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Dreaming About Going To The Toilet And—Aaargh!


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 18, 2002
Yes its Monday and we are talking about toiletry habits again :)

I had taken it as Gospel that if you had a wee in your dreams you'd wet the bed. I have had numerous dreams where I am trying to wee but can't find anywhere to go or keep getting interrupted and then wake up absolutely busting for a slash.

So last night I had a dream that I was gagging for a hose and I was rushing around but, for some inexplicable reason, the toilets in the house (it was a friends house who has a couple of toilets/bathrooms next to each other) had been made into bed rooms. Eventually I sneaked into one of these bed/bath rooms, in which Eastender's Dot Cottom and Jim were asleep (don't ask me why I only catch it these days when flicking over or waiting for something better to start), in separate beds of course, and I managed to have a very quiet tinkle in the toilet in the corner of the room.

When I awoke my first thought was "Uh oh - check the sheets" and they were dry as a bone (waking up and bone always seem to be mixed up somewhere) which lead me to wonder if this is just all nonsense?

I know people who have wet the bed or Phantomed (sleepwalking and weeing somewhere) but it has usuall always been down to booze interfering with people's abilities to either wake or wake up properly, etc.

Sooooo has everyone heard this myth? Has anyne else successfully managed a number 1 in their dream without soaking the duvet? And has anyone actually wet the bed after having such a dream (come on don't be shy)? And why is there not the same issue over having a poo?

And while we are at it: Does dipping someone's hand into a cup of water while they are asleep make them wet themselves? I've done it and it has never worked (I think I ended up pouring the water on them and telling them they'd wet themsevles). Is this cobblers too?
When i was a child, i once had a dream where i was peeing in a public lavatory and then woke up to find that i had actually peed the bed. It's never happened to me as an adult though...
Not quite, but I have (quite recently) had dreams where I'm busting to go, like when I was a kid & my mum used to suggest blowing on it (quite how that works I've no idea) and waking up knowing that if I dont go to the loo quickly I would wet the bed.

Going slightly OT...what about the one where you put a sleeping persons finger into a glass of water & they would wet themselves...Anyone know if there's any truth to it? :lol:
I've had the dream about needing the toilet a million times, but once I did actually wee in the dream, and didn't wet the bed. I did wake up though.

BlubberDuck said:
Not quite, but I have (quite recently) had dreams where I'm busting to go, like when I was a kid & my mum used to suggest blowing on it (quite how that works I've no idea)

I'm confused. Blowing on what??
Possibly don't ask ;)

I suppose it may be that this is the kind of thing where external events feed into the dream so the need to go for a wee makes you have a drem about needing a wee and not being able to go and one's wetting the bed makes you dream that you've wet the bed (we aren't sure of course and effect I suppose).
fluffle9 said:
I've had the dream about needing the toilet a million times, but once I did actually wee in the dream, and didn't wet the bed. I did wake up though.

BlubberDuck said:
Not quite, but I have (quite recently) had dreams where I'm busting to go, like when I was a kid & my mum used to suggest blowing on it (quite how that works I've no idea)

I'm confused. Blowing on what??

Ummm... :oops:
I have this dream quite frequently. I can quite happily go to the ladies in my dream then wake up and go to the ladies for real without any problems! I'm also a very lucid dreamer though so I expect the two are related, I know fine I am dreaming so everything is alright.
It's possible this sort of thing happens under hypnosis as well. I've recently read Bill Foster's The Black Triangle Abduction, which details a series of hypnotic regressions he undertook to explore his apparent abduction by aliens.

During one regression, he recalled interrupting the aliens mid-examinination to ask them to take him to the bathroom. When he came out from under hypnosis, he found that he really did need to visit the bathroom. He writes:

When I return to the session room, I am very embarrassed. I cannot imagine why my hypnosis remembrance of having to go to the bathroom translated, literally, into a real need to urinate....

Nadine [the hypnotist] said that the biggest factor to her in our last session was that the physical remembrance of my lying on the table, having to urinate, manifested itself in my bladder in the real moment.

As she said, it would be very hard to create or duplicate that sense of urgency in the present, if it had not really happened in the past. I agreed that it certainly was a real urge. I literally had to run to the bathroom.

