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The Illuminati

LOL.....Rhianna and the Illuminati.....I don't think we need to worry about that but the people touting this stuff who apparently aren't taking their meds.

hey, can anyone fill me in on the history of the illuminati? and what exactly their objectives are? i have read about them here and there but i am not quite sure what they are out to do. but i do know that they have benn around for a long long time, right?

The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria were a book of the week club back in 1776 that ran Masonic themed parties that got way out of control. They were shut down about 10 years later when the local Catholic Bishop called the pigs on them and everyone had to split or go to jail. It was a bit like the Great Gatsby, but with powdered wigs, frock coats and not enough chics with bob cuts for anyone's liking.

In the USA the Illuminati were mostly people in positions of authority who the American Nativist Party (think KKK before the Civil War, not Native Americans.) didn't like. The Nativists were also called the "Know-Nothing Party", and they are responsible for the Washington Monument, that looks suspiciously like a great big Klansman (or a big uncircumcised white willy, take your pick). This was especially strange as the Know-Nothings were all fervent protestants, while the Freemasons they accused of being Illuminati were really hated by the Catholics as well. This was back in a time when the whole Catholic-Protestant thing really mattered other than in Northern Ireland, but apparently everyone hated the Freemasons, despite the fact the Freemasons were very pro-Protestant.

In the 1950's and 60s there was a new group formed called the John Birch Society who got on the Anti-Communist bandwagon directly after the period when McCarthyism held sway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism. They said that the Illuminati were behind the International Communist Movement, as well as other totalitarian ideologies. While this was 98% false, there was a little bit of truth behind it. This is because Freemasonry, by providing men of all social classes an opportunity to mingle in an egalitarian climate of ideas, had been an important organizing tool for the liberalizing movements of the 18th and 19th Centuries across Europe and America, and Socialism and Communism were amongst the ideas that were born in this period. In any case, it seems to be a bit foolish to fight totalitarian ideologies by adopting their ideas of censorship, but that is what Mc Carthy and the John Birch Society espoused.

In the 1970s, Robert Anton Wilson wrote a series of racy fictional books about the Illuminati. Many people read these and formed Discordian Societies as a bit of a joke. These Discordian Societies set about littering the cultural milieu of the USA with symbols of the Illuminati they had learned about from the book. This had the effect of driving the US Christian Fundamentalist community completely apoplectic with terror about the Illuminati. Add to this the Satanic Panic of the 1980s when underpaid psychologists in the American Bible Belt hit on the idea of using hypnosis to give people false memories of being abused by Satanic cults. The psychologists made out like bandits financially until the FBI figured out what was going on, but the Christian Fundamentalists were not going to have their faith in Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Illuminati undermined by a mere federal agency. And here we are today.
^'Fiction'....being the key word when it comes to the Illuminati.

Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut got too close to the truth. So, the day after he showed it to Warner Brothers, they...

Had him killed!
Cut 24 minutes from the film!

Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut got too close to the truth. So, the day after he showed it to Warner Brothers, they... Had him killed! Cut 24 minutes from the film!

I would have thought they would have killed Kubrick over his involvement with the faked moon landings or the time he fed Charles Manson Tide Pods and Manson got hypnotic powers?
I would have thought they would have killed Kubrick over his involvement with the faked moon landings or the time he fed Charles Manson Tide Pods and Manson got hypnotic powers?

That suited their agenda.

...when the local Catholic Bishop called the pigs on them and everyone had to split or go to jail..

With an efficiency that today's CIA would have marveled at.

Have the illuminati started leaving graffiti?


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