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Skinwalker Ranch uses the most reputable companies and I don’t believe these companies are inexperienced or not doing the right thing.

I don’t believe these companies would hurt themselves in the competitive business world.

These last past years has shown that the phenomenons on the ranch are very consistent and not haphazard.
Quite correct. The team may or may not have expertise in scanning technology but the people they hire are extremely skilled, and, as you say, they're not going to make any silly mistakes. In fact some of the most important findings have come from them rather than the regular team members.
The team may or may not have expertise in scanning technology but the people they hire are extremely skilled, and, as you say, they're not going to make any silly mistakes. In fact some of the most important findings have come from them rather than the regular team members.
If they have made any important findings (and it seems very likely that they haven't), then they should publish all the data and let it be peer reviewed.
Instead we get badly-edited, sensationalist presentations, often with different data on screen to what they are describing verbally. This is not a scientific effort.
The Skinwalker Ranch group always bring in experts for outside opinions when they don’t know.

They recently found a biologist from a museum to investigate the dead Grosbeck and Starlings birds on the ranch.

Usually experiments are performed by hired outside business companies.
I dont know about the ranch area in particular, but Utah has generally little rain or humidity, likely making dead animals more likely to dessicate than decay normally.
If they have made any important findings (and it seems very likely that they haven't), then they should publish all the data and let it be peer reviewed.
Instead we get badly-edited, sensationalist presentations, often with different data on screen to what they are describing verbally. This is not a scientific effort.
Often the data are displayed onscreen and it is not difficult to download a screenshot.
Yes; screenshots have been downloaded on many occasions, and they don't always match the dialogue.

In Season 1, Episode 2, for instance, they show a Spectrum Analyser with a reading of 1385 MHz, while discussing a reading of 1240.

I know this is just an editing glitch (probably outside of Taylor's control), but it does mean we can't rely on the screens showing the data accurately. On another occasion they showed some airplane tracking from a different day.

It is basically impossible to trust anything shown on screen in this program.
The Hutchings Museum says they have no answers to why.

The dead birds form Skinwalker Ranch showed no signs of decomposition, bugs , or magnots.

The birds showed no signs of being eaten by scavengers.

The bird’s flesh is still flexible.

They have no explanation for the bird’s missing brains.

The Starlings bones seemed pulverized.
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The Starlings bones seemed pulverized.

is the suggestion that they responded to something mid air and plummetted? I wonder how high they would have to be to have the shattering happen to their bones.
A biologist came to the ranch to take the dead birds back to the museum.

The ranch people did not handle the birds.

Strangely the Starlings only started to decompose away from the ranch.

The Grosbecks still showed no decomposition.
The grosbeak was fairly decomposed, and the starling had a hole in its head where something had eaten its brain. That doesn't sound like a collision in mid-air to me. The reason I suggested bird flu is because the reason that lots of dead birds suddenly turn up in a location is often because of some disease, and we know that there is bird flu in Utah.

Perhaps some raptor saw the dead birds, and just ate the brains, which are a quick source of sugars, protein and fluids. The birds were then found by Kandus (the anthropologist), and appear to have been kept somewhere free from flies and beetles for a week or two, which could explain the lack of insect eggs and the lack of rigor mortis.

The first thing I'd do if I were the museum guy is get them tested for pathogens. Possibly the raptor that ate the starlings' brains has also become infected, which may explain its strange behaviour. And bird flu is notifiable.
Because of the long history of the indigenous people stories of the portals near the petroglyphs on the mesa, is Skinwalker Ranch a portal into another reality ?

Does this explain the unseen doughnut force over the triangle area near the mesa ?
I doubt if there’s anything over the Mesa other than air currents due to heat and the terrain.
Because of the long history of the indigenous people stories of the portals near the petroglyphs on the mesa, is Skinwalker Ranch a portal into another reality ?

Does this explain the unseen doughnut force over the triangle area near the mesa ?

what is the research on similar indigenous stories?
And what can be even more exiting on the lee side downdrafts.
The state of Utah is named for the indigenous Utes.

Utes believe bears are special spirits, believe in Shamanism, believe special supernatural beings live in water, believe in that ghosts and souls wonder.

The Utes believe that there are portals in the ground and rocks to other worlds.

Several American Indian tribes believe in sky gods that come to earth.
Because of the long history of the indigenous people stories of the portals near the petroglyphs on the mesa, is Skinwalker Ranch a portal into another reality ?

