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September 11th World Trade Center UFO



I remember reading on a webpage somewhere about a UFO possibly being sighted at the World Trade Center at the time that the plane crashed into the second building. The site provided pictures which it claimed to have taken from frames of a well-known news channel (it gave the actual name, I just cant remember it). The pictures showed what looked to be a long beam slanted down toward the ground. I remember thinking that the most likely explaination would have been a bird swooping down, or piece of trash falling in front of the camera. There were other theories of course. One I thought was interesting was that it was a missile sent to shoot the plane down, but arrived a few seconds too late. There was no big explosion on the ground, so it can probably be ruled out. As far as I know, this was only caught on one camera, so the piece of trash woud be my guess, but on the other hand, I havent really looked into it.
There is some photo's Here .

There was a video for download somewhere but i can't find it now.
My guess is a bit of plane debris - the momentum would have been immense, and as the wreckage was spread for blocks around, from that height and trajectory (depending on the direction, of course - I can't really tell from that camera angle cos haven't been to Manahttan for ten years) whatever it was could have ended up in the water - the WTC wasn't too far inland.

As for the video clips..who knows?
Interesting link, Jima.

At first I thought maybe the Japanes tourst video might in fact have caught an insect buzzing by just a few feet in front of the camera, since there is no actual evidence of distance available from these images. And it was a sunny September morning, so I guess there'd be a few insects about.

But comparing those pics with the video taken from closer below the towers, it is clear that the timing is identical, and both videos show an object apparently flying in the same direction, ie, against the wind (as shown by the smoke trails). The impression that it was something falling downwards could be just an effect of perpective - a plane in level flight can seem to cross the sky at any angle, depending on its direction of travel. (Just look at the way vapour trails can criss-cross)

So this does seem to be possible evidence for something flying by at high speed, and I'm a lot less sceptical now than before I looked at these pages. Something to ponder on.
There was at least one helicopter flying close to the towers after the first plane hit. It was either a police or fire dept one. I'm assuming this would be usual practice if there was an emergency involving a skyscaper. Shots of the video taken from the helicopter were on one of the many TV programmes shown since. You can hear them discussing the best way to get people out of the tower. Then the second plane hits, and they either decide, or are told, to get away from the area as quickly as possible.

Could the 'UFO' be the helicopter? Makes sense to me.
It's too fast for a helicopter, faster even than the plane that hit the south Tower. That's why it appears on so very few frames of the two videos.

Since the helo was observing and filming, it probably wasn't going very fast anyway, even if it wasn't just hovering.
After looking at the images very hard i think its unlikely to be a UFO. Theres a distinct lack of solid object at th middle of the blur making me think that its more of a pixel glitch, it does share the same colour tone of areas in the sky above. Its probably a bit of wreckage being flung away from the building leaving a dust trail if it is anything at all.
I saw someone earlier say that there were two videos. That would rule out any pixel glitch. Does anyone know where I can find these videos? Also, it's a strange place for debris to be flung from the building (from above where the plane hit), and traveling at an unlikely angle. Atleast that's the way it appears to me.
Maxx: looking at it again, think you're right - I was looking at the other tower and thinking the debris had come from there (unless it's some kind of Newton's Cradle effect, with stuff from one tower smashing into the other).

And it is moving very fast - certainly not a helicopter or a plane: if it was that close you could make out the shape, and if it was distant it would have to be moving at nigh on impossible speed (very unlikely, especially over an urban area).

If we can rule out a technical fault in camera/tape (doesn't look like a pixel problem, cos it's folowing a straight trajectory, not staying localised) then we've got something odd..
I'm gonna let my imagination go here...

An experimental military plane sent to intercept? Maybe a "disarmed" missile? Just think... people would know that if the missile missed, it would hit New York City and do hella-damage. So maybe they figured a missile that hit the plane, but didn't actually explode would be enough to divert it. Another thing.... could it have just been a hoax? I dont think I've seen where the video actually came from yet. I remember thinking it came from a news station, but I havent seen that again. Http://www.anomalies-unlimited.com/WTC_UFO.html says it was from some people videoing the towers... rather vague information. The site also says that there were as many as 3 UFO's sited around the towers on 9-11. Everything I talk about is only concerning the first one supposed UFO.
Experimental plane? Doubt it seriously - they spend so much time and energy keeping people outside the fence around Area 51 the last place they'd put a secret plane is over Manhattan, in the daytime, when everyone's looking (and filming) upwards.

Similar argument against missiles: a disarmed misslie would just make a big hole in the side of the plane: an armed one could potentially do more damage than just the plane on it's own.

Hoax? who knows?

Hadn't heard about more UFO's - anyone know more?
Heard some story about a fighter pilot who was on the way to intercept the plane that hit the pentagon reported seeing something on the left side of his aircraft. Normal silvery blur type of thing.

Makes you think though..
Anyone see the Sci-Fi channel promo that had a couple in a helicopter filming the WTC (last summer obviously) and suddely a UFO sped right past the camera, like a flyby? Fooled a lot of people on the Net, but it was an ad.
Another possibility:
"The first plane made a direct hit in the center of the building and (as seen on the tape) some of that plane -- the engine particularly -- managed to pass through the building and end up several blocks away. "
Click for more.

