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  1. A

    Stick Men & Panic

    Hi all :lol: new to this board. Some of the stuff is serious............... Can I ask opinions on 2 things????? 1/ I always used to mock my father for his story, when he was a child about 5/6, that would be in the late 1920's he claims he was playing in the road when he clearly saw what he...
  2. A

    Hotel Ghost

    First post, so will attempt to be interesting and succinct. In my late teens and early twenties (mid 1980's) I was a touring musician living in hotel rooms and out of a suitcase (my non-ghost related stories are probably FAR more hair-raising! haha!). One particular night, the band was...
  3. A

    Weird Power Cut

    I'm a long time lurker so thought It was time to post something. It's not all that exciting but has had me a bit puzzled ever since. About a month or so back I was sat using the PC when the mains power went off, whilst at the same time a loudish sound seemed to eminate from the top corner of...
  4. I

    I Thought I'd Post My Own Experience

    after lurking in here for a while and posting the odd reply, I thought I'd come right out and post my own experience. I was in my last year of primary school, so thats what...10/11? I was lying awake in my bed (lights off, curtains open-- thats how I liked to sleep at the time, no idea...
  5. A

    The Dead Creature That Never Was

    About 3 years ago I was walking through a park at night near where I live with around 5 or 6 friends. The park has a tiny area of woodland next to the swings and such. We cut through there so we could get to the main road. However, on the way we saw a man with a big black bag. We stood aside and...
  6. A

    A Creeping Fear While Driving

    Hi all I am a first time poster so please bear with me if I make any mistake. I experienced weirdness earlier this year while I was driving. I drove a work colleague back to his house from Manchester England to Stockport which is about a 15 minutes drive. I took the motorway when taking...
  7. Quake42

    Odd Events In My Flat

    I wanted to share a couple of what were to me at least inexplicable events. I live in a modern flat (about 15 years old). There is nothing odd or spooky about it, but around three years ago two strange things occurred. At about 3am on morning I found myself wide awake. Someone had turned...
  8. A

    The Pictures On The Wall

    I am an avid hunter, alway have been. When I was younger and living in my parents home (which was thought to have my deceased grandfather wondering around) I had several 8x10 hunting photos, in frames, hanging on the wall above my bed. One morning I awoke to find four or five of the...
  9. L

    Recurring Sensation Of Presence Over Left Shoulder

    I just want to post something. But am mildly curious as to whether anyone else gets this too. I frequently get the feeling of a presence just behind my left shoulder/ear. Sort of a feeling of pressure or a change in atmosphere - just as you would feel if someone was standing right behind you. It...
  10. A

    Unexplained Cat Sounds

    When I was 15/16 years old and still leaving at home I had some strange experiances with noise's. My mum would pop down the local tennents association 3 nights a week to play bingo leaving me alone in our flat with our 3 cats.My cats have this annoying habit of getting in the litter tray which...
  11. zygmunt_rocks_on

    Strange Coincidences?

    I had a bit of an odd experience involving cars last sunday. How often do you see a silver Ford Sierra these days? They're pretty rare in London, anyway. Me and Mrs Zyg were riding on my motorcycle through London's Smithfield market, where I saw three identical ones at different times on the...
  12. IamSundog

    My Fifteen Minutes Of Enlightenment

    This happened to me twenty years ago. My (then) wife and I had recently had a baby boy die from SIDS at the age of seven weeks. The months of grieving following this were of course absolute hell on earth. But in the midst of it I had an extraordinary thing happen to me on two different...
  13. A

    What Was It?

    :eek: I live in the eastern mountain region of Tennessee in the USA. I work second shift at a factory in a town about 25 miles away. I have to drive over a mountain to and from work. I usually don't start for home until at least 12:30 am. We don't all get out at the same time, so...
  14. P

    Belly Button Plant

    Belly Button Plant Last September I went alone on a canoe trip. On the very first day my canoe turned over in a rapid and I lost some of my equipment in the water. Fortunately, I managed to save my camping gear and my food. But I lost all my spare clothes. So I knew I would have to wear the...
  15. G

    The Whistle

    Hi, I've been enjoying this message board for a while but never posted before. I don't have many fortean events which have happened to me, but I do have one tale to share which always struck me as odd. I live in the caribbean and there was a famous sort of "voodoo doctor" living not far away...
  16. J

    Spontaneous Fire After Using Ouija Board (IHTM)??

