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Time Slips

Can each of us carry our own past/present/future along with us? This might explain how a psychic could obtain information about you by reading this line somehow. I have been told a lot of things that came about, trouble is the predictions were all completely wrong in the real time scale, events took much, much longer to happen. All of them did, and some were especially specific:eek!!!!:
Vonnegut is a brilliant author,
and the Trafalmadorians brilliant creations- however, I think they were not meant to be taken too seriously- unlike Vonnegut's social and political satire.

You are right, though, any subjective experience is an illusion and as valid as any other in it's own way.

Has anyone ever actually expereinced a timeslip? Even a little one? I was once on the tube and I completely missed my stop and didn't realise until we arrived at the next stop on. I was reading a book (and no, I didn't get completely involved in the book to such an extent that I didn't notice the stop go by, I have done this before and this was completely different) and I had read one single line after the stop before my station when suddenly we arrived at the stop after mine!
The whole jouney shouldhave taken 7 minutes (approx) giving me ample time to read a few pages of my book. Also I had an odd feeling after it had happened, a kind of feeling of displacement. Disorientation.

I also realised that the people sitting around me were different from the ones that had been there previously, suggesting that we HAD stopped at a station, but somehow from lowering my head to read a line in my book and looking up again I had managed to lose 7 minutes. Further to this We had passed from being above ground to being in a tunnel, yet I couldn't recall this transition.

I know you may read this and think that I just got too deeply involved with my book, but this was completely different. I have missed stops before from being too engrossed in a book or my gameboy, (I did it the other day in fact) and never has it felt so odd as this day.

Make of it what you will......did I time slip or did I just time sleep?

I dunno...:monster:
It's just a ride....
Petit mal siezure?

You may have experienced a petit mal siezure. This is one that is not really noticable from someone watching you, but your brain is overloaded and you don't move. (as opposed to grand mal, where the person shakes violently).
Not having experienced a petit mal siezure, I'm not sure if the feeling of discomfort is common, or if the person is aware of the petit mal siezure after it happens.

I had a grand mal seizure in Quantum class once. I remember writing a line in my notes, and the next thing I remember was paramedics over me. I was "out" for 10-15 minutes from what people told me. When I got my notebook back, the line I remembered writing was the last one in my notes. Also, I do remember the siezure hitting me, but not falling out of my desk. (The brain is rather odd that way)

Or you just zoned out.

Or, you went into a timeslip.
I get timeslips in the morning sometimes. I wake up, hit the snooze button on my alarm clock and then suddenly timeslip!!!

Next thing I know I am running very late for work.
I find this an interesting topic because I often have very strong feelings/images or whatever about a place's past or future (hard to sum up in a few words).

But there is a theoretical problem with the idea of time travel.

We tend to think of the earth as a fixed place in the universe but it is not. Not only is it rotating around the sun, but the whole solar system, and galaxy in general is moving through space. So as time goes on, the earth is no longer even in the same place.

For time travel to be possible, you would not only have to travel in time but also in PLACE as well. If you didn't, you'd travel in time and most likely find yourself out in space somewhere. Not a pleasant thought.
ever get a much deserved day off work, then sleep in, look at your clock when u wake up, it says it's 11am, then u shut your eyes for a breif moment and then look at your clock again at it reads 2pm? i know its just that you fall asleep VERY quickly again, but its still the strangest feeling.

not really a timeslip, but eh
nikita said:
I get that as well: I'm driving to work and don't remember anything about getting in my car, starting it or anything along the way! I just find myself at work......

According to the "experts" that study driving habits, you are actually driving at your best and most alert when you are in that state of "I dont remember driving here". Im not sure how that can be, but hey, they are the "experts".
Re: Petit mal siezure?

HeadNSpace said:
I had a grand mal seizure in Quantum class once. I remember writing a line in my notes, and the next thing I remember was paramedics over me. I was "out" for 10-15 minutes from what people told me. When I got my notebook back, the line I remembered writing was the last one in my notes. Also, I do remember the siezure hitting me, but not falling out of my desk. (The brain is rather odd that way)

This reminds me of an experience I had in junior high - I think 7th grade (so I would've been 11 or 12). I had math class right after gym. I also have asthma, and often had asthma attacks during or after gym.

One day, we were working on homework in class, and the teacher had assigned for us to do even the even-numbered problems from 1-10 on some page in our book. I remember not feeling terribly well, and looking down at my paper, and I'd numbered it down the margin: 2, 4, 6, 8, 12. I didn't remember numbering it at all, and I'd written 12 instead of 10.

Not too strange, but I remember at the time thinking it was pretty funny and showing the other kids around me. Must've zoned out a little from the asthma (lack of oxygen to the brain)! I was an "A" student and always aced math, so it's not like I couldn't number a sheet of paper.
I have had time slow down around me - not in the way that happens when you recieve a shock but a more physical sensation of the world suddenly moving like click-frame film. This would usually last for about 10 seconds then it would dissapear.

I once told my dad about it and he said it sounded like a bad acid trip which suprised me because the last time it happened I was about 6!
I think I may have experienced something similar seven years ago when my Mum came to visit me....

Here's the story :

It was an autumn day and we decided to go for a drive in the countryside close to my home... We both have a liking for old ruined buildings, achitectural follies & derelict churches - that sort of thing, so imagine our delight when we turned a corner to find an old derelict house !

