from.

Other than that.......

Why don't you post one of these satelitte images Emps, just to lay this one to rest. Preferably one from the North entran... er pole and one from the South.
Whilst I dont personally belive in a hollow Earth full of Aliens or Nazis, you can be very certain that if it was so, theres is no way the government would ever allow us to know about it, so unless you have your own satelite taking pictures for you, thats certainly no evidence.

What about aeroplanes flying over?

Well do a search on the net and you will find a few that have seen green land, or recording a rising in temparature, heres one from Admiral Boyd who was told by the Pentagon to keep quite about it. http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1763.htm

And images, (look a bit vague to me)
http://www.ourhollowearth.com/PolarOpn. ... Antarctica
Is this developing into a belief in the Hollow Earth Theory, based on that ancient satellite photo-mosaic that didn't cover the polar axis due to its albeido?
Or a belief that no one's noticed that the Earth is being invaded by giant penguins out for revenge for lousy adverts for the chocolate bars?
If this is going to turn into a Hollow Earth discussion then we can take it over to the Hollow Earth thread where a lot of this has been touched on already:


If we are still talking about giant penguins then the palaeontological evidence suggests there were some real whoppers in the past.
Maybe I'm being naive here, but I thought you only got penguins at the South Pole.
Or does this prove there's a tunnel connecting them?
billsawyer said:
Why don't you post one of these satelitte images Emps, just to lay this one to rest. Preferably one from the North entran... er pole and one from the South.

My God! You are right! There is a giant hole at the South Pole. It is shaped like a pyramid with Mickey Mouse ears near the top:

http://astro.uchicago.edu/cara/southpol ... llite.html

Just kidding! The hole is in the satellite mapping. I'll see if I can find a better image.