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Time Slips: Physical Locations & Boundaries

They may be able to survive for a time.
I suspect that time slips are more of an 'in the mind' phenomenon than an 'actual, real world' happening. If the giant dragonfly had come through from a time as different as the Cretaceous, then I think there would be more than simple gaseous exchange for it to worry about (a three foot wingspan would reduce its flight in the same way as a bird with a three foot wingspan would have difficult manoeuvring, especially among trees, and if the slip had gone the other way and the observers had 'fallen into' the Cretaceous, then they would probably be the ones having problems with the oxygen/carbon dioxide imbalance.
But, as timeslips seem to occur to people when others are around who seem to notice nothing, I think there's some kind of mind thing involved.
I suspect that time slips are more of an 'in the mind' phenomenon than an 'actual, real world' happening. If the giant dragonfly had come through from a time as different as the Cretaceous, then I think there would be more than simple gaseous exchange for it to worry about (a three foot wingspan would reduce its flight in the same way as a bird with a three foot wingspan would have difficult manoeuvring, especially among trees, and if the slip had gone the other way and the observers had 'fallen into' the Cretaceous, then they would probably be the ones having problems with the oxygen/carbon dioxide imbalance.
But, as timeslips seem to occur to people when others are around who seem to notice nothing, I think there's some kind of mind thing involved.
However we do have multiple witness time-slips were the same experience is described by all involved or there are variances but they all experience something. Also, when is a ghost a time-slip or a time-slip a ghost? Or are there no time-slips only ghosts or no ghosts and only time-slips? For example, when those roman soldiers marched through that York cellar, were they the spirits of the dead or had that roman road and those soldiers slipped monetarily into our time or did the witness Harry slip back into theirs...?
However we do have multiple witness time-slips were the same experience is described by all involved or there are variances but they all experience something. Also, when is a ghost a time-slip or a time-slip a ghost? Or are there no time-slips only ghosts or no ghosts and only time-slips? For example, when those roman soldiers marched through that York cellar, were they the spirits of the dead or had that roman road and those soldiers slipped monetarily into our time or did the witness Harry slip back into theirs...?
In my view, ghosts aren't the spirits of the dead, but maybe a limited time slip or dimension slip, whereby some people 'see through'. But then...
But if giant dragonflies were coming through to our time, to our oxygen levels, they would asphyxiate.
On today's French Quora, in response to "what is the strangest thing that ever happened to you?" someone posted a memory from his childhood on holiday in the south of France.

He claimed that he, aged 12, and his little sister heard a loud buzzing sound and saw a group of maybe 10 dragonflies of various sizes slowly advancing, including one gigantic specimen measuring 50cm in (body) length. The children were scared and ran to tell their parents. When they returned with the adults though, there was no sign of the dragonflies. The witness describes his frustration that the grown-ups didn't believe them and he regrets that this occurred before smart/phones existed. Even allowing for a childish exaggeration, it must have been a very impressive dragonfly to terrify the kids like that. Officially the largest living dragonfly is the Giant Petaltail, but that is only thought to measure around 16cm.

"Quand j'avais 12 ans, j'étais en vacances dans le sud, en pleine campagne. Je jouais aux cartes avec ma petite soeur (qui avait 9 ans).
Nous étions seuls, tout à coup un bourdonnement bruyant se fit entendre. En tournant la tête nous avons vu un groupe de Libellules, il y en avait une dizaines, des petites, des moyennes, et au centre du groupe : Une libellule gigantesque environ 50cm de longueur, elles avancaient doucement. On est rentrés paniqués pour appeler nos parents.
Quand ils sont arrivés, elles étaient parties. PERSONNE ne nous croit jamais quand l'on raconte cette histoire, et je regrette de ne pas avoir eu de smartphone à l'époque.