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  1. T

    Matrix: The Glitch

    In 1982 I was working for MGM as a stunt driver. I would rise at 4am, do the morning routine and be out of the house by 5am so I could be on-location at 6am for breakfast and on-set by 7am. I would get into my van, turn the key and when I got to the intersection 50 feet away, there would always...
  2. Paul_Exeter

    Druids, Sirens, Beasts & Breast-Suckling Man-Babies: It Happened To Them On Dartmoor

    Thought this was the best place for this small put fascinating Redditors collection of Fortean goings-on from Dartmoor: I was wild camping by Black Tor in early October two years ago. It was clear but windy and very cold. I awoke in the dead of night to find my dog sat bolt upright by the...
  3. severs1966

    Ectoplasm? Or Is It Swarfega?

    I regularly strip and rebuild bicycles in my garage, a little hobby. Sometimes mine, sometimes for others. So the garage is stuffed with bikes, wheels and parts. In the past couple of days, droplets of a green liquid, slightly gelatinous, have been appearing on the bikes and tyres. It's not...
  4. A Rainy Day

    Small Strange Happening In New Home

    Hi, I was in two minds to post this as it's a bit lame and there's obviously explanations but I thought I'd share it anyway. I moved into a new home back in May this year, a little old fashioned cottage. Some friends helped me bring in my belongings and after they'd gone I was pottering...
  5. pornosonic1975

    Strange Thing On My Indoor Ring Camera!

    A few years ago I was burgled so I have cameras in various parts of my home and have had these for about two years. They have never picked up anything like this before. The house is about 130 years old and is in East London. I’ve lived here for about seventeen years and the only other strange...
  6. A

    (Not) A UFO Sighting On The A68 To Edinburgh In 1994

    I used to live in Nottingham in the 1990s. But I come from a family of London shopfitters, a company that has roots in 18th century East End, London. Back then though, I was kind of drifting. Working temporary jobs or minicabbing etc, whilst attending free parties in Nottinghamshire and...
  7. oraclepaige

    Fog-Like Cloud In The Sky

    On Sunday night I let the dog out the back of the house and saw strange banks of cloud in the sky. To all intents and purposes it looked like a fog bank: atomised liquid gives an idea of its appearance as can happen with a garden hose on a fine setting. In other words unlike most clouds in the...
  8. oraclepaige

    Crazy Period In My Life

    During a crazy period in my life, I fell in love with this girl in London (see below) and during this time returned home to Diss in Norfolk, where the insanity spread to my parents house, including a telephone call from Sai Baba, the Indian guru. Why this was interesting was that nobody knew in...
  9. A

    Strange Cattle Behaviour

    I used to be a deer stalker and owned a patch of forest. The local farmers allowed me to take deer off their land as well, so I had a large area over which to control the deer numbers. They asked me to shoot foxes, being under the impression that foxes kill lambs. I was reluctant to do this but...
  10. Stpauli9

    Twilight Zone Adventures

    Two strange little 'Twilight Zone' adventures have happened to me in the course of my work.... The Maps App sent us off the freeway onto the Old Pacific Highway. We turned again onto Peat’s Road, and it was then I began thinking about that episode of The Twilight Zone where the plane travels...
  11. DrPaulLee

    Feltwell Rectory

    I wrote about the old Rectory in Feltwell in my book and the relevant section is here ( http://www.paullee.com/ghosts/FeltwellRectory.pdf ) I then chanced upon a website that had a very similar story, and which obviously came from the daughter of the lady I interviewed. It was in the "It...
  12. Y

    Movie Mandela Effect

    This is a “Mandela Effect” that happened to me, but I haven’t seen discussed anywhere else. I watched the 2006 James Bond movie Casino Royale when it was released. I actually saw it twice on the big screen. I’ll have probably rented the DVD when it was released and recorded it when it came to...
  13. Quercus

    Camera Strangeness In Co.Down

    I used to love taking photographs on a film camera, especially of old, forgotten places. Blogs like Abandoned Ireland enthralled me, with their ethereal depictions of old dwellings and businesses lost to time itself. Sometimes I think I should go back to taking photographs like that again – and...
  14. Wombat68

    Weirdness On A Walk

    I like to walk in a small wood near my home it has a lovely feel to it and I've never felt frightened there. Yesterday I set off down a path I've used countless times before I walked into something I can only describe as thicker air it felt like I was having to push my way through. I could feel...
  15. S

    Guardian Angel?

