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The Sign Of The Cross


Justified & Ancient
Jul 30, 2003
A tale to tell but where to begin.

2003, 18 months after my dad had died.
My father's name was Gerry. Short for Gerard. He'd given my mother a cross to replace a previous one on a necklace chain. She knew it was still around her neck in her bedroom but became suddenly aware in the living room that it had vanished from the chain, and was distraught. She's wheelchair bound so there were only 3 rooms in which to search for it. And I searched every inch of floor on my hands and knees, including her bedroom. It was not there. I did something unlikely...having read of such things recently I privately addressed the air and "them" requesting "they" please return the cross. A few minutes later walked back into her bedroom and there it was right slap bang in the middle of the empty bare small plain tiled floor. This abbreviated version cannot convey the absolute certainty that this was not a case of just not noticing, like the glasses on top of your head or the pencil behind your ear, but that something truly startling had occurred with all the spectacle of a parlour trick.

Monday of this week 2 things happened. My mum, seemingly recovered from the confusions of another bout of urinary tract infection a few days earlier was suddenly fully back in a state of rambling dementia bordering on delirium and referred, cheerfully enough, to my dad having (when she didn't say) been standing by her bedroom door and saying nothing. Secondly that day I received in the post a book I'd ordered on a very specific subject that had intrigued me lately...the claim that synchronicity and multi-layered coincidences are organised and arranged by the "spirits" to show they live on and to guide you. (I was interested by the claim because I drown in such synchronicity, especially in recent weeks, and its never appeared to have any meaning at all, ,much less involve the dead!) I was only a few pages in when I read this paragraph:

"Jeri Gerard recalls an encounter with a lost or trapped spirit in a house where she was living: 'It was something very heavy and annoying that wanted my attention. One day, my favourite pen disappeared, a Cross pen, a gift from my mother. I knew that I had left it on the made bed, but it was no longer there. I searched the bed, then the room, then the house, Finally, I turned to the living room and fiercely ordered my pen to be returned. When I went back to the bedroom, it was precisely in the middle of the bed'. "

It took a couple of reads for all the layers of this startling parallel to sink in. The incident, the location, the search, the process, the resolve...the emphasis on the pen being a "Cross" and the woman's name Jeri Gerard. And all in a book about synchronicity.

To me startling in the extreme. I wrote it all down to someone I'd been corresponding with on the subject in the previous few days, who had first drawn my attention to the claim that these things are arranged by the deceased. Within half an hour of doing so.....

My mum - who knew nothing of this - became agitated and started demanding "the tin box". There's a tin box in her bedside drawer, but she'd not have seen it for months, I keep nothing in it but old near empty tablet packets like Rennies or Paracetamol, and her state of mind being what it is she oughtn't even be aware it's there so surely was either rambling or meant something else, but she got more and more agitated and demanding so only getting this particular box out would placate her. She started rummaging through the packets and things as if searching for something and pulled out with an expression that appeared to say "see!" ...the chain with the cross on it. No explanation, but satisfied we could now put it all back.

Make of this what you will.
Thanks - I am not sure what to make of it either. But those were some decidedly odd incidents.
Great Fortean stories, thanks for sharing! It's a really interesting topic and something which I'm sure almost everyone has some odd experience of.
I love the whole synchronicity stuff! Like the time I heard on the radio that the next James Bond film was going to be called A Quantum of Solace and I raged at work that it was a stupid name and very un- Flemming, then that night picked up and carried on reading the book of Bond short stories I was making my way through, and the next story was... you guessed it! Took book to Paris, read a story of Bond in Paris who ate at same restaurant I just had! Pointless and not as emotionally charged as your accounts here, Gattino, but memorable to me at least.
That's the very kind of thing that happens to me frequently. And like you while it appears meaningful - in the sense you wonder if "someone up there is trying to tell you something" - in practical terms it never ever is, it doesn't lead you down a particular path, to a great discovery or meeting a significant person, its just trivial and pointless at the same time as startling.

That's why I was intrigued when reading Consulting Spirit, the account of Ian Rubenstein the London GP who has become a medium, because a lot of his experiences are identical to mine (and yours) in the sense of uncanny multilayered coincidences ..but unlike ours they always seem to serve a purpose, and in the world of spiritualists in which he finds himself they've no doubt that the spirit world is arranging it all. That's why I started corresponding with him to ask his thoughts and why that definitely doesn't seem to be the case with the synchronicity that comes a knocking at MY door. And then all of the above happened......

