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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Conspiracy Theories & Claims

Your guess is as good as mine. Mine is all political and not allowed here on Forteana.
Mentioning who has compiled the study and the name of the study would not, imo, be a political statement. It is additional information, not an opinion.

I tend to ignore people (not meaning that I am ignoring you, only the intervewee and interviewer) talking about unnamed studies as the original source cannot be found and there is no context of what the original study was measuring.
This is profoundly worrying imho, well researched and backed up with studies and data. I'm not one to subscribe to 'conspiracies' but there's now so many strong studies showing there's something going on, it's hard not to think there's something going on.


Evidence of harm​

A short collection of key pieces of evidence showing the COVID vaccines are not "safe and effective." Not even close. They are the most deadly vaccines we've ever produced.​

"The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed that more people died (and were injured) who got the drug than who got the placebo. In other words, the cure was worse than the disease."

"The Levi cardiac arrest rate elevation paper showed a troubling correlation between vaccine doses and increased cardiac events from January–May 2021. When they tried to get data after May 2021, they were refused access. "
I'm a little confused. Who is "they" and what study data are the men referring to at the beginning of the video? You mention Wikipedia, but I did not hear this mentioned. Also Wiki doesn't do studies.

Where does this 8% unvaccinated in UK stat come from? This is not clear either. I wouldn't believe that stat, as even Canada (which is considered to have one of the highest vaccination rates - at 2 shots being considered full vaccination) is said to be somewhere at 80%, and it is lower if you bring in the under 18 year old population.

What is being covered up?
Mentioning who has compiled the study and the name of the study would not, imo, be a political statement. It is additional information, not an opinion.

I tend to ignore people (not meaning that I am ignoring you, only the intervewee and interviewer) talking about unnamed studies as the original source cannot be found and there is no context of what the original study was measuring.
Dr Andrew G. Huff, former EcoHealth Alliance VP turned whistle-blower spoke exclusively to Trial Site News’ Sonia Elijah about his tenure at the controversial organization, which has been at the centre of the Covid-origin lab leak theory. Huff, who is an expert in the field of bioterrorism and biosurveillance worked at EcoHealth Alliance from 2014-2016. He reviewed the research proposal "Understanding the risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence" that was submitted to the NIH which detailed gain of function virology work, which he attests led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. He warned Dr Peter Daszak, his former boss, about the biosafety and biosecurity risks but Daszak was dismissive of his concerns. Huff also revealed the fact there was no biological security officer and institutional biosafety committee at EcoHealth Alliance, which was a violation of NIH guidelines.

"They" are government and big pharma.

As far as who does the studies, your guess is as good as mine because "they" will not release that information until it is requested under the freedom of information act. Then most of the information released is redacted. Why would this kind of information need to be redacted. For what reason is it a threat to release this information to the public?
This is profoundly worrying imho, well researched and backed up with studies and data. I'm not one to subscribe to 'conspiracies' but there's now so many strong studies showing there's something going on, it's hard not to think there's something going on.
Nothing is going to be able to stop it from coming out now. I think the quote is, "The cat's out of the bag."?

A year and a half since COVID-19 first hit and shuttered much of the world, some hardline Texas conservatives are still spreading wild conspiracy theories about the vaccine.

In a Twitter post on Thursday, the Washington, D.C.-based watchdog media outlet Right Wing Watch published a video of Texas-based doctor, right-wing activist and GOP donor Steven Hotze claiming that the COVID-19 vaccine could make you vulnerable to – wait for it – mind control.

If you received the vaccine, Hotze claims in the clip, you “become connected to the internet of things and you can be mind-controlled by artificial intelligence through maybe 5G.”

Although the video isn’t time stamped, it appears to have been filmed late last month at the Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa in Austin, where the right-wing Liberty Pastors group held a conference featuring Hotze as a speaker.

“Well, they’re putting 5G everywhere. It’s like the Tower of Babel,” Hotze continued in the video. “And how did God deal with the Tower of Babel? How much longer do you think he’s gonna tolerate the Satanic plan? This is transhumanism.”
Is information on Covid and the covid vaccine on Substack as good as information in peer-reviewed medical journals?

Short answer: no.
Long answer: fuck no.

I am no longer puzzled at the misinformation posted here by conspiracy theorists.

