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Weird Sex (Practices, Preferences & Accoutrements!)

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Not that I'd want to see a man take a wooden mallet to his penis, but I would be curious as to the structure of the mallet since this person is renowned for it.

I was partly being funny asking if it was balsa wood, but was it a real mallet with heft? It could be constructed with a light wood and hollow inside. Tissue damage would still occur no matter how many times you battered tourself.

Just a thought that I've pondered for about 5 minutes after reading the account. My life has to account for something.
Not that I'd want to see a man take a wooden mallet to his penis, but I would be curious as to the structure of the mallet since this person is renowned for it.

I was partly being funny asking if it was balsa wood, but was it a real mallet with heft? It could be constructed with a light wood and hollow inside. Tissue damage would still occur no matter how many times you battered tourself.
Good point. Yeah, the mallet may also have a handle that slides in a slot, reducing the impact a bit.
You can use a meat mallet to tenderize steak so I suspect some trickery was going on.

I've got a meat mallet in the kitchen. I don't think I'll try it though. Not because of the pain but because of the embarrassment explaining the injury to the doctor in A&E.
Oh dear me, yes! I have seen these things and boggled. Often the case on here!

Aside from the rarefied world of Kung Fu, there is the Western fetish for ball-busting, which is usually a form of female domination
of the male.

For a while, the code term Kramtoad would allow access to a male-on-male version, where viewers could nominate
photographs of the blokes most deserving of a kick in the nuts. Bullied nerds had their revenge! It was amusing, when we were allowed to be.

That site went bust!

We might assume that the Kung Fu performers know, more or less, what they are doing. I am not so sure about some of the amateur Western blokes who submit to those horrible kicks and blows to their family jewels. :sneaky2:
If you think modern sexuality is weird, consider sexual attitudes and practices in the medieval era ...
No oral sex in the Middle Ages

A gripping book by British historian Katherine Harvey documents what went on between the sheets in the Middle Ages

When one thinks of medieval sex, images from classic movies tend to come to mind ...

For better or for worse, some recent films ... have probably made us reflect on what Middle Age sexuality was like. ...

In reality, we only have vague and contradictory ideas about sex in medieval times. That’s why British historian Katherine Harvey’s book The Fires of Lust: Sex in the Middle Ages is so interesting. Harvey begins by debunking some persistent myths about sex in the Middle Ages, such as beliefs that medieval times resembled a Game of Thrones-like “anything goes” scenario; that the period was defined by the droit du seigneur ... ; or that it was governed by the chastity belt ... But the historian also warns that it would be a mistake to believe that Europeans between 1100 and 1500 had sex in the same way we do, even if sex is a universal human impulse. While the human body and its physical capabilities have not changed much over the past millennia, she argues that there have been significant transformations in how people view, understand and experience sex.

One fundamental distinction is the medieval tendency to emphasize active (implicitly male) and passive (female) sexual roles. Sex was something that men did to women. That doesn’t mean that the medieval woman was just expected to lie on her back and think of England ... In fact, sex between women was only considered to be sex if one of them used an object to penetrate the other. Other forms of sex between women were legally unknown, and it appears that many people did not really understand what they could do with each other. ...

Back then, people knew less about sex than we do now. These days, we have the internet. In the Middle Ages, men had yet to discover the clitoris (they found it during the Renaissance period). Apparently, people masturbated very little during the Middle Ages; there is almost no evidence of it ...

Other sexual practices that are relatively commonplace today are similarly absent from the historical record, indicating that they were very rare during the Middle Ages. Harvey notes that there are no traces of oral sex in the documents. ... It seems that interfemoral intercourse – sex with the penis between the woman’s legs but without penetration – was very popular. That method, however, was frowned upon in homosexual male sex: in 1357, Nicletus Marmanga and Johannes Braganza were sentenced to death at the stake for engaging in the practice. ...

Informed by Roman Catholic Christianity and Galenic medicine, medieval sexual knowledge was concerned about questions such as whether Adam and Eve had sex in paradise, whether she menstruated before the Fall, and whether he had wet dreams. These weren’t minor issues; they were of great concern to the abbess and scholar Hildegard of Bingen and especially to St. Augustine, who believed that all sex was sinful, and that orgasms made you stupid. The obsession with (female) virginity was such that the mystic Margery Kempe thought only of being a virgin, despite having birthed 14 children. However, from a health perspective, it was thought that some sex was good for a woman. According to the medieval theory of humors, women were cold by nature, and sex provided a woman with warmth. ...
FULL STORY: https://english.elpais.com/culture/...bout-medieval-sex-but-were-afraid-to-ask.html
Probably fake, but still interesting: (and notice the prison tattoos) (sometimes I feel a weakling when I see blokes like this ...)

From Twitter: Dmitri @wartranslated
A Russian man who introduces himself as an ex-convict who served sentence with Wagner's Prigozhyn claims the latter was providing sexual services to other prisoners.

The Shrouded Hand gives good Youtube videos, usually on dark and horrible subjects. One, devoted to the worst torture, focuses on the torments of the urethra with broken glass etc.

A new one has gone up today on the "lighter"? subject of

The Insane Victorian Spermatorrhea Panic!​

I thought I knew quite a bit about the subject but some of the crazy devices in this video were new to me!

Have fun! :evillaugh:
Vagina dentata? The one with the bell at the end of it is hilarious. Ding ding ding:rofl:

Anyone interested in masochism would probably love these.
Depictions of penises in historical paintings reflect changing perceptions of the ideal penis size

/ it's science!


"Objectives: To investigate alterations in depicted penis size by evaluating nude male paintings from the 15th to 21st centuries."
I think I'm good at art and I think I know some, but I can't remember seeing an erect penis in a historic painting. And with my toddler's sense of humour I would remember that:

Of 232 identified paintings, 72 (31.1%) were excluded because they depicted images of adolescents or an erect penis.
Small detail here :) fun to notice.
My theory is that it's caused by adrenalin not testosterone.