Hollow Earth Expedition
[I've started this as a new thread, but there are two similar ones from years past:
MODS may want to merge all 3!
we also have:
HE reading
HE theories
which might also be squished and pruned!]
The Hollow Earth Explorer has a New Champion
Advanced Planetary Explorations, LLC staff writer
Posted: 00:35 February 15, 2007
Dr. Brooks A. Agnew
Brooks A. Agnew, PhD has been elected to lead the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE). He is a scientist and an engineer with more than 20 years of experience as a launch manager. The religious and scientific idea that the Earth is hollow has been around for more than 600 years, carved into the celing of places like Rosslyn Chapel and reaching serious notoriety with the likes of Edmond Halley in 1692.
Now, after more than half a millennia, the first civilian expedition is being mounted to reach what the best historians in the world have determined to be the most likely location for an opening through the crust into the interior of the Earth. There have been challenges to this team already, not the least of which was the untimely and unexpected passing of the former expedition leader, Steve Currey.
In September of 2006, the team was redirected to raise funds, for what many are calling the greatest geological expedition in the history of the world, by marketing a subsequent filmed documentary to the major networks. The expedition is expected to cost around $2 million; well out of the financial range of most production companies. A sea-mounted expedition, the NPIEE is bold and offers a venue for documentaries never before imagined by the film industry.
"I cannot go to the Moon, nor can I go to Mars," says Dr. Agnew. "But I can go to the North Pole," he says with his familiar smile and zeal. This area of planet Earth has never been seen by human eyes. Utilizing leading-edge science such as side-scan sonar, dynamo sensing, and gyroscopic global circumference tracking, the team expects to precisely measure the crust and the ocean physical properties to reveal unprecedented features about our planet. Sea-water chemistry, marine life cataloging, and even magnetic measurements will be collected during the 13-day expedition to see if there is any hard evidence that might support the hollow Earth hypothesis.
Now, no experiment on this subject would be complete without the other components so vehemently demanded by millions of paranormal prognosticators. There is a multidimensional aspect to this subject matter. Many believe that there is a void in the interior of the Earth, but that it is fourth, and perhaps even fifth dimensional. These dimensions may require the observer to access higher vibrational levels than the vast sea of seeing-is-believing folks that clog our freeways. There will also be observation effects from the very measurement of these never before seen regions of planet Earth. Something or someone might be disturbed by this process. In other words, if the side-scan sonar sends a pulse across the bow of a 200-foot ship peacefully parked on the floor of the 4200-meter deep ocean, it might relocate itself. Besides being graphed by the sonar software, when that craft moves someone is going to get that movement on film. :shock:
That's why there is a most amazing and complete team coming along. In addition to the 33 scientists coming on the expedition, there are 30 experts in meditation, UFOology, history, mythology, remote viewing, and exopolitics. Add to that several complete film crews, a 24-hour UFO watch armed with infrared and UV digital equipment, and three project data analysts and the stage is set for what may be the best armed team of explorers in history. Beside these skills, each and every participant is being carefully screened to make sure they will offer the most open and unprejudiced collective mind possible.
All they need now is a boat. There is only one ship capable of making the trip. The Russian nuclear-powered ice breaker, Yamal, is more than 450 feet long, weighs 73 thousand tons, 75 thousand horsepower, and can carry 100 civilian passengers in comfort as operated by the Murmansk Shipping Company. In point of fact, it is the only ship on Earth licensed to carry civilians that is capable of making this journey. There is a helicopter and a smaller boat on board to allow great access to anything, including the possibility of an opening like what Admiral Byrd allegedly discovered in the mid-twentieth century.
Advanced Planetary Explorations, LLC, under the leadership of Dr, Agnew, has put together the plan, the people, and is eagerly seeking support from those who would apparently benefit the most from the film footage. "Everest has been climbed a hundred times. The Titanic has been scanned from stem to stern. This is the first and only expedition to the North Pole Opening ever attempted," Dr. Agnew states. "If the networks can't see the value in that, then we will privately fund it and tour the film the world over so everyone can see how the planet is really made," he says. "If it isn't there, it will still make an outstanding documentary. But," he pauses with his finger pointing at the sky, "if we do find something, this will be the greatest geological discovery in the history of the world."
There is no doubt that 40-meter seas, dodging icebergs, and crunching through two meters of ice for days on end while bringing the consciousness of a 100-man team higher than any workshop you could imagine will produce hundreds of hours of premium film. Enough for two or three full-length feature films with multiple angles and themes. A plethora of scientific and metaphysical material to be sure.
Not only does this promise to be the documentary of the century, it promises to be the challenge of the century as well. Perhaps as difficult to pull off as the first trip into space. "All we're asking," Dr. Agnew says with his hands out like a man asking for a hand in marriage, "is for the people to look through the telescope. Just look through the eyepiece and tell us what you see," referring to Galileo's challenge to the medieval church officials who established with a threat of death that the Earth was in fact flat.