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I Saw And Photographed The Loch Ness Monster In 2006

It's nice to be in a position where I express my fears about bringing the photo forward and having those fears reinforced. Thanks all.
Hello Justin,

I have run a Loch Ness Monster website at lochnessmystery.blogspot.com for the last 7 years, racking up over 500 articles on the beast. In that time I have posted various accounts of eyewitnesses who have contacted me, many of them under anonymity. Here is a recent example:


You can email me at [email protected]

You can verify that email address by looking for it at the end of my blog articles.

I woul like to see your photo, whether you wish it to be published or not.


Roland Watson
This thread's gone pretty much as expected so far.

A flounce will come soon - I guarantee.

Justin - we're all genuinely grateful that you choose to share your experience here. We love hearing about such things and Nessie sightings are a big favourite obviously. However - the Fortean community pride themselves on discussion and inquisitiveness. People here will ask questions, these may be provocative questions, but they will ask lots of questions. They will try to "test" your unusual experience just as they try to test their own. It is this inquisitive testing that makes things worthwhile and tries to get to the validity of an experience. Everything is looked at with a critical eye. And, to be honest, such a critical eye is a mark of respect. To accept a report of an experience with no criticism would be cheap and pointless. This is the Fortean way and a way that lots choose to behave on this board. No questions or statements are personal. Nobody is attacking you. It's a friendly and supportive community here, genuinely, but it is a community that asks lots and lots of questions and can make provocative statements to try to get the best out of someone's experience they choose to share.

As for the photo- if you would like to post it then great, please do. If you do not want to post it then, of course, that's perfectly fine too. I'd personally love to see it - because I want to believe that there is a giant unknown monster in Loch Ness when everything suggests there isn't and couldn't be. But...if you don't want to then don't.
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So many times :banghead:
Quite. There are only so many times any mystery can be tripped up by:

lens cap
bad focus
out of memory
forgot camera although it's a world renowned spot for weird thing(s)
I have the evidence, I don't want to show it to you 'for some reason' although I'll tell you I have it.
The evidence mysteriously vanished 'woo-oo' *waves hands suggestively*

It's almost as if it's a pattern or something. I, possibly like many regulars, am 'open to new experience' and generally open minded. Anything might be possible. But that also comes along with critical thought and consideration of the evidence as presented. All too often the 'evidence' is held just out of arms reach, while the alleged holder dances about in belled trousers chanting "You're nasty and mean because you don't believe me unconditionally". If I want to watch Morris dancers I'll go to a folk festival. Just sayin'
Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said you should try everything once, except incest and Morris dancing?
Another side on the Morris dancing thing .. when The Criminal Justice Act came out in '94, it forbid gatherings of 4 or people dancing to "repetetve beats", a ruling designed to curb illegal rave parties but a ruling that technically also made unsanctioned Morris Dancing illegal .. those bastards ! .. ;)
First impressions, good photo by Nessie standards. The object is moving in the water and so there is a motion blur factor compared to the static trees and hills. The bow wave behind it bears testimony to rapid movement. It looks pretty big but need to do some comparisons to boats ...
Dear god man, perish the thought.

Don't say that!

I think there's something gloriously Wicker Mannish about Morris Dancing.
Saw a great MD troop at a beer festival a couple of Beltane's ago. They encouraged audience participation for the rather brutal stave clashing and the raising of the virgin (not many volunteers). After a skinful of real English ale, a little pagan diversion doesn't go amiss!
Dear FTMB members who need to prove their fortean nature by kicking early and kicking often - we KNOW how this goes, why the need to nail your colours to the mast? if you really need to then send someone a timed dated PM lololol.

  • Because some of us are here in case that one in a multi-million time comes along and we won't thank you for driving it off.
  • Because we want to encourage new members and so far this thread will remove at least half of possible candidates.
  • Because despite recent claims we don't ALL know everything. Some of us have joined more recently that 1903 and we want the chance to (not) see for ourselves; otherwise we are dependent of FOAF tales saying "it always goes down this way....."
  • Because even if it crashes and burns it is more interesting than having no new posts to play with. You don't want to play? go into chat and grumble amongst yourselves, but please don't close down possibilities for those of us who do!

Yes, I know I shouldn't start with Because :p

much love, Auntie Frideswide :grouphug:

Justin Case? please go on, some of us are listening :) have a biscuit and continue.
Relax, all.

Justin Case, I'll repeat my earlier suggestion.
If you have a bitmap editor, you could make a copy and edit it with an artistic filter to make it look like a detailed drawing. If you don't have a bitmap editor, might I suggest Paint.net? It's completely free.


Under the Effects menu, there are some artistic options that will make the picture into a drawing.

Then you can post it here.

OK, it's not the same as a photo, but it'll give us some idea. Thanks.
OK, ignore my suggestion. :D
What point are you trying to make? You didn't know what you were talking about and then tried to inform me that I should expect to be greeted with questions like yours from well educated people...who don't know what they're talking about?

It's like then person I mentioned before who made a point of telling me I must have been at such and such place because based on my sketch, I could only be in the place I had already said I was at?

Maybe before questioning me, you should do your own homework. If I'm defensive it's because I'm being challenged using points that aren't points at all.

I suggest you roll the photo to form a tube, and sit on it.
Not a very constructive or necessary point though.

Justin, please realise that you aren't the first person who's made claims like this, it naturally makes people suspicious.

I'd love to see your picture, but I'll be honest with you, because I believe it'll show something mundane but probably in an unusual and misleading light.

I would say though if you're really concerned about what it might show I'd definitely recommend you send it to Dick Raynor. He's the best man to ask, very level headed and I'm absolutely sure he'd respect your privacy. His contact E-mail is about three quarters of the way down this page.

At times like these I just re-read Manly Wade Wellman's Who Fears the Devil?:

About what I tell, if you believe it you might could get some good thing out of it. If you don't believe it, well, I don't have a gun out to you to make you stop and hark at it.
Justin Case should let a moderator crop the photo to remove the reflections he don't want included.
Quite. There are only so many times any mystery can be tripped up by:

lens cap
bad focus
out of memory
forgot camera although it's a world renowned spot for weird thing(s)
I have the evidence, I don't want to show it to you 'for some reason' although I'll tell you I have it.
The evidence mysteriously vanished 'woo-oo' *waves hands suggestively*

It's almost as if it's a pattern or something. I, possibly like many regulars, am 'open to new experience' and generally open minded. Anything might be possible. But that also comes along with critical thought and consideration of the evidence as presented. All too often the 'evidence' is held just out of arms reach, while the alleged holder dances about in belled trousers chanting "You're nasty and mean because you don't believe me unconditionally". If I want to watch Morris dancers I'll go to a folk festival. Just sayin'
I like that. Coal's so angry he's gone completely folk festival. Better than going postal or chicken oriental.
How very adult of you. It's easy to be snarky when you have absolutely nothing at risk in the conversation isn't it?
Yeah cause a poster with the moniker 'Justin case' has so much at risk.
Just registered post the footage to yourself, claim copyright job done.
Then show it or stop wasting time. Your monster must be the last of them because since the loch was web cammed bugger all of real interest has shown up.
I've shown it to Silverity. He's already commented on it.

I am in contact with Yithian who will see it when he is at his computer next.

As for anyone else, you can contact me privately. There are several of you who can drop dead as far as I'm concerned.