Apolgies, ment to post this a few week earleir but forgot.
This is a quote from a BBC story covering the release of a portion of Nixon's 'secret tapes', in which he recorded all conversations in the Oval Office.
'In the same conversation, Nixon gave new fodder for conspiracy theorists who question whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter involved in the assassination of President John Kennedy.
Referring to the report by the Warren Commission, "it was the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated," Nixon said. He did not elaborate why he questioned the report'.
Seeing that old tricky Dicky was in Dallas the day JFK died, maybe he had good reason to question the Warren Commission.
This is a quote from a BBC story covering the release of a portion of Nixon's 'secret tapes', in which he recorded all conversations in the Oval Office.
'In the same conversation, Nixon gave new fodder for conspiracy theorists who question whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter involved in the assassination of President John Kennedy.
Referring to the report by the Warren Commission, "it was the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated," Nixon said. He did not elaborate why he questioned the report'.
Seeing that old tricky Dicky was in Dallas the day JFK died, maybe he had good reason to question the Warren Commission.