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Is Elvis Still Alive?

oh please post a pic. pretty pretty please!
I haven't been able to find a fortean in South Africa for years now.

And before I get any chirps about subscribing - I can't afford too - the xchange rate still hurts. :(
chilli said:
oh please post a pic. pretty pretty please!
I haven't been able to find a fortean in South Africa for years now.

And before I get any chirps about subscribing - I can't afford too - the xchange rate still hurts. :(

Can't find Fortean Times in Santa Cruz, either!

And my husband was laid off in August so $56 for the subscription is a big bit of cash just now.
Hey maybe we could start up a "Sponsor a Fortean" programme where we buy subcriptions of FT for less affluent Forteans.

I would be willing to buy a sub for one Fortean, as long as they sent me pictures of them looking enlightened, and with a wealth of information to amaze their mates down the pub.

Note: this offer is subject to me freaking out and deleting it when I straighten up.
There's almost a kind of reverse symmetry between Elvis and Paul McCartney: One is dead and supposed to be alive, one is alive and is supposed to be dead.

Pinklefish said:
I would be willing to buy a sub for one Fortean, as long as they sent me pictures of them looking enlightened, and with a wealth of information to amaze their mates down the pub.

That's a very sweet thought, Pinklefish! However, I'm going to go over to the public library and check whether they have a subscription (this is Santa Cruz, after all).

My husband is now studying to become an elementary-school teacher, so I image he'll be employed again at some point.
The exchange rate in New Zealand triples the sub fee so I have to get to the lib before the rest of the pop does
Elisheva said:
Can't find Fortean Times in Santa Cruz, either!

And my husband was laid off in August so for the subscription is a big bit of cash just now.

Having been to Santa Cruz a couple of times (bro went to school there) that truly amazes me. If they changed the name to The Fortean High Times I'm sure it'd be available in a dozen places.:D

I sincerely hope hubby finds work soon, though. Know what the cost of living is like there.
Dark Detective said:
There's almost a kind of reverse symmetry between Elvis and Paul McCartney: One is dead and supposed to be alive, one is alive and is supposed to be dead.
Just remind me. which is which again?

I have in my possession documentary evidence amassed by John Safran that George Harrison may also be dead. To the best of my knowledge, neither of the surviving Beatles (John or Ringo) have commented on this theory.
Given that seven per cent of Americans still believe it, the Elvis Is Alive Museum may have a rosy future after its curator put his collection up for sale.


Rev Beeny looks through FBI files in his Elvis museum

Seventeen years after he turned a roadside launderette in Wright City, Missouri, into a memorial to one of the world's more appealing conspiracy theories, Bill Beeny is selling his Presley memorabilia on eBay.

The Rev Beeny, an 81-year-old Baptist minister, says he hopes that someone will buy the collection and open a new museum dedicated to the theory that the singer's death in 1977 was a sham.

The evidence includes 3,500 pages of FBI papers purporting to prove that Presley worked for the bureau and disappeared as part of a federal witness protection programme.

The museum also claims to have DNA evidence that the body in the coroner's report was that of a different man.

And if sceptics are still not satisfied, they can hear a tape recording of Presley's voice supposedly copied from a telephone answering machine a full six years after the funeral.

Meanwhile, the gravestone has long been cited by conspiracy theorists as it misspelt Presley's second name, Aron.

Rev Beeney now plans to devote his energies to local charity work rather than disproving Presley's death.

He said to The Daily Telegraph: "The museum's a hard thing to put a price on as it's primarily selling information.

"It will tear a little hole in my heart when we close this place down.

"But someone else can run - will run - the museum."

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... vis102.xml

maximus otter
He was interviewed on a radio station here yesterday (Sean Moncrieffs show 14 to 16.30 Newstalk 106) and he in fact sounded very normal, reasonable and erudite.

He used to believe that Elvis was dead and it took him quite a while to become a believer. I don't believe Elvis is alive but he had a couple of good points relating to the weight of the body in the coffin, the non cashing in of the life insurance.

He also says that he has some DNA evidence that the body that was buried was not Elvis. Calling him a Loon is a bit over the top.
megadeth16 said:
what a loon that guy is.

For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.
Wanna buy an Elvis museum? 09/22/2008

WRIGHT CITY - You can't keep the King down for long.

The Elvis Is Alive Museum is once again for sale on eBay.

The museum's owner, Andy Key, says he will be leaving soon for military duty and cannot run the museum while away. His service to the National Guard will keep him away from home for at least five months.

"It was a tremendously difficult decision, one that I thought about long and hard," said Key, 39, of Laurel, Miss. "I've put in a lot of work and a lot of hours into this thing."

With help from family and friends, Key said he invested more than $40,000 into the museum. He has set a minimum starting bid of $15,000 on the listing, which ends Friday.

Key said he hopes someone local will buy the contents of the museum and continue running it in Hattiesburg. SEE PHOTO: The Elvis is Alive Museum and the Dirt Cheap Grocery store in Wright City, shown in 2002.

