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spies & spying

  1. Yithian

    Iranian Spies Tasked Israeli Citizen With Delivering Severed Animal Head

    Iranian spies tasked Israeli citizen with delivering severed animal head, Shin Bet says By Pauline Lockwood, Benjamin Brown, Mike Schwartz and Artemis Moshtaghian, CNN Updated 3:39 PM EDT, Tue July 16, 2024 Jerusalem CNN — An Israeli citizen has been charged with colluding with Iranian spies...
  2. ramonmercado

    Cuban Spying Case Shocks U.S. Government

    Was this high ranking US diplomat a Cuban spy for 40 years? The Cuban spying case that has shocked the US government Published 13 hours ago Manuel Rocha, a former US ambassador to Bolivia, is accused of acting as a Cuban agent for more than 40 years By Will Grant BBC News, Havana When...
  3. maximus otter

    Woman Stabbed In UK ‘Terror Attack’ Was An American Spy

    A woman stabbed in what is thought to have been a terror attack in England last week is an American spy, it is now thought. One man has been arrested under UK terrorism law in relation to the incident, which took place in a car park close to both the world-famous Cheltenham race course, and the...
  4. maximus otter

    Chinese Satellite Gathering Intel For Pearl Harbor-Style Hypersonic Missile Attack Using Green Lasers, Claim Experts

    China used green lasers fired from satellites to gather intelligence for a surprise hypersonic missile attack on Hawaii, it has been warned. The satellite was recorded flashing lasers for a fraction of a second by a livestream camera attached to a telescope on top of a mountain on one of the...
  5. N

    'The Buzzer': ZhUOZ / MDZhB / UZB76 Radio Station

    Just been killing some homeworking time listening to the Unexplained Mysteries episode on the MDZHB radio station. I've not been able to locate anywhere where I can listen the the station live - the links that I have been able to locate don't work. Any suggestions ?
  6. ramonmercado

    MI5 Spy Controlled UK Nazi Group, Files Reveal

    Excellent stuff! MI5 drew up plans to issue members with special badges to be worn in the event of an invasion - supposedly to identify them as friends to the Germans but in fact to enable them to be swiftly rounded up by the police.
  7. rynner2

    GCHQ Recruiting

    Fancy a new career? GCHQ challenges code breakers via social networks UK intelligence agency GCHQ has launched a code cracking competition to help attract new talent. The organisation has invited potential applicants to solve a visual code posted at an unbranded standalone website. The...
  8. GNC

    The Cold War Isn't Over

    Full story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/us_and ... 442223.stm I thought the Cold War was over? Does this mean the U.S. are doing the same in Russia or are they really still the bad guys in the Russian secret service? This eighties nostalgia is getting out of hand. No wonder there...
  9. rynner2

    History Rewritten: Myths Busted & New Truths Uncovered

    http/tinyurl.com/yqr5sy (Mod Edit: Original link is broken. Archived version found via The Wayback Machine here: https://web.archive.org/web/20090130100439/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1545177/Caravaggio-was-actually-Merisi-of-Milan.html) rynner the ubiquitous
  10. ramonmercado

    The Spy Who Offered To Blow Up Hitler On A Suicide Mission

  11. ramonmercado

    Conspiracy In Ireland: North & South

    Edit to amend title.
  12. M

    Is Iran Being Set-Up On Nukes?

    After Iran's medling with us going to war with Iraq: www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15557 is someone trying to set Iran up (or is it a double bluff to get them out of trouble?): Source
  13. MrRING

    John Dee: The Original 007

    From A Bond for All the Ages : Sir Francis Bacon and John Dee : the Original 007: Elizabeth was very much interested in the occult. Dee was responsible for choosing the most auspicious date for Elizabeth's coronation which was on January 15th, 1559. The Queen was so impressed by Dee that she...
  14. McAvennie

    MI5 Building Is Really A Shell Containing Another Building?

    I remember over-hearing someone on a train saying, as the train passed the MI5 building down by the Thames, that the MI5 building that you can see is just a shell and that inside is another building, a building within a building. It is certainly all blacked out and you can't see in at all...
  15. Spookdaddy

    Alleged & Suspected Mossad Machinations

    I know this sounds a bit bizarre but I have a memory of reading a story in a national newspaper which concerned the arrest of two Mossad agents on the west coast of Scotland somewhere in the mid to late 80’s - possibly even the early 90’s. For a long time I put this down to an overactive...