This was actually the culmination (assuming it's stopped, which it may not have done) of several weeks of mounting sychcronicitous events. A long account of most, but not all of it is on my last posting on this thread: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=51028

It started off as failed psychic experiments, which then seemed to attract weirdness around them.......
That link you posted? Made my head hurt too (although not as badly as trying to navigate my way onto this forum using the flawed Kindle Fire)!

It's like we only get to see a bit of the puzzle, but if we could just get to see the bigger picture it would start to make sense.
There have been several, not so much developments as offshoots of this story.

The first was the realisation that all of the more notable and quotable fortean events of the last several weeks had something very odd in common. They each happened on a Monday...for 5 successive weeks. Of course having noticed and drawn attention to his pattern nothing of note happened this past Monday. The Cosmic Joker is a contrary git.

However somethng did happen on Saturday. Some people who've seen postings by me before will know the reference to my mum seeing my late dad standing silently in the room is not new. She first took seriously ill one year ago and has had repeated infections and hosipitalisations since...whenever she's ill, and more rarely in between, her visitors get mentioned. Her mum (my nan) and my dad. Both of course long dead. When it first happened inevitably the thought that these were deathbed visions was hard to resist...but the fact its gone on for a year and sh'e not popped any clogs have robbed the experience of any sense of portents of imminent doom. Add to this the fact she appears to have created new lives for them whereby my nan lives upstairs and my (bald) father lives in some woman's house and has long hair also steals it of its supernatural overtones. Nevertheless in those instances where she has spoken of one or other of them being in the room (always in the past tense, never witnessed) and hte fact they never said anything is always more spooky and suggestive. So what happened on Saturday? Well.......

A development. Half way through her now completed course of antibiotics she appeared to be behaving normally with only the odd comment to reveal she wasn't. She quite casually spoke of a new dead relative having been there (standing by the bedroom door again) for the first time. My dad's mother. She'd died before I was born and I never knew her, but once again if this is delusion why is it never of hte living? Second development...she wasn't silent. For the first time a conversation was reported. She apparently lives in a nice house and....now I'm not sure if she said "she looks after me" (my mum) or "she looks after it" (the house), though I'm pretty certain it was the former. And finally a third new detail. She had all these other people standing behind her, so had to go......

And one more sequel to my tale, which I hope I can find out more about later. I quoted the story at the start of this thread to a friend in Switzerland, Malik, who is from an Algerian family. I forget because its ancient history to me that the physical manifestation of the reappearing objects -- rather than the whole synchroncity thing -- is what will grab most other people's attention as the headline part of the story, though it was't my intention. And so he thought the tale scary and creepy. He said such things scare him, the idea of us not being alone here, and how back in Algeria they're forever making little verbal rituals to ward off the devil. And then this extraordinary paragraph, which I've yet to interrogate him on:

"I started to think that they didn't really accept psychology so they call every person with a personality disorder a "posessed". But then happened this whole story with one of my aunt who lives there. She's really been posessed by a power/force/spirit. I don't know what it was but it was like in this movie "the exorcist". Someone would talk at her place in several languages and her voice would be the one of a man. She also knows about everything before it happens. Well I don't really like to talk about these things cause it scares me a lot."

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:
Well he's given me the whole account of his Aunt's alleged possession. Here it is:

"I was younger. A child. We celebrated my cousin's wedding in a giant venue which was just rebuilt back then. As in every big marriage there the guests all slept in a part of the venue. Women in a giant room and men in an other.

My aunt started saying she wasn't feeling well. When everyone woke up for the "party" to continue she started acting weird. People didn't say anything. Then at noon she closed all the doors where people were eating. She screamed in the middle of the room and everybody was silent. She started walking around and speak loud enough so everyone would hear her. She started in an arabic, then in french, then in english, then in some languages no one knows. Her voice wasn't her and she were acting in a strange way. Then she/he said it was time to reaveal everyone's darkest secrets. She revealed things no one knew about except each person who was concerned. Like who stole what, who raped who, who was pregnant. She said something about each adult (and that's lot) who was in the room. When she finished she fainted on the floor. When she woke up she said she remembered of nothing.

My whole family called an exorcist (a muslim one). He tried to heal her. When he reached the spirit by talking with him it told him that he (the spirit himself) wasn't bad. He was just looking for a body to rest as he was killed in a concentration camp. During his research the exorcist found out that the venue where the wedding was organized was during the war a concentration camp. The exorcist's never managed to make it go. My aunt's been living with it. She knows everything before it happens. Like when my sister had an abortion. That's how my mom knew about it. My sister and my aunt don't talk to each other. This + so many other things.