The museum was a roadside landmark in Wright City for 17 years and sold last year to Key, who reopened it in June in Hattiesburg, MS. Key had the winning $8,300 bid for the museum on EBay last November. He bought it from Bill Beeny, a Baptist minister who ran the quirky collection in Wright City since 1990. Beeny transformed the former home of the Elvis museum into a mission to serve the poor and hungry.

Beeny had not heard of Key's decision to sell the museum until a reporter called him this morning.

"I'm kind of disappointed," said Beeny, 82. "If he's got to go to military duty, then that's understandable."

Beeny has no plans of buying back the museum. The mission is his full-time job now.

"We've got our work cut out for us," Beeny said. "We can't take Elvis back. Somebody else will have to go that route."

Key said the museum has been successful, with an average of 10 to 15 visitors a day. As its name suggests, the museum's mission is to prove Elvis never died in 1977.

The collection includes hundreds of photographs, newspaper and magazine clippings, copies of FBI files, a gravestone and a full-size bronze casket with the remains of a wax Elvis head attached to a stuffed body dressed in a polyester suit.

Nobody famous has stopped by the museum, Key said. Elvis has yet to make an appearance, but Key still believes he is out there.

"He has not come by, or if he has, I sure didn't recognize him," Key said.


Elvis is Alive Museum is apparently set to die Fri Oct 3, 6:33 PM ET

WRIGHT CITY, Mo. - The Elvis is Alive Museum will not live, at least not for now.

Andy Key tried to sell the Missouri museum twice on eBay. He received no bids by the time the auction ended Friday.

He did get one bid at his first asking price of $15,000, but it turned out to be from a child playing on a computer.

Key bought the museum on eBay last year for more than $8,000. He says military duties will keep him away from home and he can't operate it.

The collection includes photos, books, FBI files, DNA reports and other memorabilia that aim to support the theory that Elvis Presley never died.

Bill Beeny, a Baptist minister who started the museum in 1990, says he has no plans to buy it back.

What a great shame the museum is closing down, I'd always wanted to visit it, hopefully some dedicated person with an interest in Elvis Survival will keep it operating. It does seem hard to convince people or even have a semi-serious discussion of the possibility of Elvis still being alive that doesn't end with comments like "Ivan, you're a loon." But you have to admit the idea is at least interesting, the various theories are quite groovy to read about. For anyone interested I recommend these books & DVD:
"The Elvis Sightings" by Peter Eicher.
"Is Elvis Alive" (The Elvis Tapes)"/"The Elvis Files"/"Orion" by Gail Brewer-Giorgio.
DVD: "The Elvis Files" (1990)

Sadly there are few good sites for this subject, but here's a couple with brief Elvis Survival theories explained:

Have fun with those you bunch of loons!
Hope for us loons:

Woman Claims to Be Elvis Presley's Half Sister, Says He's Alive
October 08, 2008

" A woman claiming to be Elvis Presley's half-sister says the music icon is indeed alive, and she successfully convinced a Memphis probate judge to reopen the estate of the late Vernon Presley, the King's father.

MyFOXMemphis.com reports Eliza A. Presley, who recently changed her name from Alice Elizabeth Tiffin, says she has DNA evidence to prove her claims — pointing to a envelope licked and mailed to her earlier this year that was allegedly licked by "Jessie Presley," an assumed name used by Elvis Presley.

The envelope implies "the King did not die in 1977," according to the Web site.

Eliza A. Presley claims to have additional DNA evidence to prove she is Elvis Presley's half-sister, but UPI reported Tuesday — a day before the judge made his decision — that Eliza A. Presley's mother denies she had an affair with Vernon Presley.

"There is no Presley connection," Florence Clark told UPI. "I would be rich if there was a Presley connection. Do you think I would walk away from that? Would any girl walk away from that if they had a child by Vernon or Elvis?"

The judge said his ruling was just to reopen the estate and did not confirm Eliza A. Presley's claims."

Recent happy browsing on the Greenbriar Picture Shows Blog uncovers the extent to which Presley's film career was launched in the wake of the premature end of James Dean's. Jimmy Dean fans were also reluctant to believe the official story of his death and he was spotted living in Mexico and other places.


Jesus, of course, was a special case. :spinning
If it happens we’ll all be Crying in the Chapel, but Don’t Cry Daddy, Don't Leave Me Now. If he dies again it will be Double Trouble, but then I guess it would be Easy Come, Easy Go. The fact he’s kept himself hidden this long pushes at The Edge of Reality, but it will be The End of the Road. We’d better offer up An Evening Prayer. For ‘Ol Time Sakes and For the Millionth and the Last Time he will be one of the Ghost Riders in the Sky. Those with Hearts of Stone will Help Me Make It Through the Night. But hen as I never knew him How Can You Lose What You Never Had? How Do You Think I Feel? Hurt. And so on...
Of course Elvis is still alive - what did I miss ?
