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September 2011. We are also hoping to do Lake Seljord over the summer.
Based on this information I am forced to conclude that Sumatra is home to a completely new species of large primate, but I am also well aware that these results can in no way be called conclusive evidence of the existence of these animals. But it should be more than enough reason for a new expedition to go back to the area, hopefully obtaining enough evidence and samples to come to a final conclusion.
oldrover said:This isn't rationale in my opinion, and I find it hard to believe that anyone could draw these conclusions. I think the balance of probability tips pretty violently toward the conclusion that if the results of the comparative structural analysis are correct, then as has been suggested in the replies section, they're Orang Utan samples contaminated by human DNA.
lordmongrove said:Orang-utans were last recorded in this part of Sumatra in the 1880s.
Six years in the field before they got a shot and they had cash behind them. We pay for this ourselves.
I continue to get "linking" problems; but I'm "the fool of the world" with computers. Will hold back re the matter, till I can get round to my dwelling, a helpful and computer-clever relative, who may be able to assist.
In some fear of peeing-off everyone: context "flesh-and-blood-this-world-only" (which I don't reckon be-all-and-end-all), I'm ready to buy the Orang Pendek as the likeliest for-real cryptid, which I know of.lordmongrove said:IVE SEEN THE LITTLE BUGGERS FOOTPRINTS AND THEY ARE QUITE DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE KNOWN APES WHOSE SPOOR I'M VERY FAMILIAR WITH.
Rats caps, i can't be bothered to correct them now, it 3 in the morning!
So much, so???? As you say, a lot of possibility of passed-on tales about more-primitive,and extirpated, hom. sap. sap. -- overall, one seems to come to know less, rather than more. General feeling re mysterious hairy bipeds in Indochina: aside from the supernatural / paranormal (where "all bets are off") -- if there were MHB stuff going on there a few decades ago and before, it would rather seem, "no longer" -- as always on this scene, it would be wonderful and delightful to be proved wrong.oldrover said:You're right, I'd say it comes down to a question of whether there's any there except human creation. Personally I tend to doubt it. I think there are very good reasons to dismiss a flesh and blood perspective, which we've covered here on similar threads. But briefly it's the Yowie that kills it for me.
As for the supernatural (sorry if that's the wrong word) I don't go for it, but that's just because it doesn't fit into my personal schema. On some level though maybe, I don't think you can dismiss it as easily as the flesh and blood explanation.
For me the ones that are different enough not to quite fit in with the general man beast phenomena, are the hobbits and Oran pendeck. As for the Hobbits though, I think it's possible that the stories from Sri Lanka and Flores could be referring to some other modern human group, and the remains of H. Floresiensis are confusing matters. I really do think though that this is an area where there really should be some study. Maybe it's in areas like this that cryptozoology would be most effective. Oran pendeck though, who knows.