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Gone But Not Forgotten
Jun 19, 2006
Hi all

Was wondering if anyone had any decent fortean podcasts they can recommend?

I'm a big fan of hometown tales, check em out at www.hometowntales.com and available through itunes. Anyone got any others?

Afternoon all!

I wasn't sure whether this should go in "Chat" or here....?

Anyway, I've recently bothered to learn about Podcasts. I've had a Motorola phone with ITunes for over a year but never used the software.

I know what I'm doing now (look at me go), and I've subscribed and downloaded Stephen Fry's first two podcasts (second one released yesterday, you can get them here http://www.stephenfry.com/podcasts/index.html ) which are fantastic, highly recommended by me.

Does anyone else listen to any Podcasts? Any that are worth checking out? Any subject matter.....not necessarily Fortean.
There are loads of podcasts on the BBC website - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/podcasts/directory/

I'm looking forward to putting a new radio/cd player in my car, I'm going to get one with an MP3 socket.

Thanks for the link to the Stephen Fry podcasts, I'll give those a listen.
I subscribe to loads of BBC ones to listen to at the gym, or when walking to work. You can find the BBC ones very easily all over the BBC site.

I also like educational ones done by universities, often of public lectures. There's one I've listened to several times as I like it so much. The only problem is that you can't see the slides which the Prof thoughtfully brought along. :(

D'you like stories too? I have lots of American broadcasts of Gothic horror stories from the 1940s-60s, from a 'old time radio' site. 8)
I'm checking out the BBC ones now, cheers Fizz.

Scargy, university 'casts sound like a plan, what with the degree starting soon...any decent historical ones you know of?
I listen to podcasts all the time!

My top suggestion for a Fortean-related podcast is "Mysterious Universe", which is hosted by Australian Benjamin Grundy. It's a top-quality podcast in terms of sound, as well as content. Ben selects news stories and presents them objectivly and with an open mind.

My favourite non-Fortean podcast (or actually radio show) is "In Our Time", with Melvyn Bragg. It's a BBC Radio 4 show in which is discussed a wide range of topics divided basically into history, culture, philosophy and religion categories. Most lately, for example, the show was about Ada Lovelace, a Victorian computer programmer (!) and the one prior to that was about "King Lear".

Hope this helps.
I went onto the itunes site to look for podcasts which is where I found lots of free university ones.

The spoken word is better for me than music - drowns the voices a bit. ;)
Not exactly Fortean, but in the often culturally related genre of comic books these guys are pretty good:


They read all the US comic book released each week and pick the best ones to talk about on an audio podcast. They also do weekly video shows on specific elements of the comic book genre, writers and artists.
Is there any way you can download the Fry podcasts directly, without having to install anything like iTunes first?
As I understand it, you can download any mp3 onto your pooter without any special software. then you can stick it on whatever player you like. Programs like itunes just make it easier to subscribe.
WhistlingJack said:
Is there any way you can download the Fry podcasts directly, without having to install anything like iTunes first?

You have to use ITunes for these particular 'casts.

No other host could supply the bandwidth required.
Not being a Fry fan, I hadn't looked.
Thanks for those, I had not idea it was a radio show to begin with
I expect with the recent upsurge in interest in UFOs Timothy Good will be making good once more!

Timothy Good's a professional violinist, I wonder if he played in the recent Doctor Who Prom?!
CarlosTheDJ said:
WhistlingJack said:
Is there any way you can download the Fry podcasts directly, without having to install anything like iTunes first?

You have to use ITunes for these particular 'casts.

No other host could supply the bandwidth required.

Following a re-jig, you can now download Stephen Fry's 'podgrams' directly from his site's RSS feed.
I would heartily recommend Scott Sigler's podiobooks - he's a Sci-Fi horror author who podcasts his (now published) fiction, and they are on Fortean themes:

Earthcore (alien civilization crash landed on Earth thousands of years ago)
Ancestor (genetic experiment gone wrong)
Infected (intelligent pathogen from outer space turns hosts paranoid and violent)
The Rookie (future human civilizations and aliens)
Nocturnals (San Francisco police investigating brutal slayings by cult of monsters who have existed for over a century)

Contagious, the sequel to Infected is starting in December, and the book comes out on 30 Dec.

