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Triangular UFO Sightings

A related news report, from 2013, I only recently came across:


Could be explained as CV-22 Osprey aircraft?

Has to be a possibility considering the local training exercises. Although there are videos of the aircraft flying at night, I haven't located anything convincingly comparative.

If anyone might be, that would be of tremendous interest as perhaps so few of the cases highlighted ever seem to be definitively resolved.
Until recently, we had Ospreys flying over us regularly, going to Dishforth. They look very, very weird, and are very, very loud, but their lights are the standard red, white and green. That's not Ospreys.
A fake is more likely.
Hmm; the tail light looks amber, not white.
A fake is more likely.
The problem here, personally, just has that 'sense' of being straightforward, as claimed:

"The husband of Battle Ground resident Nicole Keller captured this image of strange lights in the sky with his cellphone Monday. He didn't want his name used in the paper, she said".

"Nicole Keller, the Battle Ground woman whose husband took the pictures, has insisted from the beginning that they are real".



The hell, it's Friday night... :):beer::badge::hapdan:

The problem here, personally, just has that 'sense' of being straightforward, as claimed:

"The husband of Battle Ground resident Nicole Keller captured this image of strange lights in the sky with his cellphone Monday. He didn't want his name used in the paper, she said".

"Nicole Keller, the Battle Ground woman whose husband took the pictures, has insisted from the beginning that they are real".
Enh having a witness say "I know I took pictures of something real" doesn't really say anything about what they took pictures of. If all they did was photograph a light in the sky, there's not much reason to favor their interpretation of what the subject of the photo is.
Enh having a witness say "I know I took pictures of something real" doesn't really say anything about what they took pictures of.
Absolutely not at all - merely whatever is depicted I would expect is genuine and not manipulated.

The more recent 'symbolic' triangle of lights also wasn't really a UFO 'feature' in 2013.
A random selection - simply chosen as unseen (for years) report 180 from the somewhat 250 I had collated, with approval, from the NUFORC data.

I shall post as a screenshot because of the text formatting issue.

If we keep in mind how old this is and how precisely familiar...

Again, just random and illustrating what is so puzzling.

No merely, 'I saw some strange lights in the sky'.

Only recently came across this article featured on Pinterest (seemingly no URL), detailing reports I had never heard of beforehand.


Google translation:

The "triangles" of 1976 in France

On November 26, 1976, at 6:05 p.m., near the village of Saint-Nazaire-d Aude, two witnesses saw a triangular machine take off, displaying white headlights. Rising vertically, there was a sound like a blast. Witnesses clearly noticed a red light in the center of the machine.

The mysterious triangle was also observed by three soldiers: a sentry, a brigadier-chief and the postmaster of an ammunition depot in Mussuguet, near Marseilles, on November 4, 1976, around 9:45 p.m. A triangular shape, emitting a red light in front, without flickering, and an intense white glow in the back. He was moving at a slow speed. The observation lasted a few seconds. It came from the direction of Marseilles and flew over the field at Carpiagne… Then the device disappeared with great speed in the direction of the La Ciotat mountains. No noise !!

On November 26, 1976, at 6:05 p.m., near the village of Saint-Nazaire-d Aude, two witnesses saw a triangular machine take off, with white headlights. Rising vertically, there was a sound like a blast. Witnesses clearly noticed a red light in the center of the machine.

A year later, on December 8, at about 5:15 p.m., M. Mery was on his way to Brettnach from Bouzonville. Before entering the village, he noticed, far in front of him, two yellow headlights. He soon noticed that the light came from a dark, equilateral triangular object, and that a third yellow light was visible, and that the object had a large fixed red light in its center. Mery stopped her car, without cutting the ignition, to get out and get a better look at the object. But it was indefinable, a gloomy mass, because of the shadows of its projectors and yellow headlights placed at each end of the triangle.

There was no noticeable noise, no electrical anomaly. The object moved slowly, with one of the points of the "triangle" forward. Then, at about 45-50 degrees of inclination above the ground, the object began to disappear slowly, as if immersed in a fog. First the headlight disappeared from the end, then the headlights on the sides and then the red one… Note that the Brettnach triangle (3 yellow headlights and a central red headlight) is identical to those in the Belgian wave that took place on the evening of 29 November 1989, starting at 17:24 !! The only minor difference was that in Brettnach the 3 headlights were yellow, while in Belgium they were white.

There is a striking resemblance between all these triangles: it travels at low altitude and at a slow speed, without noise (except in the case of Saint-Nazaire-d Aude, when at one point a noise was heard like a blast).

As usual, makes little sense and nothing comes to mind as a likely explanation.

Consequently merely for information purposes. :)
I have a picture of a genuine UFO. Unfortunately, there’s also a reflection of my saucer-shaped lampshade through the window, a drone flying around outside and an oddly-shaped helium balloon as well as pesky Venus getting in the way and I accidentally set my camera setting to Full Fucking Blurry. But I suppose this sort of crap happens to everybody when they’re trying to get good picture.
Absolutely not at all - merely whatever is depicted I would expect is genuine and not manipulated.
I don't think that is what is going on in this picture. It looks very much like the product of a basic I-Phone app; adding triangles to an image for a joke. The person claiming this is real is the wife, not the husband who took the picture. It's as fake as those hearts and flowers you get on Iphone images.
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I don't think that is what is going on in this picture. It looks very much like the product of a basic I-Phone app; adding triangles to an image for a joke. The person claiming this is real is the wife, not the husband who took the picture. It's as fake as those hearts and flowers you get on Iphone images.
Now that you mention it... the red dots are LESS blurry than the rest of the picture.
Can't find, as yet, the video I was looking for, however came across this film for the first time.