Surely the simplest explanation is that Bill's very real need to urinate simply impinged itself upon his hypnotic fantasy - much as sometimes happens in our dreams?
I've had this problem, and as an adult, though I've always managed to stop myself before I actually wet my bed.
On at least three occassions I've dreamed of peeing and woke up to find myself desperate and feeling that relaxation of muscles you get when you finally get 'er go. The first time was an awfully close call, and the other two times I figured out what was going on within the dream and woke up, and just in the nick of time.
On many other occassions I've had the dream where I need to go but can't seem to do so, until I finally wake up in frustration, to find myself ready to burst.
Sooo... I've done it both ways, more or less. I'm very good at waking up when something's 'funny' in my dreams, a bad habit I picked up when I was learning to lucid dream. Fortunately this saves me from completing the experiment. :) So I say it's no urban legend!
Definitely not an U L , its happened to me in much the same circs as Mr Awesome, a mate who gets drunk more often than me has had it go to far when he's too drunk for his bodies warning system to kick in and wets himself while dreaming of going to the toilet. :lol:
3 times i can remember of in my adult life where i dreamed of pssing into a fountain, specifically the one by st georges hall in liverpool, and woke up to find my self pissing away. not good.
Nope, I regularily dream of needing a wee [when my bladder is full in real life] and I always find a toilet and "go" in mey dreams. I have never wetted my bed!
The only annoying thing about those dreams is that I go to the loo in my dream but I still need to go, so I go again etc. But nope, no wetting!
I'm pretty sure I've done this when I was younger, but can't remember specifics. I just vaguely recall weeing in my dream and waking up having wet the bed.

Similar, but not related to the potty, i dreamt that i was underwater and suffocating. In my dream I knew I'd have to breathe in any second and that That would be It. When it came to the moment and I breathed in, I took a real breath, felt confused, realised I had been holding my breath in my sleep.
Nope, I regularly have dreams where I desperately need to find a loo but everytime I do they are either REALLY majorly dirty or they are in a large open room full of people and I cant use them. I then wake up with a bladder the size of Belgium and have to rush to the toilet. Have never actually let one go in bed tho!
I often get this. I have only once woken up to find it was too late. I seem to spend so long in dreams wandering around to find that all the loos are filthy, or don't have doors, or are out of use for some reason. I'm sure if I didn't need a wee so much, or the loos in my mind were better kept I would get a lot more done!

On another note. I died in a dream once. I fell off a building, hit the ground and it all went black until I woke up!
EvilPumpkin said:
Nope, I regularly have dreams where I desperately need to find a loo but everytime I do they are either REALLY majorly dirty or they are in a large open room full of people and I cant use them. I then wake up with a bladder the size of Belgium and have to rush to the toilet. Have never actually let one go in bed tho!

I get exactly the same sort of dreams, except that my bladder is the size of Wales. Never had an accident yet...phew...
I think we have conditioned our subconscious mind to manufacture some reason why a loo in our dreams is unusable or can't be found. This is because having a pee in a dream can mean wetting the bed.

Unfortunately for me, I'm currently on medication which has a diuretic effect, so I get this dream quite a lot. I've conditioned myself to wake up in order to go to the loo. The problem with this is that I might wake up 4 times in a night, so I'm always knackered. Ho hum. :cry:
It used to happen to me all the time when I was young. Began after I was hospitalised for pylitis (sp?) at around age 5 and had to have painful catheters inserted etc. by total strangers.

After that, dreaming of going to the loo and waking up to find the bed soaking became a regular occurrence. My mother was typically sensitive about it. First the thrashing, then the public airing of my mattress, accompanied by locking me outside in just knickers for the neighbours and my friends to witness (meaning: ' My daughter is Bad. This has nothing to do with me or my family: there are no bed-wetters in my family. It's not my fault: my other children don't do it -- just her. She's bad. I disown her. We all hate her here. Public humiliation will teach her a lesson and save me from having to work out why she wets the bed at the same time it will spare me from so much washing.)

I tried so hard. I was more than normally co-operative and well-behaved as a rule. I was desperate for it all to stop. I used to lie there for hours, determined not to go to sleep, so that it couldn't happen. But sleep won out. I'd dream I was safely on the toilet --- and then I'd wake up. Then the terror, mortification, disbelief. Went on for years, until I was about nine or ten.

Only happened once after that: the night after I surrendered my virginity.

Years after I had children of my own, I read that the reason for bed-wetting had been discovered. It wasn't psychological, as most had until then believed. Instead, it was caused by something physical: brain or body, I can't remember, although I tucked the article away in some place now forgotten. At the time, I intended to send copies to my parents. But didn't. No point giving them the guilts.

An x-ray for something else revealed I have twin-urethra. Don't know if that played a role.

I know a woman who wet the bed shortly after she and her husband moved into a beautifully furnished home. Her husband went spotty with rage, but she laughingly told all her friends. Helped minimise the issue for me to the point I'm now able to reveal my childhood shame before the world. It's only water, after all. People who practice urine-therapy drink it. So don't be shy :)
One night when I was sharing a student house I awoke to hear somebody running around the landing, frantically trying all the door handles in turn. As I listened whoever it was came to my door and rattled the handle, but thankfully I had locked it (which I had started to do due to a number of previous unsavoury incidents). Anyway, the door rattler then ran downstairs.

