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tart of darkness
Jan 3, 2009
Not Texas
Per Escargot's suggestion, I will offer a free tarot reading to anyone who asks, from now until February 4, 2015.

You don't have to reveal the question you want answered, but since we're online and you won't be able to lay hands on the cards, it may help to give a general outline of what you want to know.
The deck that will be used is the Universal Waite

Mostly, I use the traditional celtic cross spread, but if you have a special request, let me know.
To avoid tediousness, I will stick to my interpretation of the cards and avoid general meanings. If there is a specific meaning you are confused about, though, we can discuss it.
If I see something especially sensitive, I'll PM the querent about it rather than airing it in public (which I'm sure you are relieved to hear.)

Being an insomniac, I'm usually online during the overnight hours, central time, so you may have to be a little patient, but no fear - I will get to you.

Disclaimer - if you do anything foolish based on a tarot reading, on your own head be it.
Otherwise, it's all good, so let the readings begin. :)
Thank you, that's a very kind offer. My family and I are planning to make big changes to our living arrangements this year. What do I need to know about the changes?
Thank you, that's a very kind offer. My family and I are planning to make big changes to our living arrangements this year. What do I need to know about the changes?

Hello Krepostnoi,
I've done your reading, and the order of your cards is as follows:
1. The king of pentacles, 2. the devil, 3. the empress reversed, 4. the knight of cups, 5. the four of wands reversed, 6. the hermit reversed, 7. five of swords, 8. knight of pentacles reversed, 9. knight of swords, 10. ace of wands reversed.

The first thing you need to know is that impatience may cause you to make a series of mistakes. Knowing this, you can take steps to prevent it. These cards indicate wanting to make a break from some unhappy or less than successful situation. It seems you want to forge ahead and make some sweeping changes. The king of pentacles, who is a well-off family man, is opposed by the devil, which indicates some negative influences, likely of a material or physical nature. This may be based in fear somehow.

I see that there are people who are opposed to this change you are making, or maybe they just think you are going about it the wrong way. This may lead to more impatience on your part, leading to strained relationships and a tendency to feel isolated. You may feel you have run out of ideas and made the wrong move. However, the four of wands in the crowning position indicates that this is only a state of mind, that it's only your worries that trouble you, not objective reality.

If you can keep this in mind, it will be easier to relax and feel hopeful. Any quarrels in the family have a chance of being reconciled. Have patience. Don't demand too much from others right now. Make the effort to stay connected and resist the temptation to shut yourself away. If you do these things, you can use your positive personality traits to your best advantage.

Hopefully this has some meaning to you and helps answer your question. :)
Will there be some success with my musical endeavors this year? For example will my band fizzle out or finally start getting some gigs?
I would like a reading please Ulalume, but I just don't have any pressing concerns or questions at the moment. Can you do this?
I would like a reading please - the question is " Have I made the right decision regarding work ? ". Thanks in advance.
Hi Ulalume! I would like a reading when you can get around to it - no rush though. I've just started on a path which I hope will take me to a better work and home life but if possible I would like some guidance on how best to take the next step towards this new-found goal. Thank you! :)
Oh Ulalume, how very kind! :)
I would LOVE a Tarot reading, please, if you have the time.

I have two pressing issues in my life: work (I need to change my job) and the worryingly poor health of someone close to me.

No need for discretion. Post all details publicly, please.
Hi Ulalume, if you have time, I'd like a reading too please. I'm worried about a male family member who is very ill.
Will there be some success with my musical endeavors this year? For example will my band fizzle out or finally start getting some gigs?

Hi Patrick -
The order of your cards is: 1. four of cups, 2. ten of pentacles, 3. eight of cups, 4. the lovers, 5. three of cups, 6. page of wands reversed, 7. queen of swords reversed, 8. seven of pentacles reversed, 9. the emperor, 10. three of pentacles.

Your prospects for success this year are good. Your social skills will be your biggest asset in finding gigs for your band, so focus on networking with other musicians and venue owners, etc. to get where you want to go.

