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Timewave Zero and Novelty Theory (Terence McKenna)

kamalktk said:
Matthewzero said:
When I get such zero date, I have to see if historical events fit with the timeline that this zero date suggests going back.
If I know that every month we repeat 5 years, and every year we repeat 64 years of the past, I can figure it out.

So this is :

2014 - 1983-2014
2013 - 1919 - 1983
2012 - 1855 - 1919
2011 - 1791 - 1855
2010 - 1727 - 1791

I'm open to change and debate; but I suggest a June 2014 end date because it is the most likely one.
Do you plan on coming back in July 2014?

Berkeley 1964 didn't succeed btw, the US continued fighting in Vietnam, even ramping things up. Very low on the novelty scale.

Under this month for 5 years scheme, 28 May 2013 (Gezi Park begins) goes to 1944-1949, probably 1948-1949, not 1969. This is using your own "2013 - 1919 - 1983".

I'm experimenting with two timelines, one who indicates March to June 2013 being resonancing with 1950s and 1960s and ends in March 2014.
The other one is what you indicate and ends in June 2014.

The June 2014 is in the title of the thread because it is the most probable.

Also, why is everybody picking up Turkey and Berkeley for discussion? That was an example...There are many other resonances that I listed in the OP post.
See, this kind of attention to detail doesn't bolster your argument much, does it? If you can't accurately divide 30 by 6, how are we supposed to accept the vast and outright unfathomable equations you post on trust?

It was a typo. As simple as that. I know it was 5 and not 6.
Yes, you are looking for anything that fits. Sorry matey - I just don't buy it.

- It has to fit in with historical events. The reason I chose June 2014 as the zero date is because is the only one which indicates early September 2013 as a resonance of 1962 Cuban Crisis and indicates the week of 9/11 as very novel.

This year I've been experimenting with two timelines. But I inserted the June 2014 in the title and OP post because it is the most likely.

How can I select a timeline if it does not fit with historical events? And ypu know, if it DOES fit, it means we are on the RIGHT track! Otherwise it will end up like with 2012.
Matthewzero said:
Also, why is everybody picking up Turkey and Berkeley for discussion? That was an example...There are many other resonances that I listed in the OP post.
Because we're all trying really hard to understand where you're getting all of these conclusions from, and by examining one in detail maybe we can see a provable and repeatable method at work. However, if you can't demonstrate why one works, why should we take on trust that any of them do? And even then, what is it you're actually trying to prove to us?
stuneville said:
Matthewzero said:
Also, why is everybody picking up Turkey and Berkeley for discussion? That was an example...There are many other resonances that I listed in the OP post.
Because we're all trying really hard to understand where you're getting all of these conclusions from, and by examining one in detail maybe we can see a provable and repeatable method at work. However, if you can't demonstrate why one works, why should we take on trust that any of them do? And even then, what is it you're actually trying to prove to us?

So, you may want to select another pair of events and we can try to discuss why they resonate with each other.

Like, a wonderful example, French Revolution 1789- 1793 and ( a part of ) Arab Spring from December 17 2010 to February 11 2011.

Both these revolutions are key events in history that work as " spartiacque " or " points of division " between an epoch and the next.
Matthewzero said:
I said:
See, this kind of attention to detail doesn't bolster your argument much, does it? If you can't accurately divide 30 by 6, how are we supposed to accept the vast and outright unfathomable equations you post on trust?

It was a typo. As simple as that. I know it was 5 and not 6.
It's not the maths - it's the fact you stated it as such. Attention to detail - which I repeat doesn't bode well for more intricate and tortuous conclusions.
stuneville said:
Matthewzero said:
I said:
See, this kind of attention to detail doesn't bolster your argument much, does it? If you can't accurately divide 30 by 6, how are we supposed to accept the vast and outright unfathomable equations you post on trust?

It was a typo. As simple as that. I know it was 5 and not 6.
It's not the maths - it's the fact you stated it as such. Attention to detail - which I repeat doesn't bode well for more intricate and tortuous conclusions.

Apart from the fact that English is not my mother language, since I'm Italian, I will be more careful in the future about typos.
Matthewzero said:
So, you may want to select another pair of events and we can try to discuss why they resonate with each other.

Like, a wonderful example, French Revolution 1789- 1793 and ( a part of ) Arab Spring from December 17 2010 to February 11 2011.

Both these revolutions are key events in history that work as " spartiacque " or " points of division " between an epoch and the next.
Go on then. Step by step, as clearly as you can, show us the formulae and how the resulting answer is significant - and what it actually demonstrates,
Matthewzero said:
stuneville said:
Matthewzero said:
I said:
See, this kind of attention to detail doesn't bolster your argument much, does it? If you can't accurately divide 30 by 6, how are we supposed to accept the vast and outright unfathomable equations you post on trust?

It was a typo. As simple as that. I know it was 5 and not 6.
It's not the maths - it's the fact you stated it as such. Attention to detail - which I repeat doesn't bode well for more intricate and tortuous conclusions.

