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My brain was telling me (incorrectly) that there was a threat.
Can relate. One's body tells you what it thinks you need to know. This is not always helpful.

Recently found myself out of sorts, y'know; not eating or sleeping well, not enjoying my very fun and easy job, even uninspired to be creative in a way I normally enjoy.

Realised eventually that the news of the sudden death of a well-respected former colleague had affected me more deeply than I'd thought. He'd died in the same way as someone close to me did some years back.

My body was saying Oh no, here's this awful shock again. :(

Once I realised that I was OK. Not depression, just a reaction to bad news.
Colleagues kindly noticed I wasn't myself and knew why, and were extra nice to me. :)
Can relate. One's body tells you what it thinks you need to know. This is not always helpful.

Recently found myself out of sorts, y'know; not eating or sleeping well, not enjoying my very fun and easy job, even uninspired to be creative in a way I normally enjoy.

Realised eventually that the news of the sudden death of a well-respected former colleague had affected me more deeply than I'd thought. He'd died in the same way as someone close to me did some years back.

My body was saying Oh no, here's this awful shock again. :(

Once I realised that I was OK. Not depression, just a reaction to bad news.
Colleagues kindly noticed I wasn't myself and knew why, and were extra nice to me. :)
Really bad news such as sudden death can have the effect of very short term depression. At least you identified what the problem was, which can help when trying to turn things around. Good bit of perception there C.
CBT works in this way. There are techniques that you use to 1. Consciously identify negative thoughts that may be affecting you in the moment, 2. Look at what maybe bringing them about.
I thought CBT was a particular form of sado-masochistic 'enjoyment' . Presumably the acronym has another meaning as well?
Christmas the holiday of depression.

The talking heads on TV claim depression affects 60% of the population during Christmas for different reasons, but the biggest reason is people have this misconception that because it is Christmas everyone expects things to be perfect.

Life can not be perfect.
Christmas the holiday of depression.

The talking heads on TV claim depression affects 60% of the population during Christmas for different reasons, but the biggest reason is people have this misconception that because it is Christmas everyone expects things to be perfect.

Life can not be perfect.

Ack, I can well believe that.

I hate the aspect of enforced pleasure.
The industry I work in can be severally disrupted by just one person's depression, if they are severely enough disturbed to consider ending things.
They don't have to do it; just looking as if they're thinking about it can cause trouble.

The coming week will be a dangerous time for some.
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The TV news this morning is still talking about Matthew Perry.

The question is why Matthew Perry had a ketamine blood level that was above a safe level ?

The use of ketamine for treatment of depression is controversial.
The TV news this morning is still talking about Matthew Perry.

The question is why Matthew Perry had a ketamine blood level that was above a safe level ?

The use of ketamine for treatment of depression is controversial.
Ketamine is also a party drug “special K”, so people can find it on the street. It is also called the “date rape” drug.
There was a TV clip where Matthew Perry said he was such a bad drug addict that he should had died a long time ago.

How can one feel sorry for hard core drug addicts, I don’t.
Ketamine is also a party drug “special K”, so people can find it on the street. It is also called the “date rape” drug.
Ketamine: horse tranquiliser/vet tool of the trade ,'k hole' bad trips when people bought MDMA pills with brown speckles in them liked speckled doves wrongly attributed to heroin being cut into 'ecstasy' pills, preferred drug of choice by Gabba/industrial techno ravers in the early to mid 90's. Mostly snorted in powder form these days instead. Short half life but intense reaction. Effects typically ware off quickly within 60 minutes.
Christmas - well, for the lucky it might still be marvellous. but for those of us who didn't manage to achieve the family we would have liked - children, grandchildren - it becomes very painful and my poor old missus would overcompensate, with hundreds of pounds of decorations. I'm not talking about the religious aspect here, but the secular holiday. I have wonderful recollections of childhood Christmases, even though when I was very small we didn't have much money.