My family's learnt to live with it. They still invite her. I have to say I was so afraid to stay in the same room as her. Once I was watching TV and she was there with me and my mom. My mom left the living room. When I realized I was only with her I got scared but acted like nothing bothered me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Maybe it was all in my head but I swore the person who was smiling back wasn't my aunt. That was something else. I got the scare of my life. Though everyone stopped talking about it some said that the spirit didn't live in her anymore. Others say it's in her son as he's been having dreams about others that always happen."

If you have your more sceptical hat on there are obvious questions to ask to rule out this being some of form of malicious tourettes from a gossipy woman, and I shall ask them. Chief of which is how it can be confirmed she revealed the dark secrets known only to the invidividuals themselves....I mean, if no one else knew about it, would the one accused of rape have said "fair cop, guv!" in front of everyone? I'll see if I can get to the bottom of that, but in general a very eerie and dramatic story.
"I love the whole synchronicity stuff!"

Me too!

A good friend of mine really liked an antique plate that was for sale on my vintage stall, last week. After she admired it, I put it away with the thought of adding it to her Xmas gifts. "Oh, you've sold that lovely plate" she said with disappointment. "I was thinking of getting it"

Two stalls away was a French jug that I had my eye on, I told my friend I had another piece just like it. Later I noted it was sold and consoled myself that I really couldn't afford it, anyway. :cry:

You guessed it, my friend and I have just exchanged our gifts, she got the plate, and I got the jug - surprise! :D
Two years on from the original story at the start of this thread, an extraordinary twist....

It occurred to me to locate and message this Jeri Gerard lady online. I thought maybe there are more connections to add to the story. Perhaps her missing pen incident coincided timewise with my 2003 vanishing cross for example. Who knows. So I finally messaged her. She's a spiritual new age type of person who sells beads from Nepal etc in the US. No further parallels to my story have become apparent, but there was this....

She told me I was not the first person to correspond with her about a matching/interconnected story to one of her own. That an account of a dream she had appeared on the website of the couple in whose book I read the pen story, and another reader got in touch to reveal SHE ..a complete stranger..had had the exact same dream percieved from a different angle! :-0 I had to look it up.......

She wrote of an exceptionally vivid dream when in Thailand after she got married. "My hotel room had two single beds. I fell asleep very quickly, but shortly after I fell asleep, I was aware of the room again as if I was looking through the backs of my eye-lids. Everything in the room was exactly as it had been when I went to bed except that I had visitors.

There was a monk lying seemingly deceased on the bed next to mine. Around the departed or nearly departed, three other monks in long dark red robes with large yellow hats were marching clockwise around the body. One of them swung an incense burner as they circumnambulated and chanted. They were completely absorbed in what they were doing until they came around the foot of the bed. One of the monks realized that I was there and looked right into my eyes with a fierce and fixed gaze. I cannot ever remember the feeling of being seen in any other dream than this one. Usually it is the dreamer that does all of the seeing.

In seconds I was awake again and running down the stairs to the lobby. I asked the teenagers at the desk how old the building was and had anyone ever seen any ghosts there before. They said that the building was quite old but they hadn’t heard about any ghosts. They also pointed out that Thai monks wear orange robes and do not have big yellow hats.

I couldn’t go back to sleep that night. I didn’t want to be alone in the room, so I went out on the town with another guest at the hotel.

The dream was vivid in my imagination for years. A couple of years after my first child was born, I was on another buying trip in Nepal. There on the wall of a different hotel was a mural of the same red robed monks with large yellow hats that I had seen in my dreams."

Now her story ends that she happened to be dining with a relative of the Dalai lama, told her the story of the dream and this person said felt sure it was a reincarnation dream relating to her son and urged her to contact the DL's office. The idea of subjecting her american son to a childhood of buddhist education wasn't something she was comfortable with so never got in touch.

So far so interesting. Here's where it gets nutty. the above account was written on teh synchroncity themed website belonging to the couiple who wrote teh book in which I saw her disappearing pen story. 3 or 4 regular contributors commented underneath. Including the following, addressed to the site owner.....

"here's the deal, trish – i've had that same exact dream – except – i've never been to thailand – i've never met a monk in this life – and i've never known anyone who had this dream so it never occurred to me that it was any more than one of my own – and i might not have even remembered it out of the blue but for her describing my own dream in this post -

in my own dream, i, too am in a hotel – it seems to be a very old hotel – it is in a strange place [foreign to me] – but i don't seem to be surprised at being there – the room is rather dark – it is a small room and has two small beds [i don't remember headboards – just the small beds] – both beds are against walls – there is not much space between the beds – the doorway opens toward the foot of the beds – i am sitting on the bed further away from the door – and i am just sitting there – watching – watching the other bed as three [geezeee…this is weird] monks stand over another who is lying on the other bed.

