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Crocodile Attacks

McAvennie_ said:
Despite already scaring the local fishermen, up to now there is no citizens who are victims of the reptile malignancy.


Granted there are people who have not been torn to pieces, but there are diterkamnya fishing boat," said Syafei Dew.

theyithian said:
McAvennie_ said:
Despite already scaring the local fishermen, up to now there is no citizens who are victims of the reptile malignancy.


Granted there are people who have not been torn to pieces, but there are diterkamnya fishing boat," said Syafei Dew.


You set up us the bomb. ;)
:lol: Blame G-Translate.

"there is no citizens who are victims of the reptile malignancy" is memeworthy alone...
Don't you just love bablefish! As far as i can make out the story is about a 23 foot / 7 meter croc frightening fishermen and other smaller crocs being sighted. The area is a large island off east Sumatra i think.
It's moments like this I wish I could remember the 5 years of Indonesian I studied.

Or at least find my dictionaries.
Again. This time the victim deserves a Darwin award.

Australia man snatched in crocodile attack feared dead

File picture of an estuarine crocodile, better known as the saltwater or saltie, in the Adelaide river near Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory

Australia's Northern Territory is known for being infested with saltwater crocodiles which, despite their name, also swim in rivers

A man is believed to have been killed by a crocodile in Australia's Northern Territory while swimming in a river during a birthday party.

Police say he ignored signs to stay out of the water at a popular camping ground at Mary River, 65 miles (100km) from Darwin, the territory's capital.

The river has one of the highest crocodile populations in the area.

Onlookers watched in horror as the victim was suddenly attacked.

He was last seen in the crocodile's powerful jaws, reports the BBC's Phil Mercer in Sydney. Police are searching for him.

The victim and another man had gone swimming across the river, and were swimming back when the crocodile attacked, police say.

"Several of the group in the party witnessed the male being taken in the jaws of the croc for a period of time, and then he was out of sight," Senior Sergeant Geoff Bahnert is quoted as saying by the AP news agency.

"The Mary River is known worldwide to have the greatest saturation of adult saltwater crocodiles in the world. You don't swim in the Mary River," he added.

Saltwater crocodiles can grow up 7m (23ft) long and weigh more than a tonne. They are a common feature of Australia's tropical north.
ramonmercado said:
He was last seen in the crocodile's powerful jaws, reports the BBC's Phil Mercer in Sydney. Police are searching for him.

I suspect Police won't find him. Just the idea of going swimming up there - the stupidity of it is mind boggling.
That's an interesting site with a 'common myths about croc attacks' section, but is it or is it not a myth that you can hold a croc's jaws shut? I have always found this doubtful.
davidplankton said:
That's an interesting site with a 'common myths about croc attacks' section, but is it or is it not a myth that you can hold a croc's jaws shut? I have always found this doubtful.

I've seen someone do just that on wildlife programmes. Depends on the size of the croc, though - you'd struggle with a big one!
AFAIK, it's got something to do with the muscles for opening the mouth being less well developed than the ones used for closing the mouth.
Or is that nonsense? Correct me, someone with knowledge!
Lordmongrove have you seen 'Big Snake' on C4's i-player?

It's about some disaster on legs trying to claim the $50,000 reward for the 30' snake offered by the Bronx Zoo. Spectacular fuck up at the end.
oldrover said:
It's about some disaster on legs trying to claim the $50,000 reward for the 30' snake offered by the Bronx Zoo. Spectacular fuck up at the end.

Did the man get eaten? Justice.
I wish, but no. And the thing is this prat goes in search of a snake big enough to be the largest known captivity and manages to get someone to find him one.


But, The little weasel doesn't tell the local hunters he needs it for a zoo because he doesn't want to share the prize money with them. In fact he's so useless he neglects to mention to them that he needs it alive.