I see by your cards that you have a lot of love in your life, you are a passionate person. Music is a creative and spiritual endeavor for you, not a financial means to an end. However, there is one person who is causing you some difficulty, someone young and perhaps rebellious. This may be another band member, a friend or even a child who is making hard work for you. This may make you feel less in control than you'd like. You seem to have an innate understanding of how to make things work, but this person is often at cross purposes with you, just because of their nature. Of course, there is always going to be that one person who doesn't go along with the program - that's just life and human nature. Bring out the kind, reasonable, yet firm side of your nature to keep things streamlined, and all will be well.

This isn't necessarily reflected in the cards, but I do sense that anything to do with the ocean will be very fortunate for you. IIRC, you live in Alabama, yes? The coast and places associated with it are likely to bring you luck.

Good luck and above all, enjoy yourself. :)
I would like a reading please Ulalume, but I just don't have any pressing concerns or questions at the moment. Can you do this?

Hi David,
The order of your cards is as follows: 1. the ace of wands, reversed, 2. temperance. 3. the sun, reversed, 4. eight of cups, 5. ten of cups reversed, 6. the fool, 7. the page of pentacles reversed, 8. four of cups, 9. eight of wands revesed, 10. three of cups.

The cards indicate you have a calm, quiet personality, with a tendency to slide into depression at times. Because you are so calm in general, other people may not notice this depression and just think you are a little more meditative than usual. You have a very strong tie to a loved one, a deep sense of faithfulness to this person. You also have strong ties to your community, even if sometimes you'd like to break away and leave it behind.
Even though there aren't a lot of dramatic troubles in your life (aside from the depression) I do see a tendency to worry about a particular young person, possibly dark haired, possibly causing you some financial worry. There isn't much of a real basis for this worry, IMO, it's just the product of too much rumination on quiet evenings.

The cards also show that some joy and renewed vitality will be coming back into your life very soon, While things may not work out exactly as you hope, there are signs of a fresh beginning and a child-like happiness springing up within you. Take advantage of this joy. As long as you keep your wits about you and don't go overboard, things will be fine.
I would like a reading please - the question is " Have I made the right decision regarding work ? ". Thanks in advance.

Hi loquaciousness -
The order of your cards is as follows: 1. the fool, 2. the page of cups.3. six of wands, 4. nine of wands, 5. four of pentacles reversed, 6. eight of cups. 7. justice, reversed, 8.the lovers, 9. judgement, reversed, 10. three of cups.

Something that jumps out right away is that you have the public appearance/image of success, regardless of how you might feel inside. To others, you seem to have a perfect life. If you have troubles, others could very well dismiss them, thinking , "Eh, loquaciousness has it all together, she'll be fine." but privately, you might not be so sure.

The Fool card indicates your decision - you've taken a leap of faith. Opposing your decision is the page of cups. Is this a child, perhaps? Does your decision affect a particular child strongly, as in having to spend more time away or more time together? This might be an issue you'll have to work on to make it satisfactory to all involved.

In the past, the cards indicate a situation that made you feel defensive and guarded against attack. A sense of injustice lingers. All the same, you aren't quite ready to leave it behind. There's unfinished business there, so you are pulled in two directions. One one hand, there's the urge to leave the situation and on the the other, a bloody-minded resolve not to give up something important to you.

In the future, shaky finances and business dealings may be an issue, so keep an eye on this - however, the final outcome - the three of cups - shows a great deal of happiness and celebration in the future, so despite these issues, it looks like your decision will benefit you in the end.
Thank you Ulalume!
Very perceptive indeed.
And that young person, very interesting.
I'll tell you about him in a pm later when you arn't so busy.
Hi Ulalume! I would like a reading when you can get around to it - no rush though. I've just started on a path which I hope will take me to a better work and home life but if possible I would like some guidance on how best to take the next step towards this new-found goal. Thank you! :)

Hi Novena -
The order of your cards is as follows: 1. fours of swords reversed, 2.the star, 3.the queen of wands, 4.the queen of pentacles reversed, 5.ten of wands reversed, 6.queen of swords reversed, 7. knight of pentacles reeversed, 8. the high priestess, 9.the knight of swords, reversed, 10. six of cups, reversed.

This is one of the most complex readings I've come across in a long time. I had to bring out another deck of cards to check the accuracy of this one!

Novena, the complexity of this may well indicate complexity and divided feelings in your own life. Also, it's woman heavy - you have three queens here (as well as the high priestess) so there is either one extremely changable woman, or several different women who impact your life in a very definite way.