Does this explain the unseen doughnut force over the triangle area near the mesa ?
The state of Utah is named for the indigenous Utes.

Utes believe bears are special spirits, believe in Shamanism, believe special supernatural beings live in water, believe in that ghosts and souls wonder.

The Utes believe that there are portals in the ground and rocks to other worlds.

Several American Indian tribes believe in sky gods that come to earth.
Similar traditions can be found in my country linked to the Comechingones tribe. Animal species may be different due to the habitat but the characteristics are similar. There is a very strong tradition about the presence of shape-shifters and human-feline creatures. Shamans used to employ areas called portals or sacred places to enter other realities helped by the action of natural hallucinogens such as Cebil (Anadenanthera colubrina). They used eaves and specific caves where the presence of rock art is very significant. They also used the so-called bedrock mortars or cup-marks not only for grinding food and medicinal plants but also for rituals linked to water.
I have traveled several thousand kilometers investigating these sites in the provinces of San Luis and Cordoba, Argentina.​
I'm seeing that these particular legends/myths/beliefs are very widspread. Comparative anthroplogy suggests that they are staples :) No, I can't pick one reference for that because I can't remember what the relevant equivalant to the Stith Thompson Motif Index for fairytales and folklore is.

The point of this is that it's too much like going to a scottish town nad saying " this house is near a bar". It's true, but pretty useless and probably irrelevant. Not saying it's quite that bad in this case but it means that any recourse to it as evidence needs to be hedged around with caveats.
I'm seeing that these particular legends/myths/beliefs are very widspread. Comparative anthroplogy suggests that they are staples :) No, I can't pick one reference for that because I can't remember what the relevant equivalant to the Stith Thompson Motif Index for fairytales and folklore is.

The point of this is that it's too much like going to a scottish town nad saying " this house is near a bar". It's true, but pretty useless and probably irrelevant. Not saying it's quite that bad in this case but it means that any recourse to it as evidence needs to be hedged around with caveats.

I understand perfectly what you are saying but here we would not be comparing two Scottish cities with bars around them. But geographical locations separated by many thousands of kilometers. I have visited both places and I actually had to travel quite a distance by plane to get to Utah. The point is that what has caught my attention is the similarity of myths or legends or whatever you want to call it, customs, procedures, in the attempt to reach the same end. In this case I take the example of the supposed portals, which, of course, we have not been able to prove exist. However, being something illusory, at worst, the curious thing is that such distant cultures used the same methods, the same symbols and had folklore with the same type of creatures.​
However, being something illusory, at worst, the curious thing is that such distant cultures used the same methods, the same symbols and had folklore with the same type of creatures.

yes! lovely summation :) one of my areas of interest - independent genesis or migration of people/belief. Single/similar sources? Or happenstance from a limited human playbook?

Really enjoying your posts by the way @Fabio Picasso :twothumbs:
I understand perfectly what you are saying but here we would not be comparing two Scottish cities with bars around them. But geographical locations separated by many thousands of kilometers. I have visited both places and I actually had to travel quite a distance by plane to get to Utah. The point is that what has caught my attention is the similarity of myths or legends or whatever you want to call it, customs, procedures, in the attempt to reach the same end. In this case I take the example of the supposed portals, which, of course, we have not been able to prove exist. However, being something illusory, at worst, the curious thing is that such distant cultures used the same methods, the same symbols and had folklore with the same type of creatures.​
I think also that many cultures have a tradition of a golden age that humanity shared until some time that the Gods felt threatened by their advance and deliberately handicapped them, e.g. by forcing them to use different languages. If our ancestors actually had a worldwide communication network operating through stone circles, telepathy, portals, or whatever, and the whole system broke down, this might explain what really happened.
I think also that many cultures have a tradition of a golden age that humanity shared until some time that the Gods felt threatened by their advance and deliberately handicapped them, e.g. by forcing them to use different languages. If our ancestors actually had a worldwide communication network operating through stone circles, telepathy, portals, or whatever, and the whole system broke down, this might explain what really happened.

First find the worldwide communication network operating through stone circles, telepathy, portals, or whatever... on the lines of the apocryphal recipie for hare pie that starts First Catch Your Hare.

Until there is some evidence for that (network not hare), postulating reasons why it is so seem to be a little premature?