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medical conditions

  1. maximus otter

    Paul Alexander (The Man In the Iron Lung) Dies After 70 Years Living In Tank

    A polio survivor, who lived inside an iron lung for 70 years, has died at the age of 78. Paul Alexander, widely known as "Polio Paul", contracted the viral disease in the summer of 1952 when he was six years old and was left paralysed from the neck down. He was rushed to hospital in Texas -...
  2. Yithian

    Raynaud Syndrome

    I only just became aware of this medical condition (and the fact that some members here have/have experience of it). @Skrymr @Lobeydosser Raynaud syndrome, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon, is a medical condition in which the spasm of small arteries causes episodes of reduced blood flow to...
  3. SimonBurchell

    How We Die: Proximal And Ultimate Causes Of Death

    Hmmmm. I think all death can be described as "medically-related". Shot in the head = suffered catastrophic impairment of brain function, leading to death = medically-related death.
  4. maximus otter

    The People Of Mediaeval Cambridge

    The After the Plague Project chose sixteen human skeletons from different sites to reconstruct the biographies of these inhabitants of medieval Cambridge in as much detail as possible. Out of the hundreds of skeletons we studied, we chose these individuals for biographical reconstruction...
  5. maximus otter

    Rare Case Of Green Hairy Tongue Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

    [An Ohio] man developed a completely benign condition. His prognosis was excellent. He recovered in full, quickly. Yet, for any observer, a ghastly glimpse of his mild malady may cause acute discomfort and enduring trauma. The man briefly developed an unusual condition in which a shaggy carpet...
  6. Yithian

    GP Denies Giving Woman Cups Of Coffee Containing His Own Semen

    Apart from the puerile appeal of the headline, I am not sure what to make of his alleged medical condition. A Somerset doctor who denies putting his semen into a cup of coffee he made for a woman acquaintance believes it was done as a practical joke by somebody else at his expense, a jury heard...
  7. catseye

    Aphantasia & Mental Health

    I've been reading (well, listening to) Dean Burnett's book The Idiot Brain, and I was interested in the chapter on mental health conditions such as psychosis where he was talking about many delusions being caused by the brain's inability to separate the 'internal monologue' from external voices...
  8. MrRING

    Beethoven's Hair Combed Through Scientifically

  9. MrRING

    No Anus? No Problem!

    I found out something today that I had never heard before: you can actually live without an anus! Maggie, a brave and quite humorous woman who had much of her colon removed and had a colonostomy bag installed, tells her story on YouTube. For her, a young sufferer with Crohn's Disease, her anus...
  10. GNC

    Health Urban Myths

    In FT 386's Mythconceptions column, it claims that the smell of burnt toast when there's none about meaning you're having a heart attack or stroke is absolutely untrue. It also says chest pains are not ordinarily a symptom of a heart attack. Any comments/any more of these?
  11. EnolaGaia

    Penile Ossification: Fossilized Phallus; Calcified Cock; Petrified Pecker

    Yes, it's a real "thing", but it's vanishingly rare ... SOURCE: https://www.sciencealert.com/a-man-went-to-hospital-for-knee-pain-and-discovered-his-penis-is-turning-to-bone
  12. blessmycottonsocks

    Anyone Suffer From Vertigo?

    Must say, watching this made me feel quite queer! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/headlines/37228413 As also do some of the more extreme 'Urban Explorer' videos you can find on YouTube:
  13. Cochise


    This link has some interesting information on tinnitus. Thanks for directing my attention to it. (You know who you are :) ) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-32414876 The Fortean aspect being, of course, that people who hear strange sounds, especially 'The Hum', are often assumed...
  14. Swifty

    Kidney Stones

    I've started this thread partly because I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself, partly for advice and also so hopefully someone else will benefit one day from any advice shared here .. I've been feeling ill and in moderate dull pain for the last 4 months .. after a series of doctor's appointments...
  15. skinny

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly recognised as a war veterans disease but equally experienced by victims of domestic abuse and indeed by anybody who has experienced perpetual high-level stress to such an extent that it penetrates the deepest level of the human psyche until it meshes with...
  16. Z

