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UFO Reports By Astronauts (General / Compendium Thread)

skinny said:
HenryFort said:
ah i had actually got to thinking old feinman had imploded somewhere ... this thread explains it all !
I very much doubt it. A poster who cashes in his chips because he gets pulled up by another on one thread has other things going on.

And this little gangbang is pathetic. I've been bitchslapped by regulars here, sometimes deserved and sometimes unfairly, hence the comment in my first post which wasn't an attack on the OP if you read it in that context. What I won't do is bail out due to a negative response to what I post. I've contributed plenty of topics over the past 9 years, and I've broken no terms of service. If I transcended the social niceties, too bad. I'm different. I shoot straight. If you can't deal with it, put me on ignore. I don't give a rat's arse.
There's a difference between shooting straight from the hip and flaming. I think you've edged over the line, so I'm giving you a green warning. If you disagree, PM Stuneville.

Please, everybody. If you find a post in some way offensive, PM a mod. Don't take it online.

Yeh, I think Feinman is probably gone, and I don't blame him. that's why I lost my cool with Skinny.

But Pietro is annoyingly right. Even before I childishly said Skinny was up his own arse I kinda knew it was pointless. Better to just ignore or report.

What's most annoying is that Skinny clearly knows his stuff. If he could act like a decent human being these board would benefit from him.
linesmachine said:
If he could act like a decent human being these board would benefit from him.
Now now. You might like to take a look at your camping thread and then reconsider the basis of your assumptions.
:arrow: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42832&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60

I'm sure its been gratifying to vent your feelings so publicly folks, but I remind you again that there's a topic under discussion and I'm now under green from the mods, so I invite you to take your issues to PM and then we can get into it as personally as you wish without disturbing the general readership. It's the best I can do for you under the circumstances.
skinny said:
linesmachine said:
If he could act like a decent human being these board would benefit from him.
Now now. You might like to take a look at your camping thread and then reconsider the basis of your assumptions.
:arrow: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42832&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60

I'm sure its been gratifying to vent your feelings so publicly folks, but I remind you again that there's a topic under discussion and I'm now under green from the mods, so I invite you to take your issues to PM and then we can get into it as personally as you wish without disturbing the general readership. It's the best I can do for you under the circumstances.

That's fine. But I don't just think of myself and the way I'm treated personally. I try to think of others and the reception they receive. Acting in a gracious way to one but then being harsh on others is unfair.

Enough. Back on topic.

The fact that the initial piece linked too is both wrong in accuracy and also seems to have an agenda (The annual UFO conf in Fountain Hills) does look a bit dodge. I tried to contact Lindsey Alexander to query her stuff but am struggling to find a proper email. Which says something in itself.
Well, I am breaking my promise never to post here again :D
But, I will post this last comment. Skinny, I feel like you may have lost control a bit there --maybe a pint too many? I've done it myself before, but no more, now. I have to say, I've participated in a number of forums --with members from all around the world, like this one, and the research and congenial collaboration actually resulted in an excellent book published on the subjects discussed, by one of our members. The kind of behavior and language that I see commonly exhibited and tolerated on this forum would get a member INSTANTLY banned on other forums where I have participated; I don't have a desire or need to swim in waters like that. There appear to be many wonderful folks here, and I will miss interacting with *them*. Skinny, your error was assuming that I endorsed or believed the content of that article; in truth I just scanned through it quickly and noticed the bit about Santa Claus, and posted it. The UFO forum seemed dead (and still does, frankly), and I couldn't find any more new and interesting stuff in Google Books. As with my profferings for Ermintrude's experiences, I don't necessarily endorse everything I post, and yes, I just intended it to be a conversation starter; it had floated to the top of a Google News search for "UFOs". You don't know me or even how much I know about various subjects, so I would have trodden lightly, Skinny. As I told another forum member, if I had a nickel for every time I helped a kid with a homework assignment on astronauts, I'd be retired on my own planet. True, I haven't taken a look at astronauts' UFO sightings, simply because I was unaware of incontrovertible evidence for them. But... You chose to attack, and that was too bad, apparently for you.. You don't seem to understand the purpose of forums, really. Maybe you can redeem *yourself* ---by being a gracious and collaborative contributor. It only takes a couple of folks to foul the waters. And yes, I have other things going on 8) Folks who ridicule individuals with personal UFO experiences, will live to eat crow one day, scientists, laypeople, and forum trolls alike! And yes, *THIS* will be my last post. :roll:
We will now draw a line under the who said what and why discussion. On with astronauts and what they may or may not have seen, please.
Thanks, Stu...I've been waiting for that. So, what about astronauts and their sightings...?
As Skinny has mentioned, the Apollo 11 mission had an interesting sighting. I wasn't familiar with it so did a small amount of digging. There's a piece on it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlkV1ybBnHI

