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    The forums will be undergoing updates on Sunday 13th October 2024.
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  1. T

    9/11: The September 11th World Trade Center Attacks

    Not sure what exactly to say about this, but here it is: http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Scientists_find_active_superthermite_in_WTC_0404.html
  2. O

    Dreams & Reality And 9/11

    One of the "givens" of the Paranormal is that sleep at least seems to be closer to the psychic world than the waking state and that some dreams appear to offer limited peeks into the future and/or the greater world beyond our bedroom walls. Now exactly how much truth there is in the above...
  3. O

    September 11th: The History of 9/11

    SEPTEMBER 11 – THE HISTORY OF 9/11: In 1998, 3 years before 9/11 the US government was advised that it would be necessary to replace Afghanistan's Taliban government before an essential oil pipeline could be built: "So there will be no pipeline until there is an internationally regionized...
  4. A

    US Govt. And Yahoo Conspire To Hide September 11th Conspiracies

    Yahoo!s listing of conspiracies here: http://dir.yahoo.com/Government/Politics/Political_Opinion/Conspiracy/ they've got everything: AIDS, chemtrails, Camp Davidians, JFK Assassination, Philadelphia Experiment, Princess Di... But not a bloody word on the Sept 11 Conspiracies. Odd, that.
  5. JamesWhitehead

    The FBI & Identity Theft (By 9/11 Hijackers)

    The recent case in which a Bristol pensioner was arrested and jailed in South Africa on FBI instructions when his identity had been stolen by a fraudster was a minor Human Interest story compared to this one: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/1559151.stm The BBC report says four had...
  6. O

    Now China Behind September 11th Attacks

    :rolleyes: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/9/24/143618.shtml China’s Military Planners Took Credit for 9/11 John O. Edwards Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002 Soon after the horrific attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, two high-ranking Chinese military planners...
  7. A

    9/11 NY Lottery Draw

    "On the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks, a date known as 9-11, the evening numbers drawn in the New York Lottery were 9-1-1. " Hmmmm. What are the chances of that happening?
  8. A

    TV Program Tonight (3/9/2002) About September 11Th Attacks

    There is a program on Channel 4 tonight about The Meyssan Conspiracy. Suggesting that the sept 911 attacks were "part of a plot by sinister forces in the US government used to justify attacks against Afghanistan and Iraq". Looks like an interesting program, maybe worth discussing tomorrow.
  9. A

    Bin Laden's Involvement In September 11th Attacks

    Does anyone have proof that he was involved in the attacks? All that has been proven is that the hikackers had ties to al-Qaeda. Until I am given support to otherwise, I believe he was simply an easy target. Patriotism is at an all time low, and putting a face on nationalism was the best thing...
  10. A

    WTC Collapse Caused By Laser Beam?

    WTC colapse caused by laer beam? Hello all, zapping thru the deeper reaches of the web, I came across this theory Quote:Was the collapse of the World Trade Center caused by a laser beam weapon? A physicist who worked on the original “deep infrared” beam weapon has reason to believe so...
  11. A

    Weird 9/11 Precognition Thread

    Did anyone else have any weird precog or syncrohinicty just before they heard the news of 9/11. I was sitting in my local (had the day off) next to a cigarette machine which had a big picture of the New York skyline, with the Twin Towers in the centre. The jukebox was playing the Clash's 'Rock...
  12. A

    September 11th 2001.

    Taken (From amongst many other similar snipets.) from 'Global News,' in Nexus Magazine ( http://www.nexusmagazine.com ) DID US AGENT WARN CANADA OF SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS? The admission that the death of a Canadian diplomat in Moscow was murder may lend credence to the fantastic story...
  13. A

    September 11th World Trade Center UFO

    I remember reading on a webpage somewhere about a UFO possibly being sighted at the World Trade Center at the time that the plane crashed into the second building. The site provided pictures which it claimed to have taken from frames of a well-known news channel (it gave the actual name, I just...
  14. A

    Mike Vreeland - American Spy who Predicted September 11th Attacks

    Hey everybody, I am a Canadian living in Toronto and currently there is a interesting story going on.... Mike Vreeland was jailed in Toronto on U.S. fraud charges, Vreeland while in jail “predicted” the September 11 attacks in a letter he wrote on August 11th or 12th. He knew this...
  15. A

    September 11th Predictions...

    I'm sure this has already been covered at least once...hey, I'm new. Cut me some slack. I was wondering if anyone had heard of or HAD precognitive events connected with the attacks on the WTC on September 11th. I'm only really interested because I know at least three people, all of whom I...
  16. A

    Why Was The 11th Of September Chosen?

    There was a little about the signifigance of the date of the WTC attack in the latest issue of FT, but I welcome others ideas. The most convincing ideas I've heard so far are: British Mandate on Palestine signed that day (1922). Arab armies defeated at the Battle of Tours, effectively ending...
  17. A

    View Rare & Historic Photos Taken Inside WTC On 9/11

    View rare & historic digital photos taken inside WTC Tower 1 in the moments following attack. See firemen climbing up stairs with equipment, office workers evacuating, and the WTC lobby, all before the collapse. Photos are NOT for sale. Go to http://www.shop1.net scroll halfway down page.
  18. A

    A Kind Of A Prediction Of The U.S. Attack

    How about this. Monday Night I had a very potant dream that there was a huge explosion in what I thought was Bristol (Big city). I told the Girlfriend who, knowing me, advised me to take the day off work (i didnt). I went to work as usual Tuesday and around 1pm (when I got back from lunch)...
  19. carps13


    OK OK - I know everyone has probably had that spurious quatrain in their inboxes a thousand times today already, but if not, look out for this verse on a monitor near you - soon. "In the year of the new century and nine months, > From the sky will come a great King of Terror... > The sky...