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The Illuminati



hey, can anyone fill me in on the history of the illuminati? and what exactly their objectives are?
i have read about them here and there but i am not quite sure what they are out to do. but i do know that they have benn around for a long long time, right?
They were a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt some two hundred years ago (roughly...) They disbanded shortly after their founding. They may have stuck around for a few years in secret, but not many.

How this little Shriners-type group got in the business of supposedly taking over the world I have no idea.
hachihyaku said:
They were a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt some two hundred years ago (roughly...) They disbanded shortly after their founding. They may have stuck around for a few years in secret, but not many.

How this little Shriners-type group got in the business of supposedly taking over the world I have no idea.

Really good PR.

(you can do anything with good PR)
The Illuminati were officially disbanded. That doesn't that they were actually disbanded...
"There is no Barvarian Illuminati"
The Barvarian Illuminati

Before you bury your head too deeply in your search for the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Barvaria I suggest you first read Robert Anton Wilson's (and the late Robert Shea's) Illuminatus Trillogy. I also recommend you to read Principa Discordia which is available online and in a book form (the latter from Steve Jackson Games). I warn you both are somewhat Cavaet Lector and reading Illuminatus has been likened to swallowing an LSD coated handgrenade (it either expands your mind or blows it). Of course I'm not expousing messing around with hallucinogens or explosives - I've never done either myself...

Anyway TTFN
hachihyaku said:
How this little Shriners-type group got in the business of supposedly taking over the world I have no idea.

Maybe by pretending not to exist while keeping the rumours going, then engineering certain world events to point conclusively to their existence and influence, thus attracting speculation crediting them with having had a hand in many more events which were in fact none of their doing but thereby appearing to be omnipresent and omnipotent so people just accept that the Illuminati run the show and there's nothing to be done about the situation.
Not long now. The conspiracy theories have gone mainstream - soon everyone will know who's really in charge and just come to accept that that's the way it is and long has been.
reading Illuminatus has been likened to swallowing an LSD coated handgrenade (it either expands your mind or blows it).
The people I know who have read it mostly likened it to doing something incredibly boring that might be interesting if you had taken enough drugs.

I think the whole Illuminati thing is nonsense. Its got to be a cover for a proper conspiracy that is genuinely secret.
Do you think the Illuminati really exists as an organized group or could it be a general reference to anyone enlightened in the mysteries of alchemy? Since alchemy metaphor can either be interpreted with negative, base meaning or positive spiritual meaning, if they exist in an organized way, do you think they are following the low road or the high road whereby they have 'slain the dragon'? Could there be two Illuminati -- the truly enlightened and the imposters?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A fnord is disinformation or irrelevant information intending to misdirect, with the implication of a conspiracy.

The word was coined as a nonsense word in the Principia Discordia by Kerry Thornley and Greg Hill, but was popularized by The Illuminatus! Trilogy of books by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. In these novels, it is claimed that the interjection "fnord" possesses hypnotic power over readers. A conspiracy of the world's controlling powers conditions everyone from a young age to be unable to consciously see the word "fnord"; instead, every appearance of the word will unconsciously generate a general feeling of uneasiness and confusion.

In the Shea/Wilson construct, fnords are scattered liberally in the text of newspapers and magazines, causing fear and anxiety in those following current events. However, there are no fnords in the advertisements, encouraging a consumerist society. It is implied in the books that fnord is not the actual word used for this task, but merely a substitute, since most readers would be unable to see the actual word. In the movie They Live, the main character discovers a similar conspiracy, when commercials are revealed to have hidden conformity messages visible only with specially prepared glasses.

To see the fnords means to be unaffected by the supposed hypnotic power of the word or, more loosely, of other fighting words. The phrase "I have seen the fnords" was famously graffitoed on a railway bridge (known locally as Anarchy Bridge) between Earlsdon and Coventry city centre throughout the 1980s and 1990s, until the bridge was upgraded. The bridge and the phrase were mentioned in the novel A Touch of Love by Jonathan Coe (ISBN 0140294910).

"Fnord" has become a popular word with followers of Discordianism. It is often used in Usenet and other computer circles to indicate a random or surreal sentence; anything out of context (intentionally or not) may be labelled "fnord".

In the metalhead subculture, "fnord" is used as a nonsense word, mainly to annoy other metalheads.
Read Dan Brown's Angels & Demons. Utter nonsense but enormous fun.

An Illuminati plot to destroy the Vatican using an antimatter bomb.

As synopses go, it doesn't get much better...
techybloke666 said:
In the metalhead subculture, "fnord" is used as a nonsense word, mainly to annoy other metalheads.

