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Newspaper Clippings... Oh, And A Favour, Please?


Justified & Ancient
Aug 7, 2002
Who is the custodian of the newspaper clippings that have been sent to the Fortean Times? Are they in a form that is cross-referenced (such as category and location)? And can a pleb access them?

The favour is .... I gather that many of you have complete collections of FT going back to the early days. I am after a bit of information that I am absolutely certain would have been published in the news section of the magazine some time between c.1984 and 1986 and I am hoping that some kind folk might have a few spare hours to see if it is in there...?

Many thanks!

Who is the custodian of the newspaper clippings that have been sent to the Fortean Times? Are they in a form that is cross-referenced (such as category and location)? And can a pleb access them?

The favour is .... I gather that many of you have complete collections of FT going back to the early days. I am after a bit of information that I am absolutely certain would have been published in the news section of the magazine some time between c.1984 and 1986 and I am hoping that some kind folk might have a few spare hours to see if it is in there...?

Many thanks!


Some years ago the clippings went to the Archives For the Unexplained in Sweden.

Since 2010 an ongoing project is to digitize the clipping files of the Charles Fort Institute (CFI), the clips sent in by the Fortean Times readership to help form the texts of that magazine. At this time (July 2013) we have scanned more than 66.000 of the articles. We also have several other British clipping files, for instance, twelve old scrapbooks (Patrick Murray, 2004) as well as discs full of scanned articles (Steve Gerrard collection, 2009). We also have the UFOMEK (UFO Monitors of East Kent) digital collection of 1950-53 articles from the collection of Geoff Morris (2005) and the Tyneside UFO Society‘s clippings copied for us by Gary Anthony and Joe McGonagle (2006, one file folder). Further on, we for instance have a 600 pages of clipping from New Zealand (Murray Bott, 1997 & 2003).

You may want to contact AFU…

Thanks for your reply. I'll try contacting them but it seems that the huge bulk of material from that time frame is about UFOs, which doesn't really help...
Who is the custodian of the newspaper clippings that have been sent to the Fortean Times? Are they in a form that is cross-referenced (such as category and location)? And can a pleb access them?
Good questions deserving some answers. Are you sitting comfortably? Here' a little history for the record.
Right from the 1973 get-go, I filed all my own and incoming clippings into around a dozen box-files. As the years decades rolled by, and the number of clippings increased, from all over the world and very many topics. Mailed clippings in the pre-Internet days, came into Paul, and he'd have the pick for the 'Strange Days' section. The rest went into a heap which was sorted by the Gang of fort meeting about once a month in Paul Sieveking's flat or somewhere suitable. This ritual we called a 'Sort' and, taking the better part of the day, would include a take-way lunch. Over time, too, the Sort was attended by regulars and occasional invitees. The sorting expanded to 30-40 Fortean Topics (including one for UFO-related stuff), put into file-folders. When fullish, the folders were labelled (with a topic name and a sequence number) then transported to my house for storage in the cellar. Digitised and electronic clippings have been stored on very large hard drives.
When damp became an issue in my cellar, we arranged to send the stored clipping folders to AFU ... where some of the folders had their individual contents scanned and stored by AFU as PDFs (60,000+). NB: many more folders wait to be scanned, but this was the best that we and AFU could do with the limited time and funds and shortage of manpower. Even so, FT's clipping archive is pretty unique and almost certainly one of the world's largest.
Paul's remaining questions about the archive being indexed, cross-reference and accessible are simple to answer and will , no doubt, disappoint. AFU's PDF scans have all been named by clipping source and date, within directories that correspond to their original file-folder titles (ie, topic and sequence number) . They await - in their many thousands - someone heroically mad enough to plod through, examining each scan, and changing the title to include some refinement of the topic name. A project like this needs time and some funding (which we and AFU simply don't have). It's a mountain waiting to be climbed (and funded) ... and the dream is to have, eventually, all this available online.
Let me end by asking Paul to let me know what it is he's after. Perhaps I can find it.
Hi Founder,
Thanks for your very Illuminating answer! I've put an appeal for help in the Ghosts-poltergeists section - it's about a polt that was in Kings Lynn, possibly early mid 1980s which was mentioned in The News of the World. Ive asked friends about it and they know nothing. Thanks to them, they too have asked friends and their friends have asked around and always the same response - nothing.
I'm sure that if it appeared in a national paper it would have been picked up - and I'm sure that it would have appeared in FT.
Was it this one?