The final scene is of him miserably sitting down at a barbecue nibbling on his share of a very, very big $750 sausage.
You can hold a crocs jaws shut wiith your hands. The bite down with 5000lbs of pressure per square inch ( a great white shark hass only 400lbs biting power). But the opening muscles are very weak. However a big croc would just shake it head and fling you like a doll. They can kil and eat tigers, lions and sharks so humans are no problem.
Old Rover is the C4 show the one with rap 'artist' Robbert Twigger? If so i've seen it, he,s a dick.
Human remains found inside monster Australian crocodile

Australian police are examining human remains found in a crocodile to see if they match the DNA of a missing man.

The 62-year-old man was snatched from his boat in the Kakadu National Park, in the Northern Territory.

The 4.7m-long (15.4ft) reptile was one of two shot by park rangers near the scene of the attack.

The man's wife, son and daughter-in-law were reported to have been with him on the South Alligator River when he disappeared on Saturday.

"The human remains have been taken for examination," Sgt Andrew Hocking said.

"There are a number of statements to be taken from witnesses and a file will be prepared for the coroner."

Experts said that it was unusual for a crocodile to attack during this time of year when Australia experiences cooler weather.

General view of wetlands in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territories, Australia
Police are urging visitors to be careful when visiting the Kakadu National Park
General view of a Salt Water Crocodile in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territories, Australia
The shot crocodile, the same species as this one, was nearly 5m in length
Saltwater crocodiles can grow up 7m long and weigh more than a tonne.

Crocodile numbers have increased since being declared a protected species in 1971. They are a common feature of Australia's tropical north.

The Australian government rejected a controversial plan to allow crocodile safari hunting in the Northern Territory in March.

Australian police shot two crocodiles dead in January while on a search for a missing 12-year-old boy attacked by a crocodile in the Northern Territory.

Another man was killed by a crocodile in August last year, when he swam in a river in the north during a birthday party.
lordmongrove said:
You can hold a crocs jaws shut wiith your hands. The bite down with 5000lbs of pressure per square inch ( a great white shark hass only 400lbs biting power). But the opening muscles are very weak. However a big croc would just shake it head and fling you like a doll. They can kil and eat tigers, lions and sharks so humans are no problem.
Old Rover is the C4 show the one with rap 'artist' Robbert Twigger? If so i've seen it, he,s a dick.

Mongrove, show me one instance of a croc killing something as resistant as a tiger on youtube and I will show you the opposite. It's all about evidence. Please put your evidence up here of a croc killing somethong as canny as a big cat. It seems, lately, lionesses are mugging your babies, if the camera is anything to go by.
Personally I've never heard of a croc killing a big cat, but under certain circumstances I've no doubt that it's possible. Whether it's on YouTube or not.
I have memories of seeing a croc grabbing a leopard in some old wildlife documentary. Could be a false memory.
DIPHOB said:
lordmongrove said:
You can hold a crocs jaws shut wiith your hands. The bite down with 5000lbs of pressure per square inch ( a great white shark hass only 400lbs biting power). But the opening muscles are very weak. However a big croc would just shake it head and fling you like a doll. They can kil and eat tigers, lions and sharks so humans are no problem.
Old Rover is the C4 show the one with rap 'artist' Robbert Twigger? If so i've seen it, he,s a dick.

Mongrove, show me one instance of a croc killing something as resistant as a tiger on youtube and I will show you the opposite. It's all about evidence. Please put your evidence up here of a croc killing somethong as canny as a big cat. It seems, lately, lionesses are mugging your babies, if the camera is anything to go by.

I've studied crocs all my life and worked with a number of species, there are many accounts of crocodiles killing bic cats, its well know. Here is just a couple.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... tiger.html

http://blog.londolozi.com/2011/03/remem ... haws-male/
lordmongrove said:
DIPHOB said:
lordmongrove said:
You can hold a crocs jaws shut wiith your hands. The bite down with 5000lbs of pressure per square inch ( a great white shark hass only 400lbs biting power). But the opening muscles are very weak. However a big croc would just shake it head and fling you like a doll. They can kil and eat tigers, lions and sharks so humans are no problem.
Old Rover is the C4 show the one with rap 'artist' Robbert Twigger? If so i've seen it, he,s a dick.

