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Things Coming In Threes


Disciple of Marduk
Aug 24, 2001
HM The Tower of London
Some things're supposed to come in threes, usually bad ones, often deaths, ooer!

When I worked in hospitals and care homes and a patient or resident died, staff would wonder aloud about who'd be next: if a second person died, they'd be almost holding their breath waiting for the last.

I've noticed that things often do come in threes.
Well, I s'pose I notice when there are three of something, rather than expecting that number, if you see what I mean.

Anyway... since August, two people close to me have had operations on the same part of their body, and a third is due any time.
Three men have recently come into my life in important ways who have the same first name.
I'm now eagerly awaiting a third 3-way coincidence! :D

Surely it's not just me? o_O
Nikola Tesla was obsessed with the significance of the number 3. Dunno if it did him any good, but you can find the patterns you want in life if you're actively looking for them.
Strieber was obsessed with three as well IIRC...though he's no yard stick.
Diana Wynne Jones once wrote that her grandmother was so superstitious about things coming in threes, she kept old china on hand in case part of a good set was accidentally broken. She would then break two pieces of the old china to get the other breakages out of the way - she didn't want to risk her good china falling victim to the law of threes.
Wait a sec, are threes good or bad luck, then? They can't be both. Unless it depends on the person?
The bricky's wink is enjoying something of a resurgence these last few months
Some things're supposed to come in threes, usually bad ones, often deaths, ooer!

When I worked in hospitals and care homes and a patient or resident died, staff would wonder aloud about who'd be next: if a second person died, they'd be almost holding their breath waiting for the last.

I've noticed that things often do come in threes.
Well, I s'pose I notice when there are three of something, rather than expecting that number, if you see what I mean.

Anyway... since August, two people close to me have had operations on the same part of their body, and a third is due any time.
Three men have recently come into my life in important ways who have the same first name.
I'm now eagerly awaiting a third 3-way coincidence! :D

Surely it's not just me? o_O

Yep often heard about the 3 deaths in nursing homes. With me it's things going wrong with my bikes. I've just been through a set of threes. Broken spoke on Dapple, (wife's bike but still counts as I was using it), weird slow puncture on Red and a mangled chain, wrapping around Slipper's bottom hanger.

My bikes have names.
'Slipper'? I wouldn't ride that one.
I'm not a huge spider fan, though I'm of the opinion that if they leave me alone (and I can't see them!), we can all live and let live. Of course, if I see one of the leggy beasts he's getting put outside. So I've not had a spider in my bedroom for months (although I know there are some kicking around), found a small jumping one sitting on a bag last weekend. Glass, postcard, outside. Literally 10 minutes later a bigger house one peering at me on the wall. Glass, postcard etc. Phew, thought I, these things come in threes - and sure enough the biggest one yet was lurking on the opposite wall. Three spiders in one day, out of the ordinary but that's the end of it... Until a couple of hours later and spider number 4 saunters casually across my carpet.

I thought spiders were territorial and didn't play nice together? Apparently not in my bedroom, they're all skipping around together singing kumbaya! Anyway, a (slightly unusual) story of things coming in threes (and a bit).
I'm not a huge spider fan, though I'm of the opinion that if they leave me alone (and I can't see them!), we can all live and let live. Of course, if I see one of the leggy beasts he's getting put outside. So I've not had a spider in my bedroom for months (although I know there are some kicking around), found a small jumping one sitting on a bag last weekend. Glass, postcard, outside. Literally 10 minutes later a bigger house one peering at me on the wall. Glass, postcard etc. Phew, thought I, these things come in threes - and sure enough the biggest one yet was lurking on the opposite wall. Three spiders in one day, out of the ordinary but that's the end of it... Until a couple of hours later and spider number 4 saunters casually across my carpet.

I thought spiders were territorial and didn't play nice together? Apparently not in my bedroom, they're all skipping around together singing kumbaya! Anyway, a (slightly unusual) story of things coming in threes (and a bit).

We had a similar thing happen yesterday. Our youngest wanted to catch them all and put them in his bug-viewer, but I told him the exact same thing - "spiders don't play nice together." He satisfied himself with one in the bug-viewer and the others went out the door (much to my relief.) :)
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egg clutch hatching?

I don't think spiders lay eggs in single figures.... but maybe these were so big because they had eaten the rest? :D
We usually get loads of spiders in early Autumn but they're out in force at the moment!

My cats are getting very full.

Cats are excellent spider vacuums. Nothing more disconcerting than walking into a room and finding Tiddles chewing away on something crunchy. :D
We usually get loads of spiders in early Autumn but they're out in force at the moment!

My cats are getting very full.
Cats are excellent spider vacuums. Nothing more disconcerting than walking into a room and finding Tiddles chewing away on something crunchy. :D

After much soul-searching, common sense has prevailed, and our two feline overlords will remain in the UK when we migrate. Sadder still, we are migrating to an equatorial country, and while I shall miss the cats for a variety of reasons, I foresee that the ability to outsource arachnid* eviction to them could be pretty high up the list.

* If lenticular is the adjective for a cloud that looks like a saucer, what's the word for a spider the size of a dinner plate?o_O
We usually get loads of spiders in early Autumn but they're out in force at the moment!

My cats are getting very full.

Phew! I thought it was just me. Every morning I'm finding a new cobweb, however, no spiders have been spotted.

As for the trio thing, I've noticed that I tend to do things in three's, like got to, the shop, bottle bank, post box in one trip; take three biccies out of the tin; watch three episodes of whatever I'm streaming on LoveFilm etc.
Back to the topic!

My colleague's last 2 days:
- daughter broke both legs in a waterpark (should be fine in 4-5 weeks, no long-term damage)
- puppy ate a sock - ended up in surgery with £850 bill

she is looking for a third one to come....

will keep you posted if anyone cares :)
After much soul-searching, common sense has prevailed, and our two feline overlords will remain in the UK when we migrate. Sadder still, we are migrating to an equatorial country, and while I shall miss the cats for a variety of reasons, I foresee that the ability to outsource arachnid* eviction to them could be pretty high up the list.

* If lenticular is the adjective for a cloud that looks like a saucer, what's the word for a spider the size of a dinner plate?o_O

where are you going Krep?