Aldrin and the crew also thought it was a stage of the launcher, but when Aldrin requests the location of the SIVB he's told it was approx 6000 miles away. The crew felt the thing they were seeing was no where near as far away as that.

Interesting stuff though....
Astronauts may have had sightings but none ever explicitly said they had just seen a UFO. Can't remember offhand if it was Gemini 4 or 7 that had the "bogey" conversation with mission control, but they eliminated the rocket stage they had recently jettisoned as being too far away, then there was the "and look who's out there" conversation between Apollo 10 orbiter and low-orbiting lander when they heard strange "music" over a VHF channel while over the far side of the Moon.
Hints and intimations maybe but nobody ever used the term UFO.
Bigfoot73 said:
... then there was the "and look who's out there" conversation between Apollo 10 orbiter and low-orbiting lander when they heard strange "music" over a VHF channel while over the far side of the Moon. ....

Bigfoot, could you give a source for that or some kind of URL? For me, the only related search result was your post on this message board.
It's in the Apollo 10 mission transcript .pdf available from the NASA.gov. site, could give you chapter and verse but I've just moved house and everything's all over the place so I'll get back to you.
Found it already on disc, AS10 LM, Day 5 page 195 original, page 197 of the .pdf, 04 06 13 34 CMP " Yes I got it too... and see who was outside"
From Malaysian Digest

Astronaut Leroy Chiao Explains 2005 UFO Sighting

In 2005, astronaut Leroy Chiao was commander of the International Space Station for six and a half months. During a spacewalk with cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov, the two were installing navigation antennas. They were 230 miles above Earth, traveling at over 17,000 miles per hour, when something unusual caught Chiao's eye.

"I saw some lights that seemed to be in a line and it was almost like an upside-down check mark, and I saw them fly by and thought it was awfully strange," Chiao told The Huffington Post.

Chiao's fellow spacewalker, Sharipov, hadn't seen the lights because he was facing the opposite direction.

This experience, recreated in the above video (and still image below), launches "NASA's Unexplained Files," one of several programs presented as part of Science Channel's week-long "Are We Alone?" series, beginning March 2.

A down-to-Earth explanation is offered for Chiao's sighting: the bright lights of a fishing boat hundreds of miles below him. :? But is that the only possible interpretation of what the astronaut saw?

It's easy for many to have no doubt that he witnessed an intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft. But Chiao doesn't believe there's ever been any tangible evidence that someone else is visiting Earth or has done so in the past.

"I'm skeptical of claims that we've been visited by aliens from another planet or other dimension, but I don't rule it out 100 percent. I have an open mind and I do believe there's other life in the universe.

"If there is life out there that's so much more advanced than we are and they know either how to travel great distances in short amounts of time, or they're able to come from a parallel universe into ours, why don't they just come and show themselves?"

"NASA's Unexplained Files" episodes highlight possible out-of-this world UFOs either seen or photographed by astronauts over many years.

An alleged photographic piece of UFO evidence occurred on the 1972 Apollo 16 moon mission when astronauts returned to Earth with several film cannisters, one of which showed something intriguing above the lunar surface -- something that looks very much like a "classic" flying saucer.

Not sure if The Science Channel broadcasts in the U.S...but there's a reconstruction video on the site.

...a fishing boat.....???

