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People Who Feel Wrong

Did they also swagger around like Liam Gallagher but with a Cockney accent instead, 'people's poet' style banging on like Rick Mayall's character out of The Young Ones?.
Pretty much.
A good, long-standing friend of mine is from Liverpool.
Highly educated, he is in and out of work as a translator for various publishers.
He is also, by his own choice, a performance poet with several (cheap production) compilation books. He does open-mike performances around London when he can, but as he says "It's not going to be a living".
I can guess his politics (I know him well) but it's never entered into any conversation.
Some people are poets in the same way some are writers, artists, influencers, sculptors etc. Some people, of course, lie. It's all down to image. Are they artists or do they want the image of being an artist?
Some people are poets in the same way some are writers, artists, influencers, sculptors etc. Some people, of course, lie. It's all down to image. Are they artists or do they want the image of being an artist?
Definitely the same as writers. Everyone is writing a book because they want to be writers. Or rather, they want to be what they consider the image of a writer is. They don't want to have to fit in edits with a day job, they want to do book signings and be interviewed on TV.