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LobeliaOverhill's Abduction Experience

Oh, yes. A modified bike would work. But the friend didn't describe a modified bike, see? ;)
It was a perfectly normal bike and a perfectly normal greyhound (aside from the fact it was riding the bike. And weaing a raincoat.)

Ravenstone said:
Aliens and the Devil? What about if the reason you're friend is suffering from mental illness is because they're seeing aliens and the Devil, rather than the other way around?

It's possible of course, but it seems like the least likely explanation - especially as he seems to have stopped seeing things since his doctor put him on a new cocktail of medication.

Ravenstone said:
Id be more interested in the guy seeing aliens and Beelzebub that the bicycle riding greyhound. See, I know bicycle riding greyhounds are impossible

That does seem logical - after all, thousands of people have reported seeing aliens and devils, but as far as I know there have been no other reports of bicycling greyhounds. On the other hand, the only proof we have for any of these things is eyewitness testimony. And while it's theoretically possible that there are nuts-and-bolts aliens visiting our planet, I do not believe one can draw any distinction between Lucifer and a bicycling greyhound. Both are 'impossible' entities according to our present scientific understanding. The only reason we think the one more likely than another is that we have heard about it far more often.
Oh, I don't know. I don't know of a reason why aliens or devils are actually impossible. Improbable, perhaps, but not downright impossible.

More things in heaven and earth, and all that, doncherknow. ;)
Wembley said:
Lobelia feels under siege because others do not share her interpretation. Others are baffled because Lobelia will not countenance other interpretations.

As I said to someone "what exactly counts as weird, or strange these days?"

I'm baffled as to why people keep re-stating the same/similar explanations for my bruises. I didn't fall out of bed either awake or asleep. I don't sleep walk, I don't thrash around in my sleep, I'd not fallen down stairs, I'd not fallen off a horse, I'd not banged either part of my anatomy on anything etc etc etc. But someone else will come along and say "you banged your arm on a door handle" - I already said I didn't bang my arm on anything, which would include door handles ... (and that explanation doesn't wash for the bruise on my knee anyway)
I dunno maybe I should re-post the whole thing in IHTM ?
I think Lobelia that everyone has their own interpretations of the unexpected, and most people prefer to find a rational explanation for these events, esp on the FTMB :D

I am often covered in bruises but I have not been abducted by aliens. I don't know how I get them, but I assume that I have knocked myself and forgot about it. Don't get upset because other people have differing views on your experience. It's the nature of this board, finding a rational explanation for the obscure and down right weird.
"As I said to someone "what exactly counts as weird, or strange these days?"

There's no easy scale, but memories of aliens = weird, unexplained bruises = commonplace.

There's actually a creature in (I think) Japanese folkore that causes all the mysterious cuts and scratches that nobody notices, apparently it's bad luck to mention them. Well, you wanted an alternative explanation :D
mo there's been a few veiled I-think-you're-insane type remarks made ...

It was never like that for me Lobelia. It was only ever about the way in which you remembered and interpreted your memories. My problems with your posts and some other peoples' unquestioning or open minded reactions to them - were that what you said was very difficult to literally understand - and yet made so much sense against more than 100 years of psycho analysis. Which is part of our common history, as, so called, Forteans. Most of the interesting cases are about what people believed - as opposed to what actually did or did not happen.

And because I find it impossible to believe that you don't also have doubts about your interpretations. I still, quite simply, don't understand where the alienesk scenerio came from if it didn't come from specific 1970s literature - on which it seems to be based.
alb said:
And because I find it impossible to believe that you don't also have doubts about your interpretations. I still, quite simply, don't understand where the alienesk scenario came from if it didn't come from specific 1970s literature - on which it seems to be based.

What am I supposed to be doubting?

Did I not already state that I copped on to the terminology "alien abduction" when it became part of the public psyche in the 80s? Drawings of what we now call Greys started appearing all over the place and I thought there was something familiar about them, then one day something caused me the have a deja vu type moment and I remembered the Fat Tans (something that I'd always assumed was a dream), from there on I started taking [mental] note of strange things happening to me, and - like I already said - I used to joke "must've been an alien abduction", but it got to a point where there were too many unexplained happenings for it to literally be a joke. Maybe it's not the nature of this board to agree with/accept anything anyone else says, but I know people I've spoken to in real life were left bewildered by what I told them.