Weird Norfolk: The Mousehold Street poltergeist​

PUBLISHED: 12:44 03 November 2017 | UPDATED: 13:45 03 November 2017

Stacia Briggs and Siofra Connor

Norwich City Council’s housing department was used to receiving requests from its tenants to move to another area, but the very unusual reason for wanting to leave caused a few eyebrows to raise: there was, claimed the family in question, an unwanted lodger at the city property – a resident poltergeist.

In the summer of 1958, a couple appealed to their housing officer, begging to leave the council house they shared with their two children at 93 Mousehold Street due to the presence of a spirit which was plaguing them day and night and was unconcerned by religious paraphernalia such as the crucifix on the front room mantelpiece.

“Strange things have been happening at number 93,” said a report in the Eastern Daily Press on July 2 1958, “panes of glass have broken to a set pattern; stones and bricks have been flung across rooms; a tin of polish has come through the ceiling; clocks and watches have been found in unusual places. All these things have happened in the last fortnight.”

After sleepless nights and days of worry, the couple contacted the Reverend S Long, vicar of nearby St James the Less church and he blessed the house and the family.

The children’s mother explained the troubles had started two weeks previously when she found a watch in an unaccustomed place and then a clock at the foot of the stairs. Seven window panes were smashed in the sitting room and the stones that broke them were hot to the touch. She and her husband reported seeing branch-like shadows inside their home.

Doors banged at night and sometimes the mother of the house heard a noise as if a baby were crying – she later reported she had previously felt as if she were being strangled by an invisible force.

Mr Long visited the house three times and while he was blessing the house, its rooms and the family, a stone fell near his feet. But despite the blessing, the family were unwilling to stay in a house they felt they were sharing with a malevolent presence and took up the vicar’s offer to stay in the parish hall.

Before the family left for their temporary residence, and just before a violent thunderstorm, four stones appeared to hurtle through the ceiling at 93 Mousehold Street. With a reporter in tow, the husband took the brave reporter into a bedroom where he claimed he could normally feel the presence at its strongest. It felt less intense.

“I hope you strangers have driven it away,” he told the reporter, who was spending part of the night in the house, along with a colleague and reporters from Fleet Street.

The reporters heard 'clicks’ in the house, which were said to precede stone showers, but nothing else manifested and the family returned the next night, assured of continued company.

In the following days, the police visited the house and later declared the matter “satisfactorily cleared up.”

But the poltergeist was of sufficient interest to two members of the Cambridge University Society for Psychic Research who travelled to Norwich to investigate further. Anthony Cornell, a para-psychologist and prominent ghost investigator and Alan Gauld, who wrote a book about poltergeists. No results were ever made public.

Number 93 Mousehold Street is long-since demolished, replaced by modern housing. But the mystery still hangs in the air, even after the police claimed the troubling issue of the so-called haunted house had been resolved 9e implication being that a prankster had been responsible) the husband claimed the spirit was still active.

A final report notes: “When seen at his home on Thursday night by a reporter, he said that only the previous night buttons had been torn off his jacket while it was hanging up.”

Archived Link:
Have you visited (or spoken to) libraries in Kings Lynn? I did some local research here in WGC a couple of years ago and discovered that they held 'microfiche' files of all the copies of the local papers, and local maps, dating back into the 1800s, all in the process of being digitised into PDF etc, but with the original microfiches still being available to view on their equipment. Old as it was, it was very good quality, and copies were able to be printed out for me.
It was very entertaining reading the 'in the courts' sections and seeing the ridiculous 'low level' crimes that people were being harshly punished for which today wouldn't even get a mention.
Yes, I've visited the library and gone through their folklore section and clippings. Some brand new stuff but a blank on this. I've cast the net further and asked knowledgable people and they havent been able to find out anything about this. When I say many experts are scratching their heads, I'm not far off describing the situation!
I know this isn't what your looking for but it's fortean and has nice pictures!


