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the police

  1. maximus otter

    Police Across US Given New UFO Handbook As They Warn Craft 'Pose Significant Safety Risks'

    Police chiefs of America's largest cities have published the first guide about UAPs, which details chilling encounters and how officers can report such incidents. The 11-page document warned that unidentified flying objects 'pose significant safety risks to law enforcement air support units,'...
  2. C

    The Death Of PC Andrew Harper

    It looks to me like he grabbed the rope rather than was dragged by it. If you watch 50 seconds into this footage you can clearly see that Andrew clears the rope that is behind the car and then can only of clung onto it deliberately.
  3. kamalktk

    Police Officer Charged With Lying About Taking Missing Person To Hospital

    Search continues in Maine as officer is charged with lying about taking missing person to hospital /the person is now missing, again / case is strangely similar to that of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearances_of_Terrance_Williams_and_Felipe_Santos...
  4. maximus otter

    Lego Heads In Mugshots?

    Something looks a little funny on one California police department’s social media pages. The Murrieta Police Department is photoshopping Legos onto suspects’ faces in mugshots and arrest photos. Courtesy of the Murietta Police Department Locals have noticed this phenomenon on the police...
  5. ramonmercado

    Zimbabwe Police Rescue 251 Children In Raid On Sect Compound

    Another cult with 16 unregistered graves, including those of infants found so far and more than 250 children rescued who were being exploited as cheap/slave labour. Zimbabwe police rescue 251 children in religious sect compound raid WORLD Police with dogs are a shrine on a farm near Harare in...
  6. Frideswide


    If someone is tased, will the effect travel to people who are holding the original person? Asking for a friend :twothumbs:
  7. Yithian

    'Ghosts At The Lock Up' At The West Midlands Police Museum, Birmingham [27/10/23]

    'Ghosts At The Lock Up' At The West Midlands Police Museum Join us on Friday 27th October for a night of ghost stories and spooky tales. The Police deal with some very unusual incidents, some of them involving strange sightings and mysteries that just can’t be explained. As you follow the...
  8. Paul_Exeter

    Classic Case Reexamined: The Devon Police & The Flying Cross (1967)

    This case is ne of my all time favourites, partly because it took place in my home county and not so far from where I grew up and also because of the archive interviews that take us back to the 1960s: A 2004 interview with the now-retired coppers...
  9. C

    The Nicola Bulley Disappearance (St Michael's On Wyre, Lancashire)

    Has anyone been following this case, missing 5 days now? The mystery of the mother who vanished while walking her dog: Last known movements of Nicola Bulley who was still connected to a work call when she disappeared on towpath after dropping her kids off at school By Dan Sales For...
  10. GNC

    Dogs Can't Track You Through a River (Urban Legend?)

    Maybe someone can clear this up: can a tracker dog follow your scent through a river or body of water? You see it certain films, the escapee getting away because they crossed a river (apart from in No Country for Old Men, which provides a twist on that cliche), but is it true in real life? I...
  11. lordmongrove

    Ghosts In The Line Of Duty: Police / Policemen / Cops

    http://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/devon-police-called-reports-ghosts-583568 Devon police have been called out 17 times in the past three years over ghosts, vampires, witches and zombies. July 2015 - South Devon - Caller states he is a vampire and drinking his own blood (police...
  12. Vardoger

    Hologram Technology: Obi-Wan Kenobi, You're My Only Hope

    Display of hologram technology used in a Dubai Mall. When you see the boy run, it's obvious there's a glass or something similar the video is displayed on.
  13. Cochise

    Operation Yewtree & Other Historical Child-Abuse Allegations

    This thread has been extracted from the now closed Jimmy Savile threads, and is for discussion regarding the wider Yewtree investigation and trials. There is a dedicated Savile thread here. Stu. --------------- Quote is a comment on the DM article regarding the Cyril Smith allegations...
  14. K

    Hillsborough: Anatomy Of A Government Cover-Up

    Not to spin gold out of a tragedy, but surely the network of implicated police, local government and government parties exposed in the new report give the lie to any scoffing at conspiracy theory which suggests no large group could have been puppeteered into conspiring. Impuning the names of the...
  15. pornosonic1975

    Is It Illegal To Embed Glass In Your Wall To Deter Would-Be Intruders?

    I am a Police Officer and today, myself and colleagues saw a high wall to a house which was embedded with glass shards in cement at the top. One colleague immediately stated that this was "illegal", however I pointed out that as far as I know, there is no actual LAW that says that you cannot do...
  16. S

    Cold Cases

    Police follow lead on children missing for nearly forty year Growing up in Adelaide, I was inundated with media stories about the disappearance of the three Beaumont children from suburban Glenelg beach in 1966, which one remians one of Australia's greatest unsolved crimes. The latest lead...
  17. T

    Weirdness In A Bangkok Police Station

    The following happened to me in Banglumphu, Bangkok, about 3 months ago. I'd be interested to hear any thoughts, as this was one of the most scary and inexplicable things I've experienced. I was walking up Rambuttri Road early one evening, on my way to a music venue in a backpacker ghetto...
  18. S

    Crimes Involving Fossils

    Plenty more Dinosaur smugglers to go :(
  19. Mama_Kitty

    The Drugs Don't Work? Wild Behaviour In The Grip Of Narcotics

    Stoned Man Feeds Schoolgirl to Sharks http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_585598.html 18/03/2004 Beyond a Joke Man threw schoolgirl to feeding sharks 'for a joke' Northern Territory News A man has admitted throwing a 12-year-old girl into water where sharks were feeding as a joke...
  20. O

    Dumb Cops

    http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,52051,00.html NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A convicted murderer serving an 18-year sentence at a state prison escaped Monday morning when correction officers, thinking he was another prisoner, drove him to a bus station here for release. Officials at Turney...
  21. O

    Little Villains: Criminal Kids

    Kids are so adorable at that age This was in my newspaper today: GANG OF CHILDREN MOLEST 2 WOMEN, STEAL THEIR FOOD BALDWIN, PA--Police plan to file charges against at least seven children, ages 8 to 12, for allegedly invading the apartment of two young women, molesting them and stealing...