Fnord is one of those annoying words, just like Ni! used by the knights who say Ni! in Monthy Pyton and the Holy Grail.
Getting back to the point, the problem is that anyone can call themselves Illuminati, and if you surf the net a bit you will find plenty of groups who do. Some may be genuinely illuminated, but then again they may not.

Whether anyone who was would actually be interested in controlling the world would be another matter.

The Dan Brown actually crossed the line from being funny to being painfully bad to me, but still funny in parts. Why can't he just do some research?? (Maybe because he doesn't need to)
Why ignore those bits? They're no less fantastical than anything else on that site.

love the word Fantastical super really super.

Aliens are best discussed on the Aliens thread when all said and done.

Now demons thats a different matter !!!!!
I doubt a group like that would be much good at world domination somehow.

Think of the fluffier end of Mensa.
techybloke666 said:
Aliens are best discussed on the Aliens thread when all said and done.

Now demons thats a different matter !!!!!

And what do demons have to do with the Illuminati?
did you look at the site I posted Jerry

It does mention Demons !

Can't see you having a open view on Demons and the Occult IMHO :D

still if you want to get it going on here thats fine with me.
But that site is very confused ;)

If you want to read about my thoughts on the occult, magick, etc. use this forum's search function.

Demons and the occult is a thread in itself - and has probably already been covered here in one way or another.
Niles_Calder said:
The Illuminati were officially disbanded. That doesn't that they were actually disbanded...
"There is no Barvarian Illuminati"
The Barvarian Illuminati

Before you bury your head too deeply in your search for the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Barvaria I suggest you first read Robert Anton Wilson's (and the late Robert Shea's) Illuminatus Trillogy. I also recommend you to read Principa Discordia which is available online and in a book form (the latter from Steve Jackson Games). I warn you both are somewhat Cavaet Lector and reading Illuminatus has been likened to swallowing an LSD coated handgrenade (it either expands your mind or blows it). Of course I'm not expousing messing around with hallucinogens or explosives - I've never done either myself...

Anyway TTFN

I just looked up Principia Discordia and read about half of it. It's hilarious. I haven't had the pleasure of reading the Illuminatus Trillogy yet. It seems to me that much of the fuss about delving into the abyss to gain knowledge is merely exploring one's subconscious or the left brain hemisphere thinking. There could be lots of Boogy Men in there and if one survived the journey into that abyss and the seemingly chaos of it because it is not linear and logical like the left hemisphere thinking, they would come out feeling enlightened. In that case the pineal gland would be the door. However, there are other doors depending on metaphor interpretation since alchemy is applied to many disciplines.

The door is actually two doors (or gates), positive and negative. They can be applied to the mind, astronomy, chemistry and more. Sometimes they are called the door to heaven or Heaven of Heavens and the door to hell. The one to heaven, or the positive door was often mentioned as needed after going into the abyss. It was the way out and was also associated with flight. So we end up with tales such as dead pharoahs taking the journey to an underworld, then gaining the vessel to take them then to the upper world (heaven). That story also has astronomy meaning. Once in the sky, they repeat the metaphors and supposedly traveled past constellations associated with a door to hell and a door to the Heaven of Heavens. The vessel needed to reach the Heaven of Heavens was associated with the constellation Lira. From there the pharoah tried to get to the Cepheus constellation, then Aquarius. So the main parts of the journey went past Serpens and Hercules (who struggles with the snake), then to Lira, Cepheus and Aquarius in the Heaven of Heavens. Each had further meaning. Cepheus also means the rock and the philosopher's stone. It was the gold needed to make gold in alchemy and was the second to the last step in the jouney. Aquarius represented the living water, wisdom, enlightenment and the grail or writing of g(G)od(s). In the Old Testament of the Bible, it mentions (sorry I can't remember which book in it) that the pharoahs were rotting in their graves, implying they didn't get to Cepheus or acquire its, perhaps, enlightening meanings. The New Testament then goes on to use metaphor where Christ takes the journey and arises from hell, so Christians don't have to. They get the metaphorical meaning of the fish or Pisces. This is also a constellation near Aquarius. So the Egyptians and the Christians were suggesting astronomical routes to Aquarius. Why? I am not sure, but there is geometry to it also that also points there and this is the constellation associated with true illumination. Thus any Illuminati would have had to understand all that in its various application to different disciplines. Interestingly, the United Nations has a meditation room in the basement with a giant iron block in the middle of it. It can represent the philosopher's stone which is also the gold needed to make gold or Cepheus. They don't have however, anything representing Aquarius or the water -- also a metphor for wisdom.

