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  1. X

    The American Holocaust, Dust Bowl, Stock Market Crash, Great

    We already know from other threads that what you write is utter bullshit. Frankly you´re a disgrace to geologists. I would urge you to stay off this website and keep to peddling your wares on your own homepage.
  2. X

    Historical Evidence & Accounts Of Pygmies / "Little People"

    Not confusion as such, more to do with how you classify things. If they saw them as small hairy humans instead of a different species, the word pygmy might have been reasonable enough. The latin name for orangutans also uses the name pygmy.
  3. X

    Woman divorces husband re 'virtual' affair on Second Life

    I´m on another board, where people ask questions about pretty much everything. One woman came on and wanted advice on her husband, who she had caught kissing some other woman on Second Life. What I found interesting was they had apparently done swinging, where the rule was no kissing. So the...
  4. X

    Estimating The Number Of Alien Worlds / Species (Drake Equation, Etc.)

    Other that having an idea of how many planets will be out there, I´m not sure it really expands much on Drake´s equation. Is there any particular reason they didn´t run a scenario where life has difficulty to arise AND evolve?
  5. X

    Pseudoscientific Gadgets For Enhancing Water / Drinks

    I found it. How to age brandy with 15.000 volts. http://www.formandreform.com/wordpress/?p=188
  6. X

    Pseudoscientific Gadgets For Enhancing Water / Drinks

    I do remember on another forum someone saying that running a current through a brandy can artificially age it and make it taste better. I have no idea what processes are involved though, and if it works on other beverages. Besides, the design of this thing doesn´t make it sound like it does...
  7. X

    UFO Hits Wind Turbine

    ""I reckon something the size and weight of a cow would do it," Dale Vince of energy firm Ecotricity told BBC Radio 4's Today programme." I reckon some cows in the area have been feeding of the GM crops and mutated to have wings. One of them then accidentally flew into the windmill. Seems...
  8. X

    Blind People 'Seeing': Human Echolocation / Blindsight

    This guys visual cortex may have been damaged, but perhaps his brain is rewiring seeing as visual stimuli are apparently still being sent to his brain. I want to know if he can still navigate that obstacle course while being blindfolded.
  9. X

    Bad Medicine: Daffy Doctors & Medical Mishaps

    A lot better than just buying carbon credits.
  10. X

    The Simpsons—Beyond The Screen

    That should get the manga lovers rather worried.
  11. X

    Japanese launch campaign to marry comic book characters

    How long before we see one of the Sailor Moon characters charged with bigamy? Also can you only get married to humanoid cartoon characters, or could you get away with marrying a pokemon?
  12. X

    The Mystery Of The Vibrating Pole

    Resonance from seismic or sound waves?
  13. X

    Suicidal Swedish Super-Strength Sisters (Eriksson Twins)

    I don´t suppose it was for WKD, sounds like the kind of ad they might run.
  14. X

    Japanese launch campaign to marry comic book characters

    Would be bad if you ended up having to pay alimony to a comic character.
  15. X

    Weird Personal Names

    Recently on there news there was a man who apparently had stolen money from drug dealers. To get him to come out of hiding they kidnapped his grandchild. His grandchild´s last name was Puffinburger. :?
  16. X

    strange creatures!

    I don´t know fish number 2, which looks really remarkable. However the first one is from a deep sea expedition, which along with other fish were claimed in e-mails to have been washed up by the recent tsunami. http://www.snopes.com/photos/tsunami/creature.asp
  17. X

    Response to "Meteoric Mystery" Letter (FT240:74)

    They needed to set some form of date and chose that. They could have chosen year zero, but when dating things from medieval times it would sound stupid saying they are +1300 years old. They could also just choose the time that was the present for each measurement, but that would just get very...
  18. X

    Vietnamese Anti-Small Chests Driving Ban

    Is this because large breasts would work as dual airbags in case of accidents?
  19. X

    Help Finding Picture (De Loys' Ape)

    It may have been a hoax, but surely the creature itself was real. I doubt he made it out of paper mache. So where is it now?
  20. X

    Please Forward To All Your Female Friends. IMPORTANT!