What I think Alb means (and by all means, Alb, correct me if I'm wrong) is that with all strange phenomena there is usually at least a small part of you that wonders if it might have been soemthing else.

I have seen a few things I usually describe as "ghosts", but recently I have been trying to re-evaluate these situations to see if there might be another explanation for what I witnessed . . . so far nothing has convinced me, but I remain open to the idea.

I believe Alb thinks you are a tad too stuck to your guns about the alien theory.

The water draining the wrong way, it intrigued me. I always thought it was due to the earths rotation, but I found a webpage all about it, its called the Coriolis Effect.

This page explains really well, it seems it went the wrong way down the drain due to the motion you caused in the water as you were washing, this guy explains it much better than me, take a look:


Hope it helps.
graylien said:
It was a perfectly normal bike and a perfectly normal greyhound (aside from the fact it was riding the bike. And weaing a raincoat.)

Oh god, please, don't mention it again... its giving me a fit of the giggles... :lol: I don't think I've had a funnier image go through my mind in a long time! For some reason, I have the greyhound singing 'I'm singing in the rain'... Good lord, make the laughing stop!
So is this the end of this thread then, if Lobelia has left the boards?

Ehhh, I don't want to start rumours, but as far as I know, yes. I think about being accused of spamming on a different thread.

I hope this isn't the case.

Ah, I see . . . I was under the impression it was simply about her "Huh? (wanders off confused)" . . . I see there is more to it than that.

Fitz said:
Ah, I see . . . I was under the impression it was simply about her "Huh? (wanders off confused)" . . . I see there is more to it than that.


No. Not really. It was the spammer comment about the "huh?" :(
Shucks, I was just going to post my opinion about "perfectly round bruises",and then i find out the person that started the thread has up and left.

Oh well, my 2c:

How about buttons? Like buttons that you get on cargo pants and the like. I've got a pair of long / short pants that are connected with "popper" style buttons at the knee, and occasionally get bruises from when i've sat with my leg tucked up.

Did she say that she got them whilst in bed? How about those mattresses that have round buttons that keep the springs apart etc? I know i've slept on them in my life.

Ah geez, I don't know - but I would look for explanations like the above before opting for a waaaay out of leftfield suggestion like aliens.

I guess we'll never know huh?
Was anyone besides me "watching this topic" only to find out that they have randomly, for no apparent reason, stopped watching it?

Must be the aliens. They don't want me reading about other abductees because I might wonder about myself being abducted more and they don't want me to know.
RainyOcean said:
Was anyone besides me "watching this topic" only to find out that they have randomly, for no apparent reason, stopped watching it?

Must be the aliens. They don't want me reading about other abductees because I might wonder about myself being abducted more and they don't want me to know.
Yes, me!

And it's not the only thread it's happened on, either. :evil:
RainyOcean said:
Was anyone besides me "watching this topic" only to find out that they have randomly, for no apparent reason, stopped watching it?

I thought it was because the Thread generated so much heat, without much light being thrown. And because, it meant Lobelia seemed, quite rightly, to get fed up being used as the named test case, in a heated debate about how to handle first hand accounts of Fortean experiences and topics.

Perhaps, we've also let the whole subject slid, exactly because, it was actually about something very central to to the whole nature of the Fortean take on things. How does one handle something as fragile as a 'remembered' first hand account of strange and apparently inexplicable phenomena, trying to remember that everyone's story is different and individual, no matter what apparent similiarities with other accounts. To accept it as what it is, someone's personal story. And resisting the temptation to handle it by breaking it into the little pieces that we recognise, the one's that other stories also appear to be built out of, and turn it into the generic scrambled eggs of the, fairly conventional 'delusional contactee' explanation?
"it was actually about something very central to to the whole nature of the Fortean take on things"

Indeed. I begin to feel that it's almost impossible to discuss these things with an experiencer who has made their mind up, as the conversation so quickly lapses into 'did!'/'didn't!!' This is why it's so much easier talking about third parties because there's so much more scope to explore.