Personally, I think if the Illuminati exist as an organized group somewhere that they haven't figured it all out either. The stories all have Lira as an important step in the journey. That's the harp. Music seems to be the key to figuring out much of the mysterious things of the past. It is know known that the Sumerians, using what we used to think of as numerology, actually were writing about music harmonics. There is much to learn about the past. They merged all the disciplines and as a result, I think they were well versed in Jungian archtypes and their connection to music among many other things. Somewhere someplace there could be someone who knows, or perhaps it is just an ongoing journey of repition through overtones.
The vast percentage of the materials on the Illuminati spread around the Internet tend to be Disinformationist, Neutralist and just plain goody - a few facts of history mixed up with bits and pieces concerning "flying saucers," aliens, Reptilians (whatever those are supposed to be), Richard Shaver and his cavern Deros, Anti-Semitic diatribes and so on, most of this gunk so wild and wacky and so totally undocumented that these fantasies don't even qualify as "factoids."

But back durirg the Nineteenth Century, especially the first half, research into the Illuminati was quite serious stuff. Research materials from that period were based on Adam Wesihaupt's own holograph manuscripts and these demonstrate rather conclusively that his goal was to destroy civilization so that a New Order could be constructed upon the reduced-to-gravel ruins of the Old.

All that responsible Conspiritologists claim is that Weishaupt's ideas contributded directly to the fomenting of the French Revolution - which was NOT a GOOD thing. And that those same ideas can be traced from the Jacobins to the Neo-Jacobins of Graccus Babeuf (who tried to re-kindle the Terror three years after the guillotines were dismantled), to the Carbonari, to Young Europe, to the League of Just Men (AKA The League of the Just) and to the Communist Party of Karl Marx. (And please note that many early Communist theoreticians and historians CLAIMED this heritage!)

There was indeed widely-circulated publicity that the Illuminati was suppressed by the Bavarian Government in 1785, and there were even encouraged rumors that the Illuminist leaders were all beheaded. In actuality, the sternest punishment given any Illuminati member was a sentence of six months' imprisonment, and the culprint received permission to serve that sentence in a monestery. Weishaupt himself survived for an additional 47 years.

The Illuminati itself merely changed i's name to the German Union (Germanien Union) and this was directly ancestral to the Tungendbund (German students unions). A fairly convincing descent can be drawn from the German Union and the Tugenbund to the Anti-Semitic German university student organizations of Adolf Hitler's day.

No Reptile-Men "Illuminati," flashing around the Universe in George Adamski-style flying saucers need apply.
This story could just as easily have been posted on the new Kardashians thread. But, why not give this old thread an airing, instead?

Does the Kardashians' Christmas card hide a secret Illuminati message?

I'd say probably not. But then again, if I were part of a shadowy media cover-up, that's exactly what I would say

theguardian.com, Lanre Bakare 5 December 2013


The Kardashian Christmas card: 'gaudy clickbait replete with thinly veiled digs
at celebrity culture'.
Photograph: David Lachapelle

Self-styled celebrity super family the Kardashians love their annual Christmas card. Over the years they've built up a smorgasboard of festive snaps, which have become more overblown as the family has slowly risen up the celebrity food chain. Last year's was an all-white number with ticker tape and bubbly, which made it look as if they were trapped in a 2013 version of The Crystal Maze, but this year their yuletide snap went further and almost broke the internet.

Looking like a mix between a scene from Boogie Nights and the interior of a jazzed up Blackpool Pleasure Beach arcade, it's gaudy clickbait replete with thinly veiled digs at celebrity culture. Their subtle subliminal missives are communicated via piles of trashy magazine covers, Bruce Jenner trapped in a tube and graffiti that says stuff like "fame". Most media outlets took the card at face value and instinctively laughed heartily at it, before mocking the Kardashians and moving on, but others looked a bit deeper and started to see the HIDDEN ILLUMINATI MESSAGES.

Conspiracy theorist and shouty bloke du jour Alex Jones summed it up, calling the card "a rather grim and depressing summation of the entertainment world", which most people would happily agree with. But then he went on to add the whole thing was a homage to the "shadowy elite that is turning popular culture into a toxic wasteland". At that point most people switched off, but then even mainstream news sources started to ask; what is the secret Illuminati message? It's a question that has increasingly been asked of celebs linked to hip-hop over the last decade, with artists such as Jay-Z regularly having to bat away accusations that he's part of an occult conspiracy. And Hova is far from the only rapper accused of having Illuminati ties.

An internet search for Canadian cry-baby rap star Drake, for example, will throw up a treasure trove of Illuminati hip-hop conspiracy material. It ranges from Drake being in cahoots with crack-smoking Toronto mayor Rob Ford, to the fact that his clothing line features an owl (which is a sure sign of Illuminatiness) and theories that his tracklists contain hidden messages about the end of the world. The rabbit hole goes even deeper with a whole host of outlandish theories about the death of Tupac, which mostly revolve around him being murdered by the Illuminati with Kanye West and Jay-Z (of course) masterminding the whole shady operation.

