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Ghost At The School


Fresh Blood
Mar 2, 2016
The Island
One night in the early nineties a friend and I were out late at night walking around not far from where I live. I used to enjoy being out in the early hours when everyone was tucked up in bed for some reason. We decided to explore the grounds of the high school we had attended although we didn't stay for long.

There was a rectangular building that served as the cafeteria, at the front it had steps at either end that led in, we decided to see what the rear looked like. We slowly walked around the side until we reached the corner and were standing at the rear. When we reached this point we both just froze for reason.

The area was sufficiently lit up as there was a streetlight almost directly behind us so we could see all the way down the concrete path that ran alongside the rear of the building. We could make out a door at the opposite end of the building which would have been used by the cafeteria staff. Suddenly we heard the sound of a door opening and quickly closing and the sound of light footsteps coming towards us. They went from a brisk walk to a full on sprint.

As mentioned there was a streetlight so we should have seen something but we saw nothing. We were frozen to the spot as the footsteps got louder and closer. At the point where whatever it was was right on top of us we both turned and sprinted away up a grass bank, across the road and over a field in record time. We weren't there with any bad intentions just exploring but maybe if it was a ghost it was trying to keep us away and if so mission accomplished.
One night in the early nineties a friend and I were out late at night walking around not far from where I live. I used to enjoy being out in the early hours when everyone was tucked up in bed for some reason. We decided to explore the grounds of the high school we had attended although we didn't stay for long. There was a rectangular building that served as the cafeteria, at the front it had steps at either end that led in, we decided to see what the rear looked like. We slowly walked around the side until we reached the corner and were standing at the rear. When we reached this point we both just froze for reason. The area was sufficiently lit up as there was a streetlight almost directly behind us so we could see all the way down the concrete path that ran alongside the rear of the building. We could make out a door at the opposite end of the building which would have been used by the cafeteria staff. Suddenly we heard the sound of a door opening and quickly closing and the sound of light footsteps coming towards us. They went from a brisk walk to a full on sprint. As mentioned there was a streetlight so we should have seen something but we saw nothing. We were frozen to the spot as the footsteps got louder and closer. At the point where whatever it was was right on top of us we both turned and sprinted away up a grass bank, across the road and over a field in record time. We weren't there with any bad intentions just exploring but maybe if it was a ghost it was trying to keep us away and if so mission accomplished.

What a great story! Welcome @ozmond2600 :curt:
One night in the early nineties a friend and I were out late at night walking around not far from where I live. I used to enjoy being out in the early hours when everyone was tucked up in bed for some reason. We decided to explore the grounds of the high school we had attended although we didn't stay for long.

There was a rectangular building that served as the cafeteria, at the front it had steps at either end that led in, we decided to see what the rear looked like. We slowly walked around the side until we reached the corner and were standing at the rear. When we reached this point we both just froze for reason.

The area was sufficiently lit up as there was a streetlight almost directly behind us so we could see all the way down the concrete path that ran alongside the rear of the building. We could make out a door at the opposite end of the building which would have been used by the cafeteria staff. Suddenly we heard the sound of a door opening and quickly closing and the sound of light footsteps coming towards us. They went from a brisk walk to a full on sprint.

As mentioned there was a streetlight so we should have seen something but we saw nothing. We were frozen to the spot as the footsteps got louder and closer. At the point where whatever it was was right on top of us we both turned and sprinted away up a grass bank, across the road and over a field in record time. We weren't there with any bad intentions just exploring but maybe if it was a ghost it was trying to keep us away and if so mission accomplished.
Great post and a welcome from me, too!

As teenagers (15+ in my case) we used to love going out around our village at night. I'm embarrassed to admit that I used to sneak out of my bedroom window :worry:. After a certain time past midnight most of the streetlights used to switch off and only a handful would remain on. We used to share cigarettes that my mate nicked from his parent's stash of duty-frees in his garage and entertain ourselves with stories of ghosts, UFOs, horror movies, local legends etc... I can still remember how wonderfully fresh the air was in the early hours and of course the stars...