Apart from the fact that English is not my mother language, since I'm Italian, I will be more careful in the future about typos.
Surely 5 is spelled the same way in Italian?
So, analysing the pair of events that are --- supposed to be --- in perfect resonance with each other --- if --- we set a timeline with end date on June 24 2014...

French Revolution 1789 - 1993 and a part of Arab Spring between December 17 2010 and February 11 2011.

We have seen that between the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 on the timeline we repeat the years between 1789 and 1793.

The Great Fear caused the french revolution, it was about the peasants revolting because they were fed up with the government. Compare that with Mohammed Bouazizi who lit himself on fire because he was charged with a fine for his vegetable cart. Both events happened because the people felt oppressed and decided to revolt.

The causes of the French Revolution were hunger and malnutrition caused by climate disruption and inflation, causing a 50% increase in bread prices; a rigid bureaucracy and inefficient social hierarchy, seen as different from the masses, and national bankruptcy caused by French participation in the American Revolution. The French Revolution was radicalized by the Jacobins and Robespierre, who led the Reign of Terror during which 16-20,000 people were killed.
The Arab Spring was similarly motivated by a socially elite and a politically removed bureaucracy, financial strains for the poor, and inflation with national poverty. The radicalization of the Jacobins and the Islamist radicals is similar, and the end is shown to be the same: violent removal of the reign of terror and establishment of the rule of a strong man.
So what I want to know is when should I complete my tin foil hat?
Matthewzero said:
Also, why is everybody picking up Turkey and Berkeley for discussion? That was an example...There are many other resonances that I listed in the OP post.
All your resonances have the same problem, however you stated "actually it's rare to find two events like this, that are --- so much --- identical to each other" when referring to this pair, so according to you they are a particularly good example. As Pietro_Mercurios pointed out, the rest can be considered "gish gallop", so using the Turkey/Berkeley example addresses "gish gallop" by limiting things to the example that you yourself seem to consider the best one.
kamalktk said:
Matthewzero said:
Also, why is everybody picking up Turkey and Berkeley for discussion? That was an example...There are many other resonances that I listed in the OP post.
All your resonances have the same problem, however you stated "actually it's rare to find two events like this, that are --- so much --- identical to each other" when referring to this pair, so according to you they are a particularly good example. As Pietro_Mercurios pointed out, the rest can be considered "gish gallop", so using the Turkey/Berkeley example addresses "gish gallop" by limiting things to the example that you yourself seem to consider the best one.

See above for analysis of another pair of perfectly resonancing events , French Revolution 1789 - 1793 and the first part of Arab Spring, December 17 2010 to February 11 2011.
Matthewzero said:
See above for analysis of another pair of perfectly resonancing events , French Revolution 1789 - 1793 and the first part of Arab Spring, December 17 2010 to February 11 2011.
Arab Spring is much more similar to the multi-nation chain of revolutions of 1989 (the fall of communism). But I'll play along for the sake of your argument.

December 17 is the 351st day of the year. 351/365 = .96, so .96 of the year is over.
If every year is 64 years of the past, .96x64= year 61.44 of the 64 year period that corresponds to 2010. The corresponding period is 1727 - 1791 according to you, 1727+61.44 = 1788.44.

Feb 11 is the 42nd day of the year. 42/365 = 0.115. To make the correspondence to the 64 year period, we multiply 0.115*64=7.36. Since 2011 corresponds to 1791 - 1855 according to you, Feb 11 corresponds to 1791+7.36 =1798.36.

So the Arab Spring dates you provide, December 17 2010 to February 11 2011, correlates to 1788-1798 according to your arugment. The French Revolution dates you provide are 1789-1793. This does not fit the "perfectly resonating" dates idea.
Actually it corresponds because between 1788 and 1798 there is the whole of French Revolution. I do not see why it does not fit.

Given the formula of Peter Meyer
( changing the dates into Julian day numbers )

Julian Day Numbers - JDN

(( 64* JDN1 ) - JDN2)/63

( This formula is done to be able to calculate resonances with precision. The result gives you the zero date that the link between the pair of events chosen leads to )

(( 64* 2455550 ) - 2374674)/63

2455550 is Julian Day Number of December 19 2010

2374674 is Julian Day Number of July 14 1789

The formula result is 2456833 the Julian Day Number of June 24 2014

I've just tried reading this thread from beginning to end. I like Forteanea but I'm afraid that this is just a load of garbled nonsense.
Ronnor said:
I've just tried reading this thread from beginning to end. I like Forteanea but I'm afraid that this is just a load of garbled nonsense.

This is not so much about " believing " in the theory, this is about agreeing about the concept that history repeat itself in cycles of the lenght of multiple of 64.

It does not require believing in it, since if it is real, it will be an automatic process.
Matthewzero said:
Actually it corresponds because between 1788 and 1798 there is the whole of French Revolution. I do not see why it does not fit.