These monks are dressed in dark red wrap/robes [but mine are not wearing hats] – their heads are shaven – and are holding something like incense burners over the monk who has died or is dying – although i cannot understand their language i believe that they are saying prayers over the other monk – in my dream, they do not circle the bed but rather stand with their backs to me as i sit on my own bed.

Now, also in my dream, it seems i remember a very small window on the wall above the other bed – and i sense that the room is on a second floor as through the window i see the sky – in my dream it doesn't seem at all curious to me that i would be in a hotel room in a foreign country with a dying monk over whom others are praying – i don't feel obtrusive at all in being there.

Anyway, i'm sitting there just peacefully watching and then the monk in the middle who has been more vocal than the others with chants and/or prayers turns around as if he has just become aware of my presence and he stands there, half turned, holding the smoking brass thing, and he looks directly at me – just calmly looks at me – and in that moment, i awaken – oh, and in my dream, i am watching "myself" from behind "me" – i mean,from behind "me", i "see" "me" sitting on the bed watching the monks -

now, i cannot even give a date as to when i had this dream – i do know that it was quite some time ago and not within the last few months at all. But as i read your post, i literally sat with mouth open and kept thinking where had you gotten the dream i had – i mean, it was just surreal to be reading my own dream -

so – there you have it, lady! i've no clue as to what any of this means – but – i've had that same dream, with the slight variations i mention – geezzeee…very weird!"

That the same woman should be at the centre of not one but two distinct and separate pairs of fortean events like these, and indeed find out about them, is quite mind boggling.
It's a fascinating idea that synchrocities are arranged by the spirit world - it shows the Coincidences thread in a new light!

And yet, some coincidences must be just that. I posted one yesterday, about people falling off the stage at an award ceremony, but it was not specific to me. I'm not up for any awards, and anyone with access to the internet or the papers could have picked up on the two items. I can't have been the only person to notice them either.

But multi-layered synchronicities, affecting just a few people, seem to be a different thing altogether. Perhaps the spirits are sending enigmatic messages!
I did say to the original lady, the one at the centre of it all, that maybe its all about her and we were meant to get in touch with her, but for what possible reason?

Her response was a bit ..well..

"It is a signpost pointing to a shared past, and a reminder to be ever compassionate in my interactions. Thank you for the reminder."

A vague and new agey if you ask me, and also a polite attempt to end the conversation I suspect!
And now I've fallen hopelessly down the rabbit hole. What I'm about to report could be addended to any number of my threads on here, but this is where it started so here I must place it. Brace yourself to be as bewildered as me....

The author of the Exorcist, William Peter Blatty, has written a book called Finding Peter about his conviction that his real life dead son has been showing signs of survival through signs and coincidences and eerie happenings. I've not read or sent off for it yet but it obviously is of interest given the stuff reported above but, even more so the recent account on hte thread "The Five Year Sign". http://forum.forteantimes.com/index.php?threads/the-five-year-sign.59378/ involving my young friend Matteo. So I've sent the link to the book to several people suggesting this could be interesting.. and at the back of my mind I knew, just knew, there would be something in his book that was directly relevant to my own experiences or interconnected with them in some way. Well last night I found a detailed review of hte book which includes summaries of a couple of the incidents Blatty reports....

"Among the many “paranormal” events Bill and Julie experienced was the lost, and then found, miraculous medal that once belonged to Peter. Bill had taken the medal and worn it around his neck after Peter’s death, only taking it off to get through airport security. One morning he woke up to find the medal was missing, and only the chain lay around his neck. He and Julie scoured the house, paying special attention to the shower, going over and over the small space several times.

A few days later, Bill got in the shower very nervous about a speech he had to give to a large audience. He saw something shiny on the floor and reached down to find Peter’s miraculous medal.

“Let’s go over it again: the glassed-in, brightly-lit shower stall measured a little less than four feet by four feet. Julie and I had separately entered the shower and meticulously searched it in broad daylight at least three times, in my case at least five.”

WE now have three inter-related tales from three unconnected people. The instinct that - whether supernatural or not - they're connected only by the shared experience of something disappearing and then being found would be mistaken. Remember in my case it was christian cross on a chain around my mother's neck, in the american woman's case it was a CROSS pen from her own dead mother, and in Blatty's case it was a religious medal from a chain around his neck. Religious medal, you say?