This was too much to resist, so we pulled the car over and went to have a nose around ..... It was a lovely old place, with what would have been a nice facade, five windows and a door facing the road and a very pretty roof with small terracotta tiles. It was autumn, so I couldn't tell for definate, but it appeared to be covered in some sort of Virginia Creeper that has lost all it's leaves... It was so neglected though - the windows had no glass and some of the tiles were coming off the roof..

Anyway, we liked the place, and luckily I had my camera, so I took a picture of my Mum standing outside the house (I've still got this at home somewhere).. but the strangest thing was that however many times in subsequent months and years I have driven along that road since (I know the area very well) I have never found the house again or any evidence of it having been there at all !!

Have you managed to find and post this photo anywhere? It would be a unique piece of evidence.
There's always hope a poster might reappear.
I found this site, which might be of interesting. The London one is great.


The Piccadilly Circus one? That's interesting, because over on the main Time and Dimensional Slips thread we have discussed another potential time slip around that location, involving a cafe at Piccadilly Circus Tube (or somewhere in the vicinity of) which they could never relocated. Compiling the discussion took two separate posts, as there was a lot to discuss.
The Piccadilly Circus one? That's interesting, because over on the main Time and Dimensional Slips thread we have discussed another potential time slip around that location, involving a cafe at Piccadilly Circus Tube (or somewhere in the vicinity of) which they could never relocated. Compiling the discussion took two separate posts, as there was a lot to discuss.
Plus a quite dramatic case in nearby Regent Street, the case reported by Gary Newman inside Piccadilly Circus station, and I vaguely remember another one.
Plus a quite dramatic case in nearby Regent Street, the case reported by Gary Newman inside Piccadilly Circus station, and I vaguely remember another one.

Yes. Although we can't be certain that Gary Numan's experience was a timeslip. It's always generally been assumed to be a ghost experience.

The other experience we were talking about around that time was at Waterloo Station, not Piccadilly.
Yes. Although we can't be certain that Gary Numan's experience was a timeslip. It's always generally been assumed to be a ghost experience.

The other experience we were talking about around that time was at Waterloo Station, not Piccadilly.
Yes, it wasn't that one -- I seem to recall one involving a group of girls on a night out.
Yes, it wasn't that one -- I seem to recall one involving a group of girls on a night out.

That one doesn't ring a bell. But if you find anything more about it I'd be interested to know.

Some time ago I was driving through a very familiar part of town when suddenly I found myself in a completly unfamiliar area, after a few twists and turns I got back on to my original route, after retracing my route I guese I had taken a wrong turn at a roundabout but I simply dont remember doing it.
Has anyone else had this kind of expierience?:madeyes:
once i was walking to the CO-OP but i slipped and fell. When i got up the sky had gone dark and i couldnt see where i was going. I blinked and it was noon again. very spooky.
once i was walking to the CO-OP but i slipped and fell. When i got up the sky had gone dark and i couldnt see where i was going. I blinked and it was noon again. very spooky.

I once slipped on a clock.
I found this site, which might be of interesting. The London one is great.


Nice forward slip on page 5.

‘Hello all,
This is my first post on here.
Apx 5 years ago I was staying in my mothers flat while she was residing in Spain for a few months. I was there for 2 nights. The second night I walked from the bedroom into the hall way & was immediately aware that the light was different. I should explain that my mothers place was a rather dimly lit place, a time warp itself of sorts, 80's decor (woodchip wallpaper & shades of beige) It was a dusty place with art & antiques on every surface. As I say I noticed the light firstly, bright. As I lifted my head I saw the hall I was in was crisp, with white walls & spot lights running along the ceiling. I was in the same hallway I could see the window that faces me right at the end of the hall & it was nighttime as it was meant to be I did not feel like I was anywhere other than I should of been but was quite taken aback at how fresh & clean the place looked. I reached to touch the wall and it was sheer, gone where the woodchip and not one picture hung from the walls. The floor was a dark wood (it had been a cheap cord carpet in real time). As I walked along the hall towards the window at the end I was in awe at how nice it looked (I had asked my mother to give the place a clean up for years). I reached the window and turned back to see and as quick as I did that I was looking at the same old hallway again. I immediately went back to the bedroom, sat on the old lumpy bed and called my mother at her holiday home. I think she thought I was drunk! I simply presumed that I had some sort of premonition about how I would decorate it in future years.
Shortly after this night my mother became unwell with an anxiety disorder, she returned from spain and we spent 3 years in misery, I live 100 miles from my mother so only saw her at wknds. Eventually I managed to convince her to sell up & move to my area. It was a huge battle to get her to agree as this had been her home for 34 years and had NOT been in the plans, it was to be her home till her death & passed to me. As I say she agreed to sell and live near me so I could get to her quickly.
Anyway moving on a year and I looked on an estate agent website to see if my mums place had been put up for sale again & for how much & sure enough it was on the site for rental. there were some pics of the flat which had gone some extensive renovation and there it was, the clean white walls with spotlights in the ceiling, dark wood floors. I just could not explain what had happened 4 years previous. Now I see that I had been in a time slip/clip and yes it was into the future. Or????’