After reading posts and links for several months and viewing the linked videos, and after some hours of my life researching and composing specific responses, I reached the conclusions that these folk are:
- Impervious to critical thinking
- Cannot acknowledge any instance in which they get it wrong
- Thinking in a way which does not reflect new information

Any covid information posted on Substack is very likely to be wrong, slanted, or incomplete. Authors of covid, vaccine, and conspiracy who post on Substack have the habit of lacking the specific expertise in the very area in which they are writing, and apparently cannot get published in other venues.

Some aspects of what the covid conspiracy theorists write are correct and warrant further investigation. However, that is true of every medical invention.

The pattern to the misinformation which I see in the covid/vaccine/conspiracy postings are taking isolated facts out of context, and then misinterpreting them. Repeatedly. This misinformation is then taken as the basis of constructing yet more erroneous interpretations. This is now a matter of belief and cherry-picking to support that belief; none of this is logical, reasonable, or able to withstand informed scrutiny.

An example of self-published misinformation which some conspiracy theorists here advocated was “peer-reviewed” and therefore legitimate was a self-published Substack journal article. In this article, the research’s numerous and fatal errors were pointed out in the comments section. It was suggested that these comments were “peer-reviews” and therefore the article was scientifically acceptable. (WTF?!?) The reviews were not all by peers, and they all effectively refuted the article. The “peers” wrote that the article was wrong. Posts 2692, 2782, etc.

Substack is a profit-making platform for self-published authors: a vanity press. As such, it has the capacity for legitimate uses in which the authors actually publish in their area of expertise, and with enough precision, accuracy, and completeness of data to be evaluated. So far, in all the Substack covid/vaccine/conspiracy links posted here, I have not yet run across a well-researched and well-written article. These authors do harm to the public with their crap.

Substack - Wikipedia - especially pertinent are the criticism and finance sections.
I have not yet run across a well-researched and well-written article. These authors do harm to the public with their crap.
It might be worth reading the journal articles refenced in some of the substack articles - irrespective of the platform, it's the data that matters. There do seem to a be a lot of studies performed by credible scientists many of which have been speciously denied publication. This is not "vaccines let 5G control you", this is hard data - it's starting to look a bit more serious than 'a conspiracy'.

The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes. These analyses will require public release of participant level datasets.


The below are linked from one article: Maybe try:
The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed absolutely no all-cause morbidity or mortality benefit. There were no all-cause benefits at all.

The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed that more people died (and were injured) who got the drug than who got the placebo. In other words, the cure was worse than the disease.

The Classen paper analyzed the clinical trial data for all three US vaccines and confirmed the lack of any overall benefit. There was an increase in morbidity which was highly statistically significant in all three vaccines. It concluded, “Based on this data it is all but a certainty that mass COVID-19 immunization is hurting the health of the population in general. Scientific principles dictate that the mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be halted immediately because we face a looming vaccine induced public health catastrophe.”

The paper by Christine Stabell Benn entitled, “Randomised Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines: Do Adenovirus-Vector Vaccines Have Beneficial Non-Specific Effects?” confirmed that there was no mortality benefit by taking the COVID mRNA vaccines. “Based on the RCTs with the longest possible follow-up, mRNA vaccines had no effect on overall mortality despite protecting against fatal COVID-19.” See this article by Daniel Horowitz for more information. In other words, these vaccines have no death benefit. Period. Full stop. This is exactly what the Canadian analysis below showed.
Dr Andrew G. Huff, former EcoHealth Alliance VP turned whistle-blower spoke exclusively to Trial Site News’ Sonia Elijah about his tenure at the controversial organization, which has been at the centre of the Covid-origin lab leak theory. Huff, who is an expert in the field of bioterrorism and biosurveillance worked at EcoHealth Alliance from 2014-2016. He reviewed the research proposal "Understanding the risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence" that was submitted to the NIH which detailed gain of function virology work, which he attests led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. He warned Dr Peter Daszak, his former boss, about the biosafety and biosecurity risks but Daszak was dismissive of his concerns. Huff also revealed the fact there was no biological security officer and institutional biosafety committee at EcoHealth Alliance, which was a violation of NIH guidelines.

"They" are government and big pharma.

