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Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

As far as I know the only fog horn is on the perch a pole sticking out of the water
with a channel marker light and a fog horn about a mile from were I was but it
does not sound the same and I have not heard it for years maybe something will
be said in the next day or two but all Fleetwood must have heard it.
Went to Den Bosch today by train and while passing Gilze-Reijen I saw this artwork. Later looked it up on Google streetview.
Aren't those the things from "At the mountains of madness"?
While out for a walk a couple of days ago I had a minor strange experience.

[Now, this is similar to an experience I had some 20 years ago, which I might have detailed upthread somewhere a long time ago (ICBATC).]

So, I had gone with a friend to Panshanger Park* for a walk (for exercise) and we took the 'long route', which follows an outer loop, mostly on gravelled paths.
We had got about 3/4 of the way round and my friend had complained on a couple of occasions about beginning to feel a bit nackerred.
I did point out that it was she who chose to do the 'long route' when we reached the point at which we could've opted for either that or the shorter route which cuts across the middle of the fields, but anyways, we had already had to stop for a rest about half-way around when she decided to just pause again, in a shady bit for a couple of minutes.
As we stood there chatting I turned to look along the direction of our intended travel, when I was suddenly aware of an odd sensation.
It was as though the whole of my surroundings, and indeed all of space and time (it seemed) was being stretched out along the direction I was looking in. Time felt like it didn't exactly slow down but 'changed' for a few seconds.
A weed growing through the path seemed to slowly move away from me although it was firmly in the spot it was growing from, and the ground under my feet seemed to be slowly transporting me backwards, as though I was standing on a slow moving 'travelator'. I definitely felt the need to make a conscious effort to stand up in a similar way to when you are standing up in a tube train as it pulls away from the station.
It was much like what you would imagine you would experience if you were standing on the surface of a planet-sized balloon that was being inflated - you'd be standing still and yet everything would be moving away from you.
I didn't feel dizzy or anything, and there was no other kind of visual disturbance, or auditory issue.
Then my friend recommenced walking along, and everything kind of 'snapped back' into regular reality.
The really odd thing is that I felt at the time that it was nothing to be that concerned about. I didn't even say anything to my friend along the lines of "Hey, did you just notice that really weird sensation?", we just carried on with our day.
It wasn't until just before I started writing this that I realised what an odd experience it was.

*Panshanger Park previously mentioned elsewhere. Nature reserve and woods etc in an area previously 'open quarried'.
Was it a bit like that effect in horror films where the horizon seems to stretch away? Called a 'dolly zoom'.
Was it a bit like that effect in horror films where the horizon seems to stretch away? Called a 'dolly zoom'.
Dolly in/zoom out if you mean the same thing as that scene when little Alex is being attacked by Jaws in the film and chief Brody's stunned expression is recorded .... you zoom out at the same time as moving the camera forwards .. the 'dolly' is the camera on rails in this sequence although you can also use this trick with a hand held camera ..

About two minutes ago, I was sitting in my office when there was a loudish sound of something small falling from height and landing with a clatter - my colleague, sitting two metres away, heard nothing. I went to the corner where I heard the noise, and there the screw was, lying on the carpet, in a space that I have used every day since it disappeared.

Then around a month ago (so probably a year after it had vanished) I was standing in the same bedroom, not touching anything, looking up at the top shelf of a tall bookcase in search of a particular book, approximately a foot away from the bookcase, when I felt and heard something hit the right arm of my glasses, with a sharp 'click'. It felt like something had dropped from above me.