    Hi, i am a new poster here, but after reading through all of this i feel like i should add my (only) supernatural occurence. First, a bit of backstory. I am a student in Bournemouth, and this happened only a couple of months ago (possibly April or May 2004?). I dont know if you remember, but...
  17. SimonBurchell

    Thoughts From Elsewhere

    I was randomly browsing for creepy stories when I came across these in the “It happened to me” section. The underlining is mine: Suddenly the room seemed to darken and thinking a cloud had moved over the sun I glanced to the window...but the sky was quite clear..the darkening was in the room...
  18. E

    The Cat Speaks English

    We "adopted" two kittens in October, 2003: one gray and white (but not striped) about 9 weeks old and the other a Siamese-looking, blue-eyed sweetie who is probably of mixed heritage who was about 10 weeks old at the time. Right from the first day at our house, the Siamese, named Ursula...
  19. A

    The Face Of God

    To all: To recognize the realities behind a situation is certainly crucial in discerning overall truth, but it also says a great deal for someone if they are willing to acknowledge facts. At about 1:03 a.m., Monday, July 5, 2004, my wife finished a blouse she was making. I...
  20. A

    Strong Smell of Roses

    Back in the late winter/early spring of 2000, while I was living in a small studio apartment in New Orleans, a rather odd thing happened to me. Late one morning (around 8:00 am) I was awakened by the incredibly strong smell of roses. The scent was almost overwhelming, and I immediately...
  21. A

    Magic Money / Cash Apports: The Opposite Of Disappearing Coins

    I started at Huddersfield University in September 1993. I couldn’t move into Halls as I lived to close to the University so instead I moved into a shared house with 3 other girls. As I was unpacking my stuff I noticed a half penny coin on the floor near the door of my wardrobe. I found this...
  22. A

    Usual Story: Ghost At The End Of The Bed

    I have always been bemused that ghosts are reported as turning up at people's bedsides. To me it seems perfectly logical that the person was either just falling asleep and misread the surroundings and external stimulae or had just woken from a dream and retained the image with the eyes now...
  23. A

    TV Broadcasts From The Future & Phantom Websites

    This is a weird one, In 1992/93 ( can't quite remember ), I was on a training course with work, it was an overnight thing, so we were given lodgings at a hotel in Nottingham, U.K, just down the road from Trent Bridge. That evening, after quite a boring day, I retired to my room and decided to...
  24. A

    Various Phenomena

    I grew up in a terraced house in Bristol that had it fair share of freaky happenings. I used to play in my mums bedroom quite happily for hours some times, but occasionally Id suddenly get this feeling that someone had entered the room. Id go cold and feel panicky and have to get out and...
  25. A

    Sea Monkeys

    Ali, Chicago, IL, USA This incident occured to me when i was about 12 years old. There was a hobby shop I used to visit often on the north side of chicago. One day during my journey to it I noticed the sky getting rather overcast and as I was watching raindrops fall into a puddle by the...
  26. A

    The Dover Demon

    Dover Demon on kids TV! I turned on ITV the other day and it was the usual hour of kids programmes they have before the news on weekday afternoons... and there was a seriously acid/ecstasy influenced CGI cartoon on called "Tiny Planets", featuring a creature very much resembling the Dover...
  27. A

    I Saw A Space 1999 'Eagle'

    Well, it looked like one at the time and it was quite dark. It was 1983, I was 16 and had just been picked up from Gunnislake train station in Cornwall by my Mother and we were driving home to Lifton in Devon. It was a clear night, cold and very dark. We had just crossed the main...
  28. Bosbaba

    Things That Go Bump In The Night!

