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What Did You Dream Of Last Night?

I was, at times a friend of a very gorgeous woman or an observer. And time jumped.

There were two extremely photogenic couples who were close friends. The women met their partners at the same time and they got pregnant at the same time and I next see them in late stages of pregnancy looking well.

Suddenly, one's water breaks. It is premature. Later I hear that the birth was delayed one month and that she had been bedridden for this time.

Next there are a bunch of us friends waiting to see her and her baby. Awaiting the joyful introduction.

The woman is oddly subdued and doesn't seem joyful. She is holding a baby(?) fully wrapped in a blanket. She hands us the child and says nothing. She walks away.

I hear someone say "Ow she bit me." It is the wrapped infant. We unwrap him. He is an older child and does have teeth.

To our shock, there is a second head behind his - a twin sister who had bitten him! They share a body.

I now understand why the woman was not excited to introduce her children to the world. Her relatively easy life (based partly on her and her partner's comeliness) is about to be shattered. There will be questions, assumptions that friends and strangers will have about these children, and her. The woman's life will forever be changed. Her assumptions of what life is about will be changed. This will not be an easy road.

Her friends enjoy the children. They don't question, but accept the babies as separate people.

Time jump. The children are older and are preteens/teens. They are in school and so in the world. The woman, for some reason, perhaps because she is female and can identify with her daughter has hushed the boy and the daughter has long hair which obscures the boy entirely. At this point, the children are not two heads, but two faces on one head.

The daughter is of dating age and the woman warns the boy to say nothing that will give away the illusion that there is only one person. I guess that this is the woman's faint hope that her daughter will meet someone, fall in love and have a normal life. I know that this is a lie that cannot succeed.
I feel saddened at this treatment of the boy. He has no existence nor friends. He goes to school but cannot participate, only learn vicariously through his sister.

Another time jump. Something happens that breaks the boy's compliance with the woman's rule of non existence. He speaks out and gains his voice and self again. Briefly there is some anger between the siblings for the inequality in their previous lives.

Somehow (a mirror? Because they have never seen each other) they see each other for the first time. They reconcile and they are again brother and sister.
This was kind of a half-dream; I wasn't quite awake but I was drifting in and out of sleep, and I was suddenly downstairs and drawing aside a curtain across my front window to reveal that there was a young man (maybe about 14 or 15) peering in through the window with his face pressed against the glass. I didn't recognise him at all.

This jolted me awake, whereupon I realised that a) I don't HAVE curtains at my front window and b) the dog would have hit the glass so fast that she'd practically go through it if someone put their face up to it.

I think it was most likely my brain running through a 'I wonder what I'd do if this happened?' scenario, but it was quite scary for a brief moment until I realised that I was tucked up in bed.
Part of an extended but fragmented dream-sequence in the hours of early-daylight, when my REM sleep surfaces into consciousness and then submerges again, due to neighbours and dustbin-related noise . . .

I was dissecting a lion's head. I think it was still alive, as there was a pulse, as I took out various organs. All of the organs were in the neck of this beast - heart, liver, kidneys. I was pretending to a greater knowledge than I had of this anatomy. A voice cautioned me that this offal was poisonous. Something foul was bubbling up in the cavity I had opened, as I struggled to cut though an aorta - or something, I awoke, feeling a bit sickened . . . :puke2:

A few days earlier, I had skimmed though a Youtube video about WWII atrocities, including living autopsies, so maybe that was the trigger. Why a lion's head? Why were all his organs in his neck? I think we shall never know of such things.
I dreamed that I had had sex with someone I shouldn't have, in a church, and there was tape recorded evidence.

Someone was listening to the tape, I was watching them getting closer and closer to the part that would give me away, and woke up in a complete panic!
I dreamed of walking down the stairs to answer a knocking at the door. Spotted a postman-style hi-viz with a delivery.
However, before I reached the door it opened and the postie stepped in holding a huge flat square parcel.
I asked how he'd done this as the door should be locked. Postie said he'd tried it and it wasn't locked.

Someone else then turned up holding one of our cats which might have run off through the door if it had been open at night.

All this is because late at night I heard a sound like our front door opening and closing which made me wonder if Techy'd locked it as he normally does.

There was also a dream of waking up in my own bed, not in my bedroom but at my work depot.
A colleague strolled in and said 'Morning, you're awake then!'
I decided to get up and look for some clothes to wear as other workers were arriving and I was only wearing a teeshirt.
Found a newspaper or a towel or summat to wrap around my lower body so at least I wasn't too indecent.

