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Not sprouts! I hate sprouts.
Jul 30, 2005
Senior US senator's report of seeing 'TWO UFOs' was 'covered up' secret documents show
THREE 'highly reliable' US government officials reported seeing TWO UFOs hovering near a train line, but their superiors covered the sightings up, it has emerged.
PUBLISHED: 13:01, Mon, May 18, 2015 | UPDATED: 13:32, Mon, May 18, 2015


The senator and three others reported seeing UFO similar to this pictured in a decades old hoax phot
Formerly confidential files obtained by alien researchers detail the account given by senior senator Richard B Russell and two aides of seeing the "flying saucers" TAKE OFF.

At the time, Sen. Russell was on a Soviet-era train during a fact-finding mission to Russia, nearly 60 years ago.

Sen. Russell, was a former chairman of the Armed Services Committee and one of America's most influential senators until he died in 1971 after serving for 38 years.

Documents obtained by the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR) said Sen. Russell was travelling with his two aides in the Transcaucasus region on October 4, 1955 at about 7 pm, when the incident occurred.

He is said to have looked out of the window and spotted two disc-shaped UFOs 'taking off' from a spot near the railway tracks.

According to reports, the documents state how Sen. Russell hurriedly called over aide Lt Col Hathaway and interpreter Ruben Efron to the window, with them both seeing the two crafts 'take off'.

He and the aides reported the sighting to US Air Force and security agencies once at the US embassy in Prague, in then Czechoslovakia, but the account was kept strictly confidential.

Lt Col Thomas Ryan, air attaché at the embassy, filed a top secret Air Force intelligence report on the trio's sighting on October 14, 1955 after meeting them.

He wrote the report was "based on an eyewitness account of the ascent and flight of an unconventional craft by three highly reliable United States observers.”

The document said Lt Col Hathaway told Lt Col Ryan: “I doubt if you are going to believe this, but we all saw it. Senator Russell was the first to see this flying disc we’ve been told for years that there isn’t such a thing, but all of us saw it.

“One disc ascended almost vertically, at a relatively slow speed, with its outer surface revolving slowly to the right, to an altitude of about 6,000 feet, where its speed then increased sharply as it headed north. The second flying disc was seen performing the same actions about one minute later. The take-off area was about 1 to -2 miles south of the rail line.”

The men, and a fourth unidentified witness, were also interviewed by CIA agents.

The documents state Mr Efron reported visibility as "excellent" and the UFOs appeared to “glide” as “no noise was heard and no exhaust glow or trail was seen.”


Senator Richard Russell was convinced he saw two UFOs

Full story here http://www.express.co.uk/news/natur...s-report-TWO-UFOs-covered-up-secret-documents
The reason for this 'cover-up' should be obvious; the sightings occurred in the Soviet Union. If the observations were accurate, then these could have been secret Soviet craft. It would have been foolish to publish the fact that a couple of reliable witnesses had seen secret aircraft.

Now that most of the USSR's records have become available, it seems unlikely that these really were secret craft with fantastic performance capabilities; but that doesn't necessarily rule out some other kind of hoax or deception by the Soviets. Fascinating stuff.