As far as who does the studies, your guess is as good as mine because "they" will not release that information until it is requested under the freedom of information act. Then most of the information released is redacted. Why would this kind of information need to be redacted. For what reason is it a threat to release this information to the public?
Unfortunately, most of the info is probably redacted due to "proprietary" reasoning. Do I agree with this? No. But laws have allowed corporations, including our daily use products (think cleaning solutions as a small example) to claim that everything they do is theirs to do with as they wish and no one else can possibly use it to benefit or discredit. This is the real base of conspiracy theories. Off topic, but I don't think there would be so much distrust if "big business" financial health didn't over rule the right to public knowledge.
It might be worth reading the journal articles refenced in some of the substack articles - irrespective of the platform, it's the data that matters. There do seem to a be a lot of studies performed by credible scientists many of which have been speciously denied publication. This is not "vaccines let 5G control you", this is hard data - it's starting to look a bit more serious than 'a conspiracy'.

The below are linked from one article: Maybe try:



OK. I read the article. "The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed that more people died (and were injured) who got the drug than who got the placebo. In other words, the cure was worse than the disease."

1. Indeed published in the NEJM.

2. The article says nothing of the sort. I skimmed the whole damn thing. And it does not report on all-cause morbidity because that's not what the study was designed to report on. It also doesn't report on how many participants stubbed their toes or met aliens.


BNT162b2 continued to be safe and have an acceptable adverse-event profile. Few participants had adverse events leading to withdrawal from the trial. Vaccine efficacy against Covid-19 was 91.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 89.0 to 93.2) through 6 months of follow-up among the participants without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection who could be evaluated. There was a gradual decline in vaccine efficacy. Vaccine efficacy of 86 to 100% was seen across countries and in populations with diverse ages, sexes, race or ethnic groups, and risk factors for Covid-19 among participants without evidence of previous infection with SARS-CoV-2. Vaccine efficacy against severe disease was 96.7% (95% CI, 80.3 to 99.9). In South Africa, where the SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern B.1.351 (or beta) was predominant, a vaccine efficacy of 100% (95% CI, 53.5 to 100) was observed.


Through 6 months of follow-up and despite a gradual decline in vaccine efficacy, BNT162b2 had a favorable safety profile and was highly efficacious in preventing Covid-19. (Funded by BioNTech and Pfizer; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04368728. opens in new tab.)
OK. I read the article. "The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed that more people died (and were injured) who got the drug than who got the placebo. In other words, the cure was worse than the disease."

1. Indeed published in the NEJM.

2. The article says nothing of the sort. I skimmed the whole damn thing. And it does not report on all-cause morbidity because that's not what the study was designed to report on. It also doesn't report on how many participants stubbed their toes or met aliens.


BNT162b2 continued to be safe and have an acceptable adverse-event profile. Few participants had adverse events leading to withdrawal from the trial. Vaccine efficacy against Covid-19 was 91.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 89.0 to 93.2) through 6 months of follow-up among the participants without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection who could be evaluated. There was a gradual decline in vaccine efficacy. Vaccine efficacy of 86 to 100% was seen across countries and in populations with diverse ages, sexes, race or ethnic groups, and risk factors for Covid-19 among participants without evidence of previous infection with SARS-CoV-2. Vaccine efficacy against severe disease was 96.7% (95% CI, 80.3 to 99.9). In South Africa, where the SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern B.1.351 (or beta) was predominant, a vaccine efficacy of 100% (95% CI, 53.5 to 100) was observed.


Through 6 months of follow-up and despite a gradual decline in vaccine efficacy, BNT162b2 had a favorable safety profile and was highly efficacious in preventing Covid-19. (Funded by BioNTech and Pfizer; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04368728. opens in new tab.)
The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed that more people died (and were injured) who got the drug than who got the placebo.

...The Pfizer vaccine had 4X as many cardiac arrests in the treatment group than the placebo (see page 12 of the Supplemental Appendix).

OK. I read the article. "The Pfizer trial 6 month report showed that more people died (and were injured) who got the drug than who got the placebo. In other words, the cure was worse than the disease."

1. Indeed published in the NEJM.

2. The article says nothing of the sort. I skimmed the whole damn thing. And it does not report on all-cause morbidity because that's not what the study was designed to report on. It also doesn't report on how many participants stubbed their toes or met aliens.


