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Predictions For 2005


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jun 2, 2002
Well, someone had to start it. ;)

*More exciting stuff about Homo Flo.

*First black Pope.

*Mt St Helen's erupts, and it's a big one.

*Parallel universe discovered.

*More reality TV.

*James Randi exposed as a fraud. He's Father Christmas, really. ;)

*Whole rash of celeb scandal/deaths.

My guesses:

*Teflon Tony manages to hang in as party leader, despite looking madder than Thatcher in her final days as PM.*

*Labour scrape back in for a third term - and the stakes come out for Michael Howard.*

*Prince Charles makes another idiotic statement demonstrating his distance from consensual reality.*

*Lots of "Strictly Come Dancing" clones on TV, Ballroom dancing is the new Rock 'n' Roll.*

*The security services continue to claim to have averted terror attacks - it remains impossible to check these claims.*

*Prince William gets pissed and fighting drunk.*

*The Diana enquiry shows that there was no conspiracy, which of course does nothing to stop the conspiracy therories.*

*Iraq remains a complete shambles.*

*After Homo flo, another human species is found to have survived nearly into recorded history.*

*A breakthough in time-travel (but you can only transport a few photons into the past).*

*George Bush manages to alienate yet more countries.*

*Major music icon drops off his twig.*

*Michael Jackson manages to string out the court case even further.*

*Now people have almost replaced their videos with DVDs a new format is introduced so we'll have to replace the DVDs...*

*Kofi Annan booted out as Secretary General of the UN, encouraged the US Right start pressuring for having the UN kicked out of New York...*
* Tony Blair to become even more severly delusional and die trying to demostrate how he can walk on water. His rotting bloated corpse is still more popular than Michael Howard and Labour win a third landslide victory

* Michael Howard to resign, and be replaced by a balding unelectable member of the party

* Cliff Richards to be revealed to be a 12-foot lizard

* Kilroy-Silk to go on next "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here"

* Someone predicts the world is about to end

* it doesn't

* Chav-style to become uncool, burberry clothing to be replaced by Tartan Kilts (Men) and Wool Skirts and Cardies (Women) - Pipe smoking optional for both

* Christmas to start in September

* the town of Morcambe to disappear overnight, and be replaced by a small caravan park

* all the bugs will be ironed out on the FTMB

* post-Uncon 05 drinks to be as much fun as this year :)
I, Gollos, tell thee that this is how it is to be in the year 2-0-0-5 :-

* We shall be flying around in cars propelled by anti-gravity engines.
* Skintight unisex silver costumes will be de rigeur.
* Food will be replaced with nutrition tablet.
* Ancient lands will be discovered far norh of the north pole. Dinosaurs shall live here alongside their extraterrestial comrades.
* Mankind will undergo a drastic evolution. We shall all speak to one another with the power of thought.
* The barrier of sound will broken, but the unfortunate adventurer will find his body crushed by the speeds at which it is necessary to travel to do this.
* New planets will be discovered in the ether, radiating cosmic love and potentially raising humanity to the 23rd level of Akashic awareness.

So spaketh I, Gollos. :nonplus:
Mr Snowman said:
I, Gollos, tell thee that this is how it is to be in the year 2-0-0-5 :-

* Skintight unisex silver costumes will be de rigeur.

I'd normally say "Finally! Hot damn!", but I don't see an accompanying "Millions of morbidly obese Americans will become slender". In which case...hmmm, maybe I don't want that one to come to pass, O Great Gollos. ;)
Dick Cheney will resign for health reasons

John McCain will be confirmed by Congress as the Vice-President

The US will agree to a partitioning of Iraq, bringing about the creation of Kurdistan

Ariel Sharon will lose a vote of confidence and resign. His replacement will make the creation of a Palestinian state a top priority

India and Pakistan will see border problems escalate into a brief, violent conventional war, achieving nothing but bloodshed

China will revoke Hong Kong's special economic status, and the financial results will be disastrous for China

Iran and the US will begin to come to terms with Iran's desire to become a nuclear power, and a less anti-western policy will emerge in Tehran

A major terrorist attack on the US will be partially foiled, but not without substantial loss of life

The Atlantic hurricane season will be the mildest in years

Radical right parties will come to power in France, Austria and The Netherlands

Taiwan will seek admission to the UN and be blocked by China

Major volcanic activity will take place in Mexico and Turkey

The Pope will die, as will Ted Kennedy, Elton John, William F. Buckley and a member of the Royals

The euro will lose some of its luster, but the US dollar will remain weak

Syria will be accused of concealing biowarfare weapons and will refuse to allow UN inspectors to look for them

The Ukraine will become de facto divided into pro-west and pro-Russian territories. Poland will take an active part in helping the western Ukraine and will suffer Russian economic reprisals as a result

The Boston Red Sox will have a dismal season and the Chicago Cubs will once again fail to make post-season play. Minnesota will beat San Diego in the World's Series.
jima said:
* Tony Blair to become even more severly delusional and die trying to demostrate how he can walk on water. His rotting bloated corpse is still more popular than Michael Howard and Labour win a third landslide victory

* Michael Howard to resign, and be replaced by a balding unelectable member of the party

* Cliff Richards to be revealed to be a 12-foot lizard

* Kilroy-Silk to go on next "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here"

* Someone predicts the world is about to end

* it doesn't

* Chav-style to become uncool, burberry clothing to be replaced by Tartan Kilts (Men) and Wool Skirts and Cardies (Women) - Pipe smoking optional for both

* Christmas to start in September

* the town of Morcambe to disappear overnight, and be replaced by a small caravan park
Yep, all perfectly feasible :).
* all the bugs will be ironed out on the FTMB
:rofl: oh come ON!
graylien said:
Policemen will look even younger.

