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Seeing People Just As They Die


Junior Acolyte
Mar 26, 2020
Sorry if this is covered in another thread.
Two years ago, on a Saturday afternoon, I had one of those phone calls from my oldest friend that no one ever wants to get.
She was calling me to tell me that her husband had just died there in front of her (in the last few Minutes) and could I get round there quick. She had been on the phone to the ambulance as he died so she hadn’t had to call them first, in case anyone was wondering. Feeling absolutely beside myself I ran downstairs to rouse my sleeping husband who was having his afternoon siesta. I gently woke him and said ‘I’m so sorry love but R has just died’ and he woke up and said ‘ I was just dreaming about him, he was sitting next to me at the (local) football match and he turned to me and said ‘bye mate’, and then you woke me up’.
My husband had taken R to Rs only football match a few years previously so I guess for R it was a way to say goodbye and Thankyou.
Sorry if this is covered in another thread.
Two years ago, on a Saturday afternoon, I had one of those phone calls from my oldest friend that no one ever wants to get.
She was calling me to tell me that her husband had just died there in front of her (in the last few Minutes) and could I get round there quick. She had been on the phone to the ambulance as he died so she hadn’t had to call them first, in case anyone was wondering. Feeling absolutely beside myself I ran downstairs to rouse my sleeping husband who was having his afternoon siesta. I gently woke him and said ‘I’m so sorry love but R has just died’ and he woke up and said ‘ I was just dreaming about him, he was sitting next to me at the (local) football match and he turned to me and said ‘bye mate’, and then you woke me up’.
My husband had taken R to Rs only football match a few years previously so I guess for R it was a way to say goodbye and Thankyou.
That's a rather lovely story, if sad.
Yes, lovely, if sad.

I've never experienced this with friends, but have had a few instances of thinking of famous people at the time - and in one instance near the location - of their deaths. (I mentioned these in the R.I.P. thread, if anyone wants to look them up.)
I think I wrote about this on this forum.

I was out running a couple of years ago. My brother's best friend had just gone into a hospice, in the last stages of cancer. He'd literally moved in two days before and he was nowhere in my mind or thoughts (I knew him but not well, and only as brother's friend, so no connection between us). About a mile from home I was suddenly overcome with the thought 'Martin's dead.' I told myself not to be daft, he'd only just gone into the hospice and, from recollection, was still alert and with a few weeks life expectancy left. I told myself that I'd only had the thought because I knew he was dying, and so it had just floated into my mind that he could be dead.

When I got back from my run, my brother had messaged me to tell me that Martin had died, at pretty much the same time as I'd thought of him. So I didn't see him, but he came into my head just as he died.
My eldest child, when just old enough to walk and talk, seemed to see my grandfather as he died.

She was pottering around in our lounge, chattering away to her dollies and teddies, when she suddenly stopped, looked up and said 'Granddad Bert!'
Then she toddled across the room, looking upwards as if at an adult's face. I looked around, seriously believing someone had come into the house without my knowledge and was standing in the doorway.

When Kiddie reached the (closed) lounge door she stopped again, said 'Gone!' and continued playing.

She was too young to tell me anything helpful so that's all there was to it.
Except that next day I found out that Bert had died around the time she'd seemed to greet him.

Dunno why he'd appear to her and not to me, although I wasn't a big fan of the nasty old swine. :dunno:
My mum (a devout Baptist} told me how a friend had son fighting in W.W 2.
He appeared to her when she was in bed one night, and said "I'm alright , Mum!"
His mother believed at the time that it meant that he was alive. It didn't, he'd been killed.
I have always hoped it brought the mother some consolation.
He had loads of grandchildren and my eldest was one of his many great-grandchildren.

Not that he cared. I wasn't one of his favourites. :chuckle:
Sorry to hear that.
I can't imagine a grandparent being so cold. All I've ever known has been lovely parents and grandparents.
Maybe I'm unusual?
Sorry to hear that.
I can't imagine a grandparent being so cold. All I've ever known has been lovely parents and grandparents.
Maybe I'm unusual?
He was a bully.
Here's a photo of him with me and another grandchild. Look how tense I am, with my little clenched fists!