This was probably about how much I like my job and feel at home there.
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Full-on space opera dream last night, fading rapidly. It was based around falling in with the entourage of a local alien noble (non-humanoid). The political system was feudal, and I ended up working for it for some infraction I had committed by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There were lots of courtiers and servants in the entourage, some human, some humanoid and some not even vaguely humanoid, including an octopus-like alien that wore a human suit, but its tentacles kept coiling out through the seams. The boss, as I wrote before, wasn't humanoid but I don't remember what it looked like. Most of the action took place in an old walled city; we headed up a steep hill to a fortess at the centre. There was panic everywhere because the noble's overlord would be arriving out of hyperspace soon, and everything had to be in order. The overlord wasn't known for its forgiving nature (neither was the local noble), with public vivisection being the punishment for failure... fortunately I didn't get to see any, it just added to the pervading sense of horror.

I don't remember anything beyond that. It was obviously influenced by Star Wars (I recently watched all the films again) and by Adrian Tchaikovsky's The Final Architecture series, which I finished reading a few weeks ago, particularly the Essiel aliens, and another alien that tried, and failed, to look humanoid when interacting with humans.
Full-on space opera dream last night, fading rapidly. It was based around falling in with the entourage of a local alien noble (non-humanoid). The political system was feudal, and I ended up working for it for some infraction I had committed by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There were lots of courtiers and servants in the entourage, some human, some humanoid and some not even vaguely humanoid, including an octopus-like alien that wore a human suit, but its tentacles kept coiling out through the seams. The boss, as I wrote before, wasn't humanoid but I don't remember what it looked like. Most of the action took place in an old walled city; we headed up a steep hill to a fortess at the centre. There was panic everywhere because the noble's overlord would be arriving out of hyperspace soon, and everything had to be in order. The overlord wasn't known for its forgiving nature (neither was the local noble), with public vivisection being the punishment for failure... fortunately I didn't get to see any, it just added to the pervading sense of horror.

I don't remember anything beyond that. It was obviously influenced by Star Wars (I recently watched all the films again) and by Adrian Tchaikovsky's The Final Architecture series, which I finished reading a few weeks ago, particularly the Essiel aliens, and another alien that tried, and failed, to look humanoid when interacting with humans.
Write a book!
I was being hunted by a man for some minor indiscretion, but I only remember the final scene which took place somewhere like the waterfront in Cardiff. I was walking along when I saw the man who was looking for me, he was walking with a woman and holding a small pistol in his left hand. I immediately rang the police (although I didn't dial, I just lifted my phone) and said something like 'there's a man with a gun!'

There then began the process of trying to explain where I was, when I clearly didn't really know. Thankfully the man hadn't seen me and walked off around the corner.
Unusually for me, I fell into a deep sleep last night and overslept by 15 minutes. I still have the dregs of a hiking dream. I was hiking with a group of assorted real-world hiking companions (some of whom don't know each other), some dream-only hiking-companions and me as the group leader. The dream landscape was a familiar recurring dream landscape that I have dream-hiked many times - a wide, hilly valley between two mountain ranges, possibly loosely based on the Weald with the North and South Downs, combined with various mountain ranges I have hiked in real life (Andes, Sierra Madre and the Picos de Europa). Although the landscape was a familiar dream landscape, my sense in this case is that it was located in Guatemala. We hiked across the wide, hilly valley and climbed the mountains at the far side. One of my real-life hiking friends asked if we were finished, because he was quite tired and I said no, we have to hike back. We hiked back across the hills of the valley bottom and entered a Guatemalan village (a recurring Guatemalan village that doesn't exist in real life, in my dreams I can only get to and from it in very infrequent public transport involving changing buses at a remote roadside hamlet. There was no transport so we had to hike on to the next village but, due to a miscalculation on my part, were blocked by a fence and had to take a slight detour. We entered the next, clearly Guatemalan, village. It's pretty hazy in my memory but there was an amazing wood-carved communal building in the centre, going in it was sort of like a pub. All the locals were a bit suspicious of us as outsiders (something that has happened to me in remote Guatemalan villages), and we were asking if there was a hotel where we could stay the night. At this point Guatemalan riot police arrived in force and threw a cordon of armoured police around the centre of the village, I was talking to the riot police and trying to get them to let us through - but I can't remember any more than that.

Lots of real-world bits and pieces mixed up in that. I was looking through some photos yesterday, which must have influenced my dreaming - including a day I went up to London with some Spanish friends; that day, as we were passing Marble Arch, there was an Extinction Rebellion protest going on and the police were out in force starting to block it off with a police wall; also my plans of resurrecting my hiking group.
Dreamed I was at Holyhead in north Wales. For some reason crowds were trying to leave the place by scrambling down the banks to the railway and walking along the tracks.
This would normally be dangerous but I knew no trains were running because of some emergency.