@DrPaulLee, I have interweb searched with the appropriate words and can't seem to find what you're after, I'm guessing you've done the same so my next question is, can you tell us everything you remember (or think you remember) about the story.

I'm wondering if you've misremembered a detail that's leading searches down a blind alley. Nevertheless I'm enjoying playing Watson to your Holmes :sherlock:
Thanks @pandacracker !

All I have is that the information is in a pamphlet published in early 1987: - "...and a few years ago a poltergeist in Turbus Road made the 'News of the World.' The couple involved did not wish the incident to be re-opened."

I have contacted the author of the pamphlet and despite a friendly start, she has gone very quiet. Of course, with covid, she might have other things to worry about (I think it's been about two months since we "spoke"). Local historians seem to know nothing of this, and the SPR don't have a clue. A few other paranormal guys are stumped too.
The pre-1987 issues of FT were included in the General Index, Issues FT1-FT66 (1997) by Steve Moore and I. There were six entries for Kings Lynn, none of which were in any way related to a possible poltergeist in Turbus Road.
Sorry for the sad news Paul. However, as we have many more issues to index, there is a possibility we may come across a reference sometime. I'll be sure to let you know.
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Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I am starting to think that if the incident did make a paper with a huge circulation like NotW, it might have been in a small by-line column, and not a major article and therefore easy to miss. But I'd be surprised if that was the case given the NotW's interest in such sensational "paranormal" type stories.
As a matter of interest, were any of the articles about ghosts or poltergeists? Are there any listings for anything between 1987 and 1997?
Could the magazine include a whippet asking if anyone knows...?
If "whippet" is from spell check, I'm dumbfounded as to what you really meant!
Could the magazine include a whippet asking if anyone knows...?


maximus otter
Perhaps @Founder can help...or indeed anyone...?

I've established that the date of the incident was about 1979. Certainly by the time of the pamphlet's publication, the owners of the property didn't want any publicity.

Perhaps c.1979, an article was published on the proviso that the location of the incident was made as vague as possible.

Is there any mention of "poltergeist" in FT issues about this time, or perhaps "Norfolk" or "News of the world" in the search index? Despite being a **** rag, I can't believe people didn't pick up on this NotW mention, even if it was a tiny article rather than a 2+ page spread!
There are galleries of the covers of FT from that time. Long shot but maybe the cover may trigger a mental link to the story and you can pick up that as a back issue.
Perhaps @Founder can help...or indeed anyone...?

I've established that the date of the incident was about 1979. Certainly by the time of the pamphlet's publication, the owners of the property didn't want any publicity.

Perhaps c.1979, an article was published on the proviso that the location of the incident was made as vague as possible.

Is there any mention of "poltergeist" in FT issues about this time, or perhaps "Norfolk" or "News of the world" in the search index? Despite being a **** rag, I can't believe people didn't pick up on this NotW mention, even if it was a tiny article rather than a 2+ page spread!
I found a link to 'turbus' in relation to Kings Lynn and haunting, in an issue of FL, but it relates to a 'Biship Turbus'.

KL Magazine October 2017 by KL magazine - issuu
2 Oct 2017 — ... of spooky happenings – from poltergeists moving knives in ... to St Nicholas' Chapel Explore Bishop Turbus' 'new' town, .

The site was annoying so i didnt read the article but hete is the link


Ill leave it to you to fight the site :p
I was hoping that "The News of the World" might have more, assuming that it is the same case.
I just can't pin down the date. It may have been before 1979. I've spent a full day at the British Library going through old issues on microfilm and while there are dozens of fascinating articles on ghost, poltergeists, ESP (but not many on UFOs oddly), I cannot find the above but it's possible fatigue at the end affected my search as I did a full 10 hour stint without stopping for food.
I've done May 1978 - March 1981. I hope I haven't missed it.
Mods, perhaps it might be worthwhile moving this to the ghosts thread?