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Pictures & Stories That Could Be Ghosts But Aren’t

This one is more not a time slip but I don’t think that needs a whole thread. It’s an Aviva advert but I just was taken with the mix of eras.


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The foxes are cute but it’s the bells that got me. They sound like they are just down the road when the closest church is almost a mile away. It’s rather spooky but I think it’s just the wind hitting the right direction.
Uninvited guest, wearing a flat cap, in the stonework at my parents wedding.

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I did a double take there, not because of the ghost, but because the man, your dad I take it, looks remarkably like my dad. I can tell it is not looking more closely but for a moment there I was quite befuddled.
I took this picture the other day and it would be such a good ghost picture if I didn’t know it was my breath.

I thought I’d share it as a comparison for supposed ghost pictures.
The lesson being; hold your breath before rushing to judgement on potential ghost photos
Here's ONE of a series of a sequence of eleven separate fly-pasts of an Unidentifiable Flying Object/before - and after it came into view, and as it/they passed overhead and as they left the scene, progressive shots which I stumbled across when I was using Google Street Map some time ago.
P.S. Since removed!View attachment 20068
Was there ever an outcome as to what this flying thing was?
It does look odd, especially that antenna sticking up!

Watch Movie Visual Effects Artists Debunking Paranormal Videos​


In a world of easy deep fakes, looking at any alleged paranormal or UFO/UAP with a huge amount of skepticism has never been more important.

In this video, two movie visual effects artists look at a number of popular, reported “sightings” and debunk them like shooting fish in a barrel.

If “they’re out there,” this ain’t them!

Interesting. And kinda funny.
I think this title covers pretty much every post over on Paranormal Reddit. Honestly, the credulity of the people on there just baffles me.

I know it's because most of them are sixteen, desperately want to believe, have been brought up with talk of 'demons' and every house over 100 years old being haunted, but it does make me despair about the death of critical thinking.
I was on the bus last week, there two elderly women behind me. We stopped outside a bungalow for a while. One of the women says to the other, pointing at the bungalow 'That's where my friend Elsie died. Sometimes you can see her ghost out the back window.' The other lady then points out that Elsie didn't have a back window and they realise what they can see is the reflection of people on the top deck of the bus.
I though it quite sweet that were very matter of fact about their friend's ghost potentially wandering about her old bungalow.
I’ve just noticed this new long exposure option on photos on iOS. Watch out for more ‘ghosts’. This ‘ghost’ is my friend at Winter Wonderland today.


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This picture I took inside a WW2 pillbox doesn't show a ghostly head wearing a helmet. I went back the next day to take another picture, it's just a combination of the crumbling brick, moss and damp stains.

Yesterday dad and I spent hours fixing one of our sash windows. Last night there was an orb on the security camera we have in the kitchen (different floor from the window). As orbs go it was quite interesting it traveled left to right and then came back and down. I know orbs aren’t ghosts. But mum joked that it was and it made me think. What if there had been a ghost of a pervious resident that we couldn’t see watching and complaining about out window fixing techniques? ‘What’s taking you so long?’ ‘Don’t do it like that!’ ‘I’ll tell you why I put those nails in there like that…’. I just thought it was a funny. Although explaining the other weird stuff around our house would be good. lol.
Brown recluse silk is a flat ribbon made of nanostrands.


And the visible/UV reflective properties of silk have been studied. Very good at attracting flies, good at warning birds and other beasties that it's there and please don't fly into it.

I think I might have posted these pics before - but maybe not?
I captured this through my kitchen window when the light was refracting. . .


*Enlarged, and slightly enhanced detail of one part of the single fine strand of spiders web (in highlighted box as above).
I find this pic quite interesting as it shows many-many variations of each of the colours within the light spectrum. Almost like a digital slicing of the available forms of colours and hues that are there!

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I think I might have posted these pics before - but maybe not?
I captured this through my kitchen window when the light was refracting. . .

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*Enlarged, and slightly enhanced detail of one part of the single fine strand of spiders web (in highlighted box as above).
I find this pic quite interesting as it shows many-many variations of each of the colours within the light spectrum. Almost like a digital slicing of the available forms of colours and hues that are there!

View attachment 73879
*There seems to be no factual information (I have searched online for more info) on how the colours are 'captured' within this single web?
Have looked at various depictions of how colour spectrum refracts through something solid - like glass etc, but it seems to be a bit of a mystery, as there is nothing to explain how the spectrum splits up within this spiders web - other than sticky droplets - but that explains nothing, as each droplet must have it's own light (and colour) refraction/diffraction?