Well, if you travel through this country of ours you'll meet all sorts of people - mainly First Nation and First Nation ancestors...anyway, I've noticed ethnic physiology along the way that gets you thinking about origins.
Hair is an indicator - there is dead straight, wavy, and curly with really tight curls in Tasmania. In the top of Western Australia, there are red haired children and blond haired children which is supposed to come from Dutch seaman that were marooned on the shores of Australia from the 1600's. Noses too alter depending which 'Country' you're travelling through.
According to a certain Anthropologist, (Mulvaney), there have been three waves coming into Australia over the last 60,000 years which I reckon can be correlated to the Glacial era's - there are myths of when it was much colder, dryer and when the Ocean levels dropped...so...
So the last wave was about 6,000 years ago I reckon - they're the Fella's that brought the Dingo with them, this is confirmed with the fact that there are no dingo's in Tasmania which was cast adrift from the mainland some time after the younger dryass.
If we've had succesive waves of Migration into Australia since at least 60,000 years, then maybe it stands to reason that a Mob split up somewhere around the Sub Continent and one half went North-east, while the others went South.
I suppose that if this is the case, then they got across the Bering Strait and they followed the Coastline south - the result being a common ancestor with some of the inhabitants of South America, and the Australian Aborigine.
BUT THEN...there are the travels of the Early Maori in their fleet of Wakas (very large outrigger canoes) that traversed the Pacific Ocean, leaving Chickens in South America with a recognised DNA, and maybe taking in a swap, red sweet potato (Kumara) which interestingly, the Coastal South Americans also call Kumara...Whose to say that The Maori Fleet, at one time didn't pull into the large Island (Australia), and say to a few Locals (Australian Aborigine). 'KIORA Cussy Bro, fancy a quick sail across the Oceans to sites unknown?'
Who is to say...All we know is that certain peoples of South American origins have a common ancestor with Australian First Nation that is indicated in their DNA.
This is all my my conjecture Frides, but I'm always having an ear to the ground for Papers, that can confirm, in a small way, my thoughts.
P.S. Merry Christmas Possum to you and Yours, and a very fruitful New Year.