This is the background story:

View attachment 20280

This is the footage.

A deeply profound hmmmm... here.

It's precisely the type of supporting evidence... I wondered if it existed.

Just 'too good' though?

Seems that this Object has an accompanying UFO which appears from nowhere?
Anti graivity aircraft.jpg
Some of the high-altitude, fast-moving triangular plane sightings look pretty convincing. They might be reduced-scale test articles or something. That's a completely different thing to the low, slow-moving, gigantic triangle that some people have reported.

I find it very difficult to navigate your posts ..., because the images are all so large. I think this has been pointed out before. The best thing to do is to import them into a graphics program, like Paint, and scale them down to about 1/3 the size.
Is this the image you mean?

The problem is that this is a reconstruction, an artist's impression, so is pretty much useless as evidence.
It could be a microlight that the observer has seen for a fraction of a second and misinterpreted in their mind's eye or in their memory.

(Curiously enough, I saw a microlight a couple of days ago, in freezing cold weather, in the middle of a lockdown. I mean - what the actual fuck?)

There still aren't any good photos of black triangles; all the 'good' photos are either fakes or artists impressions, like this one. Evidence needs to be better than this to stand up to scrutiny.
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find it very difficult to navigate your posts ..., because the images are all so large. I think this has been pointed out before.
It has and thought had been resolved - this is an unwelcome surprise.

Every image posted is run through the LitPhoto app, resized to compressed and resized to 800x600, or 600x600 and compressed to 80%.

As a one-off, might I please try something, because unless this works I will not post any further images.

The following is 600x463, compressed to 100% and only 64k.

If anyone has problems re the size which you see, can you please let me know.

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The problem is that this is a reconstruction, an artist's impression, so is pretty much useless as evidence.
As opposed to a photograph, obviously sure.

However, it's evidence of a sort and personally take this image in conjunction with both the background story and similar accounts.

You add: "It could be a microlight that the observer has seen for a fraction of a second and misinterpreted in their mind's eye or in their memory".

I wouldn't expect so in this instance. As noted ..., the witness was a high level government official, did not wish to publicise his sighting and commissioned the artwork as a record of their recollection.

Plus, there is the crucial element of many compartive accounts. They all make little, if in fact, any sense as either aircraft or whatever else!

You further observe: "There still aren't any good photos of black triangles; all the 'good' photos are either fakes or artists impressions, like this one".

An astute summary - in regard to our triangular, etc. UFOs, lots of enigmatic accounts, not a lot of tangible evidence.
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Evidence needs to be better than this to stand up to scrutiny.
Having been a while since I last went in search of a new, 'triangular UFO report', by way of an experiment I had confidence in finding a new and recent account without much difficulty.

Cue the following ...


Thus this perpetual tangent, where I can't think of a single, relative similar, case which was subsequently explained.

Not one, ever.
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Having been a while since I last went in search of a new, 'triangular UFO report', by way of an experiment I had confidence in finding a new and recent account without much difficulty.
Have you found any reports with good corroborative evidence? It does seem strange that these huge constructions can't be photographed.
Have you found any reports with good corroborative evidence? It does seem strange that these huge constructions can't be photographed.
I’ve seen a flying triangle, or to be precise the silhouette of one against moonlit clouds. It was between cloud layers so I assume it was large and distant rather than small and close.
It was clear as day a triangle, no running lights and moving really slowly. Even though it was in sight for minutes not only did I fail to get a camera I didn’t even call any family out to see it. Only afterwards did I think “damn why didn’t I grab a picture”.
I’ve seen a flying triangle, or to be precise the silhouette of one against moonlit clouds. It was between cloud layers so I assume it was large and distant rather than small and close.
It was clear as day a triangle, no running lights and moving really slowly. Even though it was in sight for minutes not only did I fail to get a camera I didn’t even call any family out to see it. Only afterwards did I think “damn why didn’t I grab a picture”.
This happens a LOT, even outside UFO stuff. You think "whoa cool!" then think "I should film this" right after it's too late.
I’ve seen a flying triangle, or to be precise the silhouette of one against moonlit clouds. It was between cloud layers so I assume it was large and distant rather than small and close.
It was clear as day a triangle, no running lights and moving really slowly. Even though it was in sight for minutes not only did I fail to get a camera I didn’t even call any family out to see it. Only afterwards did I think “damn why didn’t I grab a picture”.
I wish I had seen it.

Of course, I would probably have identified it as a triangular cloud, and I would probably have been correct. A large, slow-moving object silhouetted between clouds is also probably a cloud.

One night I watched a battle between two clouds, shaped something like battleships, silhouetted against the Moon; one of the clouds gradually tilted out of sight, as if the other one had sunk it. Fascinating.

There is a whole segment of the Cloud Appreciation Society dedicated to clouds that look like things.


  • e66701b64944b4f690e13f8e9c2a7e68.jpg
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I wish I had seen it.

Of course, I would probably have identified it as a triangular cloud, and I would probably have been correct. A large, slow-moving object silhouetted between clouds is also probably a cloud.

One night I watched a battle between two clouds, shaped something like battleships, silhouetted against the Moon; one of the clouds gradually tilted out of sight, as if the other one had sunk it. Fascinating.

There is a whole segment of the Cloud Appreciation Society dedicated to clouds that look like things.
Could be, I have no reason to believe it was an extra terrestrial craft. The point you seemed to miss was that at no point did I take a picture or alert others to see it, which was addressing your post.