At first reading the reviewer's repeated references to the "miraculous medal" sound like a descriptive adjective relating to the mystery of its reappearance. But no. Blatty is a devout catholic and I suspected and confirmed online this morning that a "miraculous medal" is an actual proper name for an unofficial catholic talisman based around a 19th century vision of the virgin mary. On one side it shows Mary, on the reverse, a cross.....

Still not finished.

Even as I read it and saw a pic of one on Wikipedia I thought oh F***...you've got to be kidding me. Ever since my incident I've kept the chain with the cross on it in a top coat pocket like a lucky charm and never looked at it. But I just knew...went and fetched it and..there are two items on the chain, the second of which has always been there but I've never paid any heed to before. The little cross and...a "miraculous medal".

You are F***ing s***ing me.

I can't make any sense of this at all - there can be no single "ghost of mr x" behind each event yet they are clearly and intricately interconnected. Something is going on.
It's a fascinating idea that synchrocities are arranged by the spirit world - it shows the Coincidences thread in a new light!

This links in with ideas about messages from Beyond which is discussed around here somewhere.
In regards to a previous post...in a large very cohesive family as you describe there are very few secrets, especially for elder women, who necessarily have to clean up family messes and deal with illness and deaths. I'm sure your aunt as an older woman in the family has gone through many episodes and family issues, helped with births, family crimes etc and knew a lot of what a young child yourself at the time, wouldn't. So one day she's set off by something or someone and just can't take the repression of your family anymore. She dresses everyone down, spilling all the family secrets. ( I'm a little concerned about the ' who raped who' accusation, and the fact that the content of these accusations was of less concern apparently than the fact that they were made. ) So your aunt knows all the dirty secrets, and probably knows a lot more. Out of fear perhaps, her break from her repressive role is described as a 'possession' and she's tolerated as odd, but not ostracized. Just label Aunt Dottie as 'dottie' and your family has effectively neutralized a potential embarrassment if not potential trouble source. Whether her accusations were accurate is another interesting aspect of your story, since you said she told people things known only to themselves. How did you come by that information? Did the accused family members admit their crimes? We're there any reactions/ results of these revelations? How do you know the accuracy of her accusations then or now? Also the fact that your family (at least as far as Aunt Dottie said) is rife with crime makes it seem very dysfunctional, and all the more reason for Aumt Dottie to snap. In a family like that, honesty would necessarily be discredited as possession. So they must tolerate her. Now she's safe to a certain degree, with family hesitant to push her beyond her limits lest she lower the boom again. There's nothing paranormal or even vaguely Fortean about her episode. She was a woman stuck in an unfulfilling role with a lot of people she considered hypocrites.
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It took me a while to work out what on earth you were talking about! I forgot there was a side story about a friend's aunt early on.

It's several years old and not my tale so I'm only barely more qualified to comment on it than yourself, and each of your objections were raised by me at the time, though not covered in this thread. However your conclusions require you to insert claims not apparent in the available data.

We'll start with making it clear it was not my Aunt, but that of an Algerian born friend in Switzerland.

Terms such as "very cohesive" and "elder" seem to be ones of your own invention...they appear nowhere in the tale. My friend was a child at the time and from a North African family living in different countries..there's no reason to assume his aunt was any more than 30 and no particular intimate bonding is implied anywhere.

The speaking in multiple languages and self identying as a dead person in possession of her body certainly suggest something more profound than having a gossipy breakdown and others placing the interpretation of possession upon her! As are the speaking in a man's voice, altered facial features and subsequent/ongoing displays of precognition. Of interest are two passages I found at the time on the classic symptoms of alleged possession, which I'll quote in a minute for comparison to the tale as told here. They certainly suggest that, whatever the origin, its an objectively real and distinct experience of some kind, and that - with the information we have - she fits the definiton of it.

As for the specific ghostly claims - speaking in tongues, revealing things she couldn't know, and possibly the intimation by my friend of witnessing himself what sounds close to "tranfiguration" (seeing a different person in his aunt's face) - we can only speculate on the first and last one (French would certainly be known, surely some English, and the unknown language we can always wonder to be theatrical gibberish - but in the absence of more detail, we don't know// the altered face staring at him we can also leave to our imaginations). The one you raise - how do we know what she said was true if noone knew it, and how did people react etc - I actually have answers to. As I asked him at the time and luckily never delete any thing so have been able to track down his reply.

"Well some tried to defend themselves by denying what she implied. At the end every person concerned knew she was telling the truth. Each of them is still ashamed as it was a big bomb in the family. Some stopped all relationships since that day.