BNT162b2 continued to be safe and have an acceptable adverse-event profile. Few participants had adverse events leading to withdrawal from the trial. Vaccine efficacy against Covid-19 was 91.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 89.0 to 93.2) through 6 months of follow-up among the participants without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection who could be evaluated. There was a gradual decline in vaccine efficacy. Vaccine efficacy of 86 to 100% was seen across countries and in populations with diverse ages, sexes, race or ethnic groups, and risk factors for Covid-19 among participants without evidence of previous infection with SARS-CoV-2. Vaccine efficacy against severe disease was 96.7% (95% CI, 80.3 to 99.9). In South Africa, where the SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern B.1.351 (or beta) was predominant, a vaccine efficacy of 100% (95% CI, 53.5 to 100) was observed.


Through 6 months of follow-up and despite a gradual decline in vaccine efficacy, BNT162b2 had a favorable safety profile and was highly efficacious in preventing Covid-19. (Funded by BioNTech and Pfizer; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04368728. opens in new tab.)

Dr. Aseem Malhotra who promoted Covid-19 vaccine on TV calls for its immediate suspension​

Writing in the peer-reviewed Journal of Insulin Resistance, one of the UK’s most eminent Consultant Cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who was one of the first to take two doses of the vaccine and promote it on @Good Morning Britain says that since the rollout of the vaccine the evidence of its effectiveness and true rates of adverse events have changed. In a two-part research paper entitled “ Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine,” real-world data reveals that in the non-elderly population, the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one death from Covid-19 runs into thousands and that re-analysis of randomised controlled trial data ( that first led to approval of the vaccines for BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna) suggests a greater risk of suffering a serious adverse event from the vaccine than to be hospitalised with Covid-19. Read part 1 of the article: https://bit.ly/3dJuN3W Read part 2 of the article: https://bit.ly/3dMKIhV Visit the journal at https://insulinresistance.org/index.p
On the other hand, 2 people from the placebo group died because of ‘multiple organ dysfunction syndrome’ & 2 due to myocardial infarction. None in the vaccinated group. I’m not sure what conclusions you can draw from it.

It shows one more person died in the BNT162b2 group than the placebo one in 6 months. So pretty much even then.

Yes, this is true, apparently, from the data given. However, some other considerations indicate that this is probably not significant, statistically:

For the middling large (but not very large; not epidemiological large) populations:
15 deaths/21926 treatment group members
= 0.00068 deaths = 68/1000 of 1% death rate from all causes associated with the treatment.
14 deaths/21921 control group members
= 0.00064 deaths = 64/1000 of 1% death rate from all causes associated with nontreatment.

So, 4/1000 of 1% difference in deaths from all causes in populations of over 21,000. This is a really small number. This warrants more investigation, but does not warrant any other conclusions because: its too close to make good interpretations; we have no information on how the different categories were defined; and - important for me - there are multiple cardiac types of death listed.

These are weaknesses of the study as presented by this data:
1. multiple cardiac categories
2. the lack of the definitions
3. how those different cardiac deaths were verified
4. the lack of exclusive, distinct categories: that is what "multiple causes of death for each participant could be reported" means in the explanation of Table S4. 17 causes of death for treatment group with 15 deaths; 19 causes of death for control group with 14 deaths.

For the different types of cardiac deaths, there were 6 deaths for the treatment group and 3 deaths for the control group.

This is intriguing data, but not distinct enough, meaning not enough difference between the treated and placebo outcomes, for me to claim "4 times as many deaths from cardiac arrest" is something to make a decision on. To pick on one line item, ignoring both the other cardiac death lines, and ignoring the fact that there is almost no difference in the cumulative death rates between treatment and control, is cherry-picking.

