According to the
BBC a group of scientists is challenging the view that Darwinism is the only legitimate theory of the origin of life that should be taught in schools:
'A group of 27 creationist scientists has written to the education secretary arguing against any narrowing of England's school science curriculum to focus on Darwinian evolution.
...The row began with reports that a leading school - Emmanuel City Technology College in Gateshead - was teaching creationism.'
An excerpt from their letter;
'We find it most inappropriate that some well-meaning scientists have given the impression that there can only be one scientific view concerning origins. By doing so they are going way beyond the limits of empirical science which has to recognise, at the very least, severe limitations concerning origins. No one has proved experimentally the idea that large variations can emerge from simpler life forms in an unbroken ascendancy to man. A large body of scientific evidence in biology, geology and chemistry, as well as the fundamentals of information theory, strongly suggest that evolution is not the best scientific model to fit the data that we observe. '