Back two the experience submitted @ozmond2600, in my experience most schools have caretakers who live nearby but would not have anyone routinely there at night. I have posted on here before about how my FE College built back in the 90s is believed to have a resident ghost that has actually been named by the staff. On one occasion I was in one of the classrooms associated with this ghost and the door very deliberately opened in a controlled manner but with no-one there. It is a room I am in a lot and I tried opening windows inside and and in the corridor but have never been able to replicate it, not even close. In the same room duering a staff development day two staff members were in there alone and a chair was seen to move on its own accord.
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Interesting account, Ozmond2600 - and welcome from me too.

I'm always very interested in hearing people's experiences of hearing (as opposed to seeing) something spooky as the only 2 very odd 'ghostly' experiences I have had were both 'aural/auditory apparitions' (whatever the correct terms for such a thing is!)

One of them was when I was quite young (8-ish) and one when I was in my mid-40s, and both happened late at night when I was fully awake and aware, and on both occasions I was in my own home, feeling quite safe and comfortable and not in any sense feeling spooked (until they happened).

There's no way I can prove what I experienced to anyone else, but that doesn't worry me because I know what I heard.

On the first occasion it was a positive cacophony of doors opening and closing loudly accompanied by loud running footsteps, apparently happening downstairs while everyone in the house was in bed. There were no accompanying vocal sounds at all, which is what somehow made it seem even stranger. It's hard to say how long I listened to it from my bed (wide awake) but I would say around 20 seconds before I went out onto the landing to see what was going on - and of course, nothing was going on. The house was in darkness and the sounds cut out like a recording being switched off.

Nothing similar ever happened in that house again (nor had it before). The rest of the family had slept through it, though I remember feeling the response I got from my parents when I asked them about it the next morning was strangely guarded, as if (and I only thought this much later) they were being careful not to alarm me.

The second incident was in the living room of the house I live in now, and which I have lived in for 33 years. It too was (thankfully) a one-off (so far!) and even though it was late (just after midnight) I was fully awake and moving around doing things, getting ready to go to bed. Out of nowhere, the air around me was suddenly full of screams. Again it was like a recording being switched on. It was crystal clear, and sounded like 2 or 3 young-ish females screaming several times, but with their separate screams being laid over each other's. There was no 'terror' in the sounds though, as if there was no emotion in the scream. It sounded as if someone had asked some girls to scream into a microphone and now they were just playing back the recording. The sharp clarity of the sounds was really notable. It wasn't muffled at all.

I stood in the centre of the room with the hairs on my neck (and everywhere else!) standing up, looking all around me, trying to figure out where the sounds could possibly be coming from. There was nowhere - and all devices in the room were switched off. If anywhere, it seemed as if the sounds were centred in the air above my head.

After several seconds (about 10, I would say) my nerve broke and I dashed out of the room and upstairs where my partner was quietly tapping away on the computer in our spare bedroom, sitting next to the open window, which overlooks the back garden. Trying to stay as calm as possible I asked if he had heard anything. He hadn't. Bemused, I waited a few minutes before venturing back downstairs. The living room was all quiet and normal. I took me quite a while to get to sleep that night.

In both of these cases, I have no idea what happened. I am just glad they both seem to have been one-offs. The interesting thing is that the combination of having 2 such strange experiences is almost certainly what has led me to be here. I doubt I will ever get answers now, but I have got an abiding interest in the paranormal now, and I keep an open mind. I guess that's how it works. My partner has never experienced any such things, and he doesn't give a stuff about anything Fortean (except perhaps a mild curiosity about Bigfoot, weirdly).

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Thanks for the comments. I posted here a while ago about my encounter with a shadow creature. I've also lived in 2 haunted houses. I've not had anything strange encounters for a while which is shame.
Be interested to hear about your two haunted houses...!

@CharmerKamelion the noises/voices you heard as if a "recording' seem very much like what myself and other members of staff heard during the early hours emanating from the locked and empty Great Hall at Dartington:


On both occasions we all stopped talking and looked at one another, followed by "What the f**ck was that?" responses once the noise had faded away. On both occasions they didn't start or stop abruptly but faded in and out as if carried on the wind.
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Isn't there a thread on here called something like 'Was your school haunted?' or something. I seem to remember posting on there. It seems that most schools have a 'kid who hanged themselves in a classroom and haunts the building' story.