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Jason Manford asked on Facebook about what strange things people have found when moving into a new house. Some very strange things there. I thought these two should be here.
A slight tangent. I have a fungal toenail infection. I have read that Listerine is an effective treatment so will try tomorrow. Just remember to tell my wife not to use it, including the cap to pour it in.
Do you spit the Listerine back in the bottle, like at a wine tasting? :chuckle:
I bet your wife wonders why one bottle lasts so long. :chuckle:
Noodling about on here whilst watching YouTube, killing time, I was reading Gordon Rutter's thread looking for a book, where @Tunn11 was talking about 'Dart's Baby'. Two seconds later I realised that I was watching an old Crimewatch case - the Killing of Julie Dart...
I was watching the recent drama series on the Yorkshire Ripper case this week. Whilst watching, a memory came back to me of one of my old secondary school teachers. She’d once told us she was at university in Leeds during the time of the murders and described how frightening she found it to be a female student in the city at that time.

She’d taught me back in the early to mid 1990s. I’d completely forgotten about her until the drama jogged my memory. I sat trying to remember her name but it escaped me. I didn’t speak to anyone about it and I forgot about it.

This weekend we were invited to a friend’s birthday party. I saw another one of my old secondary school teachers there (someone I hadn’t seen since leaving school) who turned out to be the mother in law of my friend whose birthday it was. She came to talk to me.

Completely out of the blue, she said she’d recently heard that one of the other former teachers had passed away. She’s lost touch with this teacher who had apparently died 15 years ago. She’d forgotten her name. She said she oddly remembered which university she went to (Leeds). It turned out that she was talking about the same teacher I’d remembered a few days before. We then managed to remember her name.

I found this really odd. I’d remembered a teacher I’d completely forgotten about for the best part of 30 years and, completely out of the blue a few days later, met another person (again who I’d not seen for the same period of time) who, completely unprompted, mentioned the very same person and who also couldn’t initially remember her name (until we worked it out between us).

This afternoon, we met friends for a walk. I was talking about this odd coincidence to my friend as we walked. We then changed the subject to (of all things) a prescription toothpaste that both of our sons have to use . At that moment we paused as my daughter had found a ‘Derbyshire Rock’. These are pebbles people decorate and leave for others to find.

This particular pebble had a tube of toothpaste painted on it with the toothpaste squirted out to spell the word ‘thanks’.

I’ve found these events this week to be really peculiar.
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I was watching the recent drama series on the Yorkshire Ripper case this week. Whilst watching, a memory came back to me of one of my old secondary school teachers. She’d once told us she was at university in Leeds during the time of the murders and described how frightening she found it to be a female student in the city at that time.

She’d taught me back in the early to mid 1990s. I’d completely forgotten about her until the drama jogged my memory. I sat trying to remember her name but it escaped me. I didn’t speak to anyone about it and I forgot about it.

This weekend we were invited to a friend’s birthday party. I saw another one of my old secondary school teachers there (someone I hadn’t seen since leaving school) who turned out to be the mother in law of my friend whose birthday it was. She came to talk to me.

Completely out of the blue, she said she’d recently heard that one of the other former teachers had passed away. She’s lost touch with this teacher who had apparently died 15 years ago. She’d forgotten her name. She said she oddly remembered which university she went to (Leeds). It turned out that she was talking about the same teacher I’d remembered a few days before. We then managed to remember her name.

I found this really odd. I’d remembered a teacher I’d completely forgotten about for the best part of 30 years and, completely out of the blue a few days later, met another person (again who I’d not seen for the same period of time) who, completely unprompted, mentioned the very same person and who also couldn’t initially remember her name (until we worked it out between us).

This afternoon, we met friends for a walk. I was talking about this odd coincidence to my friend as we walked. We then changed the subject to (of all things) a prescription toothpaste that both of our sons have to use . At that moment we paused as my daughter had found a ‘Derbyshire Rock’. These are pebbles people decorate and leave for others to find.

This particular pebble had a tube of toothpaste painted on it with the toothpaste squirted out to spell the word ‘thanks’.

I’ve found these events this week to be really peculiar.
A few years ago when doing agency work I was chatting with staff about mutual acquaintances. We spent while discussing a nurse called Jacquie.
She and I weren't in touch and I hadn't thought of Jacquie for years, and she didn't cross my mind again.

Until I worked at the same place a week or so later and was informed that Jacquie had sadly died on the same day as I'd last heard her mentioned.
In the evening in fact, possibly during that very conversation. Brrr.
A few years ago when doing agency work I was chatting with staff about mutual acquaintances. We spent while discussing a nurse called Jacquie.
She and I weren't in touch and I hadn't thought of Jacquie for years, and she didn't cross my mind again.

Until I worked at the same place a week or so later and was informed that Jacquie had sadly died on the same day as I'd last heard her mentioned.
In the evening in fact, possibly during that very conversation. Brrr.
That sounds very much like the 'Google someone - they die' curse we have around here.
The fact that she admits she had a pre existing diagnosed condition but decided to self medicate as well still doesn't put me off the idea of trying this myself. She might just be trying to get financial compensation and using the media to boost her claim. Or the water wasn't clean enough. What evidence has she got for that claim?.

I'm just going to say, I've been a fishkeeper for over 30 years, and I've seen the set-ups those places use.

There is no way that water's going to be clean, and the fish are not going to be healthy, I would very strongly advise people to steer clear of them.
I'm just going to say, I've been a fishkeeper for over 30 years, and I've seen the set-ups those places use.

There is no way that water's going to be clean, and the fish are not going to be healthy, I would very strongly advise people to steer clear of them.
I've only seen one of these fish nibbler set ups at London's Stanstead airport but I was too busy trying to get on a on a plane at the time. I think I'll give this experience a miss then under those conditions.