    Here's a story, for three nights running now I have been woken by disturbances in my bedroom. On Friday night it was the books on my bookshelf falling over (given that they are very tightly packed this near impossible bar an earthquake), on Saturday night a picture on my bedroom wall fell off...
  29. A

    Ghost Hotel In New York

    GHOST HOTEL Jared Keeler I have long believed that spirits (ghosts, if you will) are present on earth. This opinion is, of course, from the multitude of accounts of sightings....some from my own family members. I have lived in a "haunted house" myself, and although I had not witnessed a...
  30. A

    Fortean Bus Stories

    I want to share a strange bus story from my childhood with you. One bright Summer evening as the sun was fading, I was a passenger in our family car. We were on our way home after visiting relatives and earlier that day I'd been playing 'spy games' with a cousin. I still remember that trip...
  31. A

    Strangeness In Vehicles: Things Experienced While Driving (IHTM)

    Hello all. First thread, hope I don't mess up too badly. I live in a secluded area, surrounded by nature and a heavily-wooded forest. My family and I often drive into town (around 15 miles away) because there's nothing to do at home but listen to the frogs croak. We don't have street lights...
  32. A

    Mystery Hum In North-West Wales (Bardsey Sound)

    Lee Stansfield In June 2001 my ex-partner and I went for a walk around the headland on the spectacularly picturesque south western tip of the Lleyn Peninsula near Mynydd Mawr, North West Wales. It was a beautiful day with blazing sunshine, few people about, choughs circling the cliffs and...
  33. A

    A Haunted 'Semi' In Cambridge

    haunter semi. These events happend to me in the summer of 1997 in Cambridge (England) in an unasuming semidetached that me and three other students shared. The other major player is my brother who came to Cambridge to find work and stayed during the unfolding of these events. It all began...
  34. A

    Haunted Hotels & Hotel Ghost Encounters (IHTM)

    Josh Covington In late November of 1999, my wife and I were on holiday in the United Kingdom. She had always dreamed of going to Scotland and I had always wanted to see the Salisbury Cathedral and Hadrian's Wall. Oddly, the only day it rained was the day we stopped at Hadrian's Wall in...
  35. A

    Saved By The Dead

    SAVED BY THE DEAD? Tegan My Uncle Adam is a pilot flying 12 seater planes for Hutchinson Airlines in Sydney, Australia. One day while preparing for a routine flight from Sydney to Papua New Guinea, he was stopped at the very last moment by an air controller (John) telling him he had a very...
  36. A

    It's Simon! The Day I Was Recognised By A Stranger

    IT'S SIMON! Simon Garlick I'm looking for some answers to something strange that occurred to me in 1998. I was working at a tourist attraction in Manchester, England when at the end of a long Thursday I was getting ready to go to a works party. It was about mid June and it was a sunny...
  37. A

    Is There A Ghost In My House?

    I am a proud owner of a white german shepherd dog and from what my wife tells me,they shed their fur during the summertime. I came home from work tonight and we noticed something strange....there was fur all over the place! Almost as if someone was repeatedly petting him but we know for a...
  38. A

    The Vanishing

    Vicki Day The following happened to me about 17 years ago when I was 15. I had lost a history exercise book which I urgently needed for revision. The book was backed in white paper, and I had drawn an Imperial Russian crest on the back of it for decoration. I could not remember when I had...
  39. A

    Phone Call From The Dead

    In 1991, my mother was killed in a tragic auto- pedestrian accident. Funeral arrangements were made, family gathered in the city where she lived, and we all returned home and carried on. About a month later, I was sleeping at home when the phone rang, about 3:00 a.m. I had to get up to answer...
  40. A

    Is There An Unseen Presence In My House?

    OK, I don't know if i'm making something out of nothing, but some strange things have been happening. These things aren't too major, but they just kinda give me a creepy feeling. Well, it all started about a week ago. I was lying in bed one morning, staring at my window blinds when I noticed...
  41. A

    Experiences With The Ouija Board (IHTM)

    OK, I have this one on oath from our kid... About five years ago, my sister went to stay with a friend in Stockport. The friend had just bought an old planchette style board from a junk shop in the old Corn Exchange (pre bomb, obviously). They used this, producing the usual babble, then...
  42. A

    Dog-Headed Men (Cynocephali)

    (name supplied) The Doghead Men In the late 60s we lived in Station Street, Crewe, which we left when the whole area was to be slum-cleared. The houses were old fashioned, very basic terraced ones opening directly onto the street, and as everyone knew everyone else it was safe to 'play...