And yes, I do know the footage is from the second strike, and the angle is odd...
Go here and take a look at the third story down. Interesting, eh? I'm not too sure what to make of it though.
AdamRang said:
Go here and take a look at the third story down. Interesting, eh? I'm not too sure what to make of it though.

Urm... anybody here read Japanese?

Niles "monolingual" Calder
No, but the video clip was quite impressive, even after seeing the stills (which are the same as in the opening post, but slightly better quality).

Mpeg video here
I read somewhere that it was the aurora secret spy plane flying by either for pictures of what happend or trying to intercept the terrorist occupied aircraft. Aparently this plane can do mach 8 so im sure that would be fast enough to produce this blur on the video. For those who think this plane doesnt exist id like to remind you that the SR-71 blackbird, in which the aurora is a continuation of, is over 40 years old! just think of the advancements that could of been made in that time.

here is a good pic below that compares the UFO to the Aurora


also a link to info bout the aurora just incase your interested.

Tang - have a look at the Aurora thread in "Conspiracy", plus my own contribution to this present thread: - I stand by my argument that it wouldn't be Aurora, to restate my position;

  • If it exists (probably does) most likely a recon plane, flies high and fast to avoid flak, so probably wouldn't carry any weaponary as this would weigh it down: wouldn't be made to fly over Manhattan, cos there would be no flak to avoid: much better to use helicopters if you want a look at anything, cos they can hover (and an Apache is quite capable of bringing down a subsonic plane without it's own defence systems, eg an airliner). The only justification for using an Aurora would be if the target area was somewhere very remote that needed air recon serriously quickly.
  • As I said earlier, the last place an institution as paranoidly secretive as the US military would put a secret spyplane, whose very existence is denied, is over Manhattan in broad daylight when everyone, including the media, is looking and filming upwards.

    That's my take on it, anyway.
Stu Neville said:
As I said earlier, the last place an institution as paranoidly secretive as the US military would put a secret spyplane, whose very existence is denied, is over Manhattan in broad daylight when everyone, including the media, is looking and filming upwards.

That's my take on it, anyway.

Also, what value would the recon have if it was carried out at hundreds if not thousands of mph? And the shock wave of a supersonic flight that low would surely have been noted.
With the hundreds, if not thousands of cameras and news stations around, surely if there was something there, more people would have got video of it. From all these, we have one video. I'm beginning to lean toward a hoax, some glitch in the camera, or something else.... like a bird or trash or something.
Has anyone seen the other videos.... of another unidentified craft? They're impressive also. But it looks strange toward the end.
I think someone already put some of these links up. But here they are again anyways.
UFO #1 190 KB
UFO #2 110 KB
UFO #3 0.99 MB
I think #3 is just a longer version of #2, but I cant remember for sure.

I wonder if the page is trying to say that the first one is the same as the rest?
Maxx said:
With the hundreds, if not thousands of cameras and news stations around, surely if there was something there, more people would have got video of it. From all these, we have one video.
One video? No. (See my first post on this thread, where I compare the TWO videos mentioned earlier.)

As for why others didn't get pictures -

1) Perhaps they did, but never noticed - this event seems to have been very brief. People not interested in UFOs or other Fortean stuff may well have ignored any apparent glitches in their films/videos.

2) Even when something is physically real in the sense we normally understand, a short-lived event often gets very little filmed evidence. As an example, consider the Paris Concorde crash - here an airliner belching flames and smoke flew across the sky, and yet initially the media had no images of it. (I remember commenting on that at the time to an email pal.)

Eventually some images did come forth, but really very few, and yet this was an event that took place within sight of probably thousands of people (many of whom, being tourists, would have been armed with cameras, etc).

The fact is that most people, when faced with something unexpected, just gawk, and only later think that they should have filmed it. In the NY case, everyone was probably so freaked out by what was in any case an unprecedented event that they were hardly being objective enough to notice something that (even if they happened to be looking in the right direction) only lasted a few seconds.
perhaps it was an Alien News helecopter? and they where filming to put it on the aliens version of Big brother which watches us humans make fools of ourselves?
perhaps it was an Alien News helecopter? and they where filming to put it on the aliens version of Big brother which watches us humans make fools of ourselves?

And which country are we going to evict this week?
Iraq or Afghanistan?........
jima said:
And which country are we going to evict this week?
Iraq or Afghanistan?........

thats a tough one, i guess well just have to let the US government decide.

I havent been so nervous since craig and tom where up for eviction.
From Grokster I downloaded footage of a UFO hovering near to the WTC, filmed some months or even years before the attack. It had been taken by sightseers from a helicopter. I wonder if people working in the offices hadn't see something outside their windows. The object seemed to be quite large, so it's not like you could miss it.
It is, I'd like to see the video, or at least the photos with better definition.

Although in the very bottom picture the 'vapour trail' looks more like the wake of a boat going up the river to me.