What I forgot to say is no one knew my sister was pregnant. She was younger and decided to get rid of the baby. My aunt (who still lives in Algeria) sent a text to my mother (in Switzerland) "she's going to kill a life." or something like that. It took time to my mother but she started being suspicious as she knew my aunt's predicitions are always true and in always involved people who are close to the person she informs. That's how she discovered my sis had an abortion. She was 19 y.o.

Nothing special happened the ceremony. Some said there was an evil energy in the room. Like we could feel the devil around. Only her voice, expressions, languages."

From Wikipedia: "Descriptions of demonic possessions often include erased memories or personalities, convulsions, “fits” and fainting as if one were dying.[1] Other descriptions include access to hidden knowledge (gnosis) and foreign languages (glossolalia), drastic changes in vocal intonation and facial structure, the sudden appearance of injuries (scratches, bite marks) or lesions, and superhuman strength"

From Will Storr Vs The Supernatural, an interview with the Vatican's chief Exorcist: "Amorth talks about a sceptical priest who attended an exorcism with his arms crossed sulkily and a sarcastic grin plastered across his face. He remained like that, watching, until the possessed child turned to him and said "You say you do not believe I exist. But you believe in women! And how!" The womanizing priest, horrified, humiliated and thoroughly rumbled, walked backwards out of the door and fled. This is a perfect example of an apparently possessed person displaying knowledge of something they shouldn't know. And it's astonishingly common in Amorth's patients."
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Crikey..I've just realised, in reawkening htat secondary topic,things have been brought back in an ever widening circle of coincidence... my last on topic posting was about the author of...er...the Exorcist.
Glad you were able to review your posts to see what you had written. Unless a family is very cohesive, they are unlikely to all spend a relatively lengthy event together sleeping in the same room. My accessment of the peculiar actions of the aunt were I believe on target. Many times in cultures that strictly describe and proscribe behavior and roles, one must feign or display real symptoms of mental illness in order to find an opportunity to deal with repressed emotions and to deal with extreme stress. It's highly unlikely this was a case of demonic possession it was far more likely an uncontrollable outburst by someone who was fed up with an overbearing situation. I' ll make one specific comment about the tale, which like all Fortean stories verges on the border between ' real tales' and urban myth...I don't know how accurate it was to state that the aunt said ' things she couldn't have known about' since neither your friend or you are in a position to make that assumption as neither you, he or I know what she knew. I do think it is likely she knew a lot of family ' secrets' since it is the women of the family who deal directly with the other family members when in crisis.
Again you're unilaterally imposing a number of assumptions onto the story - seemingly to make it conform with your pres-existing conclusions - for which there is no evidence in the available data.

Previously it was that she was an "elder", now its that "unless a family is very cohesive they are unlikely to all spend a relatively lengthy event together sleeping in the same room". I'm assuming by "cohesive" you mean intimately and constantly interconnected with each other's personal lives. This would be a fair assessement for what would be necessary for such an arrangement at an anglo-british family wedding in Milton Keynes, but this is a North African muslim wedding and to quote the information we have - "As in EVERY big marriage there". The inference to me is that it is the cultural norm for the guests to stay together in the way described, without any implied prerequisite that they like or even know each other, and that given the size of the venue we are likely to be talking about distant cousins, friends etc. You also assume they're all family members. The word he used was guests. And that she addressed "every" adult there. Suppose she's an aunt of the bride...what intimate secrets would she know about the cousin of the groom? Or the wife of Bob from the office?

A simple comparison between your necessary assertions about his Aunt and our knowledge of her is instructive.
You speculate: She is old, is privy to family secrets, is full of pent of repression, is pushed over the edge etc etc.
We know: She is his aunt.
That is the entirety of our knowledge. We do not know if is she's 25 or 95, a saint or a sinner, jovial and outgoing, pious and quiet. Nothing. We don't even know if she's the sister of hsi father or his mother, or an in law. Only that she is female. So your assertions/speculations did not come from any available evidence. They can only be reached by starting from a conclusion and working your way backwards.

You also still skim over the other alleged phenomena of still ongoing displays of precognition, the voice and face changes, the appearance of memory loss , the self identification as a specific spirit in possession, and the confirmatory evidence about the history of the building. Now all these problems can of course be overcome if we assume the person recounting the tale to me has made it up or that the aunt, despite having an emotional gossipy breakdown as you would have it, had with fiendish ingenuity and forethought set out to establish her cover story (is it reasonable to assume a muslim woman would wish to let the neighourhood believe she was possessed for the rest of her life? Why not fake a successful exorcism too?)...Both of these things are possible. But we have no information - barring our own assumption that the alternative is unacceptabl - to claim that either one is the case.