At the bottom, the very basis of the issue - is the queen of wands, a woman of sharp intellect, blonde or red-haired, a bit of a fiery temperment. The influence just passing is the reversed queen of pentacles - a dark-haired woman, not of good character, financially irresponsible and capable of fraud. The influence to come is the reversed queen of swords - an older woman, embittered by sorrow and inclined toward cruelty. This has me concerned, especially since the crowning influence is the card of undue burdens - as if someone is going to push their responsibilies onto you.

Sure, it's possible that these queens may be aspects of yourself, but I do have a very strong feeling that these are specific people in your environment.

It looks as if there are situations in your life that you weren't quite ready to handle yet, something potentially overwhelming. On the other hand, there is the star, a card of the major arcana that represents the guiding light of intuition. This is important, IMO. I will explain -

Your reading is full of minor arcana, with major arcana in two specific places. The star, opposing the overwhelming situations, and the high priestess, in the postition of "how others perceive you". Major arcana always outweighs the minor, being they have to do with fate, destiny, situations not fully within your control. Minor arcana are situations involving ordinary people issues - not matters of fate. The high priestess is a very important card, and its position tells me that other people perceive you as having a spiritual power or embodying a feminine ideal. Yet the other cards show you staggering under the weight of other people's burdens. Why would this be? Two guesses - You are a giving and caring person, with a serene aspect that allow others to expect you will take care of their problems, or (given the nature of those reversed queens in your reading) they see something special in you, and enviously want to prevent you from achieving the best you can be - so they heap on the responsibilities, maybe even use you as a scapegoat for their own issues.

Both these possibilities are concerning and IMO you should watch carefully for this, especially, as you say, you are entering a new path. The star is your intuition and hopes for this new path. The rest is the people you are going to be dealing with as a result. Be very, very, wary of manipulation and mind games, Novena. You seem as if you might be a person with high ideals, with a standard you want to live up to. Beware of letting this high ideal make you a victim of manipulation.

Whew! Now, to answer your actual question - the best way to proceed with your path is put your past behind you. If there are any issues lingering from your youth or childhood, work these out or put them aside before proceeding so they don't follow you into your new life.
Hi Ulalume,

I would like a reading, please.

I suppose health, wealth and happiness are the main issues for me at the moment. Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the delay. Cedar pollen is making me fuzzy-headed at the moment!

Oh Ulalume, how very kind! :)
I would LOVE a Tarot reading, please, if you have the time.

I have two pressing issues in my life: work (I need to change my job) and the worryingly poor health of someone close to me.

No need for discretion. Post all details publicly, please.

Hi Escargot. No problem. :)
The layout for your first reading (regarding a job) is as follows: 1. the hermit, reversed, 2. the ace of swords, 3. the five of wands, 4.two of wands reversed, 5.six of wands, 6.the page of pentacles reversed, 7.the heirophant, 8. four of wands reversed, 9. the king of wands 10. the page of wands.
This reading is chock full of wands, which indicates the intellect and the realm of ideas.

First, it seems as if problems with your job have cropped up due to interpersonal issues and feeling a loss of control over your work environment. The ace of swords indicates your ability to make some decisive action regarding this.

This interpretation is pretty short and sweet, actually - despite the problems indicated in the past, this issue won't be an issue much longer. You will be receiving a positive message very soon regarding employment. It will be a stroke of luck. A person, likely a younger, unmarried person, will give you a recommendation or tip off to a job that will prove fortunate. If there have been problems with irresponsible people or missed messages, these will come right and this message will prove profitable for you. Keep an eye out for it.

Just to back things up, I checked up with the Russian Gypsy cards, too, and the cards that came up were the letter in the upright position, meaning good news will come to you from a distance; the clover, which means good fortune in all endeavors; and the ship in the second position, indicating riches due to trade or labor. Both sets of cards indicate a fortunate message coming your way soon. Be prepared to act when it comes. Because of the sheer number of wands in your reading, it looks like bringing logic, rather than emotion, to bear on the issue will lead in the right direction.

One other point - the heirophant card (in the position of self) indicates that you should stick with a conventional path right now. No risky actions, no off-beat, unconventional ways of handling things. The tried-and-true methods and traditions will benefit you at this time.

