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I'm very much hoping 'Silverbird', 'Endless Flight' (and 'Orchard Road'?) are Leo Sayer songs, or you've all lost your marbles and I have no idea what's going on :chuckle:
We're - Watchin' for what you say next then!
You're living in a fantasy if you think I know anything about Leo Sayer, so I won't be making any puns. How much love I have for this type of 'music' is so small, it's more than I can say.
We were going to say something about it, but we thought we'd let you be the sayer.
Here's a simulacrum with some personal meaning for me.

Some years ago I had a much beloved dog who died, as dogs, alas, do.

A few days later I was taking my remaining dogs on our usual walk through the forest and there, lying in the middle of the path, was a rather convincing simulacrum of the late dog. It's a tree root, but I assure you I haven't modified it in any way, this is it exactly as I found it.


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Here's a simulacrum with some personal meaning for me.

Some years ago I had a much beloved dog who died, as dogs, alas, do.

A few days later I was taking my remaining dogs on our usual walk through the forest and there, lying in the middle of the path, was a rather convincing simulacrum of the late dog. It's a tree root, but I assure you I haven't modified it in any way, this is it exactly as I found it.
I love that you've mounted it. Are you not tempted to varnish it?.
I have thought about doing that, but perhaps it's better to leave it exactly as it is rather than trying to pretty it up. I may end up varnishing it, though, becaue it is getting old and a bit cracked. At least one person has thought it was was a genuine mummified dog's head and been a bit horrified ! But that was a while ago.
Wow that's brilliant! Varnishing might not be the ideal finish, maybe some sort of oil/wax/polish? I'm no expert though but as it's so special to keep it as natural as you found it, proceed with care. :)
Wow that's brilliant! Varnishing might not be the ideal finish, maybe some sort of oil/wax/polish? I'm no expert though but as it's so special to keep it as natural as you found it, proceed with care. :)
Wax, such as Briwax, may be the best coating. Depends how shiny you want it.
Wax, such as Briwax, may be the best coating. Depends how shiny you want it.
I was thinking more on the lines of something that would nourish the wood but without altering it's general appearance too much.
My aunt was rather fond of varnishing things not always to the improvement of the object concerned. Bless her.
Thanks for all the suggestions! Wax would seem to be the application that would be least likely to interfere with the surface.
I own a beautiful carved tree stump (oriental faces) and was advised at the time I bought it to wax coat it. I didn't and it hasn't crumbled although it's hard wood anyway. I'm tempted to wax it now anyway, I just worry that dust would be more likely to stick to it and then be harder to remove although it would protect the wood itself.
I own a beautiful carved tree stump (oriental faces) and was advised at the time I bought it to wax coat it. I didn't and it hasn't crumbled although it's hard wood anyway. I'm tempted to wax it now anyway, I just worry that dust would be more likely to stick to it and then be harder to remove although it would protect the wood itself.
With the wax properly buffed, dust won't stick easily.
Wax is better than varnish in that respect - if you applied varnish, dust might stick to it permanently if you're not careful.