    Auto-Brewery Syndrome (Internal Alcohol Production)

    More at the link: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/0 ... um=twitter
  17. kamalktk

    It Doesn't Even Look Like A Brain, Really

    A brain, minus the ridges and folds. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21929340.100-is-this-the-most-extraordinary-human-brain-ever-seen.html#.Ujdxbj8QM42 ============== ONCE you know what it is, this apparently innocuous picture of a blob assumes a terrible gravity. It is an adult human...
  18. ramonmercado

    Dealing With Dementia

    This will get worse as time goes on with longer life-spans. Comments at the link. Louis Theroux - Extreme Love: Dementia is on BBC Two on Thursday 26 April at 21:00 BST Or catch up later via iPlayer http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01gvt26
  19. C

    Medical Anomalies And What Medicine Refuses To Believe

    I thought I'd create this thread for the purpose of discussing any medical anomalies you have , have heard of , or just interested in discussing or talking about . Depending on the feedback ( you can read about my own if you like ) on the general threath ,and the some of the problems I've...
  20. A

    Implanted Electrodes, Cod Liver Oil & Houseplants: Novel Treatments For Depression

    Source I want to be a happy cyborg! :(
  21. ramonmercado

    Diabetes: Research; Risk Factors; Remedies

  22. ramonmercado

    Voices In The Head 'Are Normal'

  23. M

    The 'Obesity Epidemic'

    Big assed piece article but I thought it worth reporducing the lot: www.the-aps.org/press/journal/06/4.htm -------- I was also reminded of this: Lazyboy - Underwear goes inside the pants
  24. S


  25. A

    Winter Vomiting Bug? Rubbish!

    I heard on the news that schoolkids have been infected by something called ;"WINTER VOMITTING DISEASE". What a load of wubbish! Is there some made-up medical term for this? Are school kids being used as guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical industry? I remember a case of this made-up...
  26. Ringo

    Intestinal Worms: Infestations; Alleged Benefits; Historical Treatments

    I was recently at a funeral of a family member and it set me thinking to long lost relatives. A memory emerged from a distant past when my Grandmother used to warn about eating too much sugar as it would give you worms! That set off another memory as I recalled an UL about somebody having a...
  27. ramonmercado


  28. M

    Canadian Woman's Flesh Is Dying

    http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1098395712910_93804912/?hub=Health Original link dead, Internet archive version below https://web.archive.org/web/20090709223155/http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1098395712910_93804912/?hub=Health
  29. lopaka

    Gulf War Syndrome: A Real Disease? If So, What Causes It?

    Kinda surprised there was no existing thread. Prompted by seeing this news story today: http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/conditions/07/20/sickvets.ap/index.html Study debunks Gulf War bacteria theory Antibiotic treatments did nothing, researchers say Tuesday, July 20, 2004 Posted...
  30. M

    Cutaneous Horns (Horn-Like Growths On Heads & Bodies)

    http://www.newkerala.com/news-daily/news/features.php?action=fullnews&id=3071 Emps
  31. liveinabin

    Medical Mysteries, Bizarre Cases

    46 year old fetus removed from75 year old woman. (originally found at story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=573&e=9&u=/nm/20021024/od_nm/birth_dc - link now dead, so hyperlink disabled. stu) Now I want to know how they knew it was 46 years old? Did it have a wife and kids?
  32. A

    The Physical Phenomena Of Mysticism

    "Miracles" at Saint-Medard France, 1727-1732 I read about this in "The Mammoth Encyclopedia of the Unsolved" a while back but haven't really found much else about it on the internet. Found this at http://www.nhne.com/windwings/wind4.html...
  33. A


    British Amnesiac found in Greece A British woman found by Greek authorities on the streets of Athens suffering complete memory loss has appealed for her family to come forward. The woman, who has given herself the name Jezebel Blythe, has arrived back in the UK after spending over a year...
  34. marion

    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Compendium Thread

    I think a lot more people are diagnosed as having Asperger's these days simply because even the mildest cases are recognised now ( I read quite a few sites on it recently in the search for what might be wrong with my 16 year old son ). It might be possible that people who are diagnosed with...