Like the metal button that fell on my shoulder when I visited a Spanish sailing ship!
On reading these so close together it occurred to me that maybe in each case the object got flipped upwards by an unconscious and very small spasm in the hand muscles of the person holding the object. On flying upwards, the object could get lodged in or land on something, maybe a work station divider, a ceiling panel, a shelf, a wooden beam, and staying unnoticed till dislodged by small vibrations from foot traffic or other activities.
On reading these so close together it occurred to me that maybe in each case the object got flipped upwards by an unconscious and very small spasm in the hand muscles of the person holding the object. On flying upwards, the object could get lodged in or land on something, maybe a work station divider, a ceiling panel, a shelf, a wooden beam, and staying unnoticed till dislodged by small vibrations from foot traffic or other activities.
Due to the frankly shocking nature of how the screw disappeared in the first place, that is not what happened. The screw was tightly gripped in my clenched fist... Then it was gone, no transition, my fist didn't open, even slightly, I didn't feel the screw move, it just wasn't there anymore.
Took wife over to Fleetwood today sat outside the dentist waiting for her listening
to the car radio when a ships horn sounded, I could not hear the radio above it,
Now we have not had any big ships in Fleetwood for years the channel would
need dredging and that horn was bolted to something big, the 4/5000 ton RoRo's
we used to get did not sound that loud, I was about 1/2 a mile from the dock and
harbour, anything out in the bay would be at least 3 miles away, and there was
nothing moving in the dock due to the lock gates being under repair, first thing
wife said when she came out of the dentist was " did you hear that horn" not
my imagination then and it was loud in a dentists surgery behind double glazing.
Just checked and it would be low tide when we heard it so nothing much would
be moving, a little mystery that's for sure.
It was one long blast that means "I am leaving the dock or departing my slip"
Non of which would be likely at low water even when the RoRo's were running.
Ah but Fleetwood is a strange place indeed.
On reading these so close together it occurred to me that maybe in each case the object got flipped upwards by an unconscious and very small spasm in the hand muscles of the person holding the object.
Thanks IbisNibs. I appreciate the suggestion, but like Simon I am sure that can't be the explanation for what I experienced. In my case, the drawing pin definitely slipped out of my fingers, and I saw it drop down, followed by hearing the small sound it made when it hit the carpet at my feet. It was perhaps two seconds later that I stooped to retrieve it, expecting it to be close to my feet, only to "find it nowhere to be found" (as it were,).

Out of curiosity, I have just recreated the event in the exact same place. To make it an exact re-creation of the circumstances, I selected a red-headed pin from the cork board where I keep them. It might even have been the exact same pin. I dropped it from the same height onto the same area of carpet and made sure that it did indeed make the same distinctly audible 'small sound' that I recalled as it landed. I tried doing the same thing half a dozen times and on each occasion the pin ended up easily visible against the greenish carpet and within about 8 inches from my toes.

I think I would have noticed if I had had a hand spasm - even a small one - not something I've ever been aware of having. And even if the pin had somehow 'flipped upwards' there really isn't anywhere in the immediate vicinity where I think it could have lodged itself, except maybe on the top of the door or maybe on the door frame (both of which are narrow and get cleaned fairly regularly so would have not stayed unnoticed there for a whole year) or maybe the top of my head (where it would be even less likely to go unnoticed for a year!!!). The bookcase that I was standing in front of when the drawing pin finally reappeared is a few feet away from the door. If it had landed there, it would have had to have been quite a big flip!

I know any explanation, no matter how unlikely it seems, is on the face of it more likely than the bizarre notion of a drawing pin randomly vanishing and reappearing a year or so later. But in view of the fact that other small random objects have seemingly behaved in such an inexplicable way (not just in my experience but other people's too) leaves me pondering. Like a lot of stuff in this part of the Forum, you just have to say 'I was there and I saw it happen but I can't explain it and why would anyone else believe it?'

When something vanishes it leaves you bewildered.
When the wristwatch disappeared from my wrist I looked for it for a long time Because it was one I really liked.
It was ages after that it appeared in a pot plant on the porch and it was wet. I tried replacing the battery but it never worked again.
Visited Tilburg yesterday. Saw some strange architecture. Both old and new. I like the old more. I'm especially flabbergasted by the combination of Brutalist fountain, Disneyland city hall and bland functionalist background. (Wikipedia says it's a real castle from 1848, and not a postmodernist folly, like I thought!)
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On reading these so close together it occurred to me that maybe in each case the object got flipped upwards by an unconscious and very small spasm in the hand muscles of the person holding the object. On flying upwards, the object could get lodged in or land on something, maybe a work station divider, a ceiling panel, a shelf, a wooden beam, and staying unnoticed till dislodged by small vibrations from foot traffic or other activities.
The button that fell on me must've been lodged between the tightly-fitted boards of the deckhead. That's some unconscious spasm! :chuckle:
Lidl sell delicious frankfurter sausages in packs of 10, I bought some the other day for lunch for myself and my daughter. I opened the packet and transferred the sausages to a boiling pan of water to heat them up. When they were hot I pulled out 5 and gave them to my daughter. I then went to take my sausages out but there were only 4, a sausage had disappeared!
Perplexed I checked the packet in the hope that the missing sausage was still in it, no it wasn't. The packet was definitely full when I bought it.
I searched all round the kitchen in the hope that I may have dropped it somewhere, but no sign of it anywhere and no subsequent sign of it either. My sausage disappeared into thin air!
Wow! I guess poltergeists can get hungry too.

