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Who Was That?


Vanished like an old oak table
Jan 12, 2016
This happened last summer as I recall dawn had broken and I was still twisting and turning in bed feeling uncomfortably warm. Out of nowhere a disembodied female voice delivered a message into my left ear which caused me to shoot out of bed. I instantly forgot the content (which is odd in itself) but it was definitely a banal message delivered in well enunciated English. It was too clear and too near to be a radio but if it was Fortean why did it chose to impart something along the lines of the price of groceries? Has anybody else had something like this? If it's a product of a fevered mind I have to say it's incredibly dissapointing. Is that all I can come up with?
I mentioned this in another thread, i was downstairs at night going to the ladies and a mans voice whispered in my right ear, "Make me a cup of tea please Julie" My hubby was upstairs, he did not come down i would have heard him and considering it was right in my ear i would have seen him and it was not our place we were house sitting.
This happened last summer as I recall dawn had broken and I was still twisting and turning in bed
Well it certainly got you out of bed in a hurry :) Very weird.

I think even Science acknowledges that odd things happen in that strange borderland between waking and sleeping (scientists would say hallucinations of course, 'hypnopompic' when you're waking up and 'hypnogogic' when you're falling asleep). As a teenager I had the strangest impression that someone was pouring rice crispies down my neck as I woke up, I could hear them popping.
You're right that one would kind of hope for something more profound.
Well it certainly got you out of bed in a hurry :) Very weird.

I think even Science acknowledges that odd things happen in that strange borderland between waking and sleeping (scientists would say hallucinations of course, 'hypnopompic' when you're waking up and 'hypnogogic' when you're falling asleep). As a teenager I had the strangest impression that someone was pouring rice crispies down my neck as I woke up, I could hear them popping.
You're right that one would kind of hope for something more profound.
Yes, I get quite a lot of hypnogogic hallucinations and they are always things like 'Oi!' or a single dog bark. Utter banality. I always hope that my subconscious will come up with something more useful, but it seems incapable.
When I was looking after my grandmother in her final months I sometimes heard my name clearly called as I was going to sleep. I also used to experience exploding head syndrome. Neither have happened since then and I wondered whether they had a stress-related cause. Maybe the same area of the brain produced both.
I've had this on numerous occasions - drifting off to sleep and thoughts just starting to become dreams, then a voice which doesnt sound like a dream jars me awake. Never remember what it says. Sometimes one of the pre-dream people will 'look' at me in a certain way and that jars me awake, which is always spooky. Its like a look as if one of my thoughts is looking at me and is sentient.
There's something odd about waking up anyway. One of my most terrifying moments was - fron a distance - utterly banal. I was having a dream about a lamp that would not stay on - I then noticed it wasnt even plugged in. This shocked me awake into a state of utter terror. Not a particularly interesting nightmare, but the feeling of utter malevolence when I woke was so strong I couldnt even stay in the room and had to go to another room and listen to the radio to calm down. It was the most terrified Ive ever been. The next morning I thought what the hell was that about?
I've had this on numerous occasions - drifting off to sleep and thoughts just starting to become dreams, then a voice which doesnt sound like a dream jars me awake. Never remember what it says. Sometimes one of the pre-dream people will 'look' at me in a certain way and that jars me awake, which is always spooky. Its like a look as if one of my thoughts is looking at me and is sentient.
There's something odd about waking up anyway. One of my most terrifying moments was - fron a distance - utterly banal. I was having a dream about a lamp that would not stay on - I then noticed it wasnt even plugged in. This shocked me awake into a state of utter terror. Not a particularly interesting nightmare, but the feeling of utter malevolence when I woke was so strong I couldnt even stay in the room and had to go to another room and listen to the radio to calm down. It was the most terrified Ive ever been. The next morning I thought what the hell was that about?
I often have dreams in which I can't turn on lights or operate machinery (like a car) properly. For some reason these dreams are always scarier than they ought to be, so I was really glad to read your post. The dreams where I walk around the house trying to turn on the lights and they will 'spark' on for a second and then go out again, are utterly terrifying.
I often have dreams in which I can't turn on lights or operate machinery (like a car) properly. For some reason these dreams are always scarier than they ought to be, so I was really glad to read your post. The dreams where I walk around the house trying to turn on the lights and they will 'spark' on for a second and then go out again, are utterly terrifying.
Yep I get this. With me it's the old dial telephone. I'm dialling time after time and never getting the number right. Have to get up and walk around after that one!
I've had something similar happen to me quite a few times in the past. Laying in bed I'd hear snippits of conversation, generally something banal but very clear as though happening right next to me. It was almost like crossed wires on a phone line. I remember a mans voice saying he must get the lawn mower out, a woman laughing, another woman saying 'I told her that last week.'
A few months ago I woke to a very clear voice in my ear saying the name of someone I'd never heard of, and that they'd had a stroke. Unnerving and disorientating to be sure
I often have dreams in which I can't turn on lights or operate machinery (like a car) properly. For some reason these dreams are always scarier than they ought to be, so I was really glad to read your post. The dreams where I walk around the house trying to turn on the lights and they will 'spark' on for a second and then go out again, are utterly terrifying.
Yes I wonder why light switches in dreams are so hard to operate. I read that its your mind not being able to create a false light source, but im not entirely convinced considering the amount of weird stuff your mibd is quite happy to make up in dreamland.
Yes I wonder why light switches in dreams are so hard to operate. I read that its your mind not being able to create a false light source, but im not entirely convinced considering the amount of weird stuff your mibd is quite happy to make up in dreamland.