Now for your second reading, regarding the health of your loved one. The layout is as follows:
1. six of wands reversed, 2.ace of swords, 3. two of pentacles reversed, 4.the star, reversed, 5. the empress, reversed, 6. ten of swords, 7. the devil reversed, 8.five of swords, 9. the fool, reversed, 10. the queen of pentacles, reversed.

I'm sorry to say that this is a worrying fortune, with a number of elements to cause concern. That said, there is some hope. The card here that makes one sit up and take notice is the ten of swords, a card warning of danger and despair. What I don't see is the death card in combination with it, which indicates the person has the opportunity to come through their troubles. The picture on the ten of swords card in the Rider-Waite deck shows a person whose body has been pierced by swords. However, in the background is shown a thin line of dawn breaking in the sky - indicating a margin of hope. The ace of swords in the crosssing postion (the same, you might notice, as your fortune regarding work) shows again an ability to take decisive action on the issue.

This reading indicates this person has had quite a bit of imbalance in their life, sorrow, poor health choices, a tendency to focus on worries. This may be coming home to roost now and their health suffers. The reversed devil in the positon of self shows that they may be emerging from this protracted unhappy state. The worry is that money/material issues show signs of rearing up and bringing harm to the person all over again.

This person needs help and support to make decisions for their own benefit and should be protected from anyone wanting to take advantage of them. This person needs comfort at this time.

I wish the fortune was more cheerful, but if it alerts you to an area where your loved one needs help, it's better than remaining unaware.

I hope this helps, Escargot.
Hello Krepostnoi,
I've done your reading, and the order of your cards is as follows:
1. The king of pentacles, 2. the devil, 3. the empress reversed, 4. the knight of cups, 5. the four of wands reversed, 6. the hermit reversed, 7. five of swords, 8. knight of pentacles reversed, 9. knight of swords, 10. ace of wands reversed.

The first thing you need to know is that impatience may cause you to make a series of mistakes. Knowing this, you can take steps to prevent it. These cards indicate wanting to make a break from some unhappy or less than successful situation. It seems you want to forge ahead and make some sweeping changes. The king of pentacles, who is a well-off family man, is opposed by the devil, which indicates some negative influences, likely of a material or physical nature. This may be based in fear somehow.

I see that there are people who are opposed to this change you are making, or maybe they just think you are going about it the wrong way. This may lead to more impatience on your part, leading to strained relationships and a tendency to feel isolated. You may feel you have run out of ideas and made the wrong move. However, the four of wands in the crowning position indicates that this is only a state of mind, that it's only your worries that trouble you, not objective reality.

If you can keep this in mind, it will be easier to relax and feel hopeful. Any quarrels in the family have a chance of being reconciled. Have patience. Don't demand too much from others right now. Make the effort to stay connected and resist the temptation to shut yourself away. If you do these things, you can use your positive personality traits to your best advantage.

Hopefully this has some meaning to you and helps answer your question. :)

Thank you, Ulalume, I'm grateful for your efforts and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to find a moment to respond. I'm struck by how much resonance there is in your words to my situation. I won't belabour this point by going through it word by word, but I will say the most interesting thing for me is that when I first saw your reading a couple of days ago, I was not aware of anyone who was opposed to the change: my parents had both seemed quite accepting of our plans, even though it meant they would see much less of us. But this morning I had quite a fraught conversation with my mother, who it turns out is harbouring quite a lot of negative feeling both about our grand plan and the way we are going about it :( I suspect much of this is displaced sadness at the thought that we are moving away - sadness that I share - but it was still hard to hear, given the way she chose to express it. It's intriguing that this was clear to you before it was to me.

Might you expand a little on the significance of the devil? I'm not quite sure about the material or physical aspects of the negative influences you mention, and more detail might help me here. That said, there is certainly some fear, or at least great uncertainty, about how taking this huge step will unfold.

Again, my thanks for your generosity in doing this reading for me.
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Hi Ulalume, much like escargot I need to change my job, I am also worried about my own health. Thanks.
Brilliant. A (young, unmarried) former colleague has already put in a good word for me at his new workplace, where I'd love to move to, and yesterday I collected an application form from him!

The health news - also right, if gloomy. Can't go into details but it'll be a long slog with not much chance of a good outcome. Making the person safe and comfortable is about the best I can manage.
Thanks for the feedback. :) It's always worth hearing how a reading resonated with someone (or not).
In a face-to-face meeting, of course, that's something that would be evident right away and could be explored as part of that reading. Online, it's a lot different. It's a bit like reading while wearing a blindfold!