Ain't that the truth! Nowadays even Chief Constables look to me like they only just left school (and some of them are even of the female gender, harumph, harumph).

My predictions:

Tabloid headlines will continue to be about 'celebs' that normal people (like me) have never heard of.

One or more politicians will be involved in sex scandals. :roll:

Scientists will reveal for the first time something that was already revealed some years ago by someone else.
(As an example, I give you the recent news that it is physically impossible for football referees to accurately make decisions on the offside law - which was actually pointed out a few years back by some Italian (I think) researchers.)

Chelsea will win every competition thay're involved with.
(As an Arsenal fan, I hope not!)

Ellen McArthur will break the sailing round the world alone record.
(I hope. If I could remember how to attach photos to posts, I could show you a pic of her trimaran in Falmouth a month ago, just before she left.)
Keyser Soze said:
*First black Pope.
Hmmm - De Labore Solaris? Accroding to both St Malachy and Nostradamus IIRC he'd be either the penultimate or the very last pope before the Catholic church fell (and by extension, the entire Christian faith as the Catholic church was the only one in existence then on pain of being burnt to death).
*Mt St Helen's erupts, and it's a big one.
Or, more worryingly, Yellowstone :eek!!!!:
In the run-up to a General Election (May 2005), the New Labour Diktat will promise voters absolutely anything that seems popular including cutting taxes, more legislation and establishing more powers to the cheap ... er ... Community Support Officers. Howard and the Conservatives will discover that all their best sales pitches are leaked to the Blair Machine.

Labour wins, narrowly.

Blair then sticks two fingers up at the British public and carries on creating new taxes, selling off public facilities to wealthy businessmen who coincidentally pay large amounts of bung to the Labour coffers.

Oh, and Big Brother (or one of it's pathetic cousins) will get a member of the public to act like a complete prat, offend the general public and inspire discussions about the value of the mis-named 'Reality TV'. Meanwhile it's producers will earn huge amounts of money to fund the Columbian Marching Powder industry.

Oh, and the world will end ... again!
*Mt St Helen's erupts, and it's a big one.
Or, more worryingly, Yellowstone

Yes, that whole situation worries me greatly every now and then. I try not to dwell on it. They keep saying over here that one day NZ will be hit by a large earthquake and we have had several tremors up and down the country this year... :(
bulldog said:
*Mt St Helen's erupts, and it's a big one.
Or, more worryingly, Yellowstone

Yes, that whole situation worries me greatly every now and then.

Yup if I dwell on that one too long I begin to feel that life is rather pointless and stupid and get very, very depressed, so like you Bulldog I don't think about the possibilty of Yellowstone blowing very often, but....... :shock: :(
Prince Harry dies on safari - possibly not due to a wild animal but a gun accident or Range Rover rolling over.
Emperor said:
Prince Harry dies on safari - possibly not due to a wild animal but a gun accident or Range Rover rolling over.
..cue conspiracy theories that he was murdered by MI5, masquerading as paparazzi, as he knew too much about Diana. In Africa. Which is where Egypt is..

I feel a paperback coming on..
Prince Harry dies on safari - possibly not due to a wild animal but a gun accident or Range Rover rolling over.

Careful there Emps, you might find yourself in the Tower, number 1 suspect..... :lol:
bulldog said:
Prince Harry dies on safari - possibly not due to a wild animal but a gun accident or Range Rover rolling over.

Careful there Emps, you might find yourself in the Tower, number 1 suspect..... :lol:

They haven't built a cell that can hold me!!!!
bulldog said:
The man they couldn't hang 8)

My neck is too thick.

Then again my head is massive so it might cancel out the benefit.

I should say it occured to me when I read about his girlfriend and her evil assed father (I don't usually read the tabloids but I was round at my brother's and there was a page on them in the Mirror). There is scandal in there somewhere - even if his grandparents (and assorted ancestors) would kill anything that walked, swam, wriggled, burrowed or flew wholesale butchery of endangered animals is generally frowned on these days.

"More panda steak ma'am?"
Alice Cooper will die in 2005.

Dunno what brought that on. Was right last year about Alastair Cooke popping his clogs though!

Yes, all right. And spectacularly wrong about Tom Jones t'year before. :roll:
bulldog said:
Selfish as it is of me, I hope its not in my lifetime....

Well, I suppose there's some comfort in the thought that if it is in your lifetime, it'll probably be right at the end! :eek:
I predict it will be reported that a very well known public figure, probably an actor, actress or entertainer will die over the xmas and new year period. Perhaps more than one.
Once time travel has been discovered there will be a few consequences:

1. Many people in the past will go desert blind by being blasted in the face by photons.

2. Many people will be committed after raving about "The Light"

3. As soon as we have cracked sending photons of light we'll be bombarded by mysterious tourists (from the future)

4. These Tourists will inevitably break the rules of time travel and we'll learn too much or an evil Time Lord shall arise, either way a selfless hero will travel back in time to kill the scientists before they discover the secret of time travel causing a massive temporal paradox ripping apart the universe as we know it or trapping us all in a limbo of going round and round in a circuit :shock:

You will meet someone who is, knows or has heard about someone who thinks they are Jesus.

A new ancient religion will be invented.

Mild winters all around, then lots of droughts and bucketloads of pestilance in the western world and rats and pidgeons feeding off the discarded burgers will help spread the disease.

Someone will be mauled to death by rabid BSE ridden rats.

A new outbreak of Bse among humans as the darker side of fast food is revealed (if it doesn't have any nuggets on it it can be deep fried and served to the customer, it doesn't have to have much in the way of meat either :rolleyes: )

Ok thats it for my predictions except for Y2k happening at a random and boring day of the year, just because it can.

TY everybody *receeds into the mists*