This is why, you repeatedly stated 1793 as your date of concern:
Matthewzero said:
Like, a wonderful example, French Revolution 1789- 1793
Matthewzero said:
We have seen that between the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 on the timeline we repeat the years between 1789 and 1793.
Matthewzero said:
See above for analysis of another pair of perfectly resonancing events , French Revolution 1789 - 1793

Once I point out the fact the resonance date is not 1793, your statement changes.

If we are now going to change dates to use the whole of the French Revolution, we have to use the whole of the Arab Spring. Unfortunately for your argument, the Arab Spring is still ongoing, and as you state 2013 corresponds to 1919 to 1983.
So, why can't I compare French Revolution until January 21 1793 when the French leader was eliminated by decapitation with the period that begins on December 17 2010 when Bouazizi burned himself for protest to the demise of Mubarak on February 11 2011? Do you guys follow me?

During December 17 2010 - February 11 2011 there is some sort of " historical theme/pattern " that resonates with French Revolution.

( Kamalktk, I simply said that the period 1788- 1798 contains the whole of French Revolution in it, I did not changed any date. As I understand, the French Revolution is between 1789 and 1793. )

I think, Egypt revolution, that to be precise what I mean is, begun January 25 2011 and finished February 11 2011 is very similar to what happened in French Revolution.

I do not see and do not understand why we should take the whole ongoing Arab Spring, since the multiple parts of this Spring will be resonancing with other events, since the Spring is happening in multiple countries in multiple ways.

Did you guys read my analysis of French Revolution similarities with Arab Spring on page 3?
Matthewzero said:
So, why can't I compare French Revolution until January 21 1793
You can, but you can't then change it to 1798 ("Actually it corresponds because between 1788 and 1798 there is the whole of French Revolution" )
after I show that the 1798 date is the resonance date of the Arab Spring end date using your resonance system and date for Arab Spring. You repeated the 1793 date multiple times.

If the date is 1793 as you'd like to claim again, it doesn't fit your own resonance system, as I demonstrated previously. 11 Feb 2011, your given closing date for the Arab Spring, resonates with 1798 using your system.

1793 (end date you repeatedly propose) is not 1798 (end date according to your resonance theory math). You can't have it both ways. You are repeatedly giving a date of 1793 that basic math shows does not fit your own resonance system as the corresponding year for your mark of the end of Arab Spring.
Ronnor said:
I've just tried reading this thread from beginning to end. I like Forteanea but I'm afraid that this is just a load of garbled nonsense.

Seconded, but I will await with interest to hear when I need to don my tin foil hat and head to the bunker.
Ronnor said:
I've just tried reading this thread from beginning to end. I like Forteanea but I'm afraid that this is just a load of garbled nonsense.

I couldn't be arsed to read the first post in its entirety.
I've whiled away about ten minutes trying to name the logical and/or statistical fallacies occur in this system.

Which was clearly a needless overcomplication, because it really should be obvious to anyone that if you were to choose any one date from a broadly similar area of history and compare it to any other date within the same spectrum (either randomly or based on some kind of methodical system) - then the potential for coincidence is very considerable, to say the least.

If you then start to ease off on the exactness of the comparisons involved - or introduce comparisons that are subject to a certain amount of interpretation - or introduce events which cover an extended period of time - then that potential becomes so mind-numbingly enormous that any coincidence you find is on a par with finding significance in the fact that there were clouds in the sky at both dates, or that some people wore trousers.

kamalktk said:
...Higher "novelty" is when there isn't a significant revolution/rebellion/protest somewhere during a year...

Yes, the first thing that struck me about this whole thing was that an absence of coincidence would be much, much stranger than it's occurence.

Like many supposed systems of prediction this may actually be an effective platform from which to contemplate a particular aspect or theme (in fact it strikes me that it might be an entertaining way to illustrate particular threads of human history to easily bored schoolchildren) - but, like them, it's not divination.
Looks like you've all scared him away.
gncxx said:
Looks like you've all scared him away.

I'm having a job working out the precise dates, but we've probably done it before.
Spookdaddy said:
gncxx said:
Looks like you've all scared him away.

I'm having a job working out the precise dates, but we've probably done it before.

Yeah. Keeps coming back under a different name.
Mythopoeika said:
Spookdaddy said:
gncxx said:
Looks like you've all scared him away.

I'm having a job working out the precise dates, but we've probably done it before.

Yeah. Keeps coming back under a different name.

I was actually making a reference to the theme of this thread.
You didn't scare me away...

And I do not keep coming with different names...

I gave my explanation of the theory, long version, and short version, I explained the comparisons between french revolution and arab Spring.

It is simply that there is no use for skeptics.

If you want to discuss this, I will be back.

There is much more to discuss. of course, someone must be interested in this to discuss it.
It's been discussed and found wanting. Maybe you should address the mistakes in your theory to keep the thread going?