Here's the best explanation of the Apollo 16 photo I can find, it was a light on the end of a boom. There's another photo from Apolo 10 showing the gamma ray detector - a disc- only the boom it's on the end of is so blurred it didn't register on some of the images.
As for Leroy Chiao's lights I'm sure I've seen RAF planes flying in a similar formation, maybe other air forces use it too. However plane lights are not all that powerful and would have been 230 miles away . Even if he could see them surely he could distinguish distance?
Michael Collins also heard the 'strange music' on Apollo 11, according to his autobiographical Carrying The Fire; by that time the technicians had worked out what it was, and so the crew were expecting it.

Apparently it was caused by "interference between the LM's and Command Module's VHF radios." Strange, and unexpected at first, but later just a mild annoyance.
For what it's worth, Stanton Friedman's comments from 4 days ago regarding Astronaut UFO sightings. He's active on a thread over at ATS right now.

I have heard jim speak. I think he is almost always wrong. Dr. Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon.wrote the forword to my book "Flying Saucers and Science" I have talked to several astronauts and believe they had good sightings. Gordon Cooper was one.
Given the amount of space debris in orbit:

"Although it’s difficult to observe exactly how many there are, the European Space Agency (ESA) estimates that there are 29,000 pieces larger than 10 cm, 670,000 larger than 1 cm and more than 170 million larger than 1 mm. The debris has a total mass of more than 6,300 tonnes and can travel as fast as 35,000 miles per hour".

It is hard to take any 'UFO' sightings seriously, given that there are potentially millions of objects that an astronought might be unable to identify, particularly if these objects are broken bits and pieces of larger objects, and even very small objects can appear much larger if they are reflecting light)

In essence, there are a huge swarms of UFO's orbiting the earth. The human eye/mind, just about functions correctly here on Earth, and given the alien (excuse the pun) environment that astronoughts are subjected to, a whole new level of skepticism must be applied.
Human84 thanks for the heads-up.
There is a lot of space junk up there now but back in the 1960s there was next to nothing.
The STS88 Shuttle mission photos are a good case in point: believers claim all the objects photographed are UFOs but some of them don't look like any sort of craft at all, except ( to me anyway) one which looks like decidedly aerodynamic - tail, wings, nose, cockpit, the lot. Not an alien spacecraft or even interplanetary but possibly somebody has a secret near-Earth space programme of powered exit, gliding re-entry craft.
Bigfoot73 said:
Human84 thanks for the heads-up.
There is a lot of space junk up there now but back in the 1960s there was next to nothing.

Granted. But given that the human mind/eye can be 'tricked' by even the most simple of optical illusions on the ground and ideal circumstances. How can any of us even begin to comprehend the new level of 'visual data' presented during a space walk so far above the ground in zero gravity and in such an environment humans are completely unused to?

The human mind has an incredible ability to 'construct' an image out of nothing 'just stare into the dark for a while (available in ample measure in space) and tell me what kind of things spring into 'reality'. Our brains constantly attempt to construct a concrete image of something even in a 'void'.
Friedman is correct that Cooper had a good UFO sighting; but with his usual deviousness, he doesn't mention that Cooper's sighting occurred on Earth, while Cooper was a pilot. Cooper specifically denied seeing a UFO in space.
Some conversation would be pleasant, Gaz.
Is this your Youtube channel that you've been promoting?
Some conversation would be pleasant, Gaz.
Is this your Youtube channel that you've been promoting?

basically yes but I like better the "promote the truth " expression, you will ban me, don't you?
basically yes but I like better the "promote the truth " expression, you will ban me, don't you?
If you continue to post links to your own stuff without commentary or exposition then we do ban you, won't we?

If people ask you stuff, please answer them.
If you continue to post links to your own stuff without commentary or exposition then we do ban you, won't we?

If people ask you stuff, please answer them.
ok i got it, im sorry didn't want to be rude, but i think i did, that's my channel
Gaz, this is lazy mate.... need to try harder

More facts, more background to the stories, less space junk floating around
basically yes but I like better the "promote the truth " expression, you will ban me, don't you?

No intention to ban you, but this is a discussion board not a data dump, and the convention is to start a thread with your own thoughts on a topic.

We're happy to have you here, happy to see your videos and happy for you to promote them to the membership, but we'd be happier still if you would stick around and contribute your opinions on UFOs, aliens or whatever.