As I would be cherry picking if I claimed, from the data, that the death rate from Covid and covid pneumonia was twice as high for the control group over the vaccinated treatment group. Which it was :)

Edited for clarity
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I just went through the original NJEM article again and don't see this, the last table is table 3. In any case, this data is not relevant to the baseline of the article, which studies the incidence of infection with c19 and adverse events related to vaccination between the two groups. It also won't give you absolute counts of all deaths because as the note says one death can appear counted more than one time if multiple causes of death were present. So it doesn't show how many unique deaths of all causes. And even if these were unique deaths, a difference of 1 in a sample of 22,000 is not significant. You didn't however point out the interesting point that this study was paid for by the manufacturer.
I just went through the original NJEM article again and don't see this, the last table is table 3. In any case, this data is not relevant to the baseline of the article, which studies the incidence of infection with c19 and adverse events related to vaccination between the two groups. It also won't give you absolute counts of all deaths because as the note says one death can appear counted more than one time if multiple causes of death were present. So it doesn't show how many unique deaths of all causes. And even if these were unique deaths, a difference of 1 in a sample of 22,000 is not significant. You didn't however point out the interesting point that this study was paid for by the manufacturer.

Damn! I just lost my reply.

I am guessing that the manufacturer paid for the study because this was part of the latter-stage clinical trials.

The causes of death in this study were, I think, declared by multiple local hospitals and coroners. These local hospitals and coroners created the cause of death data, and the manufacturer had no control over this. This degraded the information about causes of death. If the manufacturer was able to define at the start of the study the causes of death, this would have been very useful.

If causes of death were defined ahead of time, so all the causes of death were mutually exclusive. and only one primary cause of death was used, the types of death declared would have been very different. For example, myocardial infarction vs cardiac arrest: there were both labels used for causes of death; however, if one has a myocardial infarction and dies, one dies because the heart stops beating: cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest almost always happens when one dies of any disease because the heart stops permanently.

Lb8535: "And even if these were unique deaths, a difference of 1 in a sample of 22,000 is not significant." You wrote this much more succinctly than I did.
Good replies. :hoff:I'm still not having another booster :)

At least until the cause of the well documented (across several countries) excess deaths has been determined.
So anyone care to tell me what is wrong with this study?

Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19
vaccination in randomized trials in adults


Results: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious
adverse events of special interest of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of
17.6 and 42.2 (95 % CI 0.4 to 20.6 and 3.6 to 33.8), respectively.

Discussion: The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal
harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 out-
comes. These analyses will require public release of participant level datasets.
I 'm no expert and I have read many of the same articles that others have but I simply don't see all these deaths and illness from the vaccine and boosters. Using just anecdotal info ...no one in my circle of friends and family...probably 50 or more people have suffered any illness or death from the vaccines. And it was said from the very beginning that a very small percentage could have a reaction. I'm talking about the original shots and first booster which I have had. I don't know enough about the newer ones being used. I also know people in the medical community where I live being a retired Optometrist and I have heard nothing on any outbreak of bad reactions.
Having said that in my area everyone I know who is against the vaccine (anti-vaxxers) are both Republicans and conspiracy theorists (this is the conspiracy forum). This is not a political comment, just making an observation. It seems to me most of this is not about medicine and facts but belief systems.
It might be worth reading the journal articles refenced in some of the substack articles - irrespective of the platform, it's the data that matters. There do seem to a be a lot of studies performed by credible scientists many of which have been speciously denied publication. This is not "vaccines let 5G control you", this is hard data - it's starting to look a bit more serious than 'a conspiracy'.

The below are linked from one article: Maybe try:



Coal - I forgot to answer your post. I am sorry.

Yes, I agree with you that any platform or venue could be a good starting point for finding solid research. I am biased against starting that from substack because of the huge amounts of misinformation on it.

I think that the various covid vaccines may harm specific persons who have specific underlying conditions. I would be shocked to find out they do not harm anyone. The research you give in post 3108 and its conclusion that actual serious adverse events happened is to be taken seriously. The research is solid, and the numbers are much more robust than in the paper you cited in post 3101: 20 times more robust (1/22000 vs 10/10000).

What the conspiracy theorists do not adequately address is how infectious and deadly the first waves of covid were in 2020. They ignore or dismiss this. They mainly focus on how unsafe the rushed, unapproved vaccines are, and so on. Covid in the US in 2020 was so deadly that the life expectancy of Americans declined the most of any time since WWII. This level of mortality is a serious adverse event.
Anecdotally, I personally know of one person, who has a pacemaker-like (note that this is an easy explanation for her device, she does not have cardiac problems) device that is implanted for nerve pain management. She has reacted to all of the shots by having a seizure shortly after receiving them. She turns her device off when she is having a shot. This prevents the seizure.