Some were train passengers who'd overshot their stations and needed to go further back along the line.
Others had arrived on the ferry from Dublin, which the port and railway station of Holyhead serves. They'd expect to take the train to London Euston.

At some point I needed to decide how I would be getting home from there without the train. Woke up with the idea of walking the tracks with the others and starting the climb down to the railway.

This might come from WhatsApp discussions with workmates about security at work.
Yesterday I was at Holyhead and the dream sprang to mind. Glanced over at the tracks and yup, you could make that descent.
No pesky overheard cables either.
So, I have a weird (for me) one. This happened last night. I have practiced reiki for appx 16 yrs, but usually only work on the pets or maybe a loved one if it seems right. Last night, before I went to sleep, I decided that I would reiki myself with the intention of general healing (been a little rundown). I've also been working on a variety of self-improvement methods: eating better, going to sleep earlier, going to the pool, calming down, etc.

I entered my reiki session as always: prayer first, protective white light, deep cleansing breaths, chakra tuning. Maybe others do it differently; this is my practice and how I learned. Frequently when I'm engaged in reiki or meditation, I will see something in my mind's eye (sometimes I deliberately focus on an object like a rose or something). Unbidden, it has been a human eye - dark blue and fully lashed - and regarding me (not mine - I have green eyes). Other times, oddly, it has been part of a skull (the tip of the nose) in my mind's eye. I cannot explain that, but it doesn't scare me. I'm like, "Oh, a skull. Ok."

Last night, though, once I was underway but awake, this is what I experienced: there stood an Indigenous American man with blue (light to medium) face paint around his eyes and nose. In his left hand, he was shaking a rattle that looked like a gourd fitted to a stick (sounded like dried seeds). It was not audible in the room. He indicated that I should look at these yellow flowers to my left. They looked sort of like primroses. He communicated that I should experience their beauty and as I leaned toward them, he (and I know how odd this sounds, behave) blew his breath toward me and my head and shoulders were covered with yellow sparkling dust. [Interrupting to add that my BIL said it was pollen :)]. I just went with it and breathed it in. It felt like a blessing. This has never happened to me before. I am guessing that it was in response to my intention for general healing.

I thought about it for a little while, read my phone, and then went to sleep. I slept easily and today I've been feeling fine - not like I have a tremendous amount of energy to climb a mountain - but I do feel good. Thinking about it, it has a natural world sort of feeling (if that makes sense?), but something I probably wouldn't mention to others outside my close circle. I feel like this is a safe space to discuss such things. If this post belongs elsewhere, happy to oblige.
I was at one of my old workplaces when one of the staff announced that she was taking the next six months off and was having a send off at the airport (Which seemed very close to the office!) She seemed very keen that I should be there to "wave to her as she left". She also stated that she couldn't take what was going to happen in the next six months.

I started out for the airport ( a longish walk) but realised I was lost and that all the signs were in Japanese (Not sure how I knew that it wasn't Chinese , etc) So I missed the send off and felt quite guilty, I was trying to phone her to apologise but couldn't get through.

I went into the office the next day and the whole place was full of Japanese text notices, neon signs, etc. I went to someone who seemed to be in charge and asked what I was meant to be doing, he replied that I should get on with my normal work. However everything was in Japanese and people I didn't know were speaking to each other in Japanese, although if I spoke to them they answered in English. Another "old" member of staff turned up and was having the same problems I was. We decided that whoever had taken over our workplace had introduced the Japanese working as a method of constructive dismissal and we decided to see a lawyer......

Woke up. Mrs T still speaking English, whew!
I went out on a specially-adapted bicycle to collect someone who was disabled. The bike would attach to the back of their modified wheelchair.
My route took me over the New Bridge in town that used to go over the railway. I pedalled up and then coasted down, and connected with my passenger.

The person I was off to pick up was someone dear to me who actually died last year. In the dream they were alive and happy to see me.
I was pleased to see them again as I've sorely missed them.

We set off together and I thought We'll be able to chat when we're through these traffic lights! :) but just then Techy woke me up with a cup of tea.
I went out on a specially-adapted bicycle to collect someone who was disabled. The bike would attach to the back of their modified wheelchair.
My route took me over the New Bridge in town that used to go over the railway. I pedalled up and then coasted down, and connected with my passenger.

The person I was off to pick up was someone dear to me who actually died last year. In the dream they were alive and happy to see me.
I was pleased to see them again as I've sorely missed them.

