let's talk about alpha
let's get pally with God and I'll have a lovely life
No great conclusion to this post. I just wondered if anyone else has had any experience or an opinion of the alpha business?
I've just been watching "Alpha. Will It Change Their Lives?" Currently being repeated on ITV1 (UK). Presented by Sir David Frost - who .. HAas .. HIMs'lf COMpl'ted an alPH-a corrrrrse - and who is a member of the freaky upper class Brompton Trinity church. independent.co.uk (stupidly it costs money to read this article):
I'm still trying to get an angle on all this. Anyhow - I've been doing a bit of Googling and here's a few links.
The Alpha Course - Jesus on demand. Join the moral health club. Official website. Franchised by the upper-class pentecostalists who congregate at Holy Trinity Brompton
Catch Me If You Can - The Guardian. By Jon Ronson
Outrage over Geri's links to anti-abortion, anti-gay group - Sunday Herald.
let's get pally with God and I'll have a lovely life
No great conclusion to this post. I just wondered if anyone else has had any experience or an opinion of the alpha business?
I've just been watching "Alpha. Will It Change Their Lives?" Currently being repeated on ITV1 (UK). Presented by Sir David Frost - who .. HAas .. HIMs'lf COMpl'ted an alPH-a corrrrrse - and who is a member of the freaky upper class Brompton Trinity church. independent.co.uk (stupidly it costs money to read this article):
Now I can't explain exactly why I so detest the Alpha nonsense. independent.co.uk (stupidly it costs money to read this article):The first programme consisted of bright-eyed, smiling converts gazing at the camera and explaining how the Alpha movement had saved them from unhappiness, negative relationships, sin and moral confusion, to a background of gloopy, sentimental music. Introducing this shamefully partial and brainless farrago was none other than Sir David Frost in his smarmiest Through the Keyhole mode.
My step father's business colleague (Ned Flanders) introduced my mother to it. Now, of course, they're all happy, beautiful, rich, vibrant and wonderful. And a bit weird sometimes. She always did always see the good in things so was particularly open to that kind of niceness.To some, the Alpha course, of which there were five in 1992 and now 18,775 worldwide, is just what the church needs in a day when the Baal of celebrity attracts more followers than Jesus Christ. To others, Alpha is a cult, whose brainwashed followers have been cajoled into embracing an emotional comfort-blanket of unthinking conformity.
I'm still trying to get an angle on all this. Anyhow - I've been doing a bit of Googling and here's a few links.
The Alpha Course - Jesus on demand. Join the moral health club. Official website. Franchised by the upper-class pentecostalists who congregate at Holy Trinity Brompton
Catch Me If You Can - The Guardian. By Jon Ronson
God's Smiley Knight - The Guardian. By Nick CohenNicky Gumbel is probably the most charismatic figure in the Church of England today. His 10-week courses, intended to turn agnostics into true, speaking-in-tongues believers, have reaped an astounding number of converts. Jon Ronson signed up. Being Jewish, he presented a special challenge. Would he end up with the sheep or the goats?
Andrew Brown ... warns that to describe Alpha as 'fundamentalist' is to be unfair to fundamentalists. There are many who are bone-headed enough to believe in the truth of sacred texts, but most Christian fundamentalists accept the age of miracles passed with Biblical times and we will not see its like again until the Second Coming ...
The music is dreamy. The focus is soft. The camera glides from an exquisite country church to a delightful garden. A perfect family is enjoying the scents of summer. As the father plays with his children and flowers tremble in a heat haze, his wife murmurs with a sincerity which quells scepticism: 'Alpha has been extremely important to us. It's wonderful. It's very exciting. Being a Christian is very exciting.' You can hear the thrill in Sir David Frost's voice as he narrates the 60-minute film. He leaves the audience in little doubt that he has found a faith everyone should consider adopting if they wish their families to find peace and plenty. 'Alpha does work,' he proclaims. 'We want you at home to sample the Alpha experience.'
NSS Complains To The ITC From the NATIONAL SECULAR SOCIETY - complaining that the David Frost programme is illegal.Alpha instructors teach that sex before marriage, divorce and abortion are sins. They don't doubt that homosexuals will go to hell (although Gumbel, an 'annihilationist' who believes hell is merely the cessation of existence for those who fail to reach heaven, is in dispute with his more vindictive colleagues who are firm 'eternally conscious torment' men.) ...
ITV Series Cleared Of Recruiting Christians- telegraph.co.ukAlpha has some very strong critics inside the church. A letter in the current issue of the Church Times, from the Revd Kenneth Wakefield of Launceston, Cornwall, reads:
"Big Brother may be one thing but televised Alpha is something else. The very thought of it makes my stomach churn. Surely it is time for Mr Gumbel to pack his bags and head for life in the real clergy world - let's say eight or ten rural parishes in Norfolk, Cornwall or Exeter. It would be interesting to see if he could find time to run any group, let alone a 'let's get pally with God and I'll have a lovely life' group. (Sorry, 'Alpha Group'). And please, please stop putting this Alpha News rubbish in with my Church Times. I detest it." (Church Times 13 July 2001)
Outrage over Geri's links to anti-abortion, anti-gay group - Sunday Herald.
The former Spice Girl, who last week announced on an American radio show that she is undertaking a programme of religious study organised by the Alpha Course, has provoked outrage amongst many churchmen, women's groups and gay rights activists following her association with the fast- growing Anglican sect ...