Is this related specifically to the covid vaccine? Possibly. But one person in how many, and with this specific implant, it is statistically negligible for everyone despite that I can probably say that I personally know 100 people who've had the vaccine and she is 1% of those I know.

For her, it is important to know. For whole statistics, it is negligible.

People bet on far poorer statistics of winning money. Ironic.
Damn! I just lost my reply.

I am guessing that the manufacturer paid for the study because this was part of the latter-stage clinical trials.

The causes of death in this study were, I think, declared by multiple local hospitals and coroners. These local hospitals and coroners created the cause of death data, and the manufacturer had no control over this. This degraded the information about causes of death. If the manufacturer was able to define at the start of the study the causes of death, this would have been very useful.

If causes of death were defined ahead of time, so all the causes of death were mutually exclusive. and only one primary cause of death was used, the types of death declared would have been very different. For example, myocardial infarction vs cardiac arrest: there were both labels used for causes of death; however, if one has a myocardial infarction and dies, one dies because the heart stops beating: cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest almost always happens when one dies of any disease because the heart stops permanently.

Lb8535: "And even if these were unique deaths, a difference of 1 in a sample of 22,000 is not significant." You wrote this much more succinctly than I did.
Yes the soupiness of the list makes it useless if you were trying to tie cause of death to immunization status, which was not the purpose of the study. And it was in fact part of the required material submitted for approval, hence the specific purpose.
Anecdotally, I personally know of one person, who has a pacemaker-like (note that this is an easy explanation for her device, she does not have cardiac problems) device that is implanted for nerve pain management. She has reacted to all of the shots by having a seizure shortly after receiving them. She turns her device off when she is having a shot. This prevents the seizure.

Is this related specifically to the covid vaccine? Possibly. But one person in how many, and with this specific implant, it is statistically negligible for everyone despite that I can probably say that I personally know 100 people who've had the vaccine and she is 1% of those I know.

For her, it is important to know. For whole statistics, it is negligible.

People bet on far poorer statistics of winning money. Ironic.
That's very interesting. Does she also have to do this for other vaccines?
Global study confirms link between COVID-19 vaccine, longer menstrual cycle

And the report contains the following

"A change in cycle length of less than eight days is considered to be within the normal range of variation. While this temporary cycle variation would not alarm health care professionals, the change in a bodily function that controls fertility could contribute to vaccine hesitancy."


"Changes following vaccination appear to be small, within the normal range of variation, and temporary."
Good replies. :hoff:I'm still not having another booster :)

At least until the cause of the well documented (across several countries) excess deaths has been determined.
I'm not having another booster either, despite being bombarded with texts by the good old NHS. Once was enough and this landed me in hospital hardly able to breathe. Clearly the NHS don't bother to read patient notes before telling you get another booster. Which is quite worrying. I wonder if some patients of practices, having had an adverse reaction to the booster, will get another because they have been "told to " by their GP.

Sadly, the adverse effect of me being hospitalised is that others have declined a booster, despite me trying to persuade them that I was probably the exception rather than the rule.

Another aspect is that the 3 jabs didn't prevent me from getting Covid, which again lead to me being in hospital. The doctor did say that, had I not had the booster, the effects may have been more serious (and they were bad enough and long lasting), so it's a gamble either way.
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That's very interesting. Does she also have to do this for other vaccines?
Our boosters, as adults, are every 10 years. I think the majority of adults don't keep their shots up to date. She has only had this device for about 3 years. So, I don't know, though I would think that possibly anything that affects her immune system might upset how her body responds to the device. She does have random seizure activity (tremours to full seizures) and turns the device off when this happens. If it does not correct the problem, she sees her surgeon who adjusts the program on the device.
I'm not having another booster either, despite being bombarded with texts by the good old NHS. Once was enough and this landed me in hospital hardly able to breathe. Clearly the NHS don't bother to read patient notes before telling you get another booster. Which is quite worrying. I wonder if some patients of practices, having had an adverse reaction to the booster, will get another because they have been "told to " by their GP.
Most likely it's a computer generated list of numbers and now you're one if the lucky:roll: ones to be on that mailing list. It's like junk mail.
Sadly, the adverse effect of me being hospitalised is that others have declined a booster, despite me trying to persuade them that I was probably the exception rather than the rule.
And that is what makes people fearful. Along with the newness of the vaccine. Nothing much you can so about that.
So anyone care to tell me what is wrong with this study?
There is nothing wrong with it. It is a perfectly good paper which discusses at length its own limitations. It is not actually claiming that there is damning evidence of serious adverse events from the vaccinations but simply calling for the raw data to be released so that it can be examined more closely, especially since at face value, it does look as if harm could outweigh benefit. This paragraph explains a few ways in which benefit/harm analysis is difficult to quantify.