Rappers are just the latest fall guys and they've taken the place of rock stars, who were regularly accused of occult connections in the 70s. David Bowie's interest in the work of Aleister Crowley around the time of his Berlin triptych which manifested itself via lyrical hat tips, and the Beatles' decision to include Crowley on the cover of Sgt Pepper's was enough to have them accused of dark connections.

So are the Kardashians simply the latest celebrity Illuminati messengers? Probably not – it's more likely they are just the latest celebrities to understand the publicity-spinning potential of Easter egg-laden promo shots that can be interpreted as having a darker meaning. But then again I would say that, wouldn't I? I could be part of the shadowy media cover-up squad.

• The commissioning of this article was suggested by Juicylicious. If there's a subject you'd like to see covered on Comment is free, please visit our You Tell Us page
I find it hard trying to imagine living in a World where that card might be considered, festive. Must be getting old. :lol:
Guardia helpfully supplies Illuminati passnotes.

Passnotes: A humorous Q&A about a news issue of the day.

The Illuminati: the secret society pulling the strings of every major organisation in the world

You only have to look at that hand thing Jay Z does, or Lindsay Lohan's tattoos, or the Guardian's articles on quinoa to know that everyone is part of the great conspiracy

The Guardian. Passnotes No 3,238. 18. December .13

Name: The Illuminati.

Age: 237.

Appearance: A pyramid with an eye on it, a hand signal, a tattoo on a rapper's back, a giant lizard dressed as the Queen. Take your pick.

Really? Are we still pretending that the Illuminati is a thing? Of course it's a thing. Haven't you seen the signs? Haven't you read Dan Brown? Haven't you heard We Do, the Stonecutters' Song, from that episode of The Simpsons?

You're referencing works of fiction here. It's fact. He might look like a simpering, polo-necked millionaire, but Brown exposed the real truth about the Illuminati.

Which is? It's a shadowy conspiracy that has existed since the dawn of time, secretly pulling the strings of every major organisation in the world. It manipulates finances and dictates policy so as to usher in a terrifying new world order.

The dawn of time? But it's only 237 years old. Well, if you want to swallow society's blue pill, then we're discussing the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society opposed to superstition, abuse of state power and religious influence that was formed in 1776 and disbanded in 1785. But that's what they want you to think. The truth is much more sinister. Even celebrities are in on it.

Really? Yes, according to the latest, absolutely conclusive, reports. Look at Lindsay Lohan's tattoos. Or Lady Gaga's videos. Or that hand thing that Jay Z does. Or the way Barack Obama shakes hands with the pope.

But surely this can all be attributed to people reading too much into innocuous happenstance, because believing that we're all being controlled by secret organisations is much less frightening than accepting the lonely purposeless reality of life on Earth? No. Shut up. Everyone's in the Illuminati.

Everyone? Even the Guardian? Especially the Guardian. What are all those articles about quinoa for, if not to deliberately make it too expensive for Bolivians and further the rise of McDonald's, which is also part of the Illuminati, in the developing world?

Damn, rumbled [disappears in a puff of smoke]. I knew it.

Do say: "Every third letter of every fifth sentence of this article makes up an anagram. Decode that for the real truth."

Don't say: Anything rational in the comments.
So, now you know.
Angelina Jolie supposedly telling her friends about an Illuminati ritual she participated in. Sounds weird, whether it's Illuminati or not.

Footage of Angelina Jolie Describing Her Satanic Initiation into the Illuminati

A video containing secret footage of a 23-year-old Angelina Jolie talking to two friends, in which Jolie admits to and describes the satanic ritual she undertook to enter the Order of the Illuminati, including twisting of nipples and the sacrifice of a snake.

The video was uploaded by a “James Porter” on September 23, 2016, just 4 days after Jolie, 41, filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, 52. (See “Marriage of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt goes kaput“.)

The pending divorce has already become very ugly.

More text at:
I recently finished a book called 'New World Order' by William T. Still. Naturally, it claims that the illumaniti's luciferian doctrine is the main cause of all social ills.
The book was written in the late 80s, and Still was a Christian crackpot, but it provides a fascinating insight into the naivety of most conspiracy theorists. I mean, it's actually hard to believe that anyone would be surprised by the notion of the world being run by a small group of the super wealthy. I guess there's just no need for conspiracies in a world in which Donald Trump is going to become the US president.
...The Illuminati: the secret society pulling the strings of every major organisation in the world..

And no less a personage than Buckminster Fuller believer this. He placed the start of this to the days of 'The men with swords'.