But going with the assumption of invention by one or other of these two parties we hit another barrier: the invention precisely conforms to the established literature on what an alleged possession should look like. Which is either a hell of a lucky guess or suggests some degree of research beforehand. Exposure to Hollywood movies would not suffice if the nephew is he teller of tall tales..because where are the flying plates and flickering candles?

To be clear... I wasn't there and don't know if any of it is even remotely true! Nor do I know if there is such a thing as possession. So I'm not defending the truth and accuracy of the story itself. But in any claim of the paranormal it seems to me that we can only really respond to it by dealing with the actual information provided or whatever additional information or ideas we can find out through questioning or put to the test. But the temptation - of which I'm as guilty as anyone! - to say what "MUST" have really happened instead outside of what we actually know should, I would argue, be avoided.
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Thank you for this gattino - have gone back to the start to try and process it all :)
Well that gives me the chance to go back to the main story with a minor update. I now have William Blatty's book itself. There are two worth noting dsicrepancis between the summary of the particular incident in the review I quoted (or at least my reading of it) and the actual account by blatty itself.

Blatty never uses the word "miraculous medal" and what he describes is clearly different ..though not in a way that alters the story...a medal depciting 3 crosses, no mention of the virgin mary. Which rather makes me wonder if the reviewer had misunderstood or whether their use of hte term miraculous medal was entirely innocent of meaning and my seemingly confirmed suspicion it was a specific type of item which turned out to match the one on my mother's chain is itself another level of synchronicity! (just to confuse you further there are entirely separate incidents earlier int eh book involving what is much more clearly a medal of the BVM that belonged around his mother's neck)

More interestingly is that you will perhaps have noted that as told in the review Blatty's story differs from mine and Jeri Gerard's in only one significant way. There was no reference to him asking aloud for the medal's return. Not in the review there wasn't. However in the actual account in the book he reports that a couple of days after the disappearance and failed search he stood in the shower - as I did in my mother's room - and "I found myself saying aloud - I recall it word for word - "Petey will find the medal for me" ". So he DID in effect request its return out loud as in the first two stories, thus completing the matching nature of all three stories.

I'm currently trying to find a way to correspond directly with the author as I can't see any point behind all of this unless it is to pass it on.
A "Miraculous Medal" is a specific bit of Roman Catholiciana. I went on pilgrimage to the chapel last time I was in Paris and actually manage dot make my confession in French which was a minor miracle :D


has a picture of The Miraculous Medal on the first page. And yes I do have one and yes I do use it :)

EDIT to add: I'm not even saying this is relevant, just riffing a bot on the associations you are triggering gattino!
The book - Finding Peter - is probably worth a quick review for the curious, as its full of Fortean incidents.

Already slim its largely padded by the first two of its 4 parts being autobiography, though with a lot of allusions to his life choices being guided by "Providence" (which he admits in the intro is his way of saying God without getting shouted at.) It is mostly successfully comical but a few of his supposedly funny similes are pretty lame. The reason for more than half of the book being his life story is purportedly so you get to know and judge him and whether he's credulous or trustworthy. In reality I suspect it was more to fill up space. But its an enjoyable read. Still I skipped ahead to the relevant bit.

Part 3 is a succession of fortean incidents through his lifetime. Some..such as his recording his dreams after reading Dunne and finding we all dream the future obviously has resonance with me. But a great number of the incidents strike me as evidence of something he never seems to consider...that he himself is the lifelong catalyst for occasional poltergeist activity. That is that a lot of moving object stories are actually somehow being caused by his own subconsious/unconscious mind in some way. He just reports them a bizzare external events that he's witness to. He also doesn't consider that many of the incidents - including the ones relevant to seeming communication from his son - which involve things happening that match his thoughts could be in fact "simply" more examples of the precognition he notices in dreams. That is his mind has wandered onto something which it has precognized...this is the conclusion I've come to about such incidents of my own, but Blatty only sees some divine or ghostly hand at work.

Part 4 is about all the oddness that came after and appears relevant to the death of his son, from dreams to lights coming on, to requested specific "signs" turning up etc...and including the medal story. And there's no denying that it is all very impressive collectively. Given I'm always recounting similar stories with similar conclusions I can't deny him the right to interpret them as his son at work. But I still wonder if many of them are not in fact evidence of other types of "psychic" phenomena as mentioned above..precogntion and some kind of unconscious telekenesis on his part. That's to say the incidents are indeed extraordinary but open to more than one extraordinary explanation in my eyes and so not necessarily as evidential of his son's survival as he understandably wants to believe. I'm not by the way saying he's wrong. Just that in large part the stories in part 4 only differ from the ones in part 3 by their relevant timing and increased frequency.