I wonder if it's a stress related thing. I have a regular dream which involves me having to pack a bag that I cannot pack. (I can't even really explain why it is I cannot pack it - I just can't.)

There seems to me to be something of a motif in the idea of relatively simple everyday processes becoming impossible because the thread between intent and action has somehow become severed.
Yes I wonder why light switches in dreams are so hard to operate. I read that its your mind not being able to create a false light source, but im not entirely convinced considering the amount of weird stuff your mibd is quite happy to make up in dreamland.
Yes it is hard to believe you can't change the lighting conditions suddenly, when your brain can make up all sorts of other stuff! Years ago I did use the light switch thing as a trigger for lucid dreaming, I think more than once. In that I realised in the dream that lights weren't working and something was up (I think you have to practise being aware of turning lights on in real life as preparation :) ) sorry a bit off topic
Yes it is hard to believe you can't change the lighting conditions suddenly, when your brain can make up all sorts of other stuff! Years ago I did use the light switch thing as a trigger for lucid dreaming, I think more than once. In that I realised in the dream that lights weren't working and something was up (I think you have to practise being aware of turning lights on in real life as preparation :) ) sorry a bit off topic
Yes, it's the lights not working that usually triggers me to become lucid too! I used to have nightmares about waking up to 'something' in the house and not being able to turn the lights on - but when it actually happened in real life (I woke up in the middle of a huge thunderstorm, tried to turn on the bedside light and the electricity had gone out) that stopped those dreams.

But I wonder if it's something to do with the brain not knowing quite how electricity works? Lights don't work, but neither does anything else electrical, books can't be read (or if they do, they don't make sense, certainly when you think back on it) clocks seem to malfunction... perhaps it's too complicated for the brain to sustain inside what is, basically, just a huge hallucination.
I've had something similar happen to me quite a few times in the past. Laying in bed I'd hear snippits of conversation, generally something banal but very clear as though happening right next to me. It was almost like crossed wires on a phone line. I remember a mans voice saying he must get the lawn mower out, a woman laughing, another woman saying 'I told her that last week.'
A few months ago I woke to a very clear voice in my ear saying the name of someone I'd never heard of, and that they'd had a stroke. Unnerving and disorientating to be sure
I used to get this a lot as I was falling asleep. It happened so frequently that it became normal. I used to call it the babble because it was usually like standing in a busy public place with fragments of conversation going on around me. Just banal, nonsensical stuff. Occasionally I'd get a single voice that sometimes spoke directly to me, mentioned my name or told me something completely mundane (I remember once a voice said "I don't like fishing"). But it seems to have stopped completely now. Haven't had it for several years
I originally posted this on a sleep paralysis thread:

A long time ago, I was temporarily staying with my parents, so that would put it back in 2001-2. I woke up with sleep paralysis and the sound of some foul-mouthed old man with a working-class accent yelling and swearing in my ear. The only thing I remember now was the voice saying "You have no fucking idea what you have done, you cunt." which has left me uneasy to this day...
I used to get this a lot as I was falling asleep. It happened so frequently that it became normal. I used to call it the babble because it was usually like standing in a busy public place with fragments of conversation going on around me. Just banal, nonsensical stuff. Occasionally I'd get a single voice that sometimes spoke directly to me, mentioned my name or told me something completely mundane (I remember once a voice said "I don't like fishing"). But it seems to have stopped completely now. Haven't had it for several years
The crowded street thing is exactly what I get when I’m falling asleep. Like you I also get the occasional single voice and very infrequently it’ll be a voice I know - a family member or friend.
This does not happen very often to me, but sometimes when I am falling asleep the most wonderful music starts to play in my head, it's not any music I have heard before, I wish I could write music because I would have written it down

In general I enjoy the state between wakefulness and sleep who knows what we are hearing and seeing, sometimes it's like just lots of snippets of conversations and images
This does not happen very often to me, but sometimes when I am falling asleep the most wonderful music starts to play in my head, it's not any music I have heard before, I wish I could write music because I would have written it down

In general I enjoy the state between wakefulness and sleep who knows what we are hearing and seeing, sometimes it's like just lots of snippets of conversations and images

Exactly the same!
What sounds like the most amazing melody I've ever heard sometimes plays in my dream, but fades very quickly on waking. On the couple of occasions I've grabbed a guitar or uke and tried to recreate it, barely a chord or two and handful of notes from the tune remain and all I can reproduce is a pale echo of that dream tune.
I originally posted this on a sleep paralysis thread:

The only thing I remember now was the voice saying "You have no fucking idea what you have done, you cunt." which has left me uneasy to this day...
It wasn't Gordon was it? Sounds like something Gordon would say. He's certainly said that on more than one occasion to me.
This does not happen very often to me, but sometimes when I am falling asleep the most wonderful music starts to play in my head, it's not any music I have heard before, I wish I could write music because I would have written it down
This used to happen to me too. Then I went through a period of hypnagogia where I would see tree filled, park like green spaces as I fell asleep.
Now I'm too chronically sleep deprived to hear or see anything before I'm fast asleep.
(It doesn't help any that I enjoy reading and responding to Forteana . . . )

I have to wonder after reading the posts here if what people experience as they fall asleep is due to their brains closing down its sensory centers and that the phenomena that produces originates with whatever aspect of sensation is most dominant, sound, vision, kinetic . . . I'm thinking of that study of London cabbies who had highly developed spatial regions in their brains. Would they perhaps experience moving through a space? Some people have developed their musical intelligence and others are more visually aware.

Dunno—I'm a little tiddly at the moment so maybe this is just the tiddlyness directing my thoughts at the moment . . .