Now I just try to go numb, get through it as best I can, and try to think of the real message from Christ. Not easy. And of course I always have my scientific logical side nagging that it's all fantasy anyway. But I still believe. I have seen. And I wasn't on drugs at the time.
Christmas - well, for the lucky it might still be marvellous. but for those of us who didn't manage to achieve the family we would have liked - children, grandchildren - it becomes very painful and my poor old missus would overcompensate, with hundreds of pounds of decorations. I'm not talking about the religious aspect here, but the secular holiday. I have wonderful recollections of childhood Christmases, even though when I was very small we didn't have much money.

Now I just try to go numb, get through it as best I can, and try to think of the real message from Christ. Not easy. And of course I always have my scientific logical side nagging that it's all fantasy anyway. But I still believe. I have seen. And I wasn't on drugs at the time.
Hope you have some time with people. Not the partygoers, but just someone to hang with during this time.

It is tough with all of the crappy holiday movies on tv and the fake jocularity of ads. But there are also many people who do not celebrate the season and take the time to do something meaningful to them.

You may not be interested in volunteering, but there are numerous agencies who work throughout the year that appreciate extra help during this time.
Christmas - well, for the lucky it might still be marvellous. but for those of us who didn't manage to achieve the family we would have liked - children, grandchildren - it becomes very painful and my poor old missus would overcompensate, with hundreds of pounds of decorations. I'm not talking about the religious aspect here, but the secular holiday. I have wonderful recollections of childhood Christmases, even though when I was very small we didn't have much money.

Now I just try to go numb, get through it as best I can, and try to think of the real message from Christ. Not easy. And of course I always have my scientific logical side nagging that it's all fantasy anyway. But I still believe. I have seen. And I wasn't on drugs at the time.
Jesus loves you, Cochise.
As an atheist myself, I feel so cut off from any community. Maybe joining a church would help you regain a sense of connectedness?
There was a TV clip where Matthew Perry said he was such a bad drug addict that he should had died a long time ago.

How can one feel sorry for hard core drug addicts, I don’t.
Perhaps because nobody's perfect and we are all trying to get through life in our own ways, and some people find it harder than others?

Perry tried hard to help others with similar problems and attempted to do without the drugs and drink himself.
A hellraiser he was not. He came across as a decent human being who'd been lucky to reach the age he did considering his addiction problems.
There but for the grace, and all that.
Jesus loves you, Cochise.
As an atheist myself, I feel so cut off from any community. Maybe joining a church would help you regain a sense of connectedness?
My local Church unfortunately went into schism during the lockdown, and the antagonism is not what I need. I will try to join another Church when I get moved. I don't agree with everything about religion but you are right, having no sort of community is difficult.
Christmas - well, for the lucky it might still be marvellous. but for those of us who didn't manage to achieve the family we would have liked - children, grandchildren - it becomes very painful and my poor old missus would overcompensate, with hundreds of pounds of decorations. I'm not talking about the religious aspect here, but the secular holiday. I have wonderful recollections of childhood Christmases, even though when I was very small we didn't have much money.

Now I just try to go numb, get through it as best I can, and try to think of the real message from Christ. Not easy. And of course I always have my scientific logical side nagging that it's all fantasy anyway. But I still believe. I have seen. And I wasn't on drugs at the time.
My Christmas will be the same as it has been for the last 15 years or so C.

MrsF goes to her parents for the day (she used to stop over) and I stay with the dog.
I probably won't even speak to anyone unless it's a fellow dog walker in the morning.

Then, I shall flick through the channels wondering why there is nothing decent on tv to watch.
Yes, Stan. He had a posh name as well, being pedigree. Maybe because we didn't have kids our dogs have always been very close.
A mate of mine, only one of two that I regularly speak to (in the real world) who I've known for around 25 years, died on Sunday aged 54 and as sad as I am, if that were my dog, I'd be inconsolable for months.