I've not got to it yet but the book is rounded off with transcript of an adolescent script he wrote and mentioned earlier in the book. I'm assuming its again just padding. the aim of the book is to list the eerie incidents which would be hard to extend beyond a small booklet, so needs such additions to make it worthwhile to a publisher I imagine.

It IS worth reading as there is an awful lot of genuinely interesting weirdness in there.
Now this is getting kind of silly....

In the June issue of FT (341) there's a IHTM letter, under the heading "Bunny Picture", from a lady in Puerto Rico called Yamel Garcia.

Her story involves an apparition/dream visitation from her recently deceased friend and a premonitionary vision projected on her bedroom ceiling. I won't repeat it all here, but in the middle of it as a sort of subplot she includes another anecdote as part of the sequence of uncanny events on the same day:

"The next morning, I don't know why, I woke up with a desire to find the St Mary medal I found at school when I was eight years old. I looked for it in the house without success, do decided to go to the bank to look in my safe deposit box. When I arrived I found that I had lost my key so I asked the teller how much a new one would cost and she told me $100. I felt terrible, almost crying, and went back to my car.

In the meantime I recieved a phone call from a friend and told her everything that had happened to me, including the key issue. "Let's pray", she said. "You'll see that the keys will appear". I couldn't think what else I could do, so I began praying with her. After I called off I looked for the key once more in the same pocket I had searched and I found it. I went to the box and found the St Mary's medal".

As I say this is a minor side story in her main sequence of events, but you see where this is going. I don't know what she means by a St Mary(or St Mary's) medal, but when one googles it nearly all the results are in reference...go on..take a guess.. the so called "Miraculous Medal" that was both on my chain along with the cross and wrongly identified in the book review as the medal that disappeared and reappeared for William Peter Blatty.

[One might add that just as my and Blatty's stories are linked by the object disappearing from their respective chain, my and this lady's stories are linked by the retrieval of the item from a metal box....]

I've given up trying to find some personal message in all of this.. its just nuts.
In summary...

There are now four tales in different countries, years apart.

All 4 involve the disappearance of an object of religious connotation..directly or indirectly.. the owner being distraught ( a clue to the mechanism?), a request to some perceived paranormal power or other (an unspecified "them" on my part, an "oppressive spirit haunting the house" for the lady in America, his deceased son for William Peter Blatty, God/the saints for the woman in puerto rico), and the object appearing impossibly in the place already extensively searched.

3 of the tales involve a cross (a literal cross in my case, a Cross pen for the American, a medal bearing 3 crosses for Blatty)
3 of the tales involve a "miraculous medal" (one is on the chain along side the cross in my story, blatty's medal is wrongly described as such in the review I read and one appears to be involved in the puerto rico account)
2 involve the same name (Jeri Gerard is the woman in America, my dad's name was Gerry, short for Gerard)
2 involve bedroom apparitions of the deceased (my mum references my dad having been standing there in her room, the woman in puerto rico had a bedtime visitation and conversation with her deceased friend the night before)
2 involve books linking synchronicity to communication from the dead
2 involve the retrieval of the precious object, whereabouts unknown to that point, from a metal box.

All the tales come to the attention of one person, as far as we're aware. Me.
An abridged illustration of the saga so far, as even I lose the will to live trying to keep up with it.
Oh FFS!!!!

Writing a covering letter for the above illustration to try and send to Blatty himself (a supposed fan mail address is obtainable on line..its my last lead) I've just had a sudden flashback. In his book (my eldest brother borrowed it last year so I don't have it to hand) the other story that most impressed me as eerie was the following, as summarised in a private message of mine to someone at the time..

"The most eerie son related incident in the book is probably his wife out on the street with a friend and drawn to a homeless person who reminds her of her son and she comments how he might have ended up like that. The hobo suddenly holds out his hand and shouts "my birthday is May 17th". She blanches. Her friend asks why and she explains that was the son, Peter's, birthday. Blatty himself later finds the tramp to question him...he won't say his name but says called me Pee-wee. Confirms his birthday but claims to have no memory of his outburst."

Why has the recollection of this anecdote just hit me? Well I noticed a personal correlation last years but it had no obvious meaning in terms of death and signs etc at the time. Now it does.

My brother who recently died...his birthday was May 17th.