Re: Gellar's Misdirection
FraterLibre said:
As I said, though: If he's actually legit, and I doubt that utterly, then who cares anyway? It's not as if spoon bending will change the world for the better. In fact, after all these years of Gellar, the world remains unaffected. He's just not important in any way.
If Geller is legit (and I'm with you on that one), then it would provide evidence for the kind of powers he claims (not just spoon bending, but telekinesis in general, as well as an assortment of other psychic phenomena). This could mean such phenomena become respectable, and a part of mainstream science. (It would also mean that Randi owes him some money.)
The problem with Geller being genuine is that he
is such a git. If we are to have a real telekinetic/psychic, I hope it's someone with a bit more humility.
BTW: I am reminded of an ad that aired here a few years back for a variety of yoghurt that came with a folding spoon. It showed Uri and his wife enjoying said dairy treat on a picnic. His wife takes the spoon out and straightens it manually, then Uri takes it out holds it up in front of his face, and it opens out of its own accord. I can just imagine the production meetings for this.
"So, Mr Geller, you take the spoon out and use your psychic powers to open out the spoon."
"Great concept. How are you going to do the trick? A wire? A small spring?"
"No, you use your psychic powers to unfold it."
"Yeah, I get the idea. I think we need a spring, because a wire would be a bit clumsy."
"Mr Geller, perhaps you don't understand. We have built our entire campaign around your ability to bend silverware. Are you telling us that you're a fraud?"
(Yeah, I know it wouldn't have been like that, but it amused me at the time.)