It turned out to be one of the girls who, I learned was in the habit of sleep-walk peeing, and on this occasion she ended up finding a chair in the middle of the in the kitchen, whereupon she promptly sat down and went for it. Bless.

I'm soooo glad I locked my door that night :shock: :oops:
A Simple Matter of Elimination

Many of my most enjoyable nightmares come to a rather abrupt end with me frantically searching for a toilet, then waking up with a full bladder.

In a goodly number of these episodes I'm actually able to urinate within the dream and this gives me relief for a moment or two until I then awake, still with that full bladder.

I've never actually urinated in bed since childhood, and only very rarely then.
Non cheese related dream I had last night which reminded me of a thing I fear: the dream where you want to go to the loo and then encounter a loo which you then go in only to find... you just peed the bed!

Thankfully this has never actually happened since I was like about 7, however it still weirds me out when I have a toilet dream like this, because the way that you're immersed in a dream sort of makes you wonder if you could really stop yourself if you want to go and find the potty.

Last night's dream was particularly treacherous! The only bit I remember was where I was a young Bruce Wayne (too much Gotham) and there was some sort of weird elevator system in my mansion where the toilet cubicle was an elevator though oddly it had no actual pot in it. After various ups and downs in the elevators I ended up in this bed very similar to my actual bed, bursting for a pee, and then found the bed had a flap in the middle that lifted up to reveal the pot.

I woke up before the dreadful dead occurred. :lol:

Does anyone else have toilet dreams? And fear peeing the bed?
Not really, but my "full bladder" dreams usually end in a light nightmare that wakes me up. (Can't remember any examples rightnow.)
I have dreams like this from time to time, and usually every loo in my dream has something wrong with it - broken, in a really shitty, unhygienic/grubby room, lots of people milling about etc. Always something to stop me using it.
Then I realise that (duh!) it's a dream and I have to wake up and do the business in the real world.
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This post is going to contain too much information but hey....

One night when I was drunk as a student I dreamed that I desperately needed to *ahem* do a poo, eventually finding a dreamland toilet and squeezing out an enormous one, the feeling of relief afterward being remarkable in its intensity. Then I woke up. It was a tense few moments before I was able to establish that I didn't actually need the toilet and had only gone bobos in the dream rather than in my pyjamas.

However, I used to regularly get saucy wet dreams all through my teenage years. The first time it happened - when I was about 12 - I was left fairly baffled by the whole thing, never having been warned by anyone that this was part of growing up. I always used to wake up just at the very last second before coming and disliked the strange mix of pleasure and shame that followed. I haven't had one for many years (bet it happens tonight now I've posted this :shock: )
I dream about needing the loo on a regular basis - but it is always linked with a search for said toilet. I tend to be in a public place with lots of toilet cubicles, but the toilets are either occupied, too dirty, the door is too low so people can look over the top, etc. . .....
See this sort of revelation is why I don't get close to people any more. Where's the holding one's nose smiley??
I dream about needing the loo on a regular basis - but it is always linked with a search for said toilet. I tend to be in a public place with lots of toilet cubicles, but the toilets are either occupied, too dirty, the door is too low so people can look over the top, etc. . .....
This is exactly the dream I have from time to time. In mine, the only available toilet is always in some really weird place (once behind a rusty old metal door in a concrete wall on a building site) and has some means by which people could see in, like glass walls or a flap that can be lifted up. I'm relieved (ha ha) to know it's not so unusual to have these dreams.

On a side note, I once went to the loo in a cafe in Prague, and was somewhat disturbed to discover that the door to the cubicle was completely transparent glass with a full on view of the toilet within. I discovered that there was a mechanism whereby, when you turned the latch to lock the cubicle door, the glass turned opaque. It was unnerving but quite cool nevertheless. :cool:
The Limelight club in NY used to have toilet doors siimilar to that, may still have, iirc they were two way mirrors so they were a mirror from the outside but you could see out from the inside.
I often have dreams about needing the loo, and invariably I wake just as I begin using it in the dream. I think, 'It was lucky i woke up before actually peeing the bed,' then realise the whole thing was my body's way of penetrating the dream world and telling me to go to the loo. Amazingly (considering how astoundingly drunk I've frequently been) I've never had that thing of peeing in daft places after drinking. I've always found the loo. I've had friends who have peed the bed, or on the floor in their parent's room, in a wardrobe, in their pants. I used to pee the bed when I were a nipper, though.