    Many years ago when I was a child about 8 years of age, I was definitely a tomboy ! I loved anything to do with Tarzan and swinging from trees was favourite pastime ! At that time I lived near a local woodland in which I used to play "Tarzan" with some of the local lads, we used to tie ropes...
  16. Spring Heeled Spud

    Huge Triangular UFO Over Seville

    Had a week in Seville (lovely city) and was reviewing photos on my phone when I saw this. Didn’t see anything at the time and it isn’t a reflection as we were sat outside. Must be some kind of lens flare but looks great
  17. fizzy55

    Shadow Twin

    Hi, I wondered if anyone could help give me some ideas on this. A friend told me yesterday that he has been seeing a figure following him around. He first saw it in his room, then stood watching him at work, then on the sidelines when he was taking part in a race. He says it is black and fuzzy...
  18. MorningAngel

    Not Sure What It Is

    I’ve got a weird video from during storm Isha. There’s a weird light to the left. It looks like someone with a torch but it isn’t. The area is coming from is where the fence is. Also it’s slower than a human would move it. It’s not a drone or helicopter because they wouldn’t have stood a chance...
  19. G

    Car Park Shenanigans

    Hi all, not been on for a while but just thought I would share this.Sorry bit long_winded. Christmas Eve, trip to local Tesco. Remember planning to park to right of trolley park (1 of 3). Running around a bit stressed looked at car thinking MUST lock it. Quick shop, come out to leave...However...
  20. Stpauli9

    Feeling A Terror

    I touched a 'night terror' several years ago as I struggled to sleep. It was roughly 2:30, I was sleeping but my mind was still highly active and racing, it being a Saturday. I was possibly even warning myself to shut up and settle down when I felt a hand grasp my arm. And I grabbed it. No...
  21. D

    The Scariest Moment Of Your Life (Fortean Or Not)

    I was chatting to a fellah (Rob) in the local pub yesterday lunchtime, and I can’t remember how the topic came up in conversation, but back in the 1980’s he told me he was walking his dog through woodland in Essex when he was approached by a man who pulled a knife and demanded his wallet. He...
  22. Wombat68

    Hullabaloo At Work

    For background I have always wanted a garnet ring I found the perfect one in an antique barn so brought it. The next day I was showing it to a colleague at work when from behind us came a sharp intake of breath followed by another colleague running from the room. Five minutes later I'm called...
  23. Mr_Hermolle

    Creepy Attic Stories Anyone?

    I've always been fascinated as to why attics always seem so damn creepy. I knoe they're generally unvisited spaces in a house, often full of old things (or even sometimes empty) but for some reason some just seem really unnerving and I can never quite work out why. I've lived in houses with...
  24. ChasFink

    The Adventure Of The Coincidental Hat

    I just saw a TV commercial featuring a little girl in a deerstalker hat, and it reminded me of an odd coincidence - or was it? Back in my college days I had a lovely wool deerstalker myself. It was a brown houndstooth weave, looked very much like one depicted on a Sherlock Holmes anthology I...
  25. Wombat68

    Empty Building Felt Full Of People

    Over the summer I visited my old home town It's got a a lot of really old buildings. I decided to visit the old flea pit which has been restored to its 1911 glory. There was only me and a woman in the ticket office in the building. I sat down in the middle row of seats facing the screen admiring...
  26. Mouldy

    Giant Horse?

    I can’t remember where, but I have a memory of reading an account of a traveler on a train who was going past a field in which there were several horses. The traveler claimed that one of the horses was huge, they estimated it at about 20 feet in height. They stated that it was stood quietly...
  27. ozmond2600

    Ghost At The School

    One night in the early nineties a friend and I were out late at night walking around not far from where I live. I used to enjoy being out in the early hours when everyone was tucked up in bed for some reason. We decided to explore the grounds of the high school we had attended although we didn't...
  28. gattino

    Times Of The Sign

    I've reported and commented on previous occasions about being in the unusual position of realising I'm at the mundane and un-fortean end of someone else's amazing coincidence. Today I seem to have found I'm the non magical instigator of what might seem to the people at the end of the sequence...
  29. G

    My Ball Lightning Experience

    Hi everyone, I'm a longtime lurker and new member. I have two really good stories you might enjoy, one happened to me, and another happened to a friend. I should say upfront I am a skeptic, I don't believe in the paranormal (No offence to anybody who does believe, I respect everyone's...
  30. S

    Seeing People Just As They Die

    Sorry if this is covered in another thread. Two years ago, on a Saturday afternoon, I had one of those phone calls from my oldest friend that no one ever wants to get. She was calling me to tell me that her husband had just died there in front of her (in the last few Minutes) and could I get...
  31. Middlecoat

    Who Was That?

    This happened last summer as I recall dawn had broken and I was still twisting and turning in bed feeling uncomfortably warm. Out of nowhere a disembodied female voice delivered a message into my left ear which caused me to shoot out of bed. I instantly forgot the content (which is odd in...
  32. brownmane

    Poltergeist Or Haunted House?