Seriously, did you actually count them out of the packet and into the pan? I'm not being funny, but just wondering if you were short changed without realising it. Having read that there were supposed to be 10 in the pack, then you emptied it into the pan without counting them, assuming that there were 10.

I have experienced a few odd 'vanishings' over the years, so I'm not being cynical, it's just that once or twice I have been perplexed by something only to eventually rationalise it and figure out what the expanation must have been ....... well, probably!
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Due to the frankly shocking nature of how the screw disappeared in the first place, that is not what happened. The screw was tightly gripped in my clenched fist... Then it was gone, no transition, my fist didn't open, even slightly, I didn't feel the screw move, it just wasn't there anymore.

Thanks IbisNibs. I appreciate the suggestion, but like Simon I am sure that can't be the explanation for what I experienced.

The button that fell on me must've been lodged between the tightly-fitted boards of the deckhead. That's some unconscious spasm! :chuckle:

Consider yourselves vindicated.
I get a newspaper several days a week. It comes in a protective plastic sleeve. There is a place nearby that takes this single use plastic and recycles it somehow (I pray, truly recycles it). I ball up the sleeves and collect them in a sleeve under the sink until that sleeve is full, then put them in a storage closet until it's time to take them all to be recycled.

Here is the weirdness:
I look under the sink a few days ago, find sleeve half full, and put the new, balled up sleeve inside with the rest.
Next day (yesterday), I look under the sink with the day's balled up sleeve and find no half full sleeve! I look around, it hasn't fallen behind anything, it just isn't there. I must have put it in the storage closet, but I don't recall doing that. Besides, I clearly recall the sleeve was only half full and not ready to move to the storage closet. I carefully place the sole balled up sleeve on top of a jar of household cleaner and worry I'm developing dementia.
This morning, I ball up today's sleeve, look under the sink and the half full sleeve is back! And the balled up sleeve from yesterday is not on the jar of the household cleaner!
The next time I look, the balled up sleeve is on the top of the household cleaner!
This is too totally weird, so I close the cabinet door and walk away. I mutter, "you're messing with me, you're really messing with me." I know that the next time I look, the half full sleeve will be back. And I know, I must move it, touch it, for it to remain in place.
I look, the half full sleeve is back, I shift it to a different spot, and move the household cleaner just to seal the deal for sure.
Peek again just now, the sleeve has stayed put, and so has everything else.

This is the most disjointed physical reality I have ever experienced.
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News update:
I just looked in the cupboard next to where the half full sleeve is, and found a balled up sleeve sitting on top of an oblong, clear storage container. (Half full sleeve is in its place next door under the sink.)
I so clearly recalled placing the balled up sleeve on top of the house hold cleaner, with its round, dark brown lid.
It might be time to see a doctor.
When you find something again you doubt yourself, I know.
I have a small retractable tape in an engine shaped holder and my grandson loves to play with it.
It's kept on the small cabinet next to the computer so that I can measure things on Ebay.
Anyway a couple of weeks ago it disappeared although I looked over, under and in anything around the computer desk.
I even rang my daughter to see if it had accidentally gone home in a small pocket, but no, so I had to get a larger tape out.
Anyway yesterday something caught my eye and it was sitting on top of the small cabinet.
They haven't been down since lockdown 5 so I wonder where it has been.
People can just lose track of things.

Techy is currently accusing me of losing a magnetised tray of screws and bolts that he reckons I borrowed from him when I was fixing hinges to a cabinet.

