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Cursed Picture Twice Returned To Charity Shop By Shaken Customers

maximus otter

Recovering policeman
Aug 9, 2001
The painting of a young stern-faced girl with piercing eyes was even given a label warning: “Possibly cursed.”


It was among half-a-dozen pictures donated by a grey-haired man at the Hastings Advice Representation Centre in St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex.

The shop boss said it was bought by a woman for £25.

Two days later she brought it back. Steve said: “She was in a panic and babbled, ‘I’ve got to get rid of this picture’.

A second woman bought it for £20 but returned it “shaky and distressed”.

A snap of it went viral — and sparked a flood of inquires from horror fans.


maximus otter
The painting of a young stern-faced girl with piercing eyes was even given a label warning: “Possibly cursed.”


It was among half-a-dozen pictures donated by a grey-haired man at the Hastings Advice Representation Centre in St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex.

The shop boss said it was bought by a woman for £25.

Two days later she brought it back. Steve said: “She was in a panic and babbled, ‘I’ve got to get rid of this picture’.

A second woman bought it for £20 but returned it “shaky and distressed”.

A snap of it went viral — and sparked a flood of inquires from horror fans.


maximus otter
That charity shop's phone will be ringing off the hook now.
Hang on:

"The interest prompted the portrait’s second buyer to return and take it again.
Steve explained: “She’s decided she’s no longer scared. She offered to buy it again but I told her she could just have it.”"


No longer scared because it might now be worth more than £25...?
I'm just compiling a list of things I would love to decide I am 'no longer scared' of.

Spiders are currently running at No 1
Cockroaches are No 2
Hang on:

"The interest prompted the portrait’s second buyer to return and take it again.
Steve explained: “She’s decided she’s no longer scared. She offered to buy it again but I told her she could just have it.”"


No longer scared because it might now be worth more than £25...?
So in other words, it isn't haunted, never was and she decided to take it back because she was hoping for a refund ... and the owner's an idiot for not taking any cash off her now she wants to try to make an earner off it now it's famous.
The painting of a young stern-faced girl with piercing eyes was even given a label warning: “Possibly cursed.”


It was among half-a-dozen pictures donated by a grey-haired man at the Hastings Advice Representation Centre in St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex.

The shop boss said it was bought by a woman for £25.

Two days later she brought it back. Steve said: “She was in a panic and babbled, ‘I’ve got to get rid of this picture’.

A second woman bought it for £20 but returned it “shaky and distressed”.

A snap of it went viral — and sparked a flood of inquires from horror fans.


maximus otter

Ooh, and there’s more! :rolleyes:

My mum collapsed and my dog was spooked after I bought Britain’s most haunted picture

One buyer was Zoe Elliott-Brown who has bravely taken the art home again to try to end the hoodoo.

She is now keeping it in a box with sage to “cleanse” it.

Zoe, 36, from Hastings, East Sussex, said: “It draws you in but at the same time you don’t really want to be near it. It reminds me of Gollum in Lord of the Rings.”

Initially Zoe got home with the painting last month and left it in the living room. She said: “My terrier Cilla growled instantly and didn’t want to be anywhere near it. My mum was really shaky. She began coming out in hot flushes.

“Next I could hear her banging about in the bathroom and she’d fallen against the wall.”

Zoe also says she and partner Ben saw a big black figure when a storm brewed up on a walk.


Well, I’m convinced!


maximus otter
Ooh, and there’s more! :rolleyes:

My mum collapsed and my dog was spooked after I bought Britain’s most haunted picture

Initially Zoe got home with the painting last month and left it in the living room. She said: “My terrier Cilla growled instantly and didn’t want to be anywhere near it. My mum was really shaky. She began coming out in hot flushes.
Now let me take a rough guess at Mum's age.... and I have a terrier who growls at practically everything new I bring into the house. She's not psychic, she's just a dick.
Ours once spent ten minutes barking at an empty Tesco bag in the street.
Son's dog will very carefully watch things as they move about the house, despite the fact that no one can see anything there. I was still awake at midnight last weekend when I noticed her doing this, when she suddenly barked and then bolted under the bed. She is hugely powerful and the bed rose up slightly as she forced her way under it. A touch disconcerting I had to admit. What she is seeing no one knows.
Son's dog will very carefully watch things as they move about the house, despite the fact that no one can see anything there. I was still awake at midnight last weekend when I noticed her doing this, when she suddenly barked and then bolted under the bed. She is hugely powerful and the bed rose up slightly as she forced her way under it. A touch disconcerting I had to admit. What she is seeing no one knows.
She knows......
Son's dog will very carefully watch things as they move about the house, despite the fact that no one can see anything there. I was still awake at midnight last weekend when I noticed her doing this, when she suddenly barked and then bolted under the bed. She is hugely powerful and the bed rose up slightly as she forced her way under it. A touch disconcerting I had to admit. What she is seeing no one knows.
With mine it's sometimes insects. And she snaps at bees and wasps, which cause her to get stung, leading to 'barking and bolting' behaviour. Like I said, she's an idiot.
Zoe, 36, from Hastings, East Sussex, said: “It draws you in but at the same time you don’t really want to be near it. It reminds me of Gollum in Lord of the Rings.”
It reminds ME of a child Nazi. The kind who ratted out their parents. Brrr!
Ours is very keen on alerting us to next doors security light. Not bothered by ours mysteriously coming on. He also goes into full “guard homestead mode “over big catapillars.
Mine will defend me to the death from anyone coming in the front door. If they come in the back door, however, she seems to assume that they've got my permission to be there. Idiot.
"I've got a cursed item I bought from a charity shop! How can I get rid of it? Can't give it to a relation - no matter how I don't like them. I know - I'll give it back to the charity shop! Maybe they'll give me a refund before it kills me!"
"Nah, mate. Flog it on eBay - there's folks who'll lap it up!"