This analysis has the limitations inherent in most harm-benefit comparisons. First, benefits and harms are rarely exact equivalents, and there can be great variability in the degree of severity within both benefit and harm endpoints. For example, intubation and short hospital stay are not equivalent but both are counted in “hospitalization”; similarly, serious diarrhea and serious stroke are not equivalent but both are counted in “SAE.” Second, individuals value different endpoints differently. Third, without individual participant data, we could only compare the number of individuals hospitalized for COVID-19 against the number of serious AESI events, not the number of participants experiencing any serious AESI. Some individuals experienced multiple SAEs whereas hospitalized COVID-19 participants were likely only hospitalized once, biasing the analysis towards exhibiting net harm.

It also discusses the problems with how and when SAEs are reported which could both under or over-estimate them. One thing which leaps out at me for example is the difference in AESI (adverse events of special interest) number between both studies. If you look just at the placebo events, the Pfizer trial shows 17.6 AESI per 10, 000 injections and the Moderna study shows 42.2. More than twice as many. Does this show that nurses administering placebo injections for the Moderna study were more likely to accidentally chop the heads off patients while vaccinating them? I doubt it. It just shows the differences in reporting methods which I think illustrates the difficulty in collecting and collating reports of SAEs. Especially when the events reported tend to be things like cardiac events in what is likely to be a fairly old cohort (though we don't know as the raw data has not been released..). The paper compares trying to assess SAEs of covid vaccinations which one found for a vaccination given to children which caused intussusception in around 1 in 10, 000 children. Intussusception is a sort of telescoping of the bowel. It is pretty dramatic and would be pretty obvious as an SAE in children. Cardiac, stroke or clotting events in a cohort of elderly people, less so.

Adverse events detected in the post-marketing period have led to the withdrawal of several vaccines. An example is intussusception following one brand of rotavirus vaccine: around 1 million children were vaccinated before identification of intussusception, which occurred in around 1 per 10,000 vaccinees. [31] Despite the unprecedented scale of COVID-19 vaccine administration, the AESI types identified in our study may still be challenging to detect with observational methods. Most observational analyses are based on comparing the risks of adverse events “observed” against a background (or “expected”) risk, which inevitably display great variation, by database, age group, and sex. [32] If the actual risk ratio for the effect was 1.4 (the risk ratio of the combined AESI analysis), it could be quite difficult to unambiguously replicate it with observational data given concerns about systematic as well as random errors.

Here are the concluding paragraphs which are worth a read as they summarise neatly what this paper is actually about.

We emphasize that our investigation is preliminary, to point to the need for more involved analysis. The risks of serious AESIs in the trials represent only group averages. SAEs are unlikely to be distributed equally across the demographic subgroups enrolled in the trial, and the risks may be substantially less in some groups compared to others. Thus, knowing the actual demographics of those who experienced an increase in serious AESI in the vaccine group is necessary for a proper harm-benefit analysis. In addition, clinical studies are needed to see if particular SAEs can be linked to particular vaccine ingredients as opposed to unavoidable consequences of exposure to spike protein, as future vaccines could then be modified accordingly or sensitivities can be tested for in advance. In parallel, a systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data should be undertaken to address questions of harm-benefit in various demographic subgroups, particularly in those at low risk of serious complications from COVID-19. Finally, there is a pressing need for comparison of SAEs and harm-benefit for different vaccine types; some initial work has already begun in this direction. [47].

Full transparency of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data is needed to properly evaluate these questions. Unfortunately, as we approach 2 years after release of COVID-19 vaccines, participant level data remain inaccessible.