    After reading many accounts of the paranormal and weird on this forum, I now wonder if my first home was haunted or had a poltergeist. Is there a difference? Sorry, this story is going to be disjointed because I started posting on another thread and realized that I was telling a full story...
  33. 王泥喜法介

    A True Story Happened To Me

    The story is about the Chinese college-entrance exam. In most provinces of China, students commonly choose the targeted universities after their marks and provincial rankings are disclosed. However, the admission score was unknown at that moment. Students, particularly those who get a high...
  34. henry

    Bizarre Voice In Mississippi

    this happened a couple of weeks ago, on afternoon of sunday 12th march in fact ... and not far from the locus of the bizarre night in mississippi i have been gradually exploring backroads of the mississippi delta by car over the last period, stopping and checking out historic blues places and...
  35. Mr_Hermolle

    Seeing Something When You Wake Up In The Night

    Perhaps the easiest Fortean experience to ascribe a rational explanation for - ie 'you were dreaming', 'you were having an episode of sleep paralysis' or 'you were having an hypnopompic hallucination' - but it still doesn't take away from the weirdness of the experience. I imagine they're fairly...
  36. D

    Creepy Insomnia

    I’m pretty sure there is an insomnia thread on here somewhere, but I don’t think a creepy Insomnia thread so thought I’d start one. I have been suffering mild insomnia for around 20 years now. It flares up from time to time and it’s not nice, and sometimes bloody creepy hence my post. I woke...
  37. Mooka

    Spiritualist Church Medium

    In the early to mid 1990s I had my first (and so far only) visit to a spiritualist church. I’d called with a friend to see one of his elderly friends and she said she was going to the church that evening as there was a guest medium appearing who she wanted to see. Somehow we got persuaded to...
  38. M

    Legs With No Body, Running Along The Road

    This didn't happen to me, but it did happen to my sister a few weeks ago so I thought it might belong in here! She's a strange one at the best of times, although not especially interested in anything Fortean. Throughout her life she has certainly had her share of unexplainable experiences, which...
  39. Feech23

    Childhood Memory

    Another thread I just read about the child seeing the old lady in black with the limp triggered a memory of a sad time for my family in the early 1980s when my aunt died suddenly in London and her husband died at the funeral. Our cousins were staying with us in Ireland as the adults travelled...
  40. Salmonellus

    An Odd Earworm

    I can’t claim to have had a lot of paranormal/Fortean experiences in my life, but here is one incident that I recall from time to time that I have no explanation for. First of all, a confession! I’m a bit of an Enya fan. I have bought all the CD’s and still listen to her music. Maybe that...
  41. S

    Flashes Of Light Outside Window

    About 3am, several flashes of light VERY similar to a strong camera flash or a Hollywood style lightning effect went off outside my window, lighting the whole room. I was awake at the time. I live in London, but my room backs on to quiet garden areas. I looked out of the window about a minute...
  42. N

    There Is Something In The Woods

    I'll get right to it. I wonder if any of you forteans can connect with this. Over the years I have always enjoyed woods and forests whether it be walks, mucking around with my kids or just being in nature as a change from city life. But not all woods have the same feel. I lived near the...
  43. M

    A Royal Prophecy That Could Still Come True?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. It's my first post and I joined in order to get it written down in case it comes true. It concerns a story my Grandmother told me when I was in my early teens. She died in 1967 so it was in the mid-sixties. This story was given to her by an...
  44. Ronnie Jersey

    My UFO Experiences Affected / Changed My Life

    Just like my life changed after I witnessed a flying vehicle 25 years ago with 3 other women - Now I know for certain that there are mysteries out there and that we don't know everything going on in the universe. And that we are not alone.
  45. Quercus

    The Ditchling Beacon Walker

    Well then, first thread... and I thought I'd start with the tale that brought me back to this forum, in a roundabout way. Story first - and then what came after, in separate posts in case anyone wishes to quote certain sections back at me. Apologies for the length, future posts shouldn't be so...
  46. henry

    Bizarre Night In Mississippi

    this was a weird collection of events, compressed into a raw couple of hours towards end august 2019 fortean sidekick and i were staying in greenwood MS ( now basically my second home), we had driven down to madison to catch once upon a time in hollywood, nearest cinema ... after, we met a pal...
  47. AnonyJ

    The Bells, The Bells!

    This is the story of the 'ghostliest' thing to ever happen to me, I've been meaning to tell it since I joined but as the time period involved concurs with unrelated events close to my heart, I've put it off for quite some time as I didn't want to mentally project myself back there, if that makes...
  48. Mikefule

    Weird Knock At The Door

    This morning I was woken by a loud knock on the door: a firm and distinctive syncopated pattern of 3 raps. I'm a musician and dancer and I have a good sense of rhythm and I could reproduce that rhythm now. I immediately thought I must have slept in. We are waiting for a couple of Amazon...
  49. wyattj

    The Shed Man

    Hello, I’d like to share my experience that has stayed with me my entire life. I thought I ought to have it on record before I forget it. It’s sort of long, but please bear with me. You see, about 20 years ago, I lived on the southern peninsula of Michigan with my dad and my little brother. I...
  50. D

    A Dartmoor Tale

    I’d been meaning to tap this one up for ages, but have always been put off by the length of the bloody thing. Today however some IT dude knocked out the systems at work, so the internet is all we’ve had since 2pm Sorry, this is long, bear with though,, Dartmoor in SW England is one of my...