I'm still working on each fortune and hopefully will be able to answer all replies soon.
Hi Ulalume, if you have time, I'd like a reading too please. I'm worried about a male family member who is very ill.

Hello Iris,
I've done your reading ,and the order of cards is as follows;
1. the star reversed, 2. temperance, 3. seven of swords, 4. judgement, reversed, 5. 6 of swords, reversed, 6. knight of swords, 7. four of pentacles, 8. knight of cups, 9. 8 of swords, reversed, 10. the tower

I'm sorry to say that it does appear this family member is quite ill. The star in the reversed position indiciates being beset by worries as well. There is the sense of feeling trapped, wishing to escape, but lacking choices or abilities to do so. In the "self" position there is the four of pentacles which makes me wonder if there are concerns with the cost of medical care or medicine? If so, this is not something that should be allowed to prey on his or his family's minds.

The final card is the tower, which shows a bolt of lightning shattering the tower of Babel. This means shock, feeling alone, bereft of protection, panic. It can be a total breakdown, but it can also be the first steps toward renewal. Once the blow has been struck and the tower has been shattered, one must begin again. This might be frightening, but one very important reserve here is the temperance card. Temperance is exactly what it says on the tin - the ability to create calm, a perfect mixture of hot and cold to make soothing warmth. This is a quality that can be brought to this person, to bring him peace. If temperance can be brought into his life by his loved ones, it may hold off the emotional and physical impact of the tower card and ease his fear.

So, simply said, the best thing you can do right now is be a calm, soothing and loving presence in his life.
Thank you Ulalume, yes he's very ill and not expected to live as a melanoma has spread to the brain. He's my sister's boy and he's undergoing a new treatment but my sister says there's little hope.
Thank you Ulalume, yes he's very ill and not expected to live as a melanoma has spread to the brain. He's my sister's boy and he's undergoing a new treatment but my sister says there's little hope.

I'm sorry to hear he's so ill, Iris. ((hug)) Hopefully they will do their best to keep him comfortable and give him the best chance for a cure.
Could you please do a reading for me Ulalume.

Hi Monstrosa,
The order of your cards is as follows: 1. justice reversed, 2.the page of wands, 3. the high priestess reversed, 4. six of pentacles reversed, 5. king of swords reversed, 6. five of swords reversed, 7. five of wands reversed 8. 3 of pentacles, 9. seven of swords, 10. judgement, reversed.

What stands out very strongly is that some injustice has been done to you. Something that rightfully belongs to you had been taken or withheld, even stolen. The anger at this injustice pours out of this reading and blots out everything else. The reversed king of swords likely represents the person who has the power to fix this, but he's not kind and he's not fair. If you know who the king of swords represents (generally, a man with light to medium brown hair, blue eyes and rather cold and selfish) you won't be able to deal with him by appealing to reason. Instead, you will have to compromise. This might be difficult, because - per the reversed judgement card - you aren't ready to let go of the injustice. You'll have to think of what you really want and what's most important to you in this situation and follow your conscience. Your happiness depends on the decision you make.

I hope this reading has some meaning to you. These cards seem to speak of a very specific situation and don't offer many other interpretations, so I do hope it answers your question.
I have actually found tarot pretty spot-on in the past - except when I would let preconceived notions block me from interpreting the crucial cards correctly until later. Like, for several years I'd get the two-of-coins, a card that's all about balance, when I was worrying about health problems, and I'd get impatient - I know we have trouble with keeping the budget balanced, cards, what's that got to do with this weird feeling? Because coins are economic, right? It was only after I started getting actual vertigo and got the Meniere's disease diagnosis that the penny dropped. Duh - I was having balance issues and until I addressed those nothing else would fall into place. Once I got diagnosed, btw, the two of coins stopped being ubiquitous.

So let's see if a remote reading by someone who doesn't know anything about my current situation gets around this problem. Or if inability to set up a people-reading loop offsets the objectivity too much. (I don't think tarot are mystical at all. I think they're an effective technique to clear away the conscious chatter and tell ourselves what we need to know, using the pattern- and symbol-using capacities of the brain. Cheaper than a therapist.)