  • Granddad Bert with two of his many grandchildren. .jpeg
    Granddad Bert with two of his many grandchildren. .jpeg
    47.6 KB · Views: 100
It’s a bummer isn’t it, when you have to finally accept that someone with whom you really want to have a loving relationship is in fact a bit of a wrong ‘un. Still, who would you rather be, the bullied or the bully? Like many, I’ve got some experience of the former, but can you imagine how shit it must be to be a bully?
He was a bully.
Here's a photo of him with me and another grandchild. Look how tense I am, with my little clenched fists!
Along he never hit you........good on you for posting that...everyone thinks granfparents are sweet and frail but they are just humans who become old be it twats or not...Never knew my grandads but love that era as they were suits for the pub for a pint off Bitter or 3
Along he never hit you........good on you for posting that...everyone thinks granfparents are sweet and frail but they are just humans who become old be it twats or not...Never knew my grandads but love that era as they were suits for the pub for a pint off Bitter or 3
No, he didn't hit me, he'd just trick me into misbehaving slightly then tell my mother so she'd hit me for him.
He probably thought you'd give him a damn good exorcising if you saw him.
Yup, it's strange that I was able to follow Junior's line of sight right up to where a face should have been. It was exactly as if someone were standing there.
Maybe he came to harass me one last time but thought better of it. :chuckle:
Some years ago, I knew a an old Scottish guy, I did not know him that well he was a member of a group I was in at the time

He fell ill one day, it was announced at the group, a couple of nights after I had a kind of waking dream, the old guy appeared to me and told me he was going, and that I would be OK in life if I stopped F@!*ng about I found out later he had died that night

When my daughter lived at home she woke up to the most horrible dream it was 2 am she dreamt that she could not breathe it really shook her up she was about 17 at the time, she woke us up, later on that day the neighbor told us her husband had died at 2 am he had a brain tumor

I've lost a few close relatives since including my father, but not had any visits from them not has my daughter
When my daughter lived at home she woke up to the most horrible dream it was 2 am she dreamt that she could not breathe it really shook her up she was about 17 at the time, she woke us up, later on that day the neighbor told us her husband had died at 2 am he had a brain tumor
I frequently wake from dreams where I can't breathe or am suffocating. I put it down to sleeping in an awkward position and either snoring or getting my face covered by duvet or pillow. I hope that's what it is, because otherwise people are dying around me in swathes.
I frequently wake from dreams where I can't breathe or am suffocating. I put it down to sleeping in an awkward position and either snoring or getting my face covered by duvet or pillow. I hope that's what it is, because otherwise people are dying around me in swathes.
I think it's fairly common but this was different it really shook her up
Over ten years ago now, I woke up in the middle of the night, very anxious, my stomach was tight, I wanted to vomit but couldn't, very awake, and couldn't even stay in bed, I got out of bed and was pacing up and down, very tense and stressed. My wife asked me what was wrong, and I said "I don't know". Then the phone rang, my sister-in-law had died suddenly and unexpectedly. All my symptoms disappeared once we received the phone call. I believe my period of disturbance coincided with my sister-in-law struggling for life, with her family around her fighting to save her. Awful.
When my husband died my daughters and I were with him in hospital and the granddaughters were home with their father.
He said that at the time my husband died the eldest girl sat up in bed and was calling out to her Poppa " Don't go. Don't go".
He loved those girls.
Sorry if this is covered in another thread.
Two years ago, on a Saturday afternoon, I had one of those phone calls from my oldest friend that no one ever wants to get.
She was calling me to tell me that her husband had just died there in front of her (in the last few Minutes) and could I get round there quick. She had been on the phone to the ambulance as he died so she hadn’t had to call them first, in case anyone was wondering. Feeling absolutely beside myself I ran downstairs to rouse my sleeping husband who was having his afternoon siesta. I gently woke him and said ‘I’m so sorry love but R has just died’ and he woke up and said ‘ I was just dreaming about him, he was sitting next to me at the (local) football match and he turned to me and said ‘bye mate’, and then you woke me up’.
My husband had taken R to Rs only football match a few years previously so I guess for R it was a way to say goodbye and Thankyou.
How very strange.

Not sure if I have posted this on here somewhere before.

Many years ago – early 1980’s I think, my Mothers’ best friend was dying of Leukaemia, and she wasn’t expected to last the night. My Mum had asked her Husband to call her as soon as he had any news.

Around 12.30am the telephone rang and my Mum picked up the receiver, but there was no one on the other end of the line – just complete silence. For over 2 minutes my mum kept on saying hello into the receiver thinking it was her friend’s husband, who was possibly to overcome with grief to talk, and then eventually the line just went dead.

At 9am the phone rang again, and this time it was her friend’s husband who had called to say she passed away in the early hours, but he thought too late to make the call to her. When my Mum has asked what time she passed, her Husband said it would have been 12.30am
I think it's fairly common but this was different it really shook her up
I'm sure. It was just an observation that waking up unable to breathe isn't totally uncommon. Sometimes when I wake up with a gasp, I'm in a state of terror and have to go downstairs to wake up properly.
I frequently wake from dreams where I can't breathe or am suffocating. I put it down to sleeping in an awkward position and either snoring or getting my face covered by duvet or pillow. I hope that's what it is, because otherwise people are dying around me in swathes.

My mother's story about a mattress:

She was given it when she and my father were newly married and very broke.

Mother reckoned she kept waking up in the early hours feeling freezing cold and in a panic.
She was sure someone had died on it and was haunting it!

After that she swore she'd never have a used mattress again.