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Kevin Spacey's Dead Accusers


King-Sized Canary
Aug 25, 2001
Say what you like about Harvey Weinstein, his accusers aren't showing up dead:
Kev death news

I think this is the third of Kevin Spacey's accusers to die, and the second since September. This latest was a Norwegian royal. I know it's a stretch to say Spacey was behind the deaths, but it is a strange coincidence.
I probably should mention this latest death occurred shortly after Spacey posted the second of his creepy "poor me" videos. I will not be providing a link, but you can seek it out if you're so inclined.
I'd assumed from the headlines that it was a double suicide:

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If Spacey is behind this, that's some serious murder-for-hire going on. As GNC says, this is the third Spacey accuser to show up dead. Is Spacey's fanbase that fanatical, or is the money good enough to hire John Wick to do a super-sanitized suicide-like execution?
People who have been subjected to abuse can suffer long-term effects from the trauma. Depression and suicide are sadly not unknown, nor are substance abuse and self-harm. So when people in that situation die relatively young it's not really surprising. Still tragic of course.
Let me just say. That's a bullshit conspiracy. He thought he was bipolar, and he was probably right.
Wow...I watched the fire side video of Spacey...linked at Rolling Stone above...that's about as weird as it gets.
Someone said...Frank Underwood has taken over Spacey and won't release the controls.

Wow...I watched the fire side video of Spacey...linked at Rolling Stone above...that's about as weird as it gets.
Someone said...Frank Underwood has taken over Spacey and won't release the controls.


At the end Spacey pokes the fire, which is a vulgar British idiom.
At the end Spacey pokes the fire, which is a vulgar British idiom.
Well...not sure many Americans would get that 'vulgar idiom'....but he did poke it several times during the video.
I'm not sure why anyone in trouble like he is would want to draw attention to themselves..... a bit bizarre.
People who have been subjected to abuse can suffer long-term effects from the trauma. Depression and suicide are sadly not unknown, nor are substance abuse and self-harm. So when people in that situation die relatively young it's not really surprising. Still tragic of course.

I think the deceased were due to testify against Spacey in court, so maybe they couldn't face that prospect?
Well...not sure many Americans would get that 'vulgar idiom'....but he did poke it several times during the video.
I'm not sure why anyone in trouble like he is would want to draw attention to themselves..... a bit bizarre.

Brits might get the joke and Spacey did live in Britain for a good while.
Dunno, it looked blatant to me. He might not even have been doing it consciously. Freud would know!

I think the deceased were due to testify against Spacey in court, so maybe they couldn't face that prospect?

That seems likely to me. Being the victim of an alleged sexual assault in a court case is traumatic.