Oh, and The Onion podcasts are a great laugh.
The Onion podcasts are funny but short, so they're a bit useless if you're busy and don't have time to keep starting new ones. Like at the gym.
Righteous Indignation Podcast

Righteous Indignation is a free British podcast that examines claims of the supernatural, paranormal and Fortean from a skeptical viewpoint.

Past guests have included Professors Chris French and Richard Wiseman, 'Invizikids' author and FT contributor Michael J Hallowell, Rendlesham Forest UFO skeptic Ian Ridpath and Instrumental Transcommunication researcher Lance Reed. Upcoming guests include 'Bad Astronomer' and JREF president Phil Plait and 'The Skeptics Guide to the Universe''s Rebecca Watson.

Visit us at www.ripodcast.co.uk, subscribe on iTunes or download our latest episode here:

http://parafort.com/ri/wp-content/uploa ... ode-11.mp3
Amalgamated a few old podcast related Threads and hoping to bring your attention to this weeks Guardian Science section podcast.

Science Weekly: The paranormal

Ian Sample discusses anomalistic psychology with Professor Chris French; music that troops listen to before battle; where the 'self' is located; water on the moon; and how a science editor was duped by a film

Presented by Ian Sample and produced by Andy Duckworth. guardian.co.uk, 28September 2009


Prof Chris French is coordinator of the anomalistic psychology research unit at Goldsmiths, University of London. He defines his field as the psychology of paranormal beliefs and of ostensibly paranormal experiences, cognition and emotion. Or 'the study of weird stuff'.

Chris is also the editor of the [UK] Skeptic magazine (listen out for the subliminal plug) and writes a column for the Guardian's science website.

We look at research carried out by Jonathan Pieslak at the City University of New York on the pumped-up music American troops use to get into the right frame of mind to face life-threatening combat situations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You can read Ian Sample's blog about the research, "How the iPod became an instrument of war", which includes audio excerpts of the music and interviews not included in the podcast.

Our pod panellists discuss the discovery of water on the moon and their dream inventions.

Following comments about the Aids film House of Numbers in last week's podcast, we had a complaint about comments made by Caspar Melville. The complaint was from Caspar Melville. He explains why.

Where do you think you exist? In your head? In your stomach perhaps? It was a question asked at an event at University College London as part of The Brain Unravelled event. Liliane Lijn and Prof Frank Burnet tell us all about it.

The Guardian's environment correspondent David Adam joins us in the studio.

WARNING: contains very strong language and Alvin and the Chipmunks.

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Follow the podcast on our Science Weekly Twitter feed and receive updates on all breaking science news stories from Guardian Science.

Laugh out loud funny bit for me where, after Prof Chris French spent first part of his interview, explaining that we couldn't even trust the apparent proof presented by our own senses, he later suggests that, when it comes to claims of the paranormal, we have to trust our own judgment.


Lot's of great stuff of a Fortean nature about the paranormal, where people place their sense of their conscious self around the body, the use of music in preparation for war and AIDS denialism.

See also:
TV Cream have done a sci-fi podcast:


The best bit is hearing all those theme tunes you'd forgotten about, like the 80s A Question of Sport, but that isn't sci-fi. Anyway, it has the Blake's 7 theme with lyrics (may not be real), Peter Davison as Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee reviewing a Star Wars computer game, in depth with Captain Zep (Super Space Detective) and a go at The Adventure Game.

I'm late to the party on these things, but am (metaphorically speaking) downing everything in sign in an attempt to catch up!

So I thought I'd draw your attention to a few series of podcasts that may be of interest to Forteans. As a frustrated philosopher (and you may take that to mean whatever you would like it to mean), I like to keep my mind in first gear at least, and listening to these discussions on my way to and from work serves that purpose. Most presuppose very little knowledge or expertise and are in most cases the epitome of clarity:

Very short, very pithy, very good.

As above, but with ethical issues (in the very broadest terms)

Ripping to the heart of major western thinkers:

Also, although I've yet to listen to much of it and it has only recently begun, this series of 12min BBC broadcasts on objects from the British Museum and their significance, looks very promising.
A History of the World in 100 Objects:

All free, all worth your time.
Being a bit anal, I have 3 'pods, all with different stuff on. :oops:

1 - serious podcasts, a little music
2 - frivolous podcasts, no music
3 - music, no podcasts

There are some lovely scifi/horror/fantasy podcasts out there. Perfect for the dogwalk. ;)
Plenty of serious ones too. Many universities do them.