We set off together and I thought We'll be able to chat when we're through these traffic lights! :) but just then Techy woke me up with a cup of tea.
Techy's new role as the man from porlock :)
So, I have a weird (for me) one. This happened last night. I have practiced reiki for appx 16 yrs, but usually only work on the pets or maybe a loved one if it seems right. Last night, before I went to sleep, I decided that I would reiki myself with the intention of general healing (been a little rundown). I've also been working on a variety of self-improvement methods: eating better, going to sleep earlier, going to the pool, calming down, etc.

I entered my reiki session as always: prayer first, protective white light, deep cleansing breaths, chakra tuning. Maybe others do it differently; this is my practice and how I learned. Frequently when I'm engaged in reiki or meditation, I will see something in my mind's eye (sometimes I deliberately focus on an object like a rose or something). Unbidden, it has been a human eye - dark blue and fully lashed - and regarding me (not mine - I have green eyes). Other times, oddly, it has been part of a skull (the tip of the nose) in my mind's eye. I cannot explain that, but it doesn't scare me. I'm like, "Oh, a skull. Ok."

Last night, though, once I was underway but awake, this is what I experienced: there stood an Indigenous American man with blue (light to medium) face paint around his eyes and nose. In his left hand, he was shaking a rattle that looked like a gourd fitted to a stick (sounded like dried seeds). It was not audible in the room. He indicated that I should look at these yellow flowers to my left. They looked sort of like primroses. He communicated that I should experience their beauty and as I leaned toward them, he (and I know how odd this sounds, behave) blew his breath toward me and my head and shoulders were covered with yellow sparkling dust. [Interrupting to add that my BIL said it was pollen :)]. I just went with it and breathed it in. It felt like a blessing. This has never happened to me before. I am guessing that it was in response to my intention for general healing.

I thought about it for a little while, read my phone, and then went to sleep. I slept easily and today I've been feeling fine - not like I have a tremendous amount of energy to climb a mountain - but I do feel good. Thinking about it, it has a natural world sort of feeling (if that makes sense?), but something I probably wouldn't mention to others outside my close circle. I feel like this is a safe space to discuss such things. If this post belongs elsewhere, happy to oblige.
That sounds very shamanic.
I had a supernatural Western dream, very vivid, last night. I was a gunslinger(!), although the setting was a blend of the modern with a Wild West atmosphere. Otherworldly portals had been opening up in a town, and the lady who owned the local saloon decided she needed to call in two renowned gunslingers to take care of the problem. I was one of them(!!) Both myself and my partner were slightly overweight middle-aged with scruffy goatee beards, but very, very confident with our guns(!!!) When we first entered the saloon to report in, our presence sent a ripple of respect through the gathered toughs and cowboys. One local tough came over to try to prove how hard he was, but just a stern look, a hand resting lightly on a pistol and a brief sentence, along the lines of "Don't be a fool." were enough to send him back to his table.

Talking things over with the saloon-owner and other locals, a couple of portals had opened up inside buildings in the town, and there was an outbreak of poltergeist activity, including strange telephone calls from otherworld entities. Before taking any action, I retired to my hotel room for the night and got some sleep (yep, I slept while I was sleeping). and was awoken (in the dream) by the bedside telephone. I somehow knew it was an otherworld entity trying harass me via telephone, so determined not to answer the phone.

Later, my partner and I tooled up as hard-arse gunslingers and walked down the street to a house where one of the portals was supposed to be. It had a reputation for being very haunted. We faced off with the door, drew, and riddled it with bullets. I then kicked the door in to reveal a small hallway, with three internal doors, one in each wall. The right-hand door looked normal, but I knew it opened onto another plane. We kicked it open and we went through... and I remember nothing else until I woke up. I did get the feeling that we sorted out those pesky paranormal goings-on though.
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I dreamt that I woke up and the whole top of the house had blown off. It was just 4 walls and a square hole at the top.
There was no rubble inside so I thought that it must be outside.
I was going to look but as I reached the door I woke up.
My dream was of spotting Crocs in various colours and styles lying around in the countryside and on a beach. Some were half-buried in sand or earth and none matched.

When I tried one on it fitted, so I thought I hope I can find the other! :thought:

I wear Crocs at home so they're not especially on my mind.
However, a week or so ago Techy told me that when he stopped for a squash break he saw a Croc floating in the canal. Must've fallen off a boat.
It brought to mind a seeing a customer at work recently with Crocs carabina'd to their rucksack. Looked like a good idea.
I also saw a display of cheapo Crocs in Rhyl yesterday.

The Crocs, the Crocs; they are calling to me. :chuckle:
humph @escargot well that dream of yours didn't turn out as interesting as I thought it was going to be! I thought it was about real crocodiles not bl**dy shoes! The mental image of proper multi coloured crocodiles strewn about the countryside and you trying them on was so much more entertaining! :)