Mongrove, show me one instance of a croc killing something as resistant as a tiger on youtube and I will show you the opposite. It's all about evidence. Please put your evidence up here of a croc killing somethong as canny as a big cat. It seems, lately, lionesses are mugging your babies, if the camera is anything to go by.

I've studied crocs all my life and worked with a number of species, there are many accounts of crocodiles killing bic cats, its well know. Here is just a couple.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... tiger.html

http://blog.londolozi.com/2011/03/remem ... haws-male/
And I recognise that bias. And if anecdotal aint good enough for religious belief or UFOs it aint good enough in this instance. I'm sure it's happened but there's only the one case of recorded evidence. And again, much to your chagrin, I ask anybody to tap in ' Tiger V Croc' on youtube
and witness an angry, smart tigress clever and seemingly well practised enough (one could argue it's inherent and natural) to kill a large croc pretty adeptly.
lordmongrove said:
DIPHOB said:
lordmongrove said:
You can hold a crocs jaws shut wiith your hands. The bite down with 5000lbs of pressure per square inch ( a great white shark hass only 400lbs biting power). But the opening muscles are very weak. However a big croc would just shake it head and fling you like a doll. They can kil and eat tigers, lions and sharks so humans are no problem.
Old Rover is the C4 show the one with rap 'artist' Robbert Twigger? If so i've seen it, he,s a dick.

Mongrove, show me one instance of a croc killing something as resistant as a tiger on youtube and I will show you the opposite. It's all about evidence. Please put your evidence up here of a croc killing somethong as canny as a big cat. It seems, lately, lionesses are mugging your babies, if the camera is anything to go by.

I've studied crocs all my life and worked with a number of species, there are many accounts of crocodiles killing bic cats, its well know. Here is just a couple.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... tiger.html

http://blog.londolozi.com/2011/03/remem ... haws-male/

And I recognise that bias. And if anecdotal aint good enough for religious belief or UFOs for Forteans it aint good enough in this instance. I'm sure it's happened but there's only the one case of recorded evidence. And again, much to your chagrin, I ask anybody to tap in ' Tiger V Croc' on youtube to see the result ( 'Tiger attacking crocodile!!-!youtube).
and witness an angry, smart tigress( half the weight of a male tiger and it is a Sundaban croc, therefore saltwater) seemingly clever and well practised enough (one could argue it's inherent and natural) to kill a large croc pretty adeptly. Check it out. The definition of 'Shit. I thought I was tough I'm not. It is. I'm in trouble' it's over.'-They picked on the wrong gal.
The movement to confuse is amazing!
My feeling is that these beasts have been performing this dance a lot longer than you've been studying reptiles and there's big respect shared that us humans are only just finding out about. Check that 'Fang the lion' narrated by Samuel L Jackson on Youtube. That male lion is a brute. And they recognise it and back off. It's fawn coloured like an antelope but it's got something different than hooves at the end of it's feet and it doesn't cud chew. Watch how it holds up its paw. I put the warm bloods above the cold 'uns. It's the ultimate ball of testosterone with a mamalian brain and the most humungous forelimbs (holding limbs to perform the bite-target head-brain-eyes-neck bone-never mind length or weight -once the claws are in they do rodeo-game over in cat game) an animal could possess and they seem to know it.They don't want to lose their eyes or have their brain pierced. Sorry to piss on your chips. I do respect crocs as with all nature and I have to call your integrity on such matters. I studied big cats like an idiot savant as a child. Crocs aren't responsible for the depletion of tiger stock. We are. And such things shouldn't be reduced to a cage fight in Vegas. These poor things are only acting on instinct and occasionally have a clash of interests. Normally, they do their best to avoid each other. It just annoyed me the way you threw it out as a natural and regular occurrence. Peace.