    I can understand passing on urban legend warnings, a woman at my company send on the story about a date rape drug that will make you sterile. However the chain e-mails that threaten you with bizarre things, how superstitious do you have to be to believe in such crap?
  21. X

    History Rewritten: Myths Busted & New Truths Uncovered

    Why, what were they getting up to in those movies? Getting manicures?
  22. X

    History Rewritten: Myths Busted & New Truths Uncovered

    Well it´s been known for years that the vikings were quite sophisticated but that article makes them sound like a bunch of metrosexuals.
  23. X

    Help Finding Picture (De Loys' Ape)

    I know the story of the DeLoy expedition itself. It just seems odd that you don´t hear more about attempts to find this creature, wether ape or monkey. I guess sightings might have been very rare since.
  24. X

    Help Finding Picture (De Loys' Ape)

    I think it´s surprising how little follow up there has been on this. Even if not an ape, it would still be interesting to find out more about them.
  25. X

    Response to "Meteoric Mystery" Letter (FT240:74)

    Funny, I was just attending a lecture yesterday which was about fossil meteorites. There´s very few known fossil meteorites, and about 90% of them have been found in Sweden about 10 miles from where I´m sitting. The lecture was essentially about finding the traces of meteorites in sediments...
  26. X

    Australian Aboriginals: Origins, Arrival & Culture

    I´m not one of those who claims race doesn´t exist, but I still don´t see how aboriginals would fit into the category of the white race. Seems an odd notion, all PC-ness aside.
  27. X


    I watched the second episode the other day, not an improvement on anything. At least the one playing the daughter is from Denmark, that´s a bit interesting. To me the big question was, how come a street prostitute knew the location of this facility, as well as knowing exactly which place...
  28. X

    Saw - The Ride!

    When is the musical being made? They seem to be making musicals of everything, surely they will of this as well.
  29. X

    Joerg Haider assassinated?

    Well I admit this was from a not very credible paper. However I´m not going to assume a conspiracy untill there´s evidence for that.
  30. X

    Joerg Haider assassinated?

    Only when they reach a corner as I recall.
  31. X

    Joerg Haider assassinated?

    I just read a report that Haider was doing 142 km/h in a 70km/hour zone when he was killed.
  32. X


    I just watched the pilot, and I would have to agree that it seemed nothing out of the ordinary. The computer graphics was quite bad in places, but I think they admitted that they have quite a low budget. Having Tapping from Stargate in it, I couldn´t help but compare the Zimmerman character to...
  33. X

    Turtle Fossils

    I thought there would be a nice little Kipling story about it.
  34. X

    Baby shark with webbed feet

    I remember seeing a drawing of a beached shark, which had what appears to be legs at the back. Considering the shark was out of the water and the general realistic look of the shark, it seems odd if it was just artistic license.
  35. X

    Blood In Sweat Or Tears (Hematidrosis / Hematohidrosis / Hemolacria)

    Bruises are essentially sub-dermal bleeding. I wouldn´t think getting blood through the skin would then be that big a step.
  36. X

    J.J. Abrams' Fringe

    Parody shows will have a field day with those giant letters hanging around the place.
  37. X


    Sounds like it could be interesting enough, I hope it wont be disappointing like Eureka was. I like the look of Heyerdahls character, he looks odd without looking unhuman.
  38. X


    I find it odd how recent news stories make it seems people find asexuality surprising. We all start out that way untill we change, it seems perfectly likely that in some people the trigger never happens. After all sexuality seems able to go wrong in much more complicated ways.
  39. X

    Curse of Tails Doll

    So you want to teach him about distinguishing the factual and the unlikely, and then have him do prayers and magic charms?
  40. X

    Curse of Tails Doll

    Tell him that Mario will keep him safe from Tails.
  41. X

    J.J. Abrams' Fringe

    I just watched the first episode and didn´t feel that impressed. The characters didn´t really interest me, though I found the third act turn was really the only interesting thing happening. There was no real explanation to how the "incident" happened or worked. If this is anything like Lost, I...
  42. X

    Suicidal Swedish Super-Strength Sisters (Eriksson Twins)

    Well something like pcp would explain the strength and lack of worry about pain. At least neither had long red pigtails. I´m wondering why the one convicted of assault only spent one day in prison.
  43. X

    Stereotypes, racism and being discriminatory

    It might also be enough sending one squad car I´d imagine. As for the original question, I think this is the problem with PC. Maybe what you said is offensive or stereotypical, but isn´t it more important wether it was actually wrong or not? If you said japanese are short. that would also be...
  44. X

    StumbleUpon suppressed the H2onE2 science, knowledge

    I must say that description of the sun really surprised me. Before that I thought you at least had some idea of how things work. However, I don´t suppose you could mention one experiment that has been done, which actually supports one of your claims.
  45. X

    The Atomic Curse of Rutherford, Room 2.62

    Yep, they even got him on their money.
  46. X

    Near-Death & Out-Of-Body Experiences

    This sounds really good. Should be interesting to hear the results.
  47. X

    StumbleUpon suppressed the H2onE2 science, knowledge

    I am doing geology studies, and I dread those parties where people apparently lick each other on the cheek.
  48. X

    Giant Lizards in Laos

    I´ve been quite close to some monitor lizards, which can get about 1½ meters long and live down there. It might have been those he encountered.
  49. X

    "Volunteers in internet forums"

    How exactly were they known to be spooks? Did they use MI5 e-mail adresses?