This is rubbish as 1. the hinges I used came with all the fittings and 2. I always give things back.

There's also 3. Techy don't take care of his own property and is always looking for stuff and accusing me of losing it.

He will find the tray when searching for something else.
News update:
I just looked in the cupboard next to where the half full sleeve is, and found a balled up sleeve sitting on top of an oblong, clear storage container. (Half full sleeve is in its place next door under the sink.)
I so clearly recalled placing the balled up sleeve on top of the house hold cleaner, with its round, dark brown lid.
It might be time to see a doctor.
Maybe it’s just time to stop saving the sleeves and throw away all the accumulated ones. If you don’t want to do that then perhaps take a photo under your sink each day so you don’t have to rely on your memory. If this kept happening to me — and random objects move around mysteriously in my house too and I feel the same way you do about it — I’d wonder if something was trying to send me a message… but that doesn’t make sense either!
Consider yourselves vindicated.
I get a newspaper several days a week. It comes in a protective plastic sleeve. There is a place nearby that takes this single use plastic and recycles it somehow (I pray, truly recycles it). I ball up the sleeves and collect them in a sleeve under the sink until that sleeve is full, then put them in a storage closet until it's time to take them all to be recycled.

Here is the weirdness:
I look under the sink a few days ago, find sleeve half full, and put the new, balled up sleeve inside with the rest.
Next day (yesterday), I look under the sink with the day's balled up sleeve and find no half full sleeve! I look around, it hasn't fallen behind anything, it just isn't there. I must have put it in the storage closet, but I don't recall doing that. Besides, I clearly recall the sleeve was only half full and not ready to move to the storage closet. I carefully place the sole balled up sleeve on top of a jar of household cleaner and worry I'm developing dementia.
This morning, I ball up today's sleeve, look under the sink and the half full sleeve is back! And the balled up sleeve from yesterday is not on the jar of the household cleaner!
The next time I look, the balled up sleeve is on the top of the household cleaner!
This is too totally weird, so I close the cabinet door and walk away. I mutter, "you're messing with me, you're really messing with me." I know that the next time I look, the half full sleeve will be back. And I know, I must move it, touch it, for it to remain in place.
I look, the half full sleeve is back, I shift it to a different spot, and move the household cleaner just to seal the deal for sure.
Peek again just now, the sleeve has stayed put, and so has everything else.

This is the most disjointed physical reality I have ever experienced.
Camera. Every time you make a change, take a photo. We will forgive you what it looks like down there. Mine looks the same.
About two minutes ago, I was sitting in my office when there was a loudish sound of something small falling from height and landing with a clatter - my colleague, sitting two metres away, heard nothing. I went to the corner where I heard the noise, and there the screw was, lying on the carpet, in a space that I have used every day since it disappeared.
So now you're ok? You officially have no screws loose?:evillaugh:
Wow. Never knew that! And I am never without Fisherman's Friends. Got 2 packs right next to me on the table here right now. Aniseed flavour and cherry flavour. My favourite is blackcurrant. Strange that I have never read the packet, cos I usually do. 1865!! Who knew? Well done Lofthouse of Fleetwood.
We have a kind of joke in our house called “the curse of Download”
last time I went to Download music festival was 2009 and quite a few of the acts I specifically chose to watch that weekend have had band members die. My husband says I’m a bloody jinx:hahazebs:
This morning just before I left for work we were discussing how the curse had struck again with the passing of Slipknot’s drummer Joey Jordison. The last thing I said to my husband before I walked out of the door was “if I were a member of ZZ top I’d be shitting myself”

Got home from work this evening, unlock my phone to check the news and see this…
View attachment 42775

That sounds like the Half Man Half Biscuit curse! See ‘Those No Longer In Need Of Season Tickets’, it is quite a list:

Maybe it’s just time to stop saving the sleeves and throw away all the accumulated ones.
They can be recycled at nearby locations.
If you don’t want to do that then perhaps take a photo under your sink each day so you don’t have to rely on your memory.
And then I'd forget what I